Ukrainan konflikti/sota

Donik Roman tuli tutuksi Izyumin suunnan "kirjeenvaihtajana" keväällä ja kesällä. Sittemmin en ole hirveästi seurannut. Hänellä on usein pitkiä postauksia jotka liittyy materiaaliseen logistiikkaan, erityisesti drooneihin.

Kirjoittaa koekäytössä olevasta dronesta. Ilmeisesti samantyyppinen kuin mitä on vilahtunut joissakin videoissa.

""A powerful copter was put into service after trials and testing by pilots. It can carry almost 20 kg of useful explosive charge. After coordinating the group of pilots, we will complete all the necessary devices and let's go to kill fortune tellers. Thanks to everyone who helps.

v_stus kommentoi Svatoven suuntaa. Tähän liittyy yksi näitä Google translaten kielikukkasia.
Ukrainalaisten suut on kiinni, ja kun ryssäbloggaritkin on ilmeisesti pistetty enemmän FSB:n propaganda nuoraan niin jäämme odottelemaan mitä oikeasti tapahtuu.

Matchmaking [Svatove] direction.
Advance continues.
Occupiers are very hurt.
Everything else - later, no one canceled the silence mode.

Jaa niin Ukrainalaiset menisi helvettiin puolustamalla maataan? Atomikajahdus profiilikuvaan ja siunaamaan ukeja helvettiin. Hyvin trollattu alokas, hyvin trollattu.

Pidätän oikeuden ymmärtää trollauksen väärin.

Jaa niin Ukrainalaiset menisi helvettiin puolustamalla maataan? Atomikajahdus profiilikuvaan ja siunaamaan ukeja helvettiin. Hyvin trollattu alokas, hyvin trollattu.

Pidätän oikeuden ymmärtää trollauksen väärin.
Ei se ole niin justiinsa, oli huonosti ilmaistu. Kyllä sitä kaikki helvettiin joutuu sotahommien jälkeen, tappamista kuitenkin kaikki tyynni. Ja älä sure, olen kyllä Oikealla puolella vaikka filosofiani olisi paskaa 😃
PS. Castle Bravo valikoitui avatariksi koska ei ole muuta foorumia minne se sopisi 🥰
“Star Wars” actor Mark Hamill feels honored to be the first ambassador of Ukraine’s Army of Drones.

When they contacted me, first I was sort of in a state of shock. I’m not used to being contacted by world leaders,” Hamill told the Daily News.

Hamill, whose initial conversation with Zelenskyy lasted about 15 to 20 minutes, says the president’s background as an actor helped them connect even further as they discussed Army of Drones.

Hamill’s job is to represent Ukraine’s program for obtaining, repairing and replacing the drones used by the country’s armed forces to patrol borders and protect civilians. Through the fundraiser, Ukraine has received hundreds of unmanned aerial vehicles valued at more than $50 million so far.

Hamill encourages people to donate whatever they can, including actual drones.
Donations to Army of Drones can be made at


Yhden sotaa seuraavan pitkä vastaus, kun häneltä on kysytty "miksi sota alkoi":

In the last 24 hrs I have had a lot of people ask my why? Why did the invasion happen… Putin, the same with hitler, puten put in his book what he wanted to do, return the soviet union, he was adamant about it and he wants to return the USSR in his life time.

He has been telling everyone this for the last 20 years. No western leader took him at his word, that’s a fail.

He waited till trump was gone, nord streem 2 was ready, he felt the west was weak, and was told his military was the best in the world. And the biggest things.

The fall of Afghanistan, and the FSB told him that the way was paved in Ukraine with the 1.5 billion USD that was used to buy the ukr government off.

He was told that the ukr army was the same as in 2014, and the new president of ukr was a joke.

He listened to everyone around him say YES we can invade, and if someone spoke up they were fired or vanished. We saw that on live TV.

Putin nearly is never in Moscow any more, he spends his time at his house in the south.

He nearly never really talks to people and when he does he has yes men or talks to western leaders who he thinks are weak and are no real threat (Germany 180 tanks Russia 14000 (on paper)).

So all in all he has a plan he has been building for 30 years, been told that everything was ready, and in place…. Then when he pulled the trigger he used up most if his firepower in the first weeks.

Now his tac air force is probably at 40%, main battle tanks (T80 and above are probably 30%), paratroopers (40%).

BUT he is still being told they have another million troops and 10,000 tanks..

So in reality he is a victim of the system that is incapable of telling the truth, and he now probably knows that without a win he is finished and like hitler at the end thinks that Russia is not worthy of becoming the new CCCP.

and so is willing to burn it to the ground for failing him… as hitler did at the end of WWII taking the country with him.

its insane but he is wounded and it will take leadership or the people to stop him. all the west can do is take back ukr and let the ru people deal with putene the only country that can defeat russia right now is russia.. and when the truth comes out they will fix him


Yksi kommentti: I think it’s strange how ppl still say it was NATO expansion while ignoring what Putin has said and written.

Johon hän vastasi näin: he has stated it for the last 30 years what his plan was, he built up 300 billion in the bank, he was pouring billions into his military for offensive operations, not defense, he was buying off western leaders... it was all for 1 reason.. and NO ONE LISTENED


Kommenteissa oli myös terävä havainto: tästä sodasta tulee kovasti mieleen miten Irak valtasi Kuwaitin. Sekin oli esimerkki tilanteesta, missä diktaattori joka on tottunut saamaan tahtonsa läpi, päättää hyökätä naapurin kimppuun ja odottaa ettei siitä tule vakavia seuraamuksia.


