Väitetysti tässä olisi ryssän sotilas, mahdollisesti upseeri kertonut näkemyksiään. Ei tietysti kyetä vahvistamaan näitä sanoja mutta paljon samoja juttuja mitä on kuultu jo aikaisemminkin:
A narrative from Russian soldier, likely officer, who fought this war. Unverified.
His forecast:
⁃ Russian generals likely to initiate a counter counteroffensive
⁃ but shortage of Russian infantry & human reserves to plan a pincer operations
⁃ Russian infantry lacks experience in using own mortars (no adequate training, coordination, comms)
⁃ new Russian 13 Corps run short on many military specialties, particularly signals PAX that can operate modern digital equipment
⁃ selection to command positions: plt/squad leaders designated on the spot, not trained
⁃ “saw an attack led by three officers - a physician, a signals and a political officer”
⁃ “this is not a network centric warfare”
⁃ many new, who just signed contracts, break it immediately after the first contact with combat worn troopers
⁃ if Russian military insists on offensive (pressed by the politicians), Russian armed forces will face the choice of truce or mobilization,
⁃ but if it turns to positional warfare, Russia will run short on arty munitions
⁃ soon rains will turn ground next to impassable
⁃ no spare parts for trucks, almost all repairs: makeshifts.