Ukrainan konflikti/sota

Päivän luvut 27.8.2023

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Katso liite: 83021
Tässä vielä luvut suhteutettuna keskiarvoihin ja kokonaismääriin:

Personnel+550478.6497.9533.0474.2 (260820)
Tanks+ (4396)
APVs+1517.015.613.115.6 (8554)
Artillery+2422.623.620.99.8 (5403)
MLRS+ (728)
Anti-aircraft Systems+ (498)
Aircraft----0.6 (315)
Helicopters-- (316)
UAVs+1110.612.412.48.0 (4378)
Missiles- (1411)
Warships / Boats----0.03 (18)
Other Vehicles+3124.922.220.514.3 (7854)
Special Equipment+ (808)

Anti-aircraft Systems+192140498
Warships / Boats----18
Other Vehicles+311743116147854
Special Equipment+4184899808
Viimeksi muokattu:
Tämän kirjoittajan mukaan Krimin S-400 järjestelmän tuhonnut isku toteutettiin muokatulla / modatulla Neptune-ohjuksella.

Budanov sanoi aikaisemmin että kyseessä on uusi ohjus, mikä on tietysti veteen piirretty viiva: jossain vaiheessa, kun muutoksia on tehty tarpeeksi, vanhaa ohjusta voi sanoa uudeksi ohjukseksi. En ala tästä kynäilemään enempää, koska nämä ovat rajanvetokysymyksiä. Selvää on kuitenkin tämä: Ukrainalla ei ollut aikaisemmin tällaista kykyä, mutta nyt sellainen on. Lisäksi ohjus on tämän kirjoittajan mukaan omaa tuotantoa, joten tämä antaa vapaammat kädet iskeä minne halutaan (toki mm. Storm Shadow -risteilyohjuksilla on isketty säännöllisesti mm. Krimille).

Myroslav Hai reports that the strike on the S-400 battery in Crimea was indeed a ground launched Neptune.

Further states that Luch Design Bureau began work on the project under instructions from Zaluzhnyi in March 2022.


Kirjoitus 76th Guards Air Assault Division osien siirrosta pois Kreminnan / Svatoven rintamalta, tämän mukaan kaksi rykmenttiä siirretty (toistaiseksi) Berdyanskiin eli Azovinmeren rantakaupunkiin.

Olen samaa mieltä aikaisemman kirjoittajan kanssa, joka kommentoi Rob Leen tekstiä sanoen että aika paksua väittää että nämä VDV:n yksiköt olisivat "tuoreita". Ne ovat tosiaan kärsineet raskaita tappioita useampaan kertaan tämän sodan aikana ja joutuneet täydentämään miehistöä reservistä. Mikä on taistelukunto tällä hetkellä, vaikea sanoa.

Ryssäläisissä joukoissa VDV on perinteisesti ollut "eliittijoukkoja" mutta sanoisin että se maine on tahriintunut ja pahasti tämän sodan aikana. En sanoisi edes että olisivat merkittävästi paremmin varustettuja kuin perinteisemmät jalkaväen yksiköt. Toisaalta Bakhmutin taisteluiden aikaan sanottiin että parhaat joukot olivat Wagnerin ja VDV:n eri yksikköjä, joten miten tuon sitten ottaa. Joka tapauksessa sen kaupungin valtaaminen vei hyvin pitkän ajan.

Credible sources within the Ukrainian army and russian sources, are reporting the displacement of units of the 76th Guards Air Assault Division from the Kreminna/Svatove area to the harbor city of Berdyansk. Indications are at least 2 regiments have moved.

The 234th Guards Air Assault and 237th Guards Air Assault Regiments , who had been stationed between Kreminna and Svatove, with a command centre located in Milutavka, which is near the city of Svatove.


