Ukrainan konflikti/sota

Russia’s failure to target Ukrainian integrated air defenses at the outset of hostilities in February have cost it at least 55 fixed-wing combat aircraft, while about 80 percent of Ukraine’s Air Force remains intact according to a senior U.S. Air Force general.

Most if not all of those shootdowns were caused by Ukrainian surface-to-air missile (SAM) attacks on Russian aircraft, according to Gen. James Hecker, commander of U.S. Air Forces in Europe and Africa.

“We’re pretty sure all of those losses were due to surface-to-air missile attacks from Ukraine on the Russians, primarily SA-10 and SA-11s,” Hecker told The War Zone and other outlets on Sept. 19 at the Air Force Association’s annual Sea-Air-Space conference outside Washington, D.C. As The War Zone pointed out in this previous story, air defense systems are more critical to the defense of Ukraine than fighters.

“The Russians lost other aircraft, just recently they lost one on takeoff that crashed because of maintenance practices, not shot down,” Hecker said. “What’s not included in the 55 that I talked about are the ones that they lost on the ground
Hecker's numbers match the database of visually-confirmed equipment losses being kept by Oryx, an independent open-source analyst, which lists 53 Russian fixed-wing military aircraft destroyed and two damaged beyond repair.

The Russian air force has noteably failed to gain air superiority as the war unfolded beginning in February. That has allowed the Ukrainian Air Force to continue operating jets and helicopters within its own territory and protected much of Ukraine’s ground from airstrikes.

Hecker said the Russian Air Force essentially neutered its fighter force by failing to locate and target Ukrainian air defenses early in the war.

“They weren’t really making a concentrated effort of going out and going after those integrated systems,” he said. “They were just sitting back, so it kind of took their fighters a little bit out of the fight. So, now what they’re doing is using their long-range bombers carrying cruise missiles … and firing those from outside of engagement zones.”
Pentagon Spokesman Air Force Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder said the votes would not be recognized by the U.S. and that Ukrainian territory held by Russian forces rightfully belongs to Kyiv. Ryder joined French President Emmanuel Macron, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs Dmytro Kuleba in calling the referenda a “sham.”

“This is simply an information operation that's meant to distract from the difficult state that the Russian military currently finds itself in right now,” Ryder said during a press briefing at the Pentagon. “But no one will view such sham referenda with any credibility and the US certainly will not recognize the outcome of any sham elections. And so, in terms of how that will affect us and international support to Ukraine, it will not we will continue to work with Ukraine and our international partners to provide them with the support they need to defend their territory.”
A set of dubious referendums regarding the annexation of various Russian-occupied areas in eastern and southern Ukraine are set to come in the next week or so, according to Russian state media. This, in turn, would help provide a pretext for a formal declaration of war on Ukraine and putting the entire country on a true war footing. The term 'mobilization' continues to come up in Russian media, but it relates to more than just a general idea. Here's what it means and why it is so important.

Mobilization, or 'mobilizatsiya' in Russian, is a relatively well-defined set of authorities that are ostensibly regulated by Russian law. A key aspect of the legal parameters is the need for Russia to be in a formal state of war for mobilization to be declared, hence the need for a pretext given the current unprovoked war on Ukraine. Officially declaring occupied areas to be Russian territory would allow the Kremlin to claim, regardless of the facts, that its soil is under attack from Ukrainian forces. Currently, the Russian government describes what it is carrying out in Ukraine as a "special military operation."
How long it might take for the Russian military to train anyone newly conscripted following a mobilization announcement, even to the most basic standards, remains to be seen. Reports have emerged repeatedly over the years about the dismal state of Russia's military training enterprise, which is understood to be hampered by extremely poor infrastructure and to be rife with hazing and other more serious abuse.

Whether Russian industry is ready for a mobilization of any kind is also a matter of debate, especially after months of crippling international sanctions. The conflict has already exposed how reliant Russia's defense industry is on foreign supply chains, especially when it comes to electronic components. There have been strong indicators that the country is having trouble replenishing its substantial materiel losses, as well as meeting basic logistics demands, not to mention finding replacement personnel.
With Russian forces currently on the defensive in many respects, it is not unreasonable to wonder whether the Kremlin may be looking for a way to freeze the current conflict and secure at least some of its gains. A so-called escalate-to-deescalate strategy involving at least the threat of nuclear weapon use has been postulated as one way Russian authorities might seek such an immediate halt in the fighting.
Kodrad Muzykan arvio milloin mobilisaatio näkyisi rintamalla:

I assume that the first called will appear on the front within 5-6 weeks at most.

Vastaa Jaroslaw Wolskille, viitatun viestin käännös:

Thanks to mobilization, they will be able to replenish the fighting units and partially rotate the soldiers in about 60-80 days. It will take about 120-180 days for new TS to be placed on the stored TS. I believe that, unfortunately, they have such an opportunity.

Konrad Muzykan arvio olisi "reilu kuukausi - puolitoista kuukautta" kun taas Wolski kirjoittaa "60-80 päivästä" eli kaksi - vajaa kolme kuukautta. Toki puhuvat hieman eri asiasta, toinen puhuu "ensimmäisistä rintamalla" ja toinen "taistelevien joukkojen täydennyksestä ja osittaisesta rotaatiosta".

Aika näyttää miten käy, mobilisaatio on vasta julistettu tänään aamulla.

