Ukrainan konflikti/sota

Sitä en ymmärrä miten mafia syntyi kgb miesten keskuudessa? Miten siihen päädyttiin kun käsittääkseni neuvostoliiton lopussa järjestynyttä rikollisuutta ei ollut olemassa. Ei ainakaan kukaan puhunut siitä samalla sävyllä ysärillä kuin nyt.

Jahas, veli Antares ehti ensin laittamaan mafia-jutun...

FSB tietää syylliset: Ukrainan tiedustelupalvelut, teon tekijä ukrainalainen ja pakeni Viroon. Ei mitään nähtävää, hajaantukaa.

Nopeaa ja tehokasta toimintaa, kuten FSB:ltä on totuttu odottamaan.


Now that the FSB is claiming #Dugina was killed by a Ukrainian who fled to Estonia, it is interesting to note how often the Kremlin seems not to appreciate the dangers in trying to explain reverses away by, frankly, incompetence. A short thread

Consider the supply depots blowing up because, allegedly, of an incautious cigarette. OK, I get the desire to deny that Ukraine can accurately and effectively target these hubs, but it means embracing a notion that incompetents set them up and other incompetents manned them

Now, we have the claim that a Ukrainian with a 12-year-old in tow carried out the attack, trailing Dugina in a mini with multiple number plates, then insouciantly headed for the Estonian border and passed through without any hitch

Who knows, maybe it's true, but it also would suggest a pretty major failure on the past of the MVD/FSB. I think this is a major Kremlin blind spot, to fail to appreciate how its evolving narrative is actually painting it as incompetent (as it often is, it has to be said)

This is, after all, central to the nationalist critique of Putin's - that for all his macho managerialism, be is actually a poor champion of Russian interests, irresolute, corrupt and incompetent. How many less rabid types may also be feeling this, as they wonder. If they might be next to be targeted? Fear can be a useful tool of the state - but not if people don't think the state can also offer security. Sure, blaming Kyiv is easy and we'll no doubt see some retaliation on Wednesday (Ukraine's Independence Day), but in the long term I suspect this will be more corrosive for the Kremlin's myth of competence and narrative of victory.
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Alkaa örkeillä olemaan ideat lopussa, kun eivät syntipukkeja tuon syvemmältä kaivele...

Venäjä syyttää vuonna 1979 syntynyttä ukrainalaisnaista Darja Duginan murhasta. Tietotoimiston mukaan nainen olisi saapunut Venäjälle 23. heinäkuuta 12-vuotiaan lapsensa kanssa.

Ihan varmaan joo :ROFLMAO:

The most exciting news these few days, involves the question of how the Ukrainians managed to employ American supplied AGM-88 High-speed Anti Radiation Missile (HARM) against Russian radar equipment when they don't have any Western aircraft capable of using the Air-Launched HARM which requires special avionics to be integrated into the aircraft using it.

It has now been revealed that the Ukrainian Air Force managed to integrate the AGM-88 HARM onto their Mikoyan-Gurevich Mig-29 Fulcrum's with the help of technicians from Raytheon. Raytheon is the American company that manufactures the AGM-88 HARM.

But, the deeper question of HOW the American technicians managed to put it off? To integrate Western weaponry into a 1980's vintage Soviet era design is no walk in the park. The answer? The Americans had prior experience with the Mig-29 Fulcrum and deep technical knowledge of the aircraft that helped them to develop a way to integrate the AGM-88 HARM onto it within a short time and with apparently little effort.

Back in 1997, the Americans acquired 21 units of Mig-29 Fulcrum-A, the newer Fulcrum-C and a single twin-seater Fulcrum-B conversion trainer, seen here being loaded into a USAF Boeing C-17 Globemaster III, from Moldova. The acquired aircraft were literally studied to the last bolt by the USAF's National Air and Space Intelligence Centre (NASIC) formerly and perhaps better known as the Foreign Technology Division (FTD).
These early model Mig-29 Fulcrum-A and Fulcrum-C are similar, if not identical, to the models that the Ukrainian Air Force is flying today.

Hence, any information that the Americans gained from the Moldovian units 25 years ago is still relevant and useful. It is this technical knowledge gained from the exploitation of enemy equipment that gives the Americans their edge.

Aleksandr Dugin calls for Russia to punish Ukraine for his daughter’s death.

Aleksandr Dugin in 2016.

The outspoken Russian ultranationalist Aleksandr Dugin called on Monday for revenge against Ukraine and for Russia to push on in its invasion, in his first comments since a car bombing killed his daughter.

The Russian authorities on Monday blamed Ukraine for organizing the killing of his daughter, Daria Dugina, on Saturday on a highway in an affluent district outside of Moscow.

Mr. Dugin, who Russian media reports said was driving in a separate car behind his daughter when the blast went off, said she had been “brutally killed by an explosion in front of my eyes.”

He said the attack was an “act of terror” that had been “carried out by the Nazi Ukrainian regime,” repeating the Kremlin’s false description of Ukraine as a Nazi state.

“Our hearts yearn for more than just revenge or retribution,” Mr. Dugin said in a statement issued by an associate, the ultraconservative business magnate Konstantin Malofeev. “We only need our victory. My daughter laid her maiden life on her altar. So win, please!”

Mr. Dugin has often been described as “Putin’s brain,” although the relationship between the two men is opaque and, some analysts say, overstated. But Mr. Dugin has been one of the most visible proponents of the idea of an imperial Russia at the helm of a “Eurasian” civilization locked in an existential conflict in the West.