234th regiment is know for its involvement in the Bucha massacre both regiments suffered heavy losses in the war in Ukraine and have been replenished with Mobiks who had short training in camps just across the border in Russia (Rovenki) and near Nhyznoteple in Luhansk

Combat effectiveness of those units is hard to estimate, because they have been receiving new equipment and an influx of new trainees, although they might have had some serious losses in Russian offensive actions along P66 highway. What will the role be of those units Zaporizja

There are serveral options:

1 - they will be used as reserve force, to stop any breakthrough of Ukrainian forces through the defensive lines in the verbove defensive line. In this case most likely they will be stationed between Tokmak & Chernihivka.


2 - They will be sent directly into the frontline to bolster exsisting defenses there and blunt any Ukrainian attack around Verbove.

3 - They will be used to bolster defense around the towns of Melitopol and Berdyansk to keep open the supply lines running from and to Crimea.

In my opinion the most likely options are 1 and 3, maintaining and holding the landbridge open at all cost is the main priority at this moment, this is why we might see more units moved from Donetsk and Luhansk to the south the coming time. There indications more units are moving

Russia is playing a dangerous game with these movements which could weaken the front in other area's which may give Ukraine offensive options in other area's, like Donetsk or the Kreminna area in Luhansk.

Näistä todennäköisyyksistä voi aina keskustella. Miten itse, uskoitko että venäläiset hyökkää Ukrainaan? Tai että venäläiset toteuttavat ikiaikaista venäläistä mallia ryöstäen kaiken minkä irti saa ja raiskaten jokaisen naisen ja lapsen minkä kiinni saavat? Tappaen vielä sen jälkeen. Eiköhän venäläisten totaalinen perseily tullut jokaiselle yllätyksenä. Vai oletko eri mieltä?
Muistan todella hyvin, kun alokasaikanani reilu 13 vuotta sitten, yksikönpäällikkömme selosti oppitunnilla todella tarkkaan ikiaikaisen venäläisen mallin: mitä tarkoittaa siviileille jääminen ryssän käsiin, jos tänään tulisi sota.

Voin kertoa että kylmät väreet kulki.
Silloin oli vaikea uskoa kerrottua todeksi, vaikea oli uskoa että naapurissa voi asua vieläkin tuollainen eläinkansa(anteeksi eläimet vertauksesta).

Edit. Seuraillessa ryssänmaan kehitystä likimain lapsesta saakka ja tarkemmin viimeiset 10 vuotta, se tunne vahvistui koko ajan, että ryssä hyökköö isosti jonnekin. Vuonna 2021 olin varma, että kohta lähtee.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Olen samaa mieltä aikaisemman kirjoittajan kanssa, joka kommentoi Rob Leen tekstiä sanoen että aika paksua väittää että nämä VDV:n yksiköt olisivat "tuoreita". Ne ovat tosiaan kärsineet raskaita tappioita useampaan kertaan tämän sodan aikana ja joutuneet täydentämään miehistöä reservistä. Mikä on taistelukunto tällä hetkellä, vaikea sanoa.
Jospa tuo tuoreita pitää käsittää toisella tavalla, täydennettyjä mutta "vihreitä" sotilaita, eli ei kunnon koulutusta ja taistelu kokemusta.
JR2 kirjoittaa että viime yön risteilyohjusten laukaisu olisi tapahtunut kuvaan merkityltä seudulta - ei siis "normaalista paikasta" eli Kaspianmeren pohjoisosista. Pommikoneista laukaistavia risteilyohjuksia ei ole joka kerta laukaistu sieltä vaan toisinaan laukaisut ovat tapahtuneet suurempien harjoitusalueiden päältä tai Mustanmeren päältä.

Mietin, onko nytkin laukaisu tapahtunut Volgodonskin vieressä olevan vesistön yllä? Jos laukaisu epäonnistuu, ohjus tippuu veteen eikä sytytä tulipaloja mantereella.

The location from where Russian Tu-95MS bombers launched their missiles. Approximately 850 km from Kherson.



Alexander Kovalenko kirjoittanut samasta, viime yön hyökkäys vaikuttaisi olleen "uuden kokeilua" ja mahdollisesti tutkien, ohjusvaunujen yms. tiedustelua.

