Ukrainan konflikti/sota

Päitä aukee ja jotkut suree jotain puuropusseja. Syötäväksihän ne on tarkoitettu.
Joo. Mietin kyllä et mitä tapahtu aikuisten ihmisten suhteellisuudentajulle, milloin ja miksi.. ollut vuosia jo ihan tiessään, jo ennen korona-aikaakin, mutta etenkin sen ja tämän Ukrainan eskaloitumisen jälkeen..

AFU Destroy Russian Regiment With HIMARS Air Burst Strike​

13.01.2023, 11:03

AFU Destroy Russian Regiment With HIMARS Air Burst Strike

The Russian troops suffered major losses.

The AFU have destroyed an entire regiment of Russian troops with rocket artillery, hitting a cluster of occupation troops with an air-burst strike from HIMARS.

Heavy losses are reported in the Russian troops. Generally, the regiment's strength ranges from 900 to 1,500 men.

This was reported by Necro Mancer, a blogger from Donbass, on his Twitter page, quoting a post by a Russian on a Russian military public page.

The occupant said that his mobilised acquaintance was serving in a demining company and deployed in Ukraine. After his unit from the second line of defence was moved to the line of operations to clear mines, the entire Russian military regiment was hit by rocket artillery during a sleepover.

Survivors claim that the Ukrainian Armed Forces hit the Russian military's concentration with an air-burst strike from HIMARS.

The eyewitness reports that the Russian regiment was not entrenched because it had been alleged that there would be no shelling in the area where they were stationed. Major losses were attributed to that, which resulted in the dismissal of some of the commanders.

"On the negative side: in the classic way, when advancing to the line of operations - go there, "it's safe, there is no shelling", on the overnight stay (of course, no one was entrenched) the whole regiment was destroyed (with whatever, a friend says that it was an air-burst strike from HIMARS). The heaviest losses occurred on that day. After that raid, the commander and senior officers were sort of removed, only two company officers were left from the old ones," reads the report.

The specified type of projectile reported by the occupant is the M30A1. It is equipped with a warhead with 182,000 pre-formed tungsten fragments.

AFU Destroy Russian Regiment With HIMARS Air Burst Strike​

13.01.2023, 11:03

AFU Destroy Russian Regiment With HIMARS Air Burst Strike

The Russian troops suffered major losses.

The AFU have destroyed an entire regiment of Russian troops with rocket artillery, hitting a cluster of occupation troops with an air-burst strike from HIMARS.

Heavy losses are reported in the Russian troops. Generally, the regiment's strength ranges from 900 to 1,500 men.

This was reported by Necro Mancer, a blogger from Donbass, on his Twitter page, quoting a post by a Russian on a Russian military public page.

The occupant said that his mobilised acquaintance was serving in a demining company and deployed in Ukraine. After his unit from the second line of defence was moved to the line of operations to clear mines, the entire Russian military regiment was hit by rocket artillery during a sleepover.

Survivors claim that the Ukrainian Armed Forces hit the Russian military's concentration with an air-burst strike from HIMARS.

The eyewitness reports that the Russian regiment was not entrenched because it had been alleged that there would be no shelling in the area where they were stationed. Major losses were attributed to that, which resulted in the dismissal of some of the commanders.

"On the negative side: in the classic way, when advancing to the line of operations - go there, "it's safe, there is no shelling", on the overnight stay (of course, no one was entrenched) the whole regiment was destroyed (with whatever, a friend says that it was an air-burst strike from HIMARS). The heaviest losses occurred on that day. After that raid, the commander and senior officers were sort of removed, only two company officers were left from the old ones," reads the report.

The specified type of projectile reported by the occupant is the M30A1. It is equipped with a warhead with 182,000 pre-formed tungsten fragments.

Ryssän rykmenttien vahvuudet on kovin vaihtelevia. Usein hyvinkin vajaita.
Ei nyt suoraan liity tähän, mutta Venäjä haluaa Kiinan Ukrainalta ostaman Kiinan lippulaivan takaisin. Kiinalaiset on sitä jonkin verran parannelleet
Suomen tulisi antaa kaikki Leopard 2A4 vaunut Ukrainaan ja ostaa jenkeiltä korvaava määrä Abrams A1 tankkeja.

Huollon haasteet kahdesta järjestelmästä ovat olemassa, mutta olisi parempi olla rakennettu valmius hyödyntää USA:n varastoja ja tuotantokapasiteettia.

Panssariaseen muodostaminen vie sen 6-12 kk, ja meillä on siihen aikaa.
Eikö sitten BMP-2:t samaan kuormaan ja Bradleyt Eibramssien kylkeen?
Uutta videota TerraOpsilta, tägien perusteella Bakhmutin suunnalta. K.o. yksikkö oli aiemmin Khersonin suunnalla.

Videolla 11:20 kohdassa mielenkiintoinen "kikka" saada kranaatin ammukset räjähtämään ennen maahan osumaa -> enemmän vahinkoa jalkaväelle.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Kun katsoo kartasta mistä ryssät on saatu häädettyä pois sen jälkeen, kun tilanne oli pahimmillaan ja suhteuttaa sen tähän tappiomielialaa aiheuttaneeseen Soledarin "massiiviseen" voittoon...
Ehkä kuva antaa paremmin perspektiiviä asiaan. Olen tuohon punaisella merkinnyt tämän ryssien massiivisen voiton ;)

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