Meinasin tulla kirjoittamaan hieman samaa, mutta olit nopeampi: tuosta syystä talvisodan alla jaettiin se kokardi. Muuten ei siviiliä olisi tunnistanut sotilaaksi. Sodan virallinen puoli menee toki kuten kirjoitat.
Ukraina on varmasti tehnyt samaa: mitä tahansa keinoja joilla saadaan etu viholliseen nähden. Joskus sekunnin murto-osa riittää, kun eivät tunnista viholliseksi tarpeeksi nopeasti.
Reaalimaailmassa kun eletään niin tällaista se sodankäynti on.
Lisää Venäjän asevoimien johdon tutkinnasta, toki lähde on Ukraina, joten voi olla propagandaa / maskirovkaa. Toki Ukrainalla on varmasti lähteitä Venäjällä, joten saavat tiettyä tietoa mitä siellä tapahtuu:
The fate of Shoigu and Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Federation Gerasimov hangs in the balance
12.08.2022, 11:41
More than a third of Russian generals and officers are under investigation.
According to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, about 30-40% of the generals and officers of the Russian Federation who planned a war against Ukraine have been removed from service and are under investigation in Russia. The fate of Russian Defense Minister
Sergei Shoigu and Chief of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces General
Valery Gerasimov also hangs in the balance.
This was
announced at a briefing by the head of the main operational department of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
Alexei Gromov . He noted that the repressive measures against the senior and senior officers of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are due to the failure of strategic plans in the Ukrainian direction.
“According to reports, Russian Defense Minister Shoigu and Chief of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces General Gerasimov remain in their positions solely to prevent discrediting the top military-political leadership,” Gromov said.
He added that, taking into account the recent explosions at the airfields "Saki" in the occupied Crimea and "Zyabrovka" in Belarus, new personnel decisions regarding the leadership are expected.