Kenties kokeilevat suuremmalla määrällä seuraavaksi tai kenties jatkossa nähdään ohjusten laukaisuja "uudesta paikasta"? Tai kenties tämä uusi paikka on nyt kokeiltu ja todettu toimivaksi, joten sitä saatetaan käyttää toisinaan.

Strange missile attack or... nothing strange. So. At around 23:50, 6 Tu-95MS strategists took off. Some time later, at about 00:40, 2 more Tu-95MS strategists took off, and at about 01:40 another +3. Thus, 11 Tu-95MS took off that night.

Such a number of Tu-95MS has the potential to launch 88 missiles. But they still would not have released such an amount. Firstly, because they now have an accumulated ammo potential of approximately 30 missiles. Secondly, the rate of missiles loaded onto the Tu-95MS today is, on average, 4 per aircraft.

But, 8 targets were launched, 4 of which were shot down, and the rest, according to official statements, turned out to be tricks. The launch was carried out from 5 aircraft out of 11. That is, 1-2 missiles from an aircraft

Another unusual phenomenon was that the launch was carried out in the Engels region

Let me remind you that earlier X-101/555 launches were carried out from the airspace over the Caspian Sea. From other locations, launches of these missiles were rare.

Actually, at first glance, unusual behavior and an unusual attack, but in fact, not quite so.

There is an attempt to change the tactics of delivering missile strikes, to choose the most optimal location, as well as a set of damaging and distracting means. A change of location is probing a new route for the flight of a rocket, the reaction of our air defense to this.

As for the number of aircraft, the use of a larger number of Tu-95MS than launches may be due to the demonstration of an increased threat of a massive strike, which maximizes all air defense in Ukraine, which the Russian side fixes.

Actually, this blow did not have a purposeful goal to destroy dozens of objects. In this case, there was reconnaissance, detection of air defense, taking into account the new tactics of delivering strikes. And if the command of the ROV was satisfied with the result, then a real blow can be expected in the near future.


Оперативний ЗСУ eli Operational Armed Forces -telegram-kanavalla kirjoitettiin näin:

Tonight, during the attack, the Russian occupiers used a complex system of maneuvers - the spokeswoman for OK Pivden Nataliya Humenyuk


The tactics are clear. But now we observed a very complex pattern of maneuvers, probably they were looking for options for laying routes for future attacks.


Aikaisemminkin on kirjoitettu että risteilyohjukset on ohjelmoitu lentämään sinne tänne, jotta hämäisivät ilmatorjuntaa. Usein tällöin on isketty samalla kertaa Kinzhaleilla eli oletan että muut ohjukset olisivat valtaosaksi "valemaalien roolissa" tai jopa valemaaleja eli ilman taistelukärkeä - yritys tietysti tehdä Kinzhalien reitti vapaammaksi tai helpommaksi.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Jospa tuo tuoreita pitää käsittää toisella tavalla, täydennettyjä mutta "vihreitä" sotilaita, eli ei kunnon koulutusta ja taistelu kokemusta.

Rob Lee jätti tosiaan tulkinnoille tilaa, tuo on yksi vaihtoehto mitä kirjoitat. Kenties tosiaan porukka on tuoreeltaan täydennetty, mikä kertoisi siitä että voi olla määrävahvuudessa (tai jotain sinnepäin) mutta käytännössä vailla taistelukokemusta. Riippuu toki siitä, mitä touhusivat Kreminnan / Svatoven rintamalla.


Syystä tai toisesta tänään on nähty ainakin kaksi kirjoitusa Kharkovan armored plant -pajan tuotantomääristä (vanhan modernisointia, vaurioituneiden korjausta - en usko että uustuotantoa tapahtuisi ollenkaan).

Tämän mukaan valmistuisi 2 kpl panssarivaunuja per viikko mikä tarkoittaisi 8 kpl per kuukausi tai 104 kpl per vuosi (oletan että puhutaan keskiarvoista, koska vaihtelua tapahtuu aina).

