Ukrainan konflikti/sota

Sillä välin Saksassa. Mitäköhän Putinilla on Scholtzista?
Valehteleva paska. Mainitut asiat eivät liity toisiinsa. Scholz tais olla Hampurin pormestarin pallilta ylennyt. Hampuri on ymmärtääkseni sellainen homokeskittymä, että ilman em porukan tukea siellä on huono hallita. Kompromaatti liittynee johonkin asiaa sivuavaan. Sitten on tietysti aina se raha/kavallukset...

Putin has memory lapses, age and stress may be taking toll, says Ukrainian diplomat​

Sun, September 25, 2022, 12:20 PM·2 min read

The Ukrainian diplomat drew attention to the failures in the memory of Russian dictator Vladimir Putin

The Ukrainian diplomat drew attention to the failures in the memory of Russian dictator Vladimir Putin

"What worries me is that I know this for sure, and I have seen it in practice: Putin has a good memory, but he has begun to lose it," Chaly said.

“I don’t know whether this is the result of stress and constant tension, or age takes its toll, but he’s losing his memory. He forgets names, dates, he has failures, and this is dangerous.”
The diplomat said such a person should not be in charge of a nuclear state, and that Putin is losing his ability to lead.

Neurologist Oleksandra Shchebet said in an interview with NV in early September that the Russian dictator was showing signs of losing his memory and seems to be having difficulties with critical thinking.

Earlier, Ukrainian military intelligence spokesman Vadym Skibitsky said in late August that Putin is mentally and physically ill and is showing signs of schizophrenia.

His (Putin’s) health condition is poor,” Skibitsky said.

However, he added that this would not stop the Russian dictator from waging his war on Ukraine.
“He will fight until the end of his days,” Skibitsky said.

He won’t stop and won’t give up. It’s a mistake to think that his health will affect the course of the war. He has one goal and he voiced it: ‘Peter the Great was fighting for 21 years, so I will fight for the same amount of time, and I will fight until I do what I dream of.’ All of the programmatic articles that he has written have demonstrated what kind of worldview he has.