Venäjällä tapahtunutta aikavälillä 1-15.2.2023

r/FreedomofRussia - This Week in Partisan - A Summary of Recent Partisan Attacks in Russia (2nd of February - 15th of February). Partisans arrested, railways sabotaged, and a suspicious death or two
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- Three partisans were detained in Sverdlovsk Oblast for alleged attacks against railway infrastructure facilities in the region
- Partisans affiliated with the People's Movement of the Freedom of Russia Legion attacked railway infrastructure in the Ivanovo region on the 1st of February, setting alight several relay cabinets between Ivanovo and Kostroma and destroying a substation need Matveev Kurgan Station. In doing so, they delayed the movement of military echelons.
- Partisans set warehouses in the GRU Special Forces Training Centre alight in Senezh (a village in Moscow Oblast) on the night of the 1st of February. The extent of the damage is unknown, but it was at least extensive enough that it could not be covered up as such incidents usually are.
- Green Gendarmerie partisans in Karelia burned signalling cabinets on the night of the 2nd of February.
- Partisans attacked an office of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation in Buryatia using a whole canister of gasoline. Unfortunately, a 56 year old man was arrested soon after on suspicion of carrying out the attack
- Partisans affiliated with the People's Movement of the Freedom of Russia Legion attacked signalling cabinets near the border of Russia & North Korea, in order to slow the movement of military equipment to Russia from North Korea.
- Partisans from The Right to use Force destroyed relay cabinets in Moscow on the 6th of February
- In Penza Oblast, partisans set fire to electrical panels & relay cabinets on the railway. The partisan escaped successfully
- In Omsk, an unsuccessful attempt was made to burn down the recruiting office. The molotov cocktails were not made well and failed to set the office alight, but the partisans escaped succesfully.
- In Amur Oblast, a partisan set fire to the military enlistment office on the night of the 11th of February. The fire may have managed to burn some of the files with data on conscripts before being put out, but unfortunately, 29 year old Roman P. has been arrested in connection with the attack
- In the region of Moscow, rail partisans damaged the railway track to Kursk. The driver of a passing train noticed the partisan as he was wearing camo rather than the usual hi-vis vest, but fortunately he hasn't yet been caught.
- In Kazan, on the night of February the 13th, a partisan tried to set fire to the judicial precinct in protest against the arbitrary nature of the Russian jucidial system. The molotov cocktail wasn't entirely successful, but the partisan seems to have evaded capture
- In Penza, four teenagers were arrested in connection with a series of partisan arson attacks on the railway, causing significant damage. 3 of them were students at the Penza University of Architecture and Construction; and the fourth was a 16 year old student.
- Near Moscow, the FSB has detained a 45-year-old ethnic Ukrainian who is suspected of railway sabotage, including setting fire to two signal cabinets. The FSB claims that he's Ukrainian special services.
- The head of the financial support department for the western military command was found dead. Information about Marina Yankina appeared on February 15, law enforcement agencies found a body on Zamshina Street, and personal documents and things lay on the common balcony of her house.