Lainasin aikaisemmassa viestissäni (LINKKI) ryssän milblogger Romanovia joka valittaa että syystä tai toisesta Kharkovan "armored plant" saa jatkaa toimintaansa rauhassa eli sitä vastaan ei ole isketty (pitkään aikaan).

Hänen mukaansa tehdas kykenee modernisoimaan ja kunnostamaan yhden panssarivaunun 3-5 päivän välein. Työtä tehdään kahdessa vuorossa ja tehtaan laajentaminen on aloitettu heinäkuussa 2023.

JOS hän on oikeassa, yksi modernisoitu tai korjattu panssarivaunu 3-5 päivän välein tarkoittaisi 6-10 panssarivaunua per kuukausi tai 72-120 panssarivaunua per vuosi.

Ehkä näissä kahdessa on totuuden siemen ja kyettäisiin modernisoimaan ja kunnostamaan noin 100 kpl panssarivaunuja per vuosi eli suunnilleen tuo 8 kpl per kuukausi (keskiarvoisesti)?

Did you know that the famous Soviet T-34 was actually developed in Kharkiv, Ukraine? Today, the same Kharkiv armored plant produces about two tanks per week to support the Ukrainian war effort.

The Malyshev plant, also known as the KhPZ was initially established in 1895 and has a long history of producing tanks, locomotive and ship parts.

Viimeksi muokattu:
Ryssän milblogger Romanov valittaa että syystä tai toisesta Kharkovan "armored plant" saa jatkaa toimintaansa rauhassa eli sitä vastaan ei ole isketty (pitkään aikaan).

Hänen mukaansa tehdas kykenee modernisoimaan ja kunnostamaan yhden panssarivaunun 3-5 päivän välein. Työtä tehdään kahdessa vuorossa ja tehtaan laajentaminen on aloitettu heinäkuussa 2023.

JOS hän on oikeassa, yksi modernisoitu tai korjattu panssarivaunu 3-5 päivän välein tarkoittaisi 6-10 panssarivaunua per kuukausi tai 72-120 panssarivaunua per vuosi.

Ei valtava määrä, mutta pitää muistaa että Ukrainan panssarivaunuja korjataan (mahdollisesti myös modernisoidaan, tosin ei ole nähty uusia malleja taistelukentällä) myös Ukrainan ulkopuolella. Se että Ukraina kykenee kunnostamaan ja modernisoimaan panssarivaunuja ollenkaan on omanlaisensa ihme, kun muistetaan miten rajusti ryssä iski Ukrainan sotateollisuutta ja infrastruktuuria vastaan sodan ensimmäisen vuoden aikana (nämä iskut harvenivat alkuvuodesta 2023 kun ryssän risteilyohjusten varastot alkoivat olla tyhjät). Vuoden 2023 osalta näyttää siltä että ryssä on keskittynyt enemmän terroripommitukseen sekä iskuihin satamia vastaan (niissä olevia viljavarastoja vastaan erityisesti).

Here is enemy Milblogger "Romanov" complaining that the Kharkiv armored plant, also known as the Malyshev plant, has not been hit by Russian strikes.

"The largest enterprise of the MIC of Ukraine and Europe". ⚡

Ofcourse, civilians were prioritized by the enemy.

Katso liite: 83022

Näitä tehtaita moukaroitiin sodan alkupuolella mutta ei juurikaan sen jälkeen. Tai ainakaan ei ole uutisoitu, ehkä OPSEC syistä.

Oletettavasti suuri osa tuhottiin ainakin niin, että tuotanto loppui pitkäksi ajaksi. Isoissa NL-aikaisissa tehtaissa on kuitenkin ilmeisesti usein suuria jopa ydinpommin kestäviä väestösuojia yms. maanalaisia osia, joten voivat olla aika vaikeita kohteita.

Kenties tätäkin on pystytty uudelleenkäynnistämään / laajentamaan tämmöisiin tiloihin perustuen. Muuten on aika vaikea ymmärtää, että mitään tuotannon laajennusta edes voitaisiin tehdä.

