Ukrainan konflikti/sota


Täysin järjetön idea jos ilmaylivoimaa ei ole. Ilmavoimien kenut nähnee tässä mahdollisuuden "todistaa" kuinka heikko laite helikopterin tehtäviä suorittava sotakone on jos naapurilla on lentäviä yksiköitä.

Jenkkilässähän on senaatti on pitkään pakottanut ilmavoimat pitämään a10 rivissä ilmavoimien halutessa siirtyä f35een hinnalla millä hyvänsä.
Tuskin nuo sen tiheämpään tulisi tonttiin kuin Su-25:t, joita Ukraina edelleen käyttää jatkuvasti venäläisiä vastaan. Venäjä ei ole yrityksistä huolimatta saanut niitä kaikkia ammuttua alas.

Tilannehan tuolla näyttää asettuneen sellaiseksi, jossa kummankin osapuolen ilmatorjunta estää toista vaikuttamasta syvyyteen muuten kuin ohjuksin. Lentokoneet ja helikopterit tekevät hyvin matalalla pikaisia hyökkäyksiä eturintamalla olevia joukkoja vastaan ja palaavat välittömästi takaisin oman ilmapuolustuksen suojaan. Rakettien ampuminen kaukaa roikkona on tavanomaista, ellei jopa ainoa hyökkäystapa jota käytetään.

Kummallakaan ei ole riittävää kykyä vaikuttaa vastustajan ilmatorjuntaan reittien avaamiseksi rynnäkkökoneille. HIMARSilla Ukrainan on mahdollista tuhota vihollisen ohjuspattereita, mutta venäjälläkin on olkapääohjuksia ja korkealla vihollisen yläpuolella lentäminen on riskialtista HIMARSin kantamaa kauempana olevien patterien ja venäjän torjuntahävittäjien vuoksi. Ukrainan S-300:t ja MiG-29:t muodostavat samanlaisen uhan venäjän koneille. Lukumääräisesti venäjällä kyllä pitäisi olla kykyä toimia tuossakin ympäristössä, mutta ilmeisesti kyky toimia koordinoidusti useilla yhteen nivoutuvia tehtäviä suorittavilla osastoilla puuttuu.

Ukrainan osoittama kyky sopeutua tilanteisiin ja omaksua osaamista lännestä voi osoittautua tässä kohdassa merkittäväksi. Mikäli Ukraina saa apuna koulutusta taktiikoista ja menetelmistä sekä riittävästi koneita koordinoituun toimintaan, se voisi onnistua suorittamaan tehokkaita ilmaiskuja. Toisaalta HIMARS ajaa pitkälle samaa asiaa pienemmillä riskeillä. Mutta sillä ei estetä venäjää hyödyntämästä hallussa pitämäänsä ilmatilaa.
Russia will support Africa to “complete the process of decolonisation”, its foreign minister has said.

In statements released by Russia’s ministry of foreign affairs, Sergei Lavrov said Russia has always supported Africans “in their struggle for liberation from colonial oppression”.

“We stand in solidarity with the demands to complete the process of decolonisation,” he added.

Ukraine has the potential to inflict major losses on Russia and make gains on the battlefield, President Volodymyr Zelenskiy claims.

Speaking in a late-night video address after meeting with senior military commanders, he said the group discussed the supply of modern weapons, adding the intensity of attacks on the Russians had to be stepped up.

We discussed the current situation on the frontline, around Ukraine. We defined tasks in some tactical areas to strengthen our positions. And we also thoroughly worked out the issue of providing the troops with the modern weapons – the intensity of attacks on the enemy still needs to be increased.

The participants of the staff meeting agreed that we have a significant potential for the advance of our forces on the front and for the infliction of significant new losses on the occupiers.”
Kyiv hopes that western weapons, especially longer-range missiles such as US Himars that Ukraine has deployed in recent weeks, will allow it to launch a counterattack and recapture territory.

