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Ukrainalaiset väittävät pudottaneensa yli 70 lentokonetta. Luku sisältää arvatenkin kaikki eri tyypit. Olisi todella mielenkiintoista tietää, kuinka paljon edes lieviä vaurioita kotiinsa nilkuttaneissa on ja riittääkö Venäjällä huoltokapasiteetti? Itse optimistina toivon, että lentokuntoisia ja tähän kampanjaan allokoituja ensilinjan koneita alkaa olla hyvin vähän.Juu otsikko "su-25 survived MANPAD hit" on hieman harhaanjohtava. Lentäjä selvisi takaisin kentälle, mutta tuosta koneesta ei saa hyvää alumiiniteipillä ja maalilla. Varaosia siitä varmaan saa. En sitten tiedä kuinka helppo tuosta on esim mottori irroittaa.
The Washington Post shares a story that hasn't been previously disclosed. "Russian agents came to the home of Google's top executive in Moscow to deliver a frightening ultimatum last September: take down an app that had drawn the ire of Russian President Vladimir Putin within 24 hours or be taken to prison." Google quickly moved the woman to a hotel where she checked in under an assumed name and might be protected by the presence of other guests and hotel security, according to people with knowledge of the matter. The same agents — believed by company officials to be from Russia's FSB, a successor to the KGB intelligence service — then showed up at her room to tell her the clock was still ticking.
Within hours, an app designed to help Russians register protest votes against Putin could no longer be downloaded from Google or Apple, whose main representative in Moscow faced a similarly harrowing sequence....
The unnerving encounters, which have not previously been disclosed, were part of a broader campaign that Putin intensified last year to erode sources of internal opposition — moves now helping him maintain his hold on power amid a global backlash over the invasion of Ukraine. In a single year, Putin had his political nemesis Alexei Navalny imprisoned after a poisoning attempt failed to kill him; pushed independent news outlets to the brink of extinction; orchestrated a Kremlin-controlled takeover of Russia's Facebook equivalent; and issued "liquidation" orders against human rights organizations.
Amid this internal offensive, Putin also moved to bring foreign technology companies to heel. Moscow deployed new devices that let it degrade or even block Russians' access to Facebook and Twitter, imposed fines totaling $120 million on firms accused of defying Kremlin censors, and ordered 13 of the world's largest technology companies to keep employees in Russia and thus exposed to potential arrest or other punishment for their employers' actions — a measure that U.S. executives refer to as the "hostage law."
On their own, these moves were seen as disparate signs of Russia' descent into authoritarianism. But they also laid the groundwork for the Soviet-style suppression of free expression now underway in Russia, much as the months-long military buildup set the stage for the invasion of Ukraine.
The article also notes "preliminary evidence that the suppression strategy is working. "Polls, whose reliability is always uncertain in Russia, show that a majority of Russians support the war. In interviews with Western journalists that have gone viral online, Russians who rely on state-controlled media have consistently echoed Kremlin falsehoods about eradicating alleged Nazism in Ukraine while seeming to be genuinely oblivious to the war's carnage."
The article also notes how Apple is responding to Ukraine's crisis — but also includes this anecdote: Apple has similarly kept employees in Russia and taken other steps to placate the Kremlin. The company last year began configuring iPhones sold in Russia to promote Kremlin-backed social media companies, enabling users to activate them with a single click. It is an accommodation Apple has rarely made elsewhere and advances Putin's goal of migrating Russian people to platforms controlled by the government, according to Russia analysts.
The Main Directorate for Combating Organized Crime and Corruption of Belarus (GUBOPiK) has detained prominent Wikipedia editor Mark Bernstein, according to the Belarusian publication Zerkalo.
The arrest comes after Bernstein's personal information was shared on GOBUPiK's public Telegram channel. Bernstein is one of the top 50 editors of Russian Wikipedia. The Verge was able to confirm that Bernstein's information — including his social media, Wikipedia handle, and place of work — had been shared in GUBOPik's channel on the messaging app. A video of Bernstein's arrest was also posted alongside his photo and personal details. In the photo itself, Bernstein is accused of "distributing fake anti-Russian information." The channel has since been made private....
In an activity log of Bernstein's purported Wikimedia username, you can see that he's made over 200,000 edits to Russian Wikipedia articles. Currently, his account is described as "blocked indefinitely."
