Belgorodia on tosissaankin huhuttu koko päivä. Gerashenkon näkemys
Edit. @johnadoe palaute huomioitu. Katson ens kerralla löytyykö vastaavaa liittotapaa
According to Russian 'Z-bloggers' and Telegram channels, residents of Belgorod's Krasnoyaruzhsky district are being evacuated as Ukrainian Army is reportedly launching an assault there. "100% evacuation. Announced by the district administration," local residents write in chats. According to them, this was announced via a loudspeaker and they were urged to leave by buses. At the same time, judging by the reports, not everyone heard this information: people are calling 112 to make sure that it is really necessary to evacuate. Local authorities are staying silent on the matter.
Edit. @johnadoe palaute huomioitu. Katson ens kerralla löytyykö vastaavaa liittotapaa
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