Respected Leader
Ukraina mahdollisesti käynyt kokeilemassa itsemurhavesiskoottereilla Novorossiyskin sataman seudulla. Tämän mukaan ryssä puhuu kahdesta, mutta merellä näkyy yksi palava raato. Venäjä on vetänyt suuren osan (mutta ei kaikkia) sotalaivoistaan pois Sevastopolista ja satelliittikuvien perusteella tämä Novorossiysk on tällä hetkellä tärkein sotilassatama ryssän merisodankäynnin kannalta (Mustallamerellä). Kalibr-risteilyohjuksia laukaisevat sotalaivat ja sukellusveneet käyvät täällä lataamassa siilot laukaisujen jälkeen. Lisäksi on spekuloitu, että osa Krimille laivattavasta materiaalista lastataan tässä satamassa. Samoin ulkomailta toimitettava materiaali laivataan usein tähän satamaan purettavaksi (Syyria on ainakin yksi toimittaja, mutta ei ainoa).
Possibly an attack by an Ukrainian USV near Novorossiysk occurred. Footage which can be geolocated to Myskhako appeared showing a burning vehicle near the shore line.
44°39'53"N 37°48'11"E
If confirmed then it would prove that Ukrainian USVs are increasing their base of operations. If Ukrainians would target leaving ships instead of the port then Russian trade and supply lines would be severely compromised.
The Russian regime authorities claim that two USVs have attacked the port area.
While we can assume that one drone has been intercepted, it is unclear what happened with the 2nd, or if there were more USVs involved in the attack.
Annetut koordinaatit kartalla, lähempää ja kauempaa:
MUOKKAUS: tässä väitetysti video tapahtuneesta:
It appears Ukrainian drones have struck the Russian port city’s waters this morning.
Novorossiysk, in the Krasnodar Region of Russia is one of the largest ports on the Black Sea.
Gunfire and air defense was heard.
Possibly an attack by an Ukrainian USV near Novorossiysk occurred. Footage which can be geolocated to Myskhako appeared showing a burning vehicle near the shore line.
44°39'53"N 37°48'11"E
If confirmed then it would prove that Ukrainian USVs are increasing their base of operations. If Ukrainians would target leaving ships instead of the port then Russian trade and supply lines would be severely compromised.
The Russian regime authorities claim that two USVs have attacked the port area.
While we can assume that one drone has been intercepted, it is unclear what happened with the 2nd, or if there were more USVs involved in the attack.
Annetut koordinaatit kartalla, lähempää ja kauempaa:
MUOKKAUS: tässä väitetysti video tapahtuneesta:
It appears Ukrainian drones have struck the Russian port city’s waters this morning.
Novorossiysk, in the Krasnodar Region of Russia is one of the largest ports on the Black Sea.
Gunfire and air defense was heard.
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