Ukrainan konflikti/sota

Eiliseen Krimin mystiseen poksumiseen (Cape Fiolent) liittyviä vahvistamattomia huhuja.
Eilisen Cape Fiolentin tapahtumien mukaan, jossa jotain poksahteli ja savutti, ei ole vieläkään selvää, mitä se oli ja miten. Mutta joidenkin verkossa liikkuvien versioiden perusteella tämä kaikki näyttää erittäin koomiselta ja häpeälliseltä venäläisten miehittäjien kannalta.
Yhden version mukaan palon aiheutti pudonnut P-800 Oniks -ohjus. Joko hän kaatui itse tai venäläinen ilmapuolustus ampui hänet alas.

P-800-ohjukset ammuivat säännöllisesti Odessan aluetta. Ei kulunut päivääkään, ettei niitä olisi käynnistetty kaupunkiin ja alueelle.
Mutta nyt niitä ei käytännössä käytetä. Ensinnäkin siksi, että niistä on tullut melko vähän. Saatavilla olevien tietojen mukaan täysimittaisen Ukrainan hyökkäyksen alkaessa Venäjän federaation asevoimien käytössä oli hieman yli 400 tällaista ohjusta.

Tällä hetkellä, jos kyseessä oli P-800:n laukaisu, niin se laukaistiin melko pitkän tauon jälkeen. Tällainen tauko viittaa siihen, että nyt P-800:t ovat vain Venäjän federaation varastossa ja varastosta poistaminen ei ole helppoa, repin sinetin irti ja vein sen "lataukseen".

Aseiden, ammusten ja tarvikkeiden säilytysolosuhteet Venäjän federaatiossa ovat kaikkien tiedossa. Ja tällaisen varastoinnin jälkeen kaiken pitäisi olla kuin lisähuoltoa ja jopa korjauksia. Ja siksi en ihmettele, jos se todella oli P-800, joka poistettiin varastosta ja iloksi päätettiin lähettää se Odessan alueelle, vain se ei kelvannut käyttöön, minkä seuraukset tarkkailimme eilen.

No, versio, että tämä ohjus ei pudonnut itsestään, vaan että venäläinen ilmapuolustus olisi voinut ampua sen alas, on täysin hauska. Hyökkääjien ilmapuolustus on niin julma, että se ei ammu alas epäilyttäviä UAV:ita Krimin puolustusministeriön yläpuolella taivaalla, vaan ampuu alas omat ohjuksensa!

Itse asiassa, että ensimmäinen, että toinen versio, molemmat paljastavat hyökkääjät erittäin arvottomassa valossa. Mutta kuinka arvottomina koko maailma näkee ne jo kuuden kuukauden sodan jälkeen, missä se on mahdollista? Tai ehkä?

Joku osannee myös sanoa mitä lie nämä tutkapuikot(?) oikein ovat?
Katso liite: 66017

Alueella on ohjuslaukaisualueita, maavalleja IT:lle ja vielä viime vuonna käytössä ollut sotilasrekkavarikko (ironisesti kirkon takapihalla). Toinen varikko, ampuma-alue, vanha SAM-site (s-300/400), sekä metässä piilossa olevia puikkoautoja.
Kuva sen verran iso että voi zoomailla.
Katso liite: 66028
Oisko nuo puikot se ryssien hf-suuntimo/häirintä vehe. En nyt muista tyyppiä. Kuitenkin siinä on pitkät mastot
The G7 today welcomed a trip by the UN nuclear watchdog to Ukraine‘s Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant and reiterated concerns about the safety of the plant under the control of Russian armed forces.

In a statement reported by Reuters, it said:

We reaffirm that the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant and the electricity that it produces rightly belong to Ukraine and stress that attempts by Russia to disconnect the plant from the Ukrainian power grid would be unacceptable.

As we reported earlier a team from the UN nuclear watchdog said it was on its way to the plant that was captured by Russian troops in March but run by Ukrainian staff, and will reach it later this week.
Ericsson said today it will gradually wind down business activities in Russia over the coming months.

The company, which suspended its business in Russia indefinitely in April, said it has about 400 employees in Russia and would provide financial support to affected employees, reports Reuters.

A number of Western companies are selling their Russian businesses after announcing suspensions of operations in the weeks after Moscow invaded Ukraine in February.

Dell Technologies Inc said on Saturday it had ceased all Russian operations after closing its offices in mid-August.

Its Finnish rival Nokia had already announced its decision to pull out of Russia, impacting about 2,000 employees.

