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Ylen hankkimat satelliittikuvat osoittavat, että Venäjä on haalinut hyökkäyssotaansa Ukrainassa runsaasti ilmatorjuntaohjuksia jopa Pietarista asti, vaikka miljoonakaupunki kuuluu Venäjän ilmapuolustuksen kaikkein tärkeimpiin alueisiin.
Satelliittikuvat paljastavat esimerkiksi, että Pietarin luoteispuolella Terijoen alueella Karjalankannaksella sijaitsevasta tukikohdasta on hävinnyt kesän aikana paljon sekä ampumalavetteja että ohjuksia.
Pietarin alueen kaluston siirroista ei ole aiemmin kerrottu julkisuudessa Venäjällä tai länsimaissa.
Pietarin ympärillä on ollut tiiviinä kehänä 14 ilmatorjuntaohjustukikohtaa, joiden on määrä suojata Venäjän toiseksi tärkeintä suurkaupunkia. Nyt useampi niistä on tyhjänä.
– Kuvien perusteella neljä ilmatorjuntatukikohtaa on tyhjennetty kalustosta, sanoo sotilasasiantuntija Marko Eklund.
Majuri evp. Eklund on seurannut Venäjän asevoimia yli 20 vuoden ajan. Hän analysoi satelliittikuvia Ylen pyynnöstä.
– On todennäköisintä, että pois viety materiaali liittyy ensisijaisesti vanhaan S-300-järjestelmään, Eklund sanoo.
Uuden ja vanhan järjestelmän tärkein ero on, että S-400-järjestelmään kuuluvien ohjusten pisin kantomatka on kaksinkertainen vanhoihin verrattuna.
Useista päivityksistä huolimatta S-300-järjestelmän ohjukset alkavat olla Venäjällä väistyvää kalustoa.
Kaluston siirrot Pietarista Ukrainaan ovat kuitenkin poikkeuksellisia. Eklund uskoo, että ohjuskaluston häviäminen Pietarin liepeiltä johtuu nimenomaan siitä, että Venäjä on tarvinnut ohjuksia hyökkäyksessään Ukrainaa vastaan.
Jo ennen kajoamista Pietarin ilmatorjuntaohjuksiin Venäjä on todennäköisesti vienyt rintamalle ohjuksia niistä tukikohdista, jotka sijaitsevat joko lähempänä Ukrainaa tai Pietarin miljoonakaupunkia vähemmän tärkeillä alueilla.
Eklund on satelliittikuvien perusteella tutkinut esimerkiksi Keski-Venäjällä Voronežin kaupungissa sijaitsevaa ilmatorjuntaohjustukikohtaa. Puolet sen ohjuskalustosta hävisi jo ennen toukokuuta. Pietarin ympäristön kalustomuutokset ovat tapahtuneet vasta kesällä.
Ukrainan puolustusministeriö arvioi (siirryt toiseen palveluun), että Venäjällä on jäljellä enää alle 200 Iskander-tyyppistä ballistista ohjusta.
Ukrainalaisen sotilasasiantuntijan (siirryt toiseen palveluun) Oleg Katkovin mukaan Venäjä käyttää S-300-ilmatorjuntaohjuksia nimenomaan terrorisoidakseen tavallisia ukrainalaisia.
Ampuminen vaikka umpimähkään vihollista kohti on helppo keino päästä eroon vanhentuvista ohjuksista.
– Suomessa vanhentunutta kalustoa räjäytetään vuosittain Lapissa Pokan alueella. Vaikuttaa siltä, että ensilinjan sotamateriaalin vähetessä Ukrainasta on tulossa jonkinlainen Venäjän Pokka, Eklund sanoo.
31-vuotias Jevhen Pronin elää arkea, joka voi kuulostaa monesta käsittämättömältä.
Kuluvana kesänä Ukrainan yleisurheiluliiton puheenjohtaja on ollut vuoroin kansainvälisten urheilutapahtumien katsomoissa ja kabineteissa, vuoroin pommittamassa venäläissotilaiden tukikohtia Ukrainassa.
– Toukokuussa olin Münchenissä Euroopan yleisurheiluliiton hallituksen tapaamisessa. Sen jälkeen palasin sotimaan. Kesäkuussa matkustin MM-kisoihin Eugeneen, palasin rintamalle ja elokuussa lähdin Münchenin EM-kisoihin. Sitten taas sotaan. Se on elämääni nyt, Pronin sanoo.
Kun Pronin puhuu elämästään ja valinnoistaan, hän saa kaiken kuulostamaan luonnolliselta. Sinänsä kyky vakuuttaa kuulija ei ole mikään ihme. Pronin on paitsi Ukrainan yleisurheilun keulahahmo ja sotilas myös kotimaassaan korkean profiilin asianajaja.
