Ukrainan konflikti/sota


Fiolent has two divisions of S-400 missile systems.


Tuli mieleen, että jos tämäkin Sevastopolissa kuultu iso räjähdys on ilmatorjunnan alasampuma UAV / drone, niin ehkä Ukraina on tehnyt viimepäivien ajan aktiivista tiedustelua Krimin yllä? Ehkä heilläkin on suunnitelmissa vahva isku itsenäisyyspäivän kunniaksi? En ole huomannut että Ukraina olisi taipuvainen ajoittamaan iskuja "merkkipäiville" mutta eihän sitä koskaan tiedä. Paras olisi aina iskeä kun on tilaisuus eikä odottaa toista ajankohtaa.
Antonivskyn sillan kuvia odotellessa löytyi tällainen. Seuraavaksi katse kohdistunee yläjuoksun patosiltaan.

The Antonivskyi Bridge across the Dnipro River near the city of Kherson has literally "broken in half" following the Ukrainian military’s latest attack on the structure, a local resident says in an audio message posted on Telegram on Aug 22.

“Just so you know... Nastya’s mother called,” the local resident says in the message. “And she lives not far from the Antonivskyi Bridge. She says they f*cked it up in half! Get it? It’s f*cking gone. The bridge is no more. Basically, it just shattered into pieces there. There, in the middle of the bridge... Well, basically, there is no bridge... It’s no longer connected at all.”

The resident in the message also notes that fragments of the bridge had been blasted as far as the nearby village of Antonivka.

- The new voice of Ukraine
Shocked Patrick Stewart GIF

(Darya Duginan keissi)

Darya Dugina's assassination was almost certainly organised by the Russian FSB. Assuming this is true, then:
1. Order must've been explicitly/implicitly given by Putin
2. It was Darya, not Alexander who was the target
3. Alexander knew it ofc. He's just making show for a public

Chances are now 99% that the "National Republican Army" is an FSB operation. Received further confirmation. This assassination is what the #Putin regime needed to further tighten the screws in Russia.
@christogrozev - your thoughts?

So. The liquidation of Darya Dugina takes on a paradoxically critically comic color.

As you know, today, on the second day after the elimination of the daughter of the ideologist of the "Russian world", the Russian special services have already reported the discovery of the killer Darya Dugina. Oddly enough, she turned out to be Ukrainian.

And it would be strange if there was no Ukrainian trace, which was reported by almost all propaganda sites even before Dugina's body cooled down. In the literal and figurative sense.

In fact, it was funny for me to hear the version about the “Ukrainian trace” in the murder of Dugina from the very beginning, completely and completely.

Firstly, because it is well known that the car on which Dugin exploded was in a parking lot guarded by the FSO.

Secondly, the Land Cruiser with Dugina exploded 100 meters from the gates of a large regime facility of the FSB - the Golitsyn Border Institute of the FSB of Russia (Bolshiye Vyazemy, Mozhayskoye Highway, 75).

That is, if we now consider the version with the “Ukrainian trace”, then we must understand that the Ukrainian special services took an exorbitantly gigantic risk, in fact, an impossible mission, in order to… But what? Eliminate Dugin or Dugin?

And this impossible mission was carried out by a certain Natalya Vovk, who specifically for this purpose settled in the house where Dugin lived ... Hold me seven!

Simply, for understanding, the houses in which such characters as Alexander Dugin live are, in fact, the same secure objects. They are not inhabited by outsiders.

For example, in Moscow, along Academician Anokhin Street, employees of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation live. And both acting and undercover. And a stranger will move into these houses, he cannot!

Actually, do you feel the degree of absurdity of this performance? Indeed, many circumstances indicate that the FSB is behind the unsuccessful attempt on Alexander Dugin, the generator of thoughts from the clip of the Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. But why is this absurdity being catalyzed?

The answer is in the depths of the narrative that Ukraine carried out this special operation. And in the depths, this is the word AZOV ringing in the ears of Russians until the rupture of the eardrums!

Natalya Vovk, who was in the ranks of Azov, over the prisoners, from whose composition a non-trial will be held in the coming days, “kills” an innocent “girl”. That is, through the dissemination of just such a narrative, any verdict and any actions against Azov, which since the time of Mariupol personally Putin has been like a bone in the throat, will be justified.

In addition, this narrative should dehumanize Ukraine. First of all, in the eyes of our country's international partners. Like, he commits murders of "philosophers" in another country - the country is a terrorist.

Of course, this is a meaningless move, but it doesn’t matter to Moscow that he succeeds on the other side, it’s important to justify the trial of Azov and the showdown between the Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the FSB turned out to be just in time!

But, it should be understood that the conflict itself between the two power structures of the Russian Federation has not been exhausted and will only gain momentum. And this means that Dugin's Land Cruiser, in which Dugin burned down, is not the first and not the last luxury car that, after leaving the parking lot of a sensitive facility, suddenly ignites spontaneously.

But, of course, Ukraine will be to blame!
(Darya Duginan keissi)

Darya Dugina's assassination was almost certainly organised by the Russian FSB. Assuming this is true, then:
1. Order must've been explicitly/implicitly given by Putin
2. It was Darya, not Alexander who was the target
3. Alexander knew it ofc. He's just making show for a public
Kävi kyllä itellä mielessä tänään tuo villi skenaario, että Dugin ois tienny tuon. Eilen kävi jo mielessä, myös että mikäli partisaanijoukko on tuon iskun takana, niin pakko olla FSB:n kontaktien kanssa yhdessä tehty isku.
100% fsb-schnikit tehneet darjan, tarkoitus oli tappaa molemmat, mutta tehneet hutin. Syy vain yksi: tehdä hirvittävä teko, teloittaa azovilaisia taistelioita, nyt juonnittelleet jo jotain että viisarit menisivät Ukrainaan ja Azov-taisteljoihin.
Ei vankeja saa teloittaa! Mutta mitä niille terroristi säkille Kremlissa meinää..Sanat loppuu..

FSB-ssa jo määriteltyy syyllisen:
FSB:n mukaan Duginan murhan tekijä on Viroon tapahtuneen rikoksen jälkeen paennut Ukrainan kansalainen.
FSB kutsuu murhan väitetyn tekijän nimeä - Natalya Vovk, syntynyt vuonna 1979. Raportin mukaan hän saapui Venäjälle 23. heinäkuuta 12-vuotiaan tyttärensä kanssa. Murhapäivänä Vovk ja hänen tyttärensä olivat Tradition-festivaalilla, jossa Dugina oli läsnä.
"Duginan kuljettaman Toyota Land Cruiser Prado -auton hallitun räjähdyksen jälkeen 21. elokuuta Vovk ja hänen tyttärensä ajoivat Pihkovan alueen läpi Viroon", FSB sanoi lausunnossaan.