Ukrainan konflikti/sota

Jep. Ja nyt nyt kun Israel vedettiin mukaan sotaan Iranin verivihollisena, on Venäjä virvelöinyt pelikentälle maailman parhaan elektronisen sodankäynnin maan, vastustajan penkille. Joten drone sodan lopputulos tulee olemaan selvä.

Israel sai syyn lähteä testaamaan uusia anti-Iran lelujaan tositoimissa. Suomikin hyötyy tästä koska käytämme Israelin ohjusjärjestelmiä ja radiotekniikkaa.
Eikä olis pahitteeksi jos pari operaattoria lipsahtais mukaan lomailemaan.
Hupaisaa ja samalla hyvin mielenkiintoista. Moskovassa mobilisaatio on "saatettu loppuun asti". Tästä taas hyvää settiä.

Aiheena Sergei Sobyanin (moskovan pormestari) ja Muskoviitit.

Putte & kaupungin pormestari taisivat saada jostakin syystä lähes slaagin kun yhdessä päättivät peruuttaa moskovalaisten mobilisaation.

Näyttäisi siltä mielestäni, että Putte ei halua että sota näkyy isoissa kaupungeissa. Moskovan osalta putte&co ovat ilmeisesti arvioineet tilanteen niin, että tilanne ei ole vakaa pääkaupungissa.

Telegrammeissa arvellaan, että ilmeisesti poliisin rekryämisotteet Moskovassa eivät olleet "asiallisia" ja tästä syystä moskovassa peruttiin rekryt. Moskovassa moskovalaisten pakkomobilisaatio nähdään siis niinkin suurena riskinä vakauden kannalta, että mobilisaatio saatiin virallisesti "suoritettua" ennen aikojaan. Kukaan ei oikein tunnu uskovan virallista totuutta ja aavistavat mitä taustalla saattaa piillä.

Referoin tässä jälleen Kamil Galeevin kirjoituksiin suurten kaupunkien "kuplista", mutta en postaa enää linkkejä - sen verran usein niitä postaillut. Historiikista löytää tai hänen twitter-sivultaan. Tämä siis koskien vain Moskovaa toistaiseksi - muualla valtakunnassa jatkukoot.

@regnum_na The tasks of partial mobilization in Moscow have been completed in full - mayor of the capital Sobyanin.
@pdmnews “The mobilized collection points close on October 17, 2022 at 14:00. Summons sent out in the process of mobilization to the place of residence and enterprises cease to be valid.”
@moskovskiyPul & @Preemnik It was decided not to escalate the situation in the capital region, reduce anxiety and try to seize the initiative on the topic of mobilization. From today in Moscow, they will stop looking for those who evade mobilization.
@master_peraThe news from Sobyanin about the closure of the capital's collection points for those mobilized from 14:00 on October 17 and the termination of the previously sent summonses, of course, is connected with a political decision at the top and an assessment of the situation in Moscow. Obviously, this situation is recognized as unstable.
@talk_talk Sobyanin couldn't resist mobilization. Tonight, it seems, the governor of the Moscow Region, Vorobyov, should also announce the termination of recruitment in the region. I also repeat that Sobyanin has not appeared offline for 2 weeks.
@SBelkovskiy Operation Z is less and less popular both among the Russian elites and among (not) expensive Russians, especially in the capitals. And Mayor Sobyanin cannot help but take an anti-war position, albeit a hidden one.
@anatoly_nesmiyanIt seems that in the translation what Sobyanin said sounds: "Now get out yourself." And his message is addressed primarily to the military, who failed the mobilization in the very first days, which is why the entire burden of administrative decisions was shifted to the governors.
@oreshkins We see this as Sobyanin's answer to the bacchanalia with the capture of mobilizers near the metro, police raids and other wild ways of serving subpoenas. As informed interlocutors say, the excesses of the last days were specially initiated by Sobyanin's opponents.
@plutovstvo007 From whom did Sobyanin get hit in the head so badly for the Friday round-ups near the metro that the mobilization in Moscow was urgently curtailed at noon on Monday?
@sevsealThe only question is where to put the video with police raids near the subway. On the other hand, everyone has already forgotten about QR codes to eat a cutlet in the canteen.
@rus_demiurge It looks like the information about how the military registration and enlistment offices in Moscow staged raids near the metro has reached the president.
@sorok40russia It looks like the President was brought to the attention of all the outrages that the conspirators began to create behind his back, shaking the situation in Moscow.
@MOS_NEWS The haste with which Sobyanin "completed" the mobilization in Moscow raises questions, doubts and various judgments...
@obrazbuduschego2 Now it is important that the authorities do not fail to cancel the mobilization in Moscow.
@anatoly_nesmiyanIn fact, now Sobyanin will spend his resources so as not to receive additions and clarifications to the mobilization plan. Carrying chestnuts for others, and even getting scolded for negligence, is a so-so pleasure.
@rusbrief Pyotr Bystrov: “New in electoral technologies. One of the basic images of a successful candidate - the image of a "miracle worker" - on the eve of the mayoral elections next year - was successfully updated today and presented to Moscow voters.
@lasombrian There were no particular doubts about Sobyanin's victory in the next mayoral elections. But the fact is that such events in the moment strongly work on the image. However, there is still a lot of time before the elections.
@exp_fdnBut who said that Sobyanin will take part in these elections, and will not leave for another position?
@kolezev The very fact that Sobyanin, who cares about his rating, appears as a deliverer from mobilization, speaks of two things. Firstly, that the mobilization is extremely unpopular among Muscovites (if suddenly anyone doubted). Secondly, that Sergei Sobyanin did not at all bury his 2024 ambitions.

