Ukrainan konflikti/sota

Eli tarvitsevat varsinkin tykistöä. Oma kantani täällä - eli siis Suomestakin tykistöä Ukrainaan, koska (näyttää myös esimerkkiä muille maille - olisi voinut lisätä tuohon listaan):
Vaan vannomatta paras, etteikö sinne olisi mennytkin. Varmaa on, että ainakin on pyydetty.
Edit. Meiltä olisi vaikka sata vanhempaa laittaa - ja tarve myös laittaa omaa kalustoa pyörille. Voisi vaikka Nemoilla korvata jos ei Moukari-telatykkejä nyt kehtaa enempää tilata.
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Edes lapset eivät ole turvassa ryssän raakuuksilta:

Pari poimintaa jutusta. Siviilien evakuointia ryssän malliin:

"– Maaliskuun 11. päivänä venäläiset antoivat meille luvan lähteä. He jopa vilkuttivat meille hyvästiksi ja toivottivat onnea matkaan. Kun me ylitimme peltoa, he alkoivat ampua meitä joka suunnasta, Elisein äiti Inna Ryabukon kuvaa BBC:lle.
He olivat mukana viiden auton evakuointisaattueessa. Elisei matkasi toisessa autossa. Sen kyydissä olleista ei kukaan selvinnyt hengissä."

Butšan julmuuksia todistanut 13-vuotias Ilja Bobkov kärsii sodasta vielä pitkään:

"– En pääse irti tunteesta, että sota ympäröi meitä yhä. Näen unia, joissa venäläiset tappavat perheeni tai ottavat heidät vangiksi. Herään tuskanhiessä, Ilja kommentoi."

Sellaista on ryssän ystävyys "veljeskansalleen" Tämänkaltaisia rankempia juttuja on hyvä julkaista Suomessa ilman mitään turhia sievistelyjä, että tyhmemmällekkin käy selväksi, millainen naapuri meillä on idässä.
Venäjän haasteet suurhyökkkäykseen kasvavat koko ajan.

Esim tankkeja poksahtelee edelleen reilu 10 kpl päivässä, mikä on 1% vahvuudesta, jos jäljellä olisi 1000 kpl.

Lisäksi Ukrainaan on tullut jo raskasta kalustoa, joka on sopivaa myös vastahyökkäyksiin. Ja koulutus on jo menossa ja jenkit tuo lisää kovaa kyytiä.

Viimeksi muokattu:
Edes lapset eivät ole turvassa ryssän raakuuksilta:

Pari poimintaa jutusta. Siviilien evakuointia ryssän malliin:

"– Maaliskuun 11. päivänä venäläiset antoivat meille luvan lähteä. He jopa vilkuttivat meille hyvästiksi ja toivottivat onnea matkaan. Kun me ylitimme peltoa, he alkoivat ampua meitä joka suunnasta, Elisein äiti Inna Ryabukon kuvaa BBC:lle.
He olivat mukana viiden auton evakuointisaattueessa. Elisei matkasi toisessa autossa. Sen kyydissä olleista ei kukaan selvinnyt hengissä."

Butšan julmuuksia todistanut 13-vuotias Ilja Bobkov kärsii sodasta vielä pitkään:

"– En pääse irti tunteesta, että sota ympäröi meitä yhä. Näen unia, joissa venäläiset tappavat perheeni tai ottavat heidät vangiksi. Herään tuskanhiessä, Ilja kommentoi."

Sellaista on ryssän ystävyys "veljeskansalleen" Tämänkaltaisia rankempia juttuja on hyvä julkaista Suomessa ilman mitään turhia sievistelyjä, että tyhmemmällekkin käy selväksi, millainen naapuri meillä on idässä.

Näistä huomaa ajattelevansa, että yksikään venäläinen ei saa jäädä henkiin johtuen siitä, että sallivat hallintonsa tehdä tämän. Kuolema on aivan liian mieto rangaistus heidän tekemättä jättämisistään.
Ne jyrää meitin!

Naapurissa kova innostus kun "erikoisoperaation toinen vaihe / suurhyökkäys" menee suunnitelman mukaan.

Chebureki Vibes@PelmeniPusha
Media reports: Ukrainian troops are leaving the "triangle" - the area of Rubezhnoye, Severodonetsk and Lisichansk.