The Finnish company did not respond to a request for comment on when the exit will complete.
European Union defence and foreign ministers will meet in Prague this week to discuss options for setting up a military training mission for Ukrainian forces and also look into calls by some members to ban Russian tourists from entering the bloc, reports Reuters.

The bloc’s foreign policy and security chief, Josep Borrell, has given few details of his plans so far, merely stating such a military training programme would not be based in Ukraine but in neighbouring countries.

In meetings on Monday and Tuesday this week, officials will also discuss a proposed visa ban for Russians.

The Czechs, who currently hold the EU’s rotating presidency, are pushing for an EU-wide ban on visas for Russian tourists, an idea supported mainly by the Baltic countries.

However, Germany, some other member states and Borrell reject such a move, arguing it might breach EU rules and cut off escape routes for Russian dissidents.

The Lithuanian foreign minister, Gabrielius Landsbergis, has said Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Finland, which all share a border with Russia, may act on their own to block tourists if the EU does not agree on a union-wide ban.

The Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, called on the west earlier this month to impose a blanket travel ban on Russians, drawing an angry rebuke from Moscow.
Russia is increasing mobilisation reserves and plans to mobilise about 90,000 military personnel, according to Ukrainian intelligence.

The representative of the main directorate of intelligence of the ministry of defence of Ukraine, Vadym Skibitsky, said in a statement on Sunday:

At the same time, different approaches are used: so-called volunteer battalions, and reserve battalions, battalions of the so-called ‘combat army reserve of the country’ (BARS), which they are now recruiting in each military district in order to replenish losses, increase their efforts, and to increase the number of the very group that can be used against our state.”

According to Skibitsky, Russia is having significant problems in equipping its armed forces.

Time is running out, they did not receive a blitzkrieg. Will the mobilisation of more people in the Russian Federation help? Probably not, after all. Because the morale of military personnel, as they conduct combat operations, decreases, firstly. Secondly, there are fewer and fewer willing to enter the ranks of the Soviet Union on a voluntary basis. In addition, panic has begun among the population of large cities, because no one wants to simply go to serve in the armed forces, let alone go to war.”
Ukrainians are likely to experience the coldest winter in decades, its gas chief has said, as the thermostats on its Soviet-era centralised heating systems are set to be switched on later and turned down.

Yurii Vitrenko, the head of the state gas company Naftogaz, said indoor temperatures would be set at between 17 and 18C, about four degrees lower than normal, and he advised people to stock up on blankets and warm clothes for when outdoor temperatures fall to and beyond the -10C winter average.

“Heating season”, the period when the central heating is on, will come later and end earlier, said Vitrenko.

The target depends on Ukraine’s international allies giving it the necessary funds to import 4bn cubic metres-worth of gas, as well as no wildcards playing out – such as Russia destroying gas infrastructure or further decreasing its gas supplies to Europe.

“Without the [western] financial support we will lack gas and it will mean we’ll have really high risks for the power system [going] down,” Vitrenko said. He described how Naftogaz backed up some of Ukraine’s power companies with gas in March when coal supplies were halted by the war. “[Otherwise] there would have been no electricity,” he said.

“[Without the gas imports], there will be blackouts in big parts of Ukraine,” Vitrenko said. “In terms of heating, if we don’t have this 2bn cbm of gas, then it will mean some of the households will not get enough heating … so it will be really too cold.”

Ukraine produces about 60% of the gas it needs domestically and imports the rest from its European Union neighbours at market prices. The country stopped buying gas from Russia directly in 2014, though it still consumes much of the same Russian gas that comes via pipelines through Ukraine from EU suppliers.
Ukraine needs about $10bn to import gas. Vitrenko said he thought its allies understood the need but he could not be confident Ukraine would get the funds because “it’s very difficult to be confident during a war”.
Oisko nuo puikot se ryssien hf-suuntimo/häirintä vehe. En nyt muista tyyppiä. Kuitenkin siinä on pitkät mastot
Juu taitaa olla samanlaisia kuin tällä videolla.
Murmansk-BN (venäjäksi Мурманск-БН) on venäläinen KamAZ-5350- kantorakenteeseen asennettu mobiili rannikkosähköinen sodankäyntilaite , joka otettiin käyttöön vuonna 2014 Venäjän armeijalle .

Se on rannikon lyhytaaltojen sähköinen sodankäyntijärjestelmä . Järjestelmä voi suorittaa COMINT- toimintoja sieppaamaan ja tukahduttamaan vihollissignaalit jopa 5000 kilometrin etäisyydellä ja suorittamaan operatiivisen tason häiriöitä lyhytaaltokaistalla .