Hänen asianajoyrityksensä on edustanut tunnettuja nimiä, kuten Venäjällä vakoilusta tuomittua ukrainalaistoimittajaa Roman Sushtshenkoa ja venäläistä ihmisoikeusjuristia Mark Fejginia.
Jos kaikki olisi mennyt kuten Pronin aikoinaan kuvitteli, hän keskittyisi nyt lakifirmansa pyörittämiseen ja toimisi sen ohella taustaroolissa Ukrainan yleisurheiluliitossa.
Elämä noudattaa kuitenkin harvoin etukäteen laadittua käsikirjoitusta.
The US president, Joe Biden, used an interview with CBS’s 60 Minutes programme on Sunday night to warn Vladimir Putin that the use of nuclear or other non-conventional weapons against Ukraine would prompt a “consequential” response from the US.
When asked what he would tell Putin if the Russian leader was mulling such a move, he said: “Don’t. Don’t. Don’t.”
Biden praised the Ukrainians for their gritty fight against the Russian invasion and said: “They’re defeating Russia”.
Asked how to define victory for Kyiv, he said: “Winning the war in Ukraine is to get Russia out of Ukraine completely.”
But given the scale of human suffering and destruction inflicted in resisting the Russian onslaught, “it’s awful hard to count that as winning”, he added.
Reuters has more information on the Russian strike on the Pivdennoukrainsk nuclear power plant in the early hours of Monday:
Russian troops struck the Pivdennoukrainsk nuclear power plant in Ukraine’s southern Mykolaiv region early on Monday but its reactors have not been damaged and are working normally, Ukraine’s state nuclear company Energoatom said.
A blast took place 300 metres away from the reactors and damaged power plant buildings shortly after midnight, Energoatom said in a statement. The attack has also damaged a nearby hydroelectric power plant and transmission lines.
Energoatom said:
It published two photographs showing a crater it said was caused by the blast. In one of the pictures a man stood in the crater to give a sense of its size.Currently, all three power units of the PNPP (Pivdennoukrainsk Nuclear Power Plant) are operating normally. Fortunately, there were no casualties among the station staff
Commenting on the strike on the Telegram messaging app, Ukraine‘s President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said:
There was no immediate Russian reaction to Ukraine’s accusations.The invaders wanted to shoot again, but they forgot what a nuclear power plant is. Russia endangers the whole world. We have to stop it before it’s too late.
The Mykolaiv region has been under constant rocket attack by Russian forces in recent weeks.
Russia is highly likely to have lost at least four combat jets in Ukraine within the last 10 days, taking its attrition to about 55 since the beginning of its invasion, the British military said on Monday.
There is a realistic possibility that the increase in losses was partially a result of the Russian air force accepting greater risk in a move to provide close air support to Russian ground forces under pressure from Ukrainian advances, the defence ministry said in its daily intelligence on Twitter.
Russian pilots’ situational awareness is often poor, it said. “There is a realistic possibility that some aircraft have strayed over enemy territory and into denser air defence zones as the frontlines have moved rapidly.” (Via Reuters)
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has added to the small group of countries excluded from the Queen’s funeral in London today, as AFP reports:
Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin – under a travel ban to the UK due to sanctions – had already said he would not attend.
But not inviting any Russian representative to the Queen’s funeral was “particularly blasphemous towards Elizabeth II’s memory” and “deeply immoral”, the foreign ministry spokeswoman in Moscow said on Thursday.
Russia and Belarus have embassies in London and their presidents sent King Charles III messages of condolences.
Other countries with no invitations are Myanmar, Syria, Venezuela and Taliban-ruled Afghanistan.
Ukrainian military said on Sunday that its forces repelled attacks by Russian troops in the areas of the Kharkiv region in the east and Kherson in south where Ukraine launched counteroffensives this month, as well as in parts of Donetsk in the south-east, Reuters reports.
It said Ukrainian troops had advanced to the eastern bank of the Oskil River in Kharkiv region.
“From yesterday, Ukraine controls the east bank,” it said on Telegram. Serhiy Gaidai, governor of the neighbouring Luhansk region, said this meant the “de-occupation” of his region was “not far away”.