“Every one of these Russian attacks is an argument for Ukraine to receive more Himars and other modern and effective weapons. Every one of these attacks only strengthens our desire to defeat the invaders and that will certainly happen.”
Serhai Haidai, Ukraine’s governor of Luhansk, has posted to Telegram to say: “The Russians are throwing all their reserves into battle. Over the past day, almost every village and city where the enemy’s weapons can currently reach has been shelled with barrel and rocket artillery.”


Brittitiedustelu: Venäjä käyttänyt ilmatorjuntaohjuksia maahyökkäyksiin ohjuspulan vuoksi​

Britannian puolustusministeriö uskoo Venäjän kärsivän kriittisestä maahyökkäyksiin tarkoitettujen ohjusten pulasta. Tästä viestii se, että Venäjä on käyttänyt brittitiedustelun mukaan S-300 ja S-400 -ilmatorjuntaohjuksia maahyökkäyksissään sodan alusta asti.

Ilmaohjuksilla tehtävillä iskuilla on suurempi todennäköisyys ampua ohi maakohteista, jolloin siviileihin osumisen riski on suurempi. Venäjä on keskittänyt tällä hetkellä tykistöiskunsa Kramatorskin ja Siverskin kaupunkeihin ja esikaupunkialueille.

Eero Lassila, toimittaja
Putin and his government appeared to be eager for control over a broad swath of eastern and southern Ukraine that officials, state media, and pro-Kremlin pundits increasingly referred to as Novorossia.

That’s certainly how Lavrov made it sound on 20 July, when he told state media outlets that the geographical objectives of Russia’s war in Ukraine now go beyond the Donbas, encompassing the Kherson and Zaporizhzhya regions to the southwest “and a number of other territories”.

While Lavrov was by far the highest official to make such a statement, he was stating the obvious. Russia already controls parts of those two additional regions, including Kherson’s eponymous capital, giving it a coveted “land bridge” from the Russian border to Crimea.

Moreover, there have been plenty of signals that Moscow wants to control all of Ukraine’s Black Sea coast, including Odesa, up to the border with Moldova – and specifically its breakaway Transnistria region.

Of course, it would be foolish to assume that Lavrov’s description of what the Kremlin now wants is honest. After all, this is the same Lavrov who stated repeatedly last winter that Russia would not invade Ukraine – and then, once it had invaded, said repeatedly that it had not. But it seems likely to mean that Putin believes this is something he can get.
"Putin's bet is that…he can succeed in a grinding war of attrition," Burns said. "That they can wear down the Ukrainian military, that winter's coming, and so he can strangle the Ukrainian economy, he can wear down European publics and leaderships, and he can wear down the United States.

"My own strong view is that Putin was wrong in his assumptions about breaking the alliance and breaking Ukrainian will before the war began, and I think he's just as wrong now," he said.

BBC: Venäjä on varastanut 600 miljoonan dollarin arvosta ukrainalaista terästä

Venäjä on varastanut ukrainalaista terästä tehtailta ja satamista 600 miljoonalla dollarin arvosta sodan aikana, arvioi Ukrainan suurimman terästehtaan, Metinvestin, johtaja Yuriy Ryzhenkov. Ryzhenkovin mukaan varastetusta teräksestä osa on eurooppalaisten omistamaa. Asiasta uutisoi BBC.

Varastettu teräs myydään edelleen Venäjän sisämarkkinoille, Afrikkaan ja Aasiaan. Yhtiö pyrkii dokumentoimaan varkaudet tulevia oikeuskäsittelyjä varten.

"Venäjä tulee päätymään ennen pitkää sekä kansainvälisen että rikosoikeuden eteen. Silloin lähdemme heidän peräänsä kaikella, mitä meiltä löytyy", Ryzhenkov sanoo.

