Tapaus Saksa (on paska maa) pitkästä aikaa käsittelyyn:
Ketju jossa käsitellään Saksaa ja myös Itävaltaa, joka on toiminut Saksan tapaan, paitsi ettei ole toimittanut yhtään aseita Ukrainaan, eikä myöskään Irlanti, Sveitsi eikä Bulgaria (wikipedia):
What can we do to impact the German government and make it change its position? Write articles, discuss online, write the German government and embassies, demonstrate outside German embassies (demonstrating outside the Russian embassies wont change anything).
Ketun viestit yhdistettynä (mutta edellisestä näkee kommentit, jotka imo kiinnostavia):
@andersostlund: It's hard to underestimate the size of the scandal that is ongoing in Germany now with regards to the government's Russia policy. Calling it the scandal of a century is not an overstatement, and it...…
Timeline of

's @OlafScholz's many lies:
1) At the end of February Germany's defense industry sends Scholz a long list of all available weapons.
2) Scholz doesn't share the list with Ukraine.
3) Scholz says that there are no more weapons left in Germany to give to Ukraine.
4) Germany's defense industry leakes the list to Ukraine's ambassador.
5) Scholz says that the weapons on the list don't work.
6) The defense industry denies this and leakes the list to the press.
7) Scholz states Ukrainians can't master the weapons in the available time.
8) German defense experts tell the German press that Ukrainians can master the weapons in 2-3 weeks.
9) Scholz says the weapons are needed by NATO and NATO must approve their transfer.
10) NATO officials and German generals deny this.
11) Scholz says no other NATO/EU ally is delivering heavy weapons to Ukraine.
12) The US, UK, Australia, Poland, Czechia, Slovakia, Romania, Turkey, Italy, Finland, Denmark, Romania, Netherlands, etc. publish the lists of heavy weapon they deliver to Ukraine.
13) Under pressure Scholz announces €2 billion for Ukraine's military.
14) German parliamentarians find out that it's really just €1 billion, which won't be available for another 2-3 months, and then Scholz can veto or delay indefinitely every item Ukraine wants to buy.
15) The US, France, Poland, Romania, Japan, the UK and Italy, plus the heads of EU and NATO spend an afternoon trying to talk sense into Scholz.
16) Scholz makes a statement and says Ukraine can have the €1 billion now and order whatever it wants from the list.
17) Ukraine's ambassador says that Scholz removed all the items Ukraine actually wants from the list before giving it to Ukraine and what remains on the list is just a fraction of the €1 billion.
Scholz isn't incompetent or mendacious... he just works for the russians.
Muutaman viestin twitter-ketju:
Let's face the truth: since 24 Feb Germany's standing and reputation took an enormous hit in Ukraine. The perception of

is now on par with Hungary as one of the countries that are blocking the really hard-hitting energy sanctions and arms deliveries 1/4
Putting business interests above all else is ultimately a destructive and short-term approach.
Ukraine - Nazi Occupation, Soviet, Genocide: The surprise German invasion of the U.S.S.R. began on June 22, 1941. The Soviets, during their hasty retreat, shot their political prisoners and, whenever possible, evacuated personnel, dismantled and removed industrial plants, and conducted a...