Viher/vas taistelee viimeiseen saakka siitä että rajoja ei voi laittaa kiinni, koska heillä on pelko että rajat voi laittaa myös siirtolaisilta/pakolaisiltakin jossain vaiheessa.Ihmisyys velvottaa, kansaiväliset sopimukset, ihmisyys....!Tämä on kyllä asia, joka menee ihan yli ymmärryksen. Kreikka ja Puola? estivät matujen invaasion. Suomelle tämä ei käy, koska kansainväliset sopimukset. Nyt Viro, Latvia, jne estävät ryssien turistien matkailun, mutta Suomelle ei käy, koska kansainväliset sopimukset. Vattu, mitä rangaistuksia tuli Kreikalle tai Puolalle. Jos Suomi estää ryssien ostosmatkailun, mitä rangaistuksia tulee. No ei vattu mitään. Samarinin hillopaikkaako tässä suojellan vai mitä.
The Russian singer Alla Pugacheva has spoken out against the war in Ukraine and the “death of our boys for illusory goals”.
The remarks are the first time that the pop star, an icon in Russia, has publicly criticised the conflict.
Her husband, Maxim Galkin, joined journalists, human rights activists and Kremlin opponents in being labelled a “foreign agent” last week for opposing the war.
Addressing the Russian justice ministry, Pugacheva told her 3.4 million Instagram followers: “I am asking you to include me on the foreign agents list of my beloved country.
“Because I stand in solidarity with my husband, who is an honest and ethical person, a true and incorruptible Russian patriot, who only wishes for prosperity, peace and freedom of expression in his motherland.”
She said her husband wanted “the end of the deaths of our boys for illusory goals that make our country a pariah and weigh heavily on the lives of its citizens”.
Aika suppea otanta, mutta lienee tarkoitukseen sopiva..kyllä syypää löytyy näistä DDR-Tawjoista ja kaikenlaisista saksalaisista stallareista. EU oli Putinin huora
Kyllä tässä valitettavasti taitaa tilanne niin olla että jos ei venäläisillä täytetä Finnaireja, loppuu lennot. Myös liike-elämän lennot ovat riippuvaisia näistä venäläisistä koska koneita ei ole varaa puolityhjänä lennellä.
Tätä olen itsekin ajatellut oikeaksi syyksi. Ei helvetti sentään, mikä moraali. Pitääkö tässä ruveta keräämään Finnair boikottia kasaan seuraavaksi.
Putinin ruplat mahdollistivat meidän omien idioottivihreiden tekemät energiapoliittiset päätökset, joista me nyt kärsitään. Vaikka Putin väänsikin hanat kiinni, kyllä syypää löytyy näistä DDR-Tawjoista ja kaikenlaisista saksalaisista stallareista. EU oli Putinin huora ja me annettiin sen tapahtua omien silmiemme alla, vaikka kyllä mm. meillä on moni varoitellut tästä asetelmasta sen 20 vuotta. Tämän takia virolaiset nauravat meille.
Putin on aivopessyt kansaa 23 vuotta, eikä sitä ihan heti saada korjattua vaikka aloitettaisiin huomenna...Tässä virolaishaastattelussa todetaan että Putin kaatuu todennäköisemmin sotilasvallankaappaukseen kuin varsinaiseen kansannousuun. Ja tämän jälkeenkin venäläisten pääkopassa jyskyttää armoton imperialismi ja halu kyykyttää pienempiä ja heikompia kansoja. Ruski Mir poistuu, mutta siinäkin menee about 40 vuotta.
Analyst: Generals most likely to overthrow Russian regime
If there is to be a change of regime in Russia, it will most likely come in the form of a military coup, analyst of Russian politics Vladimir Juškin says. But it will take decades for the imperial mindset to disappear in
Ukrainian civilians were fleeing heavy fighting on Sunday, as Russia’s armed forces tried to hold off a further dramatic advance by Ukrainian troops in the north-east of the country.
Cars packed with families streamed out of the city of Kupiansk, which Ukraine recaptured just over a week ago as part of a stunning counter-offensive. Residents said they had been forced to leave because of heavy day and night shelling. The Russians were bombarding the town and surrounding villages, they said.
In the space of a few days Ukraine managed to recapture almost the entire Kharkiv region, liberating at least 300 settlements. Demoralised Russian troops pulled back to a new defensive line on the east bank of the Oskil river, which is about 10 miles from the largely destroyed city of Izium. Others fled across the border back to Russia.
Kupiansk, a strategic railway junction, sits on either side of the river. It is on the new frontline after Ukrainian forces on Friday crossed to the right bank. They are now poised to push further into Luhansk province, which the Kremlin and its local proxies have controlled entirely since June, and partly since 2014.
Locals in Kupiansk said they had been told to evacuate, and that the explosions were very loud. The city was now without electricity and water and it was difficult to get a proper phone connection, they said, adding that people were hiding in their basements or had taken refuge in their garages.
