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Vieläköhän SA-6 on validi vaihtoehto?
That's what she said.
Ei ehkä täältä päästä katsottuna. Maalina olevat saattavat ehkä olla eri mieltä.Onko tuo valtava...
Ihan äkkiä en keksi, kuinka viesti voisi enemmän kuulostaa koronadenialistien ja muun vaihtoehtoisen todellisuuden väen edustajan kirjoittamalta.
Mitä tällaisella vihjailulla voittaa?
Menes nyt siitä syömään lisää Anon nakkeja
Riippuu kuinka pienen yksikön se pitää vastaanottaa, jos se tuleen parin komppanian alueelle niin ihan messevä määrä. Enemmän mulle kertoo rakettien käyttö Bahmutissa siitä, että ryssillä ei ole siellä enää millä vastata. Noissa ei kantama ole mikään pitkä ja lähtöpaikka paljastuu väistämättä niin siksi niitä ei ole tuossa mittakaavassakaan juuri näkynyt. Nyt kun näkyy niin tarkoittaa, että vastatoimien uhka on mitätön.Onko tuo valtava...
Normaali raketinheitinpatterin sarja. On toki vaikuttava myös asiakaspäässä, jos saadaan osumaan haluttuihin koordinaatteihin. Erityisesti laajoihin suojattomiin maaleihin tehokas sirpalevaikutus.
Alkaisiko olla aika kokeilla dynamiittia noihin ryssän muistomerkkeihin?
Nurmen Laurin tekstit Aku Ankkaa mukaillakseni ei yleensä ottaen kelpaa edes pesän täytteeksi. Vetää sen verran yltiöpositiivisia ja tuulesta temmattuja tulkintoja.![]()
Pääkirjoitus: Kaatavatko ääriainekset Putinin? – Prigožinin kaltaisten suosio on suomalaisillekin uusi vaaranmerkki
On mahdollista, että Vladimir Putinin suistavat vallasta palkka-armeija Wagnerin tukemat modernit bolshevikit, Iltalehden Lauri Nurmi kirjoittaa.www.iltalehti.fi
Tabu on rikottu. Pajari on haastanut tsaarin.
Puolalaisen ajatuksia Venäjällä nähdyistä salamurhista ja siitä kuka voisi olla niiden takana:
There are plenty of stories and myths about a series of terrorist attacks in Russia. However, if you look closely, they form a pattern that points to quite specific perpetrators. So we will consider from the beginning
1/ Darya Dugina. Daughter of Alexander Dugin. The leading ideology of Eurasianism, first praised to the skies by the Kremlin and the media subordinate to the Kremlin, from 2020 more and more in the shadows. In 2020, he says: "I initially had high hopes for Putin, but then stagnation set in again. I can't say that I'm not with the government, rather the government is not with me." In 2021, he declares "Not that I am against Putin and the Kremlin, but Putin and the Kremlin are increasingly against me." And actually begins to get involved in the activities of "patriotic" groups - we would say far-right for Russia. He is involved in the creation of the Tradition Movement and the Russian New Right. The prominent creator of "Tradition" is Zakhar Prilepin. He believes that "there are healthy forces in Europe that want the return of tradition and are looking for allies, also in Russia." He sees them in France, contacts the legal wing of the National Front there. Kwaczkov and Girkin perform at the Festival of Traditions, and the "Stalingrad" channel with Artem is being created there. Many "infuriated patriots" have ties to "Tradition" and Dugina. Her lover is said to be a close friend of Prilepin, according to the right-wing Russian Internet. Two days before Dugina's death, a strange statement by Oleg Deripaska appears, who, referring to Dugin, states that "the war is going badly, it is necessary "
2/ Vladen Tatarsky - blogger of Prigozhin. It was he who helped him sell the battle for Sołedar in the media, in which the Wagnerians played a major role, but not a decisive one, as Tatarsky and some Russian media presented it. As for their relationship, there is a belief in Russia that the PR texts about Wagner were written by Tatarski-Fomin, because that was his name, and through him they were sent to their editors. Thanks to this, Wagner was recognized as the "conqueror of Soledar" who "saved the army from disgrace" and Kirril met Prigozhin, which was a great ennoblement so far reserved only in the Kremlin's Highest Circle, despite the fact that Wagner suffered huge losses in Soledar. It was the peak of Prigozhin's political career and Wagner could count on further recruitment because Prigozhin has numerous supporters in the army who hate Shoigu and Gerasimov. Prigozin himself says that Ukraine should not be blamed for Tatarsky's death, and the investigation into the attack on the blogger is a parody of the investigation. A woman who has already had a sentence for distributing light drugs is arrested and is not at all similar to the characters from the monitoring, then a 40-year-old woman who with her husband "spyed for Ukraine" is charged, and now nothing is known about the investigation.
3/ Zakhar Prilepin. Writer, poet, popular man - also among the right wing in the West. In Russia, an ideologue of the Tradycja Movement popular on the right, organizer of its Festivals. A friend of Daria Dugina and her lover (?), extremely respectful of her father Aleksander, at least according to Ruch Tradycja. And here's an interesting piece of information: apparently, at his instigation, he decided to run for president in 2024. Which means that he was far from the Kremlin and says something about Dugin himself
4/ Assassination Techniques: Dugina was killed by a time bomb or a radio bomb (less likely). Her father could have died with her, he got off literally 5 minutes earlier, but he walked far enough away that he was not shocked by the fragments of the cargo placed in the car, and it was solid. Everyone who was on it was going to die. The bomb was most likely planted at the Tradycja Festival because then, according to the participants themselves, "the car was parked for several hours". Interestingly, Vladen Tatarski dies in a way that shows with his finger that it was about him. A bomb with a charge smaller than an offensive grenade, placed in a figure that is picked up by the target of the action. The assassin (?-again, we don't know if she knew what the contents of the statue were) calmly walks away. Several people are seriously injured, but only Tatarski is killed. After all, if it was assassination, it would be easier to place a solid explosive under the table! Probably 10 people would have died, but so would Tatarsky. No, it was more of an execution
5/ Prilepin. It is difficult to decide whether he was supposed to die and survived because he was lucky or rather he was supposed to survive on the basis of "this only warning". Judging by the condition of the car, rather the first possibility, although it's hard to give a head. But again - the load was not large and it was not placed under the car's fuel tank. So if an attempt is made, it is rather an attempt at assassination, as with Tatarsky
6/ Who? It is necessary to use again the old Roman principle "is fecit cui prodest" (HUOM: is fecit cui prodest = for whom the crime advances, he has done it). So first, the Ukrainian hypothesis. What would Budanov get from Daria Dugina's scalp in the study? What would Dugin's scalp get him, then definitely sidelined? Wouldn't Skabieeva, Soloviev, Zakharova be better? The three of them got ostentatious protection only AFTER Dugina's death. What did Tatarski mean to Ukrainians when WarGonzo, Rybar, Anya were definitely worse? And why Prilepin as a goal, completely incomprehensible - more Russian propaganda could easily sell it in the West as the murder of famous Russian writers by Nazi Ukrainians, after all, his novels were published in France, Germany and ... Poland. And that's how it will probably be sold now.
7/ Russians as perpetrators. And here it gets interesting. The Tradition Movement is not Kremlin. Dugina knew three languages, she had contacts in France in Franc Narodowe. Her friends, lover (?) and herself began to assemble an initiative that began to attract "patriots of all Russia", civilians and young people associated with the Night Wolves movement, which began to move to the position of criticizing Putin's "weaknesses". Her father began to distance himself from the Kremlin, Deripaska's statement was probably a wake-up call for the Kremlin - such an oligarch could not leave. It was child's play to blame the deaths of Dugin and his daughter on the Ukrainians (they must have anticipated such a thing when placing the bomb) was child's play, and the patriots would have lost their heads.
8/ Tatarsky - here death is clear. The Ombudsman of Prigozhin is killed, because Prigozhin himself cannot be reached. The quality of Wagner's message after Prigozhin's death has deteriorated drastically, it can be seen. He has to be his own spokesman, he loses his media contacts, it comes out badly, he runs from wall to wall. With Tatarski as the backoffice he fared much better.
9/ Prilepin. If he was going to run for president... let's note one thing. So far, these have always been Putin's elections and the opponent was more or less accepted by the Kremlin. Prilepin did not receive such approval. And he could mix up the votes of "Enraged Patriots" and those who would like to vote against Putin, the machine for fixing the elections could jam. It will be interesting to see what decision he makes now whether or not he will withdraw from the candidacy
10/ So the Kremlin or someone else? Not necessarily the Kremlin, contrary to appearances. There is a faction of militants from the Ministry of the Interior, the services and the military, which is quietly called "the furious" in Russia, under the leadership of Patrushev. She believes that Putin "in peacetime he was good, in war he is weak". Such voices appear in groups, on forums. Patrushev is always presented as the Best Successor. Organizing an attack would not be a problem for these people, and "dressing the Kremlin in it would further isolate them from the milieu of "patriots" with whom the Kremlin could begin to cooperate - there were invitations two weeks ago, of course, not including Girkin's "Enraged Patriots", but people related to the Tradition Movement - this is an additional bonus.A lonely ruler is easier to outmaneuver, but Putin is not Stalin.
Lisään lopuksi minun usein täällä lainaaman puolalisen JR2 kommentin:
MM, this is more than a very good analysis. Bulldogs under the carpet 2.0. And I met with the assessment that Patrushev secretly fights for the presidency not for himself but for his son Dmitry - the current minister of agriculture.
Johon Marek Meissner eli ketjun kirjoittaja vastasi näin:
You know, I heard that it's about a tandem: the actual power for the son, the father as the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
Vaikea sanoa, ehkä tässä vedetään mutkia suoriksi mutta mahdoton sivuuttaa etteikö kielisi "liikehdinnästä maton alla". Prigozinin ulostuloistakin on sanottu että se on vain venäläinen tyyli pelata "toimistopolitiikkaa" eikä suoraan tarkoita Putinin kritisointia. Olen itse ollut aikaisemmin skeptinen Prigozinin ja Kadyrovin "irtiotoista" koska molemmat ovat Putinin luomuksia ja siten massiivisessa kiitollisuudenvelassa hänen suuntaansa. Kumpikaan ei olisi nykyisessä asemassaan ilman Putinia ja "yhteistyö" on jatkunut toistakymmentä vuotta. Nytkö sitten sodan myötä Prigozin tekisi pesäeroa? Kadyrov näyttää ymmärtäneen roolinsa ja on ollut hiljaa jo pidemmän aikaa.
Vaan toisaalta vaikea myös sivuuttaa Prigozinin puheita siitä miten "pappa voi olla kusipää". Ehkä hän on haistanut verta vedessä ja pelaa itselleen isompaa roolia tai parempia asemia tulevassa "perinnönjaossa".
Yllä lainatussa tuumailussa oli myös ajatus että Patrushev pelaisi itselleen presidentin virkaa - tai jos ei itselleen, niin pojalleen Dmitrylle joka johtaa tällä hetkellä sisäministeriötä. Patrushevista on aikaisemmin sanottu että kuuluisi ns. "sotapuolueeseen / party of war" eli vanhoja haukkoja, jotka halusivat agressiivista ja sotaisaa ulkopolitiikkaa jo 90-luvulla hyvin pian Neuvostoliiton hajoamisen jälkeen. Hän johti FSB:tä aikavälin 1999-2008 ja on istunut Venäjän turvallisuusneuvostossa vuodesta 2008 aina nykypäivään asti. Isä Patrushevin on sanottu olleen suuressa roolissa paitsi Krimin kaappauksen niin myös Ukrainaan hyökkäämisen päätöksessä, väitetysti hän olisi yksi Putinin tärkeimmistä ja uskotuimmista neuvonantajista. Usein kuulee spekulointia että hän olisi todennäköisin seuraaja Putinille, tosin ikää on 71 vuotta. Patrushevin poika Dmitri puolestaan on vetreä 45 vuotias, joten ei olisi mahdoton ajatus jos isä haluaisi pojalleen presidentin viran (toki muitakin ottajia on). Vaikea silti uskoa että Patrushev olisi kuohunnan takana, eiköhän hän pelaisi itseään tai poikaansa presidentiksi muiden silovikkien suostumusta hakien.