SpesDeiecta @pittman789
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Sounds like Ukr gov is realizing the reality of their situation and giving ground where they have to now. Probably seeking to pull another fortress city elsewhere, likely in Kramatorsk/Slavyansk where we might see significant fighting, heavier than in Mariupol.

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Lol they’re too late. They will retreat under artillery and air attack and will have to abandon heavy equipment. This might turn into a Falaise pocket/Baghdad highway of death situation.

Onko joku nähnyt missään luotettavaa analyysiä Moskvan upotuksesta? Jotenkin on aika epäuskottavaa, ettei muka kellään ulkopuolisella olisi tarkempaa tietoa. Kaiken järjen mukaan Naton seuranta ja valvonta on Mustalla merellä nyt sellaista luokkaa, että jokainen pierukin havaitaan.
Somethingawfulin sotaveteraanifoorumilta bongattu:

Acebuckeye13Apr 19, 2022

Some interesting commentary from Jon Parshall, co-author of Shattered Sword, on the loss of Moskva:

quote: A lot of interest continues to be shown in Moskva's demise, and there are some illuminating analyses running around out there from various folks (Tom Cooper's is excellent). So I'll just try to paraphrase what I've been reading out there. There's been a lot of scuttlebutt regarding Moskva's damage control capabilities, and this internal plan of the ship says a lot. Basically, her main damage control center was in the space directly between her two main machinery spaces. In other words, very close to where she got clobbered. It's unknown whether the initial hit(s) also took out her propulsion along with her main DC center, but let's just say the prognosis wouldn't be good. If her engines go offline right at the outset, that's very bad news from a pumping standpoint, obviously (and pumps are used both to control flooding *and* to power fire-fighting hoses).

Furthermore, every indication we have is that the ship never knew what hit her. Her main SAM radars are all trained fore and aft, meaning they didn't engage the incoming targets, and might not have even detected them. Which, in turn, means that her crew wasn't in any way ready for the catastrophe that overtook her. Think about what that must have been like for most of the crew. The first indication you have that something's wrong is hearing the explosion. Then all the lights go out, the ship is pitch black, and the corridors start filling with smoke. And now you need to get to your action stations and start trying to save the ship. If you're not well-trained, or don't know your way around the vessel in the dark, you start off the game at a huge disadvantage. And again, thorough training is something that seems to have gone by the boards for a lot of the Russian military. According to Tom, an observer who was on board the ship a decade ago had a litany of bad things to say about Moskva's DC capabilities: equipment and hoses not well maintained, hose fittings painted over or ill-fitting or corroded, outdated personal firefighting and breathing gear, and DC equipment not decentralized in stations around the ship. The latter is particularly damning, in that redundancy is a key to survivability. Having lots of smaller damage control stations that can each contribute something to saving the vessel is a *much* better design solution than having one great big station with all the capabilities. Because "fluke hits" actually happen *all the time* in war! The scale of the fire in the photos is sobering. It's pretty clear from the soot further aft on her hull that at one point Moskva was on fire internally all the way back to the helo hangar. In the close-up photo, we can also see fires still actively burning near her stack. The fact that the smoke is dark is indicative of heavy ongoing fires as well, which are burning things like fuels, paper, and plastics, and doing so incompletely. She's a mess. Shrewd observers have noted that the two streams of water being applied aft around the big, conical "Top Dome" fire control radar (on the aft superstructure) are actually coming from a salvage tug that is close aboard Moskva's starboard side. You can just see the tug's masts peeking out immediately to the right of the "Top Dome." There's some speculation as to why the crew are not still actively fighting the fires when these pictures were taken. The helo deck is clear of smoke and cool. And though the ship is clearly down in the water, and has lost a fair amount of reserve buoyancy, she's in no danger of immediate sinking. So, it would seem that fire-fighting efforts by the crew could be ongoing, and there's actually been at least one expert who feels that the captain abandoned her too early. Then again, we don't know what her innards looked like at this point. And the presence of sixteen gigantic unexploded P-1000 missiles (and the sixteen tons of high explosive they collectively carried) located forward might certainly have given one pause. If those things start going off, you could very easily have a daisy-chain of lethal explosions that would slaughter any crew nearby, and potentially sink the ship immediately, thereby dooming a lot of the crew who might have escaped the explosions, but be located below decks.