Kompleksi on asennettu seitsemään KAMAZ-ajoneuvoon. Antennikompleksi on asennettu neljään korkeintaan 32 metrin korkeuteen. Normaali käyttöönottoaika on 72 tuntia. Kompleksi pystyy havaitsemaan ja tukemaan tyypillistä lyhytaaltoista radioviestintää (HF) ja häiritsemään korkeataajuisten radioviestintälinjojen toimintaa vihollisen operatiivis-strategisessa ja operatiivisessa-taktisessa komento- ja ohjausyksikössä.
Viimeviikoisten sentinel kuvien mukaan tuolta varikolta on kaikki kalusto liikutettu muualle (ukrainaan sotimaan tai lähemmäs rajaa). EW systeemit kuitenkin taitavat edelleen olla siellä (tämän aamun SAR-kuvien perusteella).
2022-08-29-00 00_2022-08-29-23 59_Sentinel-1_AWS-IW-VVVH_SAR_urban.jpg
Viime viikko (24.8.) - huom alueelle rakennettu jotakin uutta vs Google Earth kuvat.
2022-08-24-00 00_2022-08-24-23 59_Sentinel-2_L2A_True_color.jpg
Viimeksi muokattu:
Belgium's energy minister has warned that EU countries will face five to 10 terrible winters if nothing is done to reduce natural gas prices.

Calls are mounting for an EU-wide cap on the price of gas and its decoupling from the price of electricity.

EU states have been struggling with huge energy price hikes since key gas supplier Russia invaded Ukraine in February, triggering sanctions.

Countries backing Ukraine are trying to cut imports of Russian gas and oil.

Russia, which supplied the EU with 40% of its gas last year, has in turn restricted supplies.

Belgian Energy Minister Tinne Van der Straeten wrote on Twitter that gas prices in Europe needed to be frozen urgently, adding that the link between gas and electricity prices was artificial and needed to be reformed.

"The next five to 10 winters will be terrible if we don't do anything," she said. "We must act at source, at European level, and work to freeze gas prices."

Electricity prices have also been soaring in Europe, and reached record highs this week.

"We have to stop this madness that is happening right now on energy markets," Austria's Chancellor Karl Nehammer said.

Electricity prices must go down, he said, calling on the EU to decouple electricity and gas prices.
"We cannot let [Russian President Vladimir] Putin determine the European electricity price every day," he added.

Ainoa asia mikä hinnoissa on mennyt ylös on maailman markkinahinta. Kapasiteetti ei ole muuttunut, mutta jostain syystä homma on pörseistä kiinni. Kannatan tätä poliittista päätöstä hintojen jäädyttämisessä.
So will Putin’s friends in the west help rescue the beast from the east? Belarus’s Alexander Lukashenko is already in Putin’s pocket. Moscow ensured the dictator survived after his theft of the 2020 presidential election provoked nationwide protests. Lukashenko will do as he’s told.

Inside the EU, Viktor Orbán, Hungary’s prime minister, is seen as Putin’s Trojan horse. Like many on Europe’s far right, Orbán admires his intolerant nationalist ideology and shares his racist, homophobic outlook. He has repeatedly obstructed EU sanctions. Last month he cut a unilateral gas deal with the Kremlin. Orbán plainly cannot be trusted.

The collapse in June of Bulgaria’s reformist government and subsequent talk of repairing relations with Moscow fuels concern that Putin is gaining leverage to divide the EU.

Italy has plenty of Putin fans, too. Leaders of two far-right parties that are expected to join a ruling coalition after next month’s elections have enjoyed close ties with Moscow over the years. Matteo Salvini’s League formed an alliance with Putin’s United Russia in 2017. Silvio Berlusconi of Forza Italia is a personal friend. Italy’s ousted prime minister Mario Draghi took a tough line on Ukraine. That may change.
Putin can also rely on mainstream non-EU politicians such as Aleksandar Vučić, Serbia’s president, for a sympathetic hearing. Vučić has been dubbed “little Putin” by opponents. Serbia has profound historical, Slavic and religious ties to Russia, plus a shared distrust of Nato. The alliance’s 1999 bombing of Belgrade is not forgotten.
Kosovo, where ethnic Serb agitation is building again, is a case in point. Vučić last week threatened international peacekeepers with intervention. “We will save our people from persecution and pogroms if Nato doesn’t want to do it,” he said. Bosnian Serb leaders tied to Moscow also threaten new ruptures in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Bosnia has echoed Serbia’s rejection of “hysterical” western sanctions. In March, pro-Putin Bosnian Serb “Night Wolves” bikers cheered the invasion.