Yksi lyhyt analyysi Valko-Venäjän ja Ukrainan rajaseudusta. Lyhyesti: kolme tietä jotka ovat kaukana toisistaan, paljon metsää ja suoaluetta. Hänen arvion mukaan Valko-Venäjän "ammattiarmeijan" koko on suunnilleen sama kuin tältä suunnalta hyökännyt kärki helmi-maaliskuussa, mutta tällä kertaa Ukrainalla on ollut kunnolla aikaa valmistautua (minun lisäys: monta kuukautta aikaa valmistautua, lisäksi heidän varustetilanne on selvästi parempi ja suurella määrällä joukoista on oikeaa sotakokemusta, mitä valkovenäläisillä ei ole alkuunkaan):

Would Pu-tin convince Lu-ka to invade Ukraine? Short answer - No.

The area hasn't changed since 24th Feb. There are 3 roads over the forest, over the desolate swampy area, 100 km apart. With 20km of the forest on their way it would be mostly impossible to move.

Maybe Belarus can provide a lot of manpower?

By 1 of March 2016, there were
14.5K Officers, 7K Sergeants and 25.5K Soldiers
There were also 3.5K cadets.
The number matches Russian forces at March, but Ukraine should be better prepared.
No one would pass the forest.

Equipment of AFRB:

517 T-72B;
20 T-72B3;

132 BRM-1;
13+ Cayman BRDM;

932 BMP-2;
58 MT-LB;

125 2S1 Gvozdika;
125 2S3 Akatsiya;
71 2S5;
12 2S19 Msta-S;
72 2A65 Msta-B;
128 BM-21 Grad;
36 9P140 Uragan;
MOR 120mm 14 2S12 Military Balance 2021.pdf (huom. avaa ison pdf-tiedoston, Military Balance 2021 julkaisu - suosittelen lataamaan)

How much is that in terms of people and equipment?

10K soldiers is ~ 1 month worth of people.

So the whole Belarus ground forces could extend the war for a month.

550 Tanks ~ 1.5 month worth of tech.
400 Artillery ~ 2 month ...

Is that the war Belarus wants to be a part of?

Viimeksi muokattu:
Ranskalainen kommentoi OPSEC-pyyntöä. Vähän valittelee että tuskin hänellä mitään uutta olisi sanottavaa, mitä ryssä ei tietäisi (arvelee satojen ryssän tiedustelumiehien käyvän läpi samoja kuvia ja videoita, mikä on myös oma oletukseni) mutta pitää kuitenkin kiinni pyynnöstä. Mikä on tietenkin täysin oikein.

“Star Wars” actor Mark Hamill feels honored to be the first ambassador of Ukraine’s Army of Drones.

When they contacted me, first I was sort of in a state of shock. I’m not used to being contacted by world leaders,” Hamill told the Daily News.

Hamill, whose initial conversation with Zelenskyy lasted about 15 to 20 minutes, says the president’s background as an actor helped them connect even further as they discussed Army of Drones.

Hamill’s job is to represent Ukraine’s program for obtaining, repairing and replacing the drones used by the country’s armed forces to patrol borders and protect civilians. Through the fundraiser, Ukraine has received hundreds of unmanned aerial vehicles valued at more than $50 million so far.

Hamill encourages people to donate whatever they can, including actual drones.
Donations to Army of Drones can be made at
Ihan A-luokan pelisilmäliikkeitä nämä Ukrainalta.
Ryssä voi korkeintaan toivoa jotain 80-vuotiasta mullahia jos haluaa uusia kasvoja kuluneiden sekopäiden seuraksi.

Kommenteissa oli viittaus tähän Foreign Policyn mielipidekirjoitukseen, joka on julkaistu heinäkuussa. On voinut olla täällä aikaisemmin, tosin on maksumuurin takana joten ei voi muuta kuin jakaa linkin sekä otsikon ja alusta pätkän (olisi mielenkiintoista lukea koko teksti, jos jollakulla sattuu olemaan se tallessa): LÄHDE

Vladimir Putin Often Backs Down​

The idea that Russia’s leader always fights to the finish is a myth.​

By Maria Snegovaya, a postdoctoral fellow in political science at Virginia Tech, and Brian Whitmore, a nonresident senior fellow at the Atlantic Council’s Eurasia Center.

There’s a well-known story about Russian President Vladimir Putin and a rat. As Putin tells it in his autobiography, as a child, he chased a rat around his family’s apartment building, eventually trapping it in a corner. The rat then lashed out, attacked the young Putin, and attempted to bite him.

This experience, in Putin’s words, taught him that if cornered, “you have to fight to the finish line in every fight” and “you need to assume that there is no retreat.”

Western officials have often cited this story for how Putin allegedly never backs down and is particularly dangerous when cornered.
Kurkistin Rybarin "mirror" tilille. Näistä jutuista voi uskoa aiempaakin vähemmän, mutta tässä yksittäisessä ketjussa on ihan kiinnostavaakin juttua. Käsittelee ryssien ajatuksia UA:n ryhmityksistä ja suunnitelmista etelän osalta. Huom. kartta on tuubaa, siihen ei kannata kiinnittää huomiota.