Eero Lassila, toimittaja

BBC: Venäjä on varastanut 600 miljoonan dollarin arvosta ukrainalaista terästä

Venäjä on varastanut ukrainalaista terästä tehtailta ja satamista 600 miljoonalla dollarin arvosta sodan aikana, arvioi Ukrainan suurimman terästehtaan, Metinvestin, johtaja Yuriy Ryzhenkov. Ryzhenkovin mukaan varastetusta teräksestä osa on eurooppalaisten omistamaa. Asiasta uutisoi BBC.

Varastettu teräs myydään edelleen Venäjän sisämarkkinoille, Afrikkaan ja Aasiaan. Yhtiö pyrkii dokumentoimaan varkaudet tulevia oikeuskäsittelyjä varten.

"Venäjä tulee päätymään ennen pitkää sekä kansainvälisen että rikosoikeuden eteen. Silloin lähdemme heidän peräänsä kaikella, mitä meiltä löytyy", Ryzhenkov sanoo.

Eero Lassila, toimittaja
Luuleeko nuo että maailma unohtaa....

Ihmettelet, miksi ja miten ryssä tukee Afrikan dekolonisaatiota.

Vastaus on se, että tällä haetaan epätoivoisesti tukea ja liittolaisia. Pyritään iskemään kiinni kohtaan, joka aiheuttaa ongelmia länsimaiden ja Afrikan väleissä.

Tässä asiassahan ryssä on vuosikymmenet näytellyt hyväntekijää. Se ei koskaan ole ollut merimahti ja sillä ei ole ollut kykyä vallata siirtomaita merten takaa, kuten muut, todelliset suurvallat tekivät. Sen puutteessa ryssän imperialismi on suuntautunut suoraan naapurimaihin, kuten nyt Ukrainassa. Tämän takia ryssällä on myös maata enemmän kuin kellään muulla.
Kovasti ovat sotilaita rusit vailla rintamalle.
Näistä palkkiosta tulee mieleen, että onko nolla perään tullut liikaa.
Tosin nämä kalleimmat sopimus ukot eivät taida pitkään elää tai haavoittuvat äkkiä, niin ei tarvi maksaa...

100 000 sotilaalle tuollaisen vuosipalkan maksaminen tarkoittaisi sellaista 10 miljardin euron kulua.... Voi olla, että muutama stahanov nostetaan mediassa esille ja saadaan terve nuoriso liikkeelle Rodinan haluamalla tavalla..
The UK’s serious and organised crime-fighting force has complained it is struggling to tackle Russian kleptocracy and sanctions evasion because it is given only a third of the funding per officer handed to the FBI.

The National Crime Agency (NCA) said the UK had been slower to seize sanctioned Russian oligarchs’ assets than the US because it could not rely on the same “substantial level of investment” that Washington has poured into tackling international corruption and sanctions busting.

It said there were “hundreds more” specially trained American officers, investigators and prosecutors than British ones.

An NCA source told the Guardian in a briefing on Thursday that not only did the FBI have far more officers, but it received “something like three times as much funding per officer compared to the NCA”.

The agency said the lack of funding and attention given to kleptocracy – where a country’s elite use corruption to expand their wealth and power – had led to the UK being seen as a soft touch, attracting many oligarchs and corrupt figures to the capital, earning it the nickname “Londongrad”.

Last month the Commons foreign affairs committee said the government failure to tackle Russian kleptocrats laundering “dirty money” through the UK had resulted in millions of pounds used to finance Putin’s invasion of Ukraine flowing through London.

“I think it is fair to say we’ve all known about this problem for some time. It has taken time to work through,” the NCA source said. “Now we are making some process. We’re starting to shut some of those doors.”

However, he warned that the Home Office had asked the agency to model the effect of cutting its workforce by up to 40%. “We appreciate these are not easy economic times but having ringfenced funding means we can hire the right people.

“The real bit for me is that [the US] have had the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) for years, and the [UK’s] Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation (OFSI) is just trying to get up [and running],” he said. “OFAC have had a standing commitment for several hundred officers, and their level of investment has been substantial.”

The OFSI has only issued seven fines worth a combined £21m for sanction breaches since it was set up in 2016. By comparison, the US authorities issued 87 fines worth more than $1.5bn (£1.1bn) in the past five years.

