Ukrainan konflikti/sota

Putin on nyt asettanut uudet ehdot "voitolle" Venäjän armeijan johdolle. Venäjän federaation päällikkö määräsi saavuttamaan asetetut tavoitteet 21. huhtikuuta - 7. toukokuuta.

Ukrainan sisäministerin neuvonantaja Anton Gerashchenko jakoi asiaan liittyvän tiedon Telegram-kanavallaan:

"Putin tapasi 21. maaliskuuta videoneuvottelun välityksellä Patruševin, Shoigun, Gerasimovin ja Bortnikovin kanssa. Nykytilanteesta keskustelun aikana rintamalla puhuttiin venäläisten joukkojen tappioista joita Gerasimov kuvaili "merkittäviksi". Putin keskeytti Gerasimovin ja jatkoi sanomalla, että nämä olivat siedettäviä tappioita eikä mitään verrattuna tavoitteisiin, jotka saavutettaisiin voiton jälkeen.

"Putin rajasi "voiton" uudet ehdot päivämäärille 21. huhtikuuta - 7. toukokuuta, juuri näihin päivämääriin mennessä hän aikoo pakottaa Ukrainan johdon allekirjoittamaan sopimuksen, joka voidaan esittää antautumisena, ja pitää voittoparaati 9. toukokuuta. "
jatkoi Anton Gerashchenko.

Olisi pitänyt jakaa tämä aikaisemmin. Putin toimii kuin Tony Soprano tai mafiapomo, joka sanelee kuinka "asiat tapahtuvat".

Haiskahtaa vahvasti siltä että Putinilla ei ole aavistustakaan siitä mikä Venäjän armeijalle on tässä vaiheessa mahdollista ja mikä ei ole. Järkipuhe ei auta kun herra diktaattori on päättänyt että sota loppuu silloin kun herra diktaattori niin haluaa :ROFLMAO:

Jos lihamyllyyn työnnettään aina vain lisää tykinruokaa vaikka siinä ei ole mitään järkeä, niin se tykinruoka voi vielä jossain vaiheessa todeta että haista sinä vajaamielinen kääpiö pitkä paska. Kotirintamaa voi aivopestä loputtomiin, mutta se on paljon vaikeampaa siellä missä sotaa käydään.
Siinähän *thelistener* ottaa todisteeksi tuon venäläisen photoshop teleportaatio videon jos haluaa. Ja vielä "venäläisten muiden tietojen" - no pyydäpä niitä venäläisiä laittamaan ne muut tiedot tänne - kumma kun niitä ei voi jakaa. :rolleyes:
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tupla. siis tuon UA:n twiitin perusteella yritin etsiä tuota paikkaa nimenomaan Kiovasta.
Tarina TikTokista, Ukrainalaisten pakolaisten Saksassa tappamasta venäjää puhuvasta teinipojasta. Ja siitä, kuinka kaikki oli... satuilua. Tuosta huolimatta. Tämäkin tarina joillekin jää totena muistiin.

Sille, kuinka vääristellen totuutta runnotaan, ei oikeastaan mitään rajoitetta ole. Toiseen suuntaan... ei kovinkaan symmetristä.

Aivan riippumatta siitä, kuinka monta "tarinaa" vääräksi osoitetaan. Ja tämä usein kohtuullisen työlästä ja aikaavievää, aina ei mahdollistakaan (vrt. loppumattomat internet-väittelyt, joissa todisteita ja "todisteita", heitellään kuin demari vappusatasia konsanaan, holtittomasti). Uusien luominen, ei tietenkään tuohon pysähdy. Kohderyhmien ollessa sopivia, edes totaalivarmasti vääriksi osoitetut vaikuttamisyritykset, hyvinkin saattavat hedelmää kantaa.

BERLIN — The woman faces the camera, her eyes cast downward, and addresses her appeal to “Russian-speaking Germany.”
“I want to tell you about a boy,” she says in the video, posted on TikTok.

Her tale went like this: The 16-year-old, a Russian speaker, was beaten by a band of Ukrainians at a train station in Euskirchen, a German town nestled in a valley near Cologne. The boy, Daniel, slipped into a coma and died, while the assailants returned to their refugee housing.
She didn’t know the boy, the woman says, but learned of his fate from a friend. “People, he died,” she laments. “I cannot imagine.”
Her claims, according to German authorities, are false. In the 90-second video, the woman doesn’t identify herself, disclose her location or explain the basis for her account. Police said there was no evidence of such an attack, describing the video as “intended to stir up hatred.” State prosecutors are investigating.