En millään usko että putleri lähtee pakoon. Hänen maine on sellainen että euroopan maaperälle paettuaan, hän on raudoissa pian sen jälkeen ja matkalla Haagin lasikoppiin.
Germany has ordered overnight shutdowns for non-essential digital signage, to save its reserves of natural gas for more important purposes.

Like many European nations, Germany relies on gas imported from Russia. And thanks to Russia's illegal invasion of Ukraine, that gas is currently in short supply.

The European Union has therefore implemented an energy saving plan. One of Germany's tactics is requiring digital signage in shop windows and other non-essential locations to be turned off between 10:00PM and 6:00AM. Germany will also stop external lighting of some public buildings and implement many other power-saving measures.

The plan [PDF] requiring the switch-off was published on August 12, with a deadline of September 1.

But as German outlet Invidis reports, reports, the regulation was unhelpfully vague. For starters an updated ordinance [PDF] appears to have made the simple mistake of substituting 06:00 and 16:00 – meaning digital signage could only run from 4PM to 10PM.

Invidis also pointed out that digital signage at bus stops and train stations can do double duty displaying ads and timetable information.

Exceptions for such dual-purpose signs have been arranged.

Those errors and ambiguities have reportedly left those who run digital signs unsure of what they needed to do and worried they might miss the deadline.

Further complicating matters is a requirement to turn off the screens altogether rather than leaving the displays blank.
Tuo ydinvoimala kuvio on kyllä vähän himmeä. Venäläiset miehittää aluetta. Voisi kuvitella että se on ukraina joka kyseistä aluetta pommittaa?
Ja juuri sitä Venäjä haluaa muiden ajattelevan, että se olis Ukraina joka sitä pommittais.
Since Russia-backed trolls flooded Facebook and Twitter with disinformation around the 2016 US elections, the social media firms have improved their ability to bust disinformation networks. The companies frequently take down propaganda accounts linked to authoritarian states, such as Iran, Russia, and China. But it’s rare that Western disinformation efforts are discovered and exposed. This week, the Stanford Internet Observatory and social media analysis firm Graphika detailed a five-year operation that was pushing pro-Western narratives. (The research follows Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram as they remove a series of accounts from their platforms for “coordinated inauthentic behavior.”)

The propaganda accounts used memes, fake news websites, online petitions, and various hashtags in an attempt to push pro-Western views and were linked to both overt and covert influence operations. The accounts, some of which appear to use AI-generated profile pictures, targeted internet users in Russia, China, and Iran, among other countries. The researchers say the accounts “heavily criticized” Russia following its full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February and also “promoted anti-extremism messaging.” Twitter said the activity it saw is likely to have originated in the US and the UK, while Meta said it was the US.

Many of the techniques used by the online influence operation appear to mimic those the Russia-backed accounts used in the buildup to the 2016 elections. It’s likely, however, that the Western influence operations weren’t that successful. “The vast majority of posts and tweets we reviewed received no more than a handful of likes or retweets, and only 19 percent of the covert assets we identified had more than 1,000 followers,” the researchers say.
No joo..voihan sitä katsoa peiliinkin. Luotettiin liikaa "kasakkaan"...Oltiin hyväuskoisia ja lompakko hieman löysällä takataskussa. "Kasakka tuli jo otti vain sen mikä oli löysästi kiinni."
- se kävi kalliiksi

Ehkä viimein ymmärretään (niin meillä kuin muuallakin) että ryssälle rikollisuus, politiikka ja talous on samalla tavalla sodankäyntiä kuin aseelliset hyökkäykset naapurimaita vastaan.
- ryssän mielestä kaikki on hyväksyttävää jos itse hyötyy ja muut kärsii vahinkoa.

Ehkä tästä on jotain opittu..
Ja ahneita ne on ollu Suomessa yksityishenkilötkin. Kuinka helvetisti on myyty tontteja ja maata sille eniten tarjoavalle välittämättä siitä kuka se on.

Tohon Teknohipin väkivaltafantasiaan en lähde. Kuulostaa siltä että hänen mielestään vahvemmalla on aina oikeus väkivalloin ottaa se minkä haluaa heikommaltaan:

"Helpoiten ja nopeimmin tilanne korjaantuu kun ryssää hakkaa riittävästi. Näin se oppii että sitä kaasuhanaa ei kannata väännellä kiinni."

Mieluummin autetaan ukrainaa pätkimään vasemmalta ja oikealta kunnes ymmärtää mennä kotiinsa ja sen jälkeen lopetetaan niiden kanssa leikkiminen kokonaan. Tulevaisuudessa ostetaan sieltä transaktioperustaisesti ne raaka-aineet mitä ei muualta saada ja maksu vara kun tavara vaihtaa haltijaa.