Mobilisaatio muuten näin yleisesti:
Pietarissa on mobilisaation osalta sama tilanne, mutta k.o. kaupunkia ei nähdä samassa valossa kuin Moskovaa - epävakautta tuovana tekijänä.

Puten mukaan 222k olisi jo mobilisoitu ja 33k jo yksiköissä ja 16k rintamalla. Tässä tuli se aamuinen RUMINT sitten vahvistettua ilmeisesti Puten suusta...

Myös arvioidaan erittäin ansiokkaasti, että yleisen mobilisaation "tauko" osuu liiankin sopivasti palveluun astumisen päivämäärään, lisäksi painotetaan, että ryssän systeemi ei kykenisi händläämään mobilisaatiota ja palveluun astumista samanaikaisesti.

Myös hauska kommentti joukossa: Miksi moskovassa työskentelee edelleen 250,000 vartijaa? 🤔 :sneaky:
Tämä tuntuu aiheuttavan katkeruutta kansalaisissa. Miksi ryssän valtakoneiston jäsenet eivät päädy rintamalle, mutta tavalliset toimistotyöläiset yms päätyvät?

Rusbrief arvioi, että ryssää kohtaa demografinen katastrofi 2030 mennessä.

Lisäksi arvioidaan, että vallankumouksellinen skenario lähestyy (WW1).
> Rintama luhistuu
> Tyytymättömyys mobilisaatioon kasvaa
> Korruptio
> LaaLaaLandissa elävä johto