On Sunday, buses were ferrying civilians to the town of Shevchenkove, outside the range of artillery fire. Hundreds of people who had spent six months under occupation queued in the central square to register with the authorities. Others travelled in battered Lada cars and waited by the side of the road at checkpoints.
“We spent two days sitting in our cellar. It was impossible to carry on like that so we decided to leave,” said Valery Prihodko. He said he and his relatives had fled Kupiansk and had no clear plans as to where they would go next. “The fighting is pretty bad,” he said.
Ukrainian armoured vehicles were visible on the road heading to Kupiansk. The Kraken special forces unit, which was established in Kharkiv in March, said it was in control of the frontline city. It has played an active role in this month’s lightning offensive, in which Ukraine has retaken 300 settlements and an area half the size of Wales.
The unit posted a video of dead Russian soldiers killed in fighting. On Saturday it published a second video that showed Russian prisoners repainting a Kupiansk entry sign the blue and yellow colours of the Ukrainian flag. “They are cleaning up their own garbage. What remains is to force these scumbags to rebuild everything they destroyed,” a message read.
Russia is urging Uefa to ban the manager of the Ukraine men’s national team from football after he expressed a wish to fight Vladimir Putin’s invading forces, the Guardian can reveal.
The Football Union of Russia has written to the governing body accusing Oleksandr Petrakov of discriminating against Russians and failing to remain politically neutral.
Denis Rogachev, the deputy secretary general of the FUR, cited comments carried in two newspapers – Italy’s Corriere dello Sport and Russia’s Sport Express – as evidence of Petrakov’s guilt.
In a letter to Uefa’s control, ethics and disciplinary body, Petrakov is accused of breaching codes of conduct by calling for Russians to be banned from international sport and talking about his hopes of joining the armed forces.
Rogachev’s carefully worded letter to Uefa does not make reference to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the war in which thousands of civilians and military personnel have died.
“The statements by the head coach of the Ukrainian representative football team, Oleksandr Petrakov, are made against the background of the political conflict between the two countries – Russia and Ukraine – and represents a political message which obviously violates the fundamental principle of political neutrality,” he wrote.
“Moreover, the head coach’s behavior (sic) can be regarded as involvement on (sic) promoting public hatred on [a] national basis and [the] use of football to assert the (sic) political views.”
The FUR claims that Petrakov effectively made a “call for violence” and that his comments are “discriminatory on a national basis, as Oleksandr Petrakov calls for suspending all Russian athletes and imposing this sanction to all citizens of the Russian Federation without any legal justification”.
Russian football clubs and national teams have been suspended from all competitions by Fifa and Uefa but the ban does not cover individual players.
A Uefa spokesman said: “We cannot comment on individual cases. When complaints are received, they are dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the disciplinary regulations. We have no further information to provide you with at this stage.”
Ukrainan yleisurheilupomo edustaa ykköset päällä maailmalla, mutta palaa aina tärkeään tehtävään sotatantereelle – Jevhen Pronin muistuttaa Suomen esimerkistä
Ukrainan yleisurheiluliiton puheenjohtaja on ollut kesän aikana välillä kansainvälisissä yleisurheilutapahtumissa ja välillä pommittamassa venäläissotilaiden tukikohtia
Asianajajat ei ole pelkkiä pukumiehiä
At the beginning of summer, several months after the Russians had taken over a large chunk of southern Ukraine in the first days of the war, the headteacher of a school in an occupied town gathered his teaching collective for a meeting.
The school would cooperate with the Russian occupation authorities, he told them, and reopen for the new school year in September, teaching the Russian curriculum.
“Ukraine has abandoned us and isn’t coming back, and now the Russians are making us offers. If we don’t accept, they’ll send new people from Russia to run the school who won’t have any attachment to it. It’s better that we stay here and try to take care of it,” he told the assembled staff, as recalled by Halyna, the school’s longstanding deputy headteacher.
She said: “About one-third of the teachers agreed, but for me, I knew there was no way I could work for the Russians.” She told the headteacher she was quitting.
When she went back to the school a few days later, the headteacher told her that all the school’s Ukrainian textbooks would be destroyed in the coming days, so if she wanted anything, she should take it home with her.
Halyna visited her classroom and filled a plastic bag with poems in Ukrainian that her students had written, which had been pinned to the walls. She also took her favourite pot plant. As she left the building, she could see workers removing posters of Ukrainian national heroes from the corridors.
“Imagine, I worked in that school for more than 25 years. I walked out of there, alone, carrying a pot plant and a bag of poems, tears streaming down my face,” she said, her voice breaking as she described the moment.