A leading advocate for the conquest of Ukraine, he recently has urged the Kremlin to escalate its assault on Ukraine.

Aleksandr Dugin calls for Russia to punish Ukraine for his daughter’s death.

Aleksandr Dugin in 2016.

The outspoken Russian ultranationalist Aleksandr Dugin called on Monday for revenge against Ukraine and for Russia to push on in its invasion, in his first comments since a car bombing killed his daughter.

The Russian authorities on Monday blamed Ukraine for organizing the killing of his daughter, Daria Dugina, on Saturday on a highway in an affluent district outside of Moscow.

Mr. Dugin, who Russian media reports said was driving in a separate car behind his daughter when the blast went off, said she had been “brutally killed by an explosion in front of my eyes.”

He said the attack was an “act of terror” that had been “carried out by the Nazi Ukrainian regime,” repeating the Kremlin’s false description of Ukraine as a Nazi state.

“Our hearts yearn for more than just revenge or retribution,” Mr. Dugin said in a statement issued by an associate, the ultraconservative business magnate Konstantin Malofeev. “We only need our victory. My daughter laid her maiden life on her altar. So win, please!”

Mr. Dugin has often been described as “Putin’s brain,” although the relationship between the two men is opaque and, some analysts say, overstated. But Mr. Dugin has been one of the most visible proponents of the idea of an imperial Russia at the helm of a “Eurasian” civilization locked in an existential conflict in the West.

A leading advocate for the conquest of Ukraine, he recently has urged the Kremlin to escalate its assault on Ukraine.
Tappakaa, tappakaa, tappakaa Dugin! :uzi:


Takaisin vakavien asioiden pariin: liekö ydinvoimalan provokaatio ajoitettu Ukrainan itsenäisyyspäivälle? Spekuloidun ohjusiskun lisäksi? Mitä muuta lie valmistelleet.

Russians could set off fire at Zaporizhia NPP as provocation move - intelligence source​

22.08.2022 10:20

The armed forces of the Russian Federation have placed large volumes of motor fuel throughout the premises of the Zaporizhia Nuclear Power Plant, which suggest preparations for a possible provocation involving a fire.

Oleksandr V. Danylyuk, head of the Center for Defense Reforms, coordinator of the interdepartmental platform for countering hybrid threats, which operates within the framework of Ukraine-NATO cooperation, announced this on his Facebook page, citing a source in Ukrainian intelligence, Guildhall reports, according to Ukrinform.

“Ukrainian intelligence sources at the Zaporizhia Nuclear Power Plant report that the Russians, contrary to safety precautions, have placed significant amounts of motor fuel throughout the plant,” the report says.

“A provocation with the setting off a fire is possible,” the expert said.

“This is also indicated by the direction of additional units of the Russian army’s radiation, chemical and biological protection forces to the plant,” summed up Oleksandr V. Danylyuk.

It should be recalled that Russia refused to remove weapons from the ZNPP territory.

Russian Permanent Representative to the UN Vasily Nebenzya claimed that Russia needed weapons to "protect" the seized nuclear power plant from "terrorist attacks."

Earlier, the UN Secretary General called for the establishment of a security perimeter around the ZNPP and the pullback of Russian troops. António Guterres stressed that the nuclear power plant should not be used as part of any military operation.

The UюSю also called for setting up a demilitarized zone around the ZNPP and withdrawing the Russian military from the site.

Russia has placed on the ZNPP premises explosives, artillery, and armored vehicles, ignoring safety rules. In addition, the Russian military began to set up provocations in Enerhodar in order to accuse the Ukrainian military of shelling the nuclear power plant.
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Aleksandr Dugin calls for Russia to punish Ukraine for his daughter’s death.

Aleksandr Dugin in 2016.

The outspoken Russian ultranationalist Aleksandr Dugin called on Monday for revenge against Ukraine and for Russia to push on in its invasion, in his first comments since a car bombing killed his daughter.

The Russian authorities on Monday blamed Ukraine for organizing the killing of his daughter, Daria Dugina, on Saturday on a highway in an affluent district outside of Moscow.

Mr. Dugin, who Russian media reports said was driving in a separate car behind his daughter when the blast went off, said she had been “brutally killed by an explosion in front of my eyes.”

He said the attack was an “act of terror” that had been “carried out by the Nazi Ukrainian regime,” repeating the Kremlin’s false description of Ukraine as a Nazi state.

“Our hearts yearn for more than just revenge or retribution,” Mr. Dugin said in a statement issued by an associate, the ultraconservative business magnate Konstantin Malofeev. “We only need our victory. My daughter laid her maiden life on her altar. So win, please!”

Mr. Dugin has often been described as “Putin’s brain,” although the relationship between the two men is opaque and, some analysts say, overstated. But Mr. Dugin has been one of the most visible proponents of the idea of an imperial Russia at the helm of a “Eurasian” civilization locked in an existential conflict in the West.

A leading advocate for the conquest of Ukraine, he recently has urged the Kremlin to escalate its assault on Ukraine.
Nyt on Mainilan laukaukset ammuttu. Sitten tulevat ohjukset ja raketit. 👏
Eikös jopa Bätmännin väikkäri todistanut, ettei mitään itämafiaa oikeasti ole olemassa?
Ei, vaan että venäläinen järjestäytynyt rikollisuus ei toiminut merkittävällä tavalla Suomessa.