@kremlin_sekret Moscow has already completed its mobilization. But St. Petersburg is in no hurry to finish or even carry out at least some plans. In the second largest city in Russia, where the mobilization headquarters is headed by Alexander Beglov, little progress has been made.
@master_pera The situation is starting to look almost like Trotsky: no war, no peace, but disband the mobilization. The statement of the Moscow mayor Sobyanin on the completion of the mobilization in the capital is perceived more as a decree on its cancellation, rather than an end.
@obrazbuduschego2 for @wisedruiddPower comes from the fact that all its commands must be executed. But it's not. This hasn't happened for a long time. The story of the vaccination campaign, which has set everyone on edge, has demonstrated that the alliance of government and business (in this case) is not capable of being convincing for society.
@rus_demiurge Putin October 14: Partial mobilization will be completed in about two weeks. Now 222,000 have been mobilized, and there are already 33,000 mobilized in the units. Combat missions are performed by 16 thousand;
@anatoly_nesmiyanI don't really understand how a person can be prepared in 5 or 10 days, especially considering that he could serve 10-15 years ago. Simply put, even from Putin's words, one can conclude that the survival of the mobilized is not a significant task for the regime.
@oreshkins According to Putin, the mobilization will end in two weeks. And also according to Putin, now there is no need for massive strikes. That is, 300 thousand - this is now, while other tasks are standing. And what will happen next, no one knows and will not say.
@anatoly_nesmiyanMobilization will not end, but will take a break. In two weeks, November 1 will come - the date to which the "regular" draft has been postponed this year. Military registration and enlistment offices, even theoretically, will not be able to pull out two tasks at once: mobilization and planned conscription for military service.
@rusbrief Briefing: It is highly likely that the new campaign may start after the New Year, if nothing fundamentally changes by that time.
@neolginskie Have all the HSE graduates, Skolkovo employees, members of the Boiling Points, service personnel of the Yunarmiya, RDDM, Big Change left for the front? Finally, why do 250,000 security guards still work in Moscow?
@logikamarkovaI am sure that all security forces, all employees of law enforcement agencies must go through the SVO. Anyone who refuses should be fired. The security forces have both the experience of discipline and the experience of handling weapons. If 20% leave for NWO, the rest can redistribute their responsibilities.
@gramotyyaroslava The country passed the thorny and winding path from "20 kilometers to Kiev" to "it is necessary to prepare people for martial law" much faster than we would like. But this is not the whole path.
@obrazbuduschego2 via @wisedruidd Quality mobilization requires certain social reflexes. We have not developed them. And this is the biggest problem. Even in such peaceful times as now.
@RSaponkovWe were late with the mobilization, so for six months. Now we need time to turn around. The APU is well aware of this and will shove like the last time. Therefore, we will see the death of the mobilized, unfortunately, more than once.
@rusbrief Aleksey Raksha: The combination of mobilization and emigration can lead to the fact that we will lose from three to six percent of men capable and suitable to become fathers for some period or forever. In terms of demographics, this will lead to the fact that if no measures are taken, then we will reach the bottom of the demographic hole in 2030.
@russica2Roman Larionov: The end of mobilization, even if it ends in deeds and not just in words, will not change the fundamental picture of deep public concern, it has already sown the anti-war seed.
@anatoly_nesmiyan A classic revolutionary situation is coming. There is an increasingly less popular imperialist war, the collapse of the front, theft and betrayal in the rear, the loss of control, inadequate and out of touch with reality leadership. The whole set is assembled.

Olipas nautinnollista luettavaa ryssälähteistä!

Pähkinän kuoressa siis:
Putin pelkää Moskovalaisia ja peruutti mobilisaation siellä.
Tyytymättömyys mobilisaatioon kasvaa valtakunnan laajuisesti.
Vallankumouksellinen skenaario lähestyy.

Tuttuun tapaan lähteet linkkeinä google translaten kautta jos haluaa tutkailla.
Norjalainen tuumii, että nopea ratkaisu iranilaisten lentelyyn olisi kaivaa vanhat kunnon AA-tähtäimet käyttöön (ei toki ainoa ratkaisu mitä tarjoaa). Ei ole tietysti niin hyvä kuin tutkaohjattu raskaampi kaliiperi, mutta näitä ei kasva puissa:

Osuva kommentti:


Meillä on toki reilusti Sergeitä ja niille koulutettuja osaajia, joten ei jouduta miettimään näin triviaaleja ratkaisuja.
Nykytekniikalla olisi melko helppo tuottaa yksinkertainen, optinen, stereonäköön perustuva (kaksi kameraa) ja tabletissa pyörivä reaaliaikainen hitaan lentävän maalin sijainnin laskeva tähtäyslaite.

Pimeällä optinen tähtäys vaatii ir-kamerat ja lämpöjäljen (ellei kohdetta saada valaistua). Noilla taitaa olla aika pieni lämpöjälki, niin varmaankin täytyisi hakea pakoputken lämpöjälkeä ts. odottaa että drone on ehtinyt ohi ja ampua pyrstön suuntaan.
Ai tämmönen?
Katoin, että miksi keulassa on Antero Mertarannan kuva, mutta se olikin ruostetta lähemmin tarkasteltuna.

Katso liite: 69384
Jotkut näkee Jeesuksen paahtoleivässä, toiset... no joo.