That didn’t stop the woman’s outcry from gaining viral attention this week, as her video became the latest salvo in a battle over truth and online persuasion playing out in parallel with Russia’s war in Ukraine.
Inside Russia’s propaganda bubble: Where a war isn’t a war
A subsequent apology from the woman didn’t stop her baseless assertions from spreading online. Instead, her discredited claims continued to underpin efforts by Kremlin-aligned voices to justify Russia’s assault on Ukraine and stoke divisions within Germany’s Russian-speaking minority, which includes nearly 1.2 million people who speak predominantly Russian at home, according to federal estimates.
A German counterterrorism official, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss an ongoing law enforcement matter, said the “video itself and the way it has been disseminated” bear the hallmarks of disinformation spread “either by Russian state actors or by nonstate actors acting on behalf of Russia.”

Asked this week about the proliferation of online propaganda, a German Defense Ministry spokesman told reporters, “We’re aware of it and watching it.” A German lawmaker, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the matter’s sensitivity, said one reason the government has been reticent to publicize details of its arms exports to Ukraine is that it fears retaliation in the form of Russian intelligence operations, pointing to a brazen 2019 killing in a Berlin park that authorities said had been ordered by the Russian state.
Fears of Russian hybrid operations are shared by the U.S. government. President Biden said Monday that “evolving intelligence” indicated the Kremlin was exploring options for a cyberattack.
Germany, in particular, is on high alert for information warfare by Moscow. It is the main target of Russian disinformation in the European Union, according to a report issued last year by the bloc’s disinformation watchdog.

Ilya Yablokov, an expert on Russian digital media at the University of Sheffield in Britain, said the TikTok video squared with Russian objectives. “This is disinformation aimed at the Russian domestic audience to strengthen the idea that Russians are being unfairly treated abroad,” he said.
Experts said the uncertainty surrounding the identity and aims of the woman in the video further illustrate how false information can be weaponized regardless of its originator’s intentions. And the fallout from the video, they said, shows how corrections fail to command as much attention as the underlying falsehood.
Shortly after police debunked the video, its creator recorded a second video on TikTok, saying she had been misled. The person who provided her the information, she explains, “hates Ukrainians.”

“Guys, forgive me,” she continues. “It’s just that right now in Germany, a lot of bad things happen with us Russians and our children, that I just believed.”
Responding to her apology video, some TikTok users criticized her for spreading false information. But others clung to her original claims. “Tell me honestly, who scared you?” one wrote in Russian, skeptical of her apparent change of heart.
A request for comment sent to the woman’s TikTok account went unanswered. The only other video on her account shows her playfully dunking the heads of two young boys into buckets of water and displaying their smiling faces to the camera. Police said they were seeking to determine if the name on her account reflects her true identity.

Whether the apology was genuine is difficult to assess without knowing more about the woman, said Julia Smirnova, an analyst at the Institute for Strategic Dialogue, a London-based nonprofit tracking online disinformation. What’s more notable, she said, is that the woman’s efforts to correct herself gained no attention in the pro-Kremlin media ecosystem that had seized on her fallacious claims.

Those claims began to take off Sunday evening, Smirnova said. That’s when a pro-Kremlin channel on Telegram, whose titled can be translated as “Release Z Kraken,” posted the video and warned that similar incidents could unfold in other countries. The channel has operated under that name since at least 2017, Smirnova said, meaning its use of “Kraken” predates the term’s adoption by pro-Donald Trump lawyer Sidney Powell in her quixotic quest to overturn the results of the 2020 U.S. election.
Within an hour, according to Smirnova’s analysis, the post had been copied by a broad array of channels voicing support for Russia’s war. On the original channel, meanwhile, the post had been viewed more than 415,000 times by Tuesday, she said.

One of the first German-language posts to circulate the video came from German Russian blogger Alina Lipp, who runs a Telegram channel called “News from Russia,” according to Smirnova.

Lipp’s German description, later deleted, was then shared in numerous German-language channels that promote conspiracy theories, Smirnova said. Lipp did not respond to a request for comment. On Facebook and Twitter accounts, with locations ranging from Germany to Ukraine’s disputed Donbas region, the lurid details of the purported attack were offered as proof that Ukrainians were the aggressors and Russians the victims.
The original post from “Release Z Kraken” was also shared on VK, a Russian social networking service, according to screenshots shared by Smirnova. It was displayed as part of the evening news program on TVC, which is owned by Moscow’s municipal government, she said.