The EU will remain “steadfast” in its support of Ukraine in the face of Russian aggression, European Council president Charles Michel said.

Writing on Twitter, Michel said there was “only one aggressor” in the war in Ukraine after Vladimir Putin warned the west he was not bluffing when he said he would be ready to use nuclear weapons to defend Russia.
Protests have already begun to take place in Russia in response to Vladimir Putin’s announcement of a partial mobilisation of reservists.

The Russian anti-war movement Vesna has called for demonstrations in cities and towns across Russia at 7pm local time (16:00 GMT) today in protest against mobilisation.

In an appeal on its website, organisers said:

We call on the Russian military in units and at the frontline to refuse to participate in the ‘special operation’ or to surrender as soon as possible.

The statement continued:

You don’t have to die for Putin. You are needed in Russia by those who love you. For the authorities, you are just cannon fodder, where you will be squandered without any meaning or purpose.
Australia’s foreign affairs minister Penny Wong has condemned Vladimir Putin’s threats of nuclear retaliation and demanded Russia stop its “illegal, immoral” war against Ukraine.

Putin earlier today said Russia had “lots of weapons to reply” to what he called western threats on Russian territory and added that he was not bluffing.

Writing on Twitter, Wong said:

Australia condemns President Putin’s threats to use “all means” at his disposal. Claims of defending Russia’s territorial integrity are untrue.
Nearly all flights out of Russia were sold out just hours after Vladimir Putin declared a partial mobilisation of reservists.

Google Trends data showed a spike in searches for Aviasales, Russia’s most popular website for buying flights, after Putin’s announcement sparked fears that some men of fighting age would not be allowed to leave the country.

Flights from Moscow to the capitals of Georgia, Turkey and Armenia, all destinations that allow Russians to enter without a visa, were sold out within minutes of Putin’s announcement, according to Aviasales data.

Within hours, direct flights from Moscow to Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan had also stopped showing up on the website. Some routes with stopovers, including from Moscow to Tbilisi, were also unavailable.

The cheapest flights from Moscow to Dubai were costing more than 300,000 roubles (£4,320) – about five times the average monthly wage.
The Estonian prime minister Kaja Kallas, one of the hardline opponents of Vladimir Putin, urged the west not to waver in the face of Putin’s nuclear blackmail.

She said :

This is the first time that the Kremlin leadership has spoken after the counteroffensive of Ukraine. They need to show that they are taking the initiative. If Russia cannot win conventionally, they threaten with nuclear weapons and look for ways to demonstrate a political victory.

President Putin’s speech was meant to scare the international community. As for nuclear threats, the aim is the same as it has been so far – it is to fuel fear and terrorise the wider publics. The Kremlin is blackmailing the international community and wants to scare us and deter us from helping Ukraine. Europe will not tire; we will continue to defend and uphold the principles of European security and international law.

Nato is a defensive alliance and a nuclear alliance. Unlike Russia, we don’t threaten the world with nuclear catastrophe. Threatening with nukes belongs to the arsenal of a pariah state. This is completely irresponsible and unacceptable.

German police have raided several properties understood to belong to the Russian oligarch Alisher Usmanov, including his villa on Tegernsee lake in the southern state of Bavaria, on suspicion of money laundering and violations of EU sanctions.

A special unit consisting of over 250 police officers on Wednesday morning searched properties registered to a Russian citizen at three addresses in the municipality of Rottach-Egern in Upper Bavaria, the Munich state prosecutor said in a statement.

Reports by the news magazine Der Spiegel and the broadcaster Bayrischer Rundfunk identified the individual as Usmanov, an ally of the Russian president, Vladimir Putin.

In the operation, which was still ongoing on Wednesday morning, properties were also raided in the southern state of Baden-Württemberg, and Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein in northern Germany.

Usmanov, an early Facebook investor who made his fortune in mining and sports, has been hit with sanctions and asset freezes by the European Union, the US, the UK and Switzerland over Russia’s war in Ukraine.
The Munich state prosecutor said a Russian citizen on the EU sanctions list of 28 February had violated Germany’s foreign trade law by continuing to pay a security firm to watch over his properties in Upper Bavaria, thus violating the asset freeze.

The public prosecutor in Germany’s financial capital, Frankfurt, which was also involved in the raids, told the Guardian it was investigating the same individual on suspicion of money laundering, over suspicious transactions linked to offshore accounts.

The 71-year-old Russian citizen, the Frankfurt prosecutor said in a statement, was suspected of making financial transactions of several million euros between 2017 and 2022 with the overriding goal of disguising the funds’ origins.

“The suspicion is that the transferred funds were gained through criminal activities, especially through tax evasion offences,” the prosecutor said.
Usmanov, once said to be the UK’s richest person and a former shareholder of the English football team Arsenal, is suspected of evading several hundreds of millions of euros of tax in Germany.
tuntuuko tutulta :cool:
Mahtaa siellä poteroissa makaavia ryssiä vituttaa kunhan kuulevat isänmaan uutiset (jos eivät kuole ennen sitä). Ollaan kuviteltu pääsevän pois helvetin koloista edes jossain vaiheessa, mutta nyt "soppari" jatkuukin määräämättömän ajan. Aijai.
Saa nähdä mitä tämä aiheuttaa esim vankilasta rekrytoituille joille on luvattu vapautus. Nähdäänkö millaisia kapinoita tai joukkoantautumisia.