"Earlier in March, Slate reported on the same Wikipedia editor and his efforts to ensure the correct information hits pages about the invasion," adds The Byte.
On Saturday the human rights site Charter 97 reported that Bernstein was given 15 days of arrest, "according to the Viasna human rights center."
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Soppatykkejä? Menevätkö auttamaan pakolaisia?Menevät kohti läntistä rajaa. (valko-venäläisiä)
Nyt on jo olemassa järjestelmiä myös PV:llä joka kertoo missä lennättäjä on. Kaupalliset laitteet on hyödyllisiä, mutta vain ja ainoastaan järkevästi käytettynä siihen tiedusteluun.Droneista on joissakin tilanteissa hyötyä mutta entäpä jos verrataan vaikka kevyen KRH:n toimintaan.
- Kuinka monta laukausta minuutissa saadaan KRH:lla, entäpä jos sama ryhmä käyttäisi droneja?
- KRH ryhmän tarvitsee siirtyä toiseen asemaan jossakin vaiheessa, sillä vihollinen lähettää tykistöllä omat murkulat havaittuaan heittimen. Voiko droneryhmä toimia pidempään samassa asemassa?
- Onko dronejen helpompi toimia kaupungissa tai taajamissa kuin heitinryhmän?
- Droneilla voidaan tehdä tiedustelu helpommin.
Onko mahdollista yhden käyttäjän komentaa useaa droneja lentämään tiettyyn karttapisteeseen ja jäämään leijuntaan, jonka jälkeen ohjaa yhden dronen maaliin ja ottaa seuraavan dronen hallintaan.
Luulen että KRH ryhmällä saadaan isompi vaikutus nopeasti yhteen maaliin mutta droneilla voidaan tiedustella helpommin ja tuhota yksittäisiä kohteita. Heittimen siirtämisessä ja käsittelyssä tarvitaan enemmän fyysistä kuntoa, sillä kevyssä heittimessä on 3 isompaa osaa, jotka painavat noin 20 kiloa.
Viime viikolla näin satelliittikuvan joltain lentokentältä josta operoi venäläisten su-25 koneita. Sodan alussa koneita oli ollut 32. 2 viikon taisteluiden jälkeen 26 oli jäljellä.Ukrainalaiset väittävät pudottaneensa yli 70 lentokonetta. Luku sisältää arvatenkin kaikki eri tyypit. Olisi todella mielenkiintoista tietää, kuinka paljon edes lieviä vaurioita kotiinsa nilkuttaneissa on ja riittääkö Venäjällä huoltokapasiteetti? Itse optimistina toivon, että lentokuntoisia ja tähän kampanjaan allokoituja ensilinjan koneita alkaa olla hyvin vähän.
Analysts warned Russia's invasion of Ukraine could derail the supply chains of semiconductor fabs. Now those concerns are playing out with the apparent shuttering of two major neon gas suppliers in Ukraine.
For a report today Reuters calculated that the two neon suppliers, Ingas and Cryoin, produce 45 to 54 percent of the world's neon for chip fabrication, based on information provided by the companies and electronics materials research firm Techcet.
The Ukrainian duo told the news agency they have shuttered in the face of continued attacks on cities in Ukraine by Russian military. Ingas is based in Mariupol, which is being hit hard by Russian troops, while Cryoin is in Odessa, which is also under threat. Their neon gas is needed for lasers used during the chip fabrication process.
The shutdowns could exacerbate processor and IC shortages and raise prices of products, as industry watchers have warned, though there may be minimal risk to the major chipmakers, including Intel and TSMC, for now. That's because the big players, at least, are likely to have stocked up on the gas or sought other providers of neon as soon as Russia's occupation of Ukraine loomed.
Tota on itse asiassa melko helppo valmistaa, että ei niin suuri ongelma mitä annetaan ymmärtää![]()
Chip world's major suppliers of neon gas shutter in Ukraine
Neon Genesis: Even Cryoin
Ehkä valmistus ei ole ongelma, vaan voluumi noiden ukrainan firmojen tuottaessa yli puolet käytetystä materiaalista.Tota on itse asiassa melko helppo valmistaa, että ei niin suuri ongelma mitä annetaan ymmärtää
Ei ollut faktaa.Onko siitä öisestä 200 venäläisen tankin pommittamisesta jollain osunut jotain faktaa? Itsellä ei ole ainakaan vielä.. Luulisi tänään tulevan kuvia, jos fakta.