And it was a favorite topic, she said, among outlets within the Patriot Media Group. The conglomerate’s board of trustees is chaired by Yevgeniy Prigozhin, a St. Petersburg oligarch accused of funding the Internet Research Agency, the company charged with interference in the 2016 U.S. election. Prigozhin has denied such accusations.

Germany is not the only place where widely circulated but unsubstantiated videos have alleged anti-Russian incidents are taking place, according to the Institute for Strategic Dialogue’s analysis.
At the same time that debunked claims about the attack at the Euskirchen train station were gaining traction, pro-Kremlin Telegram channels and media outlets were sharing a TikTok video about purported violence by Ukrainian refugees in Latvia. This time, the purported victim was a 70-year-old man, also speaking Russian, as well as a woman and her young son. The claims are uncorroborated, Smirnova said.
“The impression left by the videos is that Russians abroad, especially in European countries, are in danger,” she said. “This is a message Russian state media and pro-Kremlin media have been sending to Russians for years.”
David L. Stern and William Noah Glucroft contributed to this report.
Mutta mistä nuo repii kaikki rpg:n kudit? 😯

Tuossakin meni minuutissa puolen tusinaa laukausta kahdella sinkoukolla. Ei taitais meikäläisten luolien 15k kessiä montaa päivää riittää..
Jep, en kyllä näiden videoiden perusteella ihmettele enää yhtään että miksi ryssien ammushuolto sakkaa kun niillähän on niitä samaan tahtiin räiskiviä kadyroviitteja vielä paljon enemmänkin riveissään. :ROFLMAO:
(From WSJ)

President Biden intends to announce the sanctions on more than 300 members of the Russian State Duma as soon as Thursday during his trip to Europe, where he will meet with allies from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization to formulate their next steps, according to U.S. officials and internal documents reviewed by The Wall Street Journal.

The sanctions will be announced in coordination with the European Union and members of the Group of Seven industrialized nations, U.S. officials said.

The National Security Council declined to comment.
Tämän (useassa lähteessä) väitteiden mukaan, Venäjä estänyt humanitaarisen avun toimittamista siviileille Mangishissa (Donetskin lähellä)

We have some more information on the humanitarian convoy that president Zelenskiy said had been seized by Russian forces:
Iryna Vereschuk, deputy prime minister, said 11 buses and two cars from Ukraine’s state emergency service were stopped at the Russian checkpoint at the entry to Manhush. As of 21:15 local time, the fate of 11 drivers and 4 employees of the State Emergency Service was unknown, she said on Telegram.
News organisation Ukraine Pravda reported that the vehicles were taken in an unknown direction, and negotiations for setting the captives free were continuing.
BBC:n livefeedistä. Mariupolissa jäljellä 100 000 asukasta, kertoo Zelensky. Ennen sotaa vol2 n. 450 000, muistinvaraisesti.
Russian forces are now inside the besieged southern city of Mariupol, a senior US defence official said. Two “super-powerful bombs” rocked Mariupol on Tuesday even as rescue efforts were ongoing, local authorities said. More than 200,000 people are trapped in the city, where the situation has been described as a “freezing hellscape riddled with dead bodies and destroyed buildings”, Human Rights Watch said.

Ylläoleva Guardianin livefeedistä, kaupungissa arviolta 200 000 asukasta

Kuten läpi sodan, tiedon määrästä ei pulaa ole. Ymmärrettävästikin, ristiriitaista melko usein. Ennenkuin tarkentuu.
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"Duuma hyväksyi ”valheellisen” tiedon levittämistä koskevan lain ulottamisen ulkomaille."

Omissa toiveissa, nopealla aikataululla käynnistyvä. Mahdollisuuden kaksoiskansalaisuuteen venäläisiltä poistava lakimuutos. Vaikuttaminen Suomessa asuviin jo riskejä tuonut, jos ei suoraan, niin Venäjällä asuvien sukulaisten kautta. Toki tuokaan ei haasteita poistaisi, Suomen turvallisuustilanteen suhteen.

Tällä hetkellä n. 90 000 venäjää äidinkielenään puhuvaa+toisen ja kolmannen polven venäläistaustaiset.

Ymmärrettävästi, tässä tilanteessa. Suomessa asuvat, Putinin hallinnon kannattajat eivät itsestään juuri ääntä pidä. Ei tarkoita ettei heitä täällä olisi. SuPo jotakin tietää. Vaan ei kerro.
Hyvä artikkeli tilanteesta.

“The Russian leadership can’t lose,” said Andrei Kortunov, director general of the Russian International Affairs Council, a research organization close to the Russian government. “No matter what, they will need to end this whole story with some kind of victory.”

... venäläisten voittoa odotellessa.
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