Bottom line: live by the sword, die by the sword. Moskva was a very impressive ship, in that she was absolutely *packed* with fearsome-looking weapons. But the price of that, particularly if you make the mistake of centralizing your damage control capabilities near her radar center of mass, is that this is a "one-shot" warship. She's not designed to take a hit and keep on functioning. Instead, she's likely to burn to the waterline, which is roughly what we see happening.

Edit: kolme kuvaa lisätty


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Bulgaria on lähettämässä ja Irlannilla ei ole mistä lähettää.

Lähde sille, että Bulgaria on lähettämässä? Edes puheille, vaikka puheita aikeista nyt riittää, ja vasta teot osoittavat tapahtuuko mitään, ja tapahtuuko vasta joskus sodan päätyttyä tavalla tai toisella...

Joo ei ole Bulgaria ainoa EU-maa, vaan tosiaan ainakin Itävalta ja Irlanti puuttuvat myös. Romania on lähettänyt muistaakseni ammuksia, muttei tainnut muuta wikipedian mukaan:
SOFIA, Bulgaria — Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba asked Bulgaria to align with international efforts to support his country with military aid.
“The Bulgarian government and Parliament know very well what the Ukrainian requests are … When you fight a war, you need everything — from bullets to fighter jets. We gave the same list to all NATO member states,” Kuleba said Wednesday after meetings with Bulgarian officials.
“I hope the Bulgarian government will consider all kinds of aid opportunities for Ukraine,” he added.
Bulgarian President Rumen Radev has warned against supplying weapons to Ukraine, citing the dangers of involving his country more directly in the war.

The ruling coalition in Sofia is blocked by the Socialist party which opposes any military aid to Ukraine, leaving Bulgaria as the only EU member, besides Hungary, that has so far been reluctant to send weapons to Kyiv.
“I have to have in mind the political situation in your country and leave the matter to the government of Bulgaria,” Kuleba said. He warned, however, that those who choose not to help Ukraine “in fact support the Russian aggression and the murder of our citizens.”

"The government of Bulgaria and the parliament of Bulgaria know perfectly what the Ukrainian requests are... When you fight a war, you need everything -- from bullets to fighting planes. We gave the same list to all NATO members," Dmytro Kuleba said Wednesday after meetings in Bulgaria's parliament.

Ukraine's top diplomat arrived by car late Monday on a three-day visit to Bulgaria, a large producer of ammunition, anti-tank missiles and light arms.

The Balkan nation is among a handful of Eastern European countries with Soviet-built MiG-29 fighter jets that Ukraine has been pressing to receive as its pilots know how to fly them.

Kuleba discussed the issue of military aid in a meeting with Prime Minister Kiril Petkov and Defence Minister Dragomir Zakov on Tuesday, Foreign Minister Teodora Genchovska confirmed Wednesday.

He also met Wednesday morning with President Rumen Radev, who has voiced reticence to provide military support.

The Socialist BSP party has threatened to leave the ruling coalition if any aid is sent.

BSP leader and Economy Minister Kornelia Ninova, who controls arms export licences, has repeatedly stated that while she was in government "not a single nail" would be exported to Ukraine.

Oppositio tosin väittää, että Bulgariasta vietäisiin salaa aseita. Ilmeisesti käännöskoneella käännetty artikkeli:

Olisi Irlannilla mitä lähettää, vaikka vähän kevyt aserepertuaari ilmeisesti onkin. Mutta eivät ole suostuneet lähettämään (eikä Itävalta tai Sveitsikään):

Edit, meanwhile in Hollanti:

Nuo ajoneuvot saattavat olla niitä, jossa oli Oerlikonin 25mm konetykki, joka vaikuttaisi hyvältä peliltä puhkomaan ryssän tankkejakin, jos ei edestä yritä.

Eli siis tämä:
After a series of demonstrations and the delivery of four evaluation vehicles in 1974, the Netherlands government placed an order for 880 of the vehicles in 1975, which were designated YPR-765 when they entered service. Some changes were made at the request of the Dutch government, including shifting the weapon station to the right side and moving the commander behind the driver. The Netherlands ordered 2,079, of which 815 were produced locally under license. Under the YPR-2000 program, virtually all Dutch vehicles were upgraded to YPR-765A1 standard and are easily identified by the 3-tone NATO camouflage pattern[clarification needed]. During the war in Afghanistan, several vehicles were fitted with additional armor.
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