Fb:ssa riehuu putinistien rikollinen ryhmä joka sabotoi Ukrainalaisia ilmoituksia, on moni asiallinen ilmoitus ja kirjoitus bannattu, kuten tämä pikkutytytön kuva, joka ripusti rintaan kaatuneen isän mitaalin. Hänen isänsä kuoli mutta pelästi 30 ihmisen hengen.
Tässä on vetoumus
Mark Zuckerberg
7. toukokuuta kello 21:57 · Menlo Park · Muokattu ·
I'll be hosting our next Townhall Q&A at Facebook HQ on Thursday, May 14 at 4:30pm pacific time. This is an opportunity for me to hear from you and the rest of our community about how to serve you better.
If you have a question you'd like me to answer, leave a comment below. You can vote for questions by liking them.
Next week I'll answer as many questions I can for about an hour. You can watch the livestream on the Q&A with Mark page on Thursday, and we'll post the video there afterwards.
I look forward to answering your questions and I hope you'll tune in.
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Tykkää · Kommentoi ·
Allekirjoittakaa pls, pitää perustaa ukrainalaisen erikoistunut administration , ja lopettaa maksullisten kremlin trollien Ukrainasta kirjoituksien vahingoittaminen FBssa!
Siis kaatuneen Andrey Matvienkon tytär sai mitaalin 8.5. kaatuneen isän puolesta.
Tässä on vetoumus
Mark Zuckerberg
7. toukokuuta kello 21:57 · Menlo Park · Muokattu ·
I'll be hosting our next Townhall Q&A at Facebook HQ on Thursday, May 14 at 4:30pm pacific time. This is an opportunity for me to hear from you and the rest of our community about how to serve you better.
If you have a question you'd like me to answer, leave a comment below. You can vote for questions by liking them.
Next week I'll answer as many questions I can for about an hour. You can watch the livestream on the Q&A with Mark page on Thursday, and we'll post the video there afterwards.
I look forward to answering your questions and I hope you'll tune in.
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Tom Stocky ja 24 348 muuta tykkäävät tästä. - 1 312 jakoa
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Gregory KupershmidtMark, Last time I see many reports of unfair FB accounts blocking/ban, probably as result of massive fake abuse reports.
It especially involve FB accounts of many top pro-Ukrainian bloggers, posts about the current Russian-Ukrainian conflict.
For example some accounts were reported and blocked because of sharing this picture, claiming, guess what - NUDITY!!!
So, my question is - can you or your team please do something to resolve this problem? Create a separate administration for Ukrainian segment, block abuse reports from Russia, or may be just monitor more carefully top Ukrainian bloggers, but somehow help us, please!
(Please refer to the text of the petition took from of the "Ukraine require Ukrainian FB administration" group -
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?...set=o.1538742386408128&type=1&hc_location=ufi)Näytä käännös
Marta March
Вчера эта украинская девочка получила медальку за своего погибшего отца, бойца АТО.
Путин, будь ты проклят. И пусть будут прокляты все те, кто тебя поддерживает. Все до последнего.
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Tykkää · Vastaa · 8 940 · 4 t · Muokattu- Piilota 48 vastausta
- 48/134
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Світлана Чуб
Tykkää · 3 · 3 t
Михайло Сенчишин
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Yaroslava TrofimovaMark, this is big segment of users (Ukrainian people), please look their...
Tykkää · 20 · 3 t
Bene FactorMark, please don't leave Ukrainian request without attentionNäytä käännös
Tykkää · 25 · 3 t
Angelika MartiukUkraine is not Russia. Would you be so kind as to create a separate team for Ukrainian accounts' management and block abuse reports from Russia, please? Many thanks in advance.Näytä käännös
Allekirjoittakaa pls, pitää perustaa ukrainalaisen erikoistunut administration , ja lopettaa maksullisten kremlin trollien Ukrainasta kirjoituksien vahingoittaminen FBssa!
Siis kaatuneen Andrey Matvienkon tytär sai mitaalin 8.5. kaatuneen isän puolesta.
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