50-luvun low tech on täydellinen vastaisku pakotteisiin. Sorvaavat varaosat itse kentällä ja kestää vaikka EMP:n. Tuon korkeampaa tekniikkaa ryssä ei enää tuotakaan.
Hetkinen, siis tuollaista 50-luvun kamaa venäläisellä varastoinnilla. Ja TOIMII.. ehkä PVn pitäis miettiä tavaran vanhenemista uudestaan. Onko heillä ammuksia myös pitkälle yli varastointiajan säilytetty?
Taitaa Kalkun huutokaupat olla huono valinta....
Ai tämmönen?
Lähinnä mielessäni oli perinteisen, optisen (silmään ja trigonometriaan perustuvan) hitaasti lentävän kohteen torjuntalaskujen automatisointi/nopeuttaminen kaupallisesti saatavilla komponenteilla (vrt. kaupallisten ja edullisten dronejen käyttö tulenjohdossa vs. kalliit tulenjohtojärjestelmät ja UAV:t). Joten aivan Kongsbergin suorituskykyyn ei tietenkään päästäisi, mutta good enough saattaisi riittää (vrt. kaupallisen dronen suorituskyky tulenjohdossa).

Noita yksinkertaisia laitteita olisi helppo saada puolustajien käyttöön runsaasti koska hinta ei olisi este, käyttöönotto olisi nopeaa, ja käyttäminen olisi helppo oppia, jolloin määrä korvaisi laadun (vrt. kaupallisen dronen hinta, saatavuus ja käytön helppous).

Menee jo OT.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Mark Hertling kirjoittanut ketjun Iranin droneista ja niiden torjuntakeinoista:

Today, Putin continued to commit war crimes. This time incorporating newly purchased Iranian drones to attack civilians. Many are commenting how to counter these weapons so it might be best to understand the Iranian Shahed 136 (Russia calls them Geran-2).

The Iranian Shahed 136 (we'll call it G2 for RU Geran-2) is termed a "loitering munition" drone, according to the Oryx handbook. It's one of dozens of Iranian drones of myriad types. Shahed translates as "witness," Geran is the RU for "geranium."

Facts about the G2:

-It has a published range of 2500 km (about 1500 miles). That's suspect.

-It weighs about 200 kg (≈ 450 lbs)

-The payload (explosives) are estimated to be ≈ 50-60kg (130 lbs of explosives, smaller than the lightest 250 lb bombs delivered by aircraft).

Shahed 136.jpg

-It's usually launched from a "rack" of 5 -It's launched w/ "rocket-assistance" (but that kicks over to a moped-type engine for flight).

-It does NOT have a camera

-It flies via GPS/satellite navigation.

-It's built from cheap & easily available parts; costs about $20k

Shahed 136 rack.jpg

-It's mobile (put on a truck, ships, etc)

-It has a nearly invisible radar signature, so it's very difficult to detect.

-It's designed to evade technologically-advanced & costly air defense.

-It's noisy, slow & visible when flying overhead.

Iran's design is cheap, small yield, difficult for advanced air defense to shoot down. Desire is to attack critical & easily damaged STATIONARY military targets: Airfields, radars, command centers, fuel & ammo dumps.

Unveiled in 2021, used in Yemen.

While Iran designed it for specific military targets... ...RU is using G2's as a terror weapons. Some have compared it to Hitler's use of V1 or V2 terror weapons used against England, but those had a higher yield, were more expensive, & were not precision weapons.

Some suggest these are another reason Ukraine needs more Air Defense (ADA). Would C-RAM (counter rocket, artillery, mortar) systems work? Recall, ADA relies on radar warning, defend a small area/point targets. It's impossible to predict G2 targets

For G2s, the best counter:

-electronic jamming

-shoulder-fired AD (Stingers)

-massed small arms fire

-Laser weapons (under development)

Though a few G2 struck buildings & caused civilian deaths today, there are also reports of most being engaged.

Drones are valuable weapons when used against military targets. When used for terrorizing civilians & civilian infrastructure, they are evidence of war crimes & Putin's increasingly failed attempts to subjugate Ukraine.

Sanoisin että hyvä ketju kokonaisuudessaan, mutta poimin siitä hänen tarjoamat torjuntakeinot eli ns. rusinat pulasta niille ketkä eivät välttämättä halua lukea koko kirjoitusta:

For G2s, the best counter:

-electronic jamming

-shoulder-fired AD (Stingers)

-massed small arms fire

-Laser weapons (under development)
Viimeksi muokattu: