Kansan tuki Ukrainan aseavulle on kasvanut USA:ssa. Lisäksi suurin osa amerikkalaisista antaa 2024 presidentinvaaleissa todennäköisemmin tukensa sellaiselle ehdokkaalle, joka jatkaa sotilaallisen avun toimittamista Ukrainaan ja tukee NATO:a.
- The two-day poll that was concluded on Tuesday charted a sharp rise in backing for arming Ukraine, with 65% of the respondents approving of the shipments compared with 46% in a May poll.
- Eighty-one percent of Democrats, 56% of Republicans and 57% of independents favor supplying U.S. weapons to Ukraine, according to the latest poll.
- The poll found that 76% of Americans believe that providing aid to Ukraine demonstrates to China and other rivals that the United States has "the will and capability to protect our interests, our allies and ourselves."
- In other findings, the survey said large majorities of Americans - 67% and 73% - are more likely to support a candidate in next year's U.S. presidential election who will continue military aid to Ukraine and one who backs the NATO alliance.
Solid majorities of Americans support providing weaponry to Ukraine to defend itself against Russia and believe that such aid demonstrates to China and other U.S. rivals a will to protect U.S. interests and allies, according to a Reuters/Ipsos survey.
Randy Mott on pitänyt todennäköisenä, että aikaisempi notkahdus tuen jatkamisen kannatuksessa perustui sodan huonoon käsittelyyn amerikkalaisessa mediassa ja vallinneeseen luuloon sodan olevan loppumaton.