Ohjusiskuista yleisemmin: taitaa olla nyt jo huomattavan pitkä aika ryssän viimeisestä suuriskusta. Ehkä säästelevät energiainfran terroria varten talveen.
Ryssän milbloggerien keskuudessa on nähty ihmeellistä hysteriaa ainakin viimeisen viikon ajan, tässä tuorein purkaus.

MUOKKAUS: The Grey Zone on Wagneriin yhdistetty telegram-tili joten ei sinänsä ihme, että kirjoittavat tällaista. Kertonee enemmän ko. organisaation tilasta ja tunnelmista kuin suoraan ryssän sotamenestyksestä (joka ei sekään ole häävi tällä hetkellä).


Viimeksi muokattu:
Venäjällä ei kovin montaa asiaa perinteisesti kyllä osata tehdä, mutta kyllä ne on ihan kohtalaisen näppäriä aseseppiä. Jää ikuiseksi arvoitukseksi onko tuossa videon aseessa ulosvetäjässä vikaa, roskaa ulosvetäjän mekanismissa vai esim huonolaatuisia patruunoita mutta yksi ainoita asioita mitä ryssät on kyllä aina osanneet tehdä on pienaseet. Onneksi ohjukset ja muu modernimpi asetekniikka on aika paskaa.

Sieltä on kuitenkin tullut Kalashnikovin lisäksi maailmanluokan tarkkuuspistooleita, erittäin hyviä pienoiskiväärejä yms. Tuskin siellä ihan kaikkea aseenvalmistuskykyä sentään on kadotettu, vaikka varmaan osa tehtaan väestäkin kasvaa jo auringonkukkaa.
Toki näin on. Sitten kun tulee mahtikäsky 5-10 kertaistaa tarkkuuskiväärituotanto, sanktioiden ollessa päällä, niin voi mennä moni asia pieleen.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Kyllä me itse se lasku maksetaan. Sota maksaa. Olemmehan sodassa - etulinja vaan on Ukrainassa.
Tällä lohkolla toistaiseksi rauhallista ja siksi kaikki mistä rahalla selvitään on kotiinpäin.

"Jäsenmaat voivat lähettää aseita ja muita varusteita Ukrainan asevoimille jo 3,6 miljardin euron arvosta EU:n laskuun."
"Ukrainaan tähän mennessä osoitettu 3,6 miljardia on yli 65 prosenttia rahaston 5,5 miljardin euron kokonaisbudjetista vuosille 2021–2027.
Yhdysvallat on samassa ajassa tukenut Ukrainan puolustusta noin 29,3 miljardilla dollarilla. EU-mailla on toki myös omaa kahdenvälistä tukeaan, jota ei rahoiteta rauhanrahaston kautta."

Ulkoministeriön tvittertili:
Lisäksi Suomi antaa Ukrainaan:
-materiaaliapua EU:n kautta
-puolustustarvikkeita sekä Euroopan rauhanrahaston kautta että suoraan

Tuki Ukrainan asevoimille
Euroopan rauhanrahasto
Neuvosto hyväksyi 15. marraskuuta 2022 16 milj. €:n avustustoimenpiteen, jolla tuetaan Ukrainan asevoimien valmiuksien kehittämistä.

Vuosina 2022–2023 EU mobilisoi 3,6 mrd. € Euroopan rauhanrahastosta. Tavoitteena on
  • vahvistaa Ukrainan asevoimien suorituskykyjä ja resilienssiä
  • suojella siviiliväestöä käynnissä olevalta sotilaalliselta hyökkäykseltä
Hyväksytyillä avustustoimenpiteillä rahoitetaan tarvikkeiden ja varusteiden, kuten henkilösuojainten, ensiapupakkausten ja polttoaineen, sekä tappavan voiman aikaansaamiseen suunniteltujen puolustustarvikkeiden ja alustojen toimittamista puolustustarkoituksiin.

Yhdessä EU:n jäsenmaiden antaman sotilaallisen tuen kanssa EU:n sotilaallinen kokonaistuki Ukrainalle on