The US’s KleptoCapture task force, which was set up following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine to punish rich individuals whom Washington accuses of enabling Vladimir Putin’s regime, has secured warrants to seize a $350m Boeing 787 Dreamliner and a Gulfstream G650ER owned by the sanctioned former Chelsea FC owner Roman Abramovich. It has also seized superyachts worth hundreds of millions of dollars from other oligarchs.

The NCA said it needed more resources and powers to investigate and take action against “enablers” who help sanctioned oligarchs and other kleptocrats to move their money and avoid law enforcement. “From private schools to auction houses to solicitors – you name it, they’ve used it,” the source said. “We need to push back on some of these enablers who have let this happen.”
He said about a dozen people had been arrested in recent weeks, including some lawyers. “Our intelligence also shows us that some individuals are choosing not to invest corrupt funds in the UK – this is about starting to push back on this concept of Londongrad, that people were free to come regardless of their money and do whatever they liked.”
Thousands of tonnes of steel had been paid for by European customers, including some in the UK.

He said that public sources and the company's own informants reported the steel was being transferred to Russia and sold in internal markets or to countries in Africa and Asia.

"What they're doing is basically looting. They're stealing not only our products, but also some of those products already belong to the European customers. So basically, they're not only stealing from us, they're stealing from the Europeans as well," Mr Ryzhenkov told the BBC.

He said the company was documenting as much of the theft as possible and was preparing to take future legal action.

"At some point in time, the Russians will be facing not only the international courts, but also the criminal courts. And we will be going after them with anything we have."

The BBC has approached the Russian Ministry of Defence for comment, but it has not responded to the accusations.

Prof Marko Milanovich, an expert on international law at the University of Reading, says there are a number of options to pursue a case, but prospects for success are less certain.

"Whichever legal options Metinvest chooses, it's a very difficult process and whilst looting is unfortunately quite common in conflict, suing the looting state and obtaining compensation is very, very rare indeed," he told the BBC.

"However, they might want symbolic satisfaction more than the money, and labelling Russia as a law breaker would be a big deal."
Turkey says a deal has been reached with Russia to allow Ukraine to resume exports of grain through the Black Sea.

It is to be signed on Friday in Istanbul by Ukraine, Russia, Turkey and UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres.

The world shortage of Ukrainian grain since Russia's 24 February invasion has left millions at risk of hunger.

The invasion sent food prices soaring, so the deal to unblock Ukraine's ports is crucial. Some 20 million tonnes of grain is stuck in silos in Odesa.

Ukraine's foreign ministry confirmed that another UN-led round of talks to unblock grain exports would take place in Turkey on Friday - and a document "may be signed". President Volodymyr Zelensky said in his late-night address that Kyiv awaited news "regarding the unblocking of our ports".

But one Ukrainian MP close to the talks voiced caution over the deal.

"We don't have [an] agreement yet," Odesa MP Oleksiy Honcharenko told BBC Radio 4's World Tonight programme. "We don't trust Russians at all. So let us wait till tomorrow for a final decision and that there will not be some pushbacks from Russians and last-minute changes."

"I keep fingers crossed tomorrow we'll have a deal and Russia will really respect it."

The US State Department welcomed the UN-brokered deal, but said it was focusing on holding Russia accountable for implementing it.

"We should never have been in this position in the first place. This was a deliberate decision on the part of the Russian Federation to weaponise food," said the department's spokesman Ned Price.

Diplomats say the plan includes:
  • Ukrainian vessels guiding grain ships in and out through mined port waters
  • Russia agreeing to a truce while shipments move
  • Turkey - supported by the United Nations - inspecting ships, to allay Russian fears of weapons smuggling.
The deal is also meant to facilitate Russian exports of grain and fertiliser via the Black Sea.

mikä aseiden salakuljetus? mitä v..... se kuuluu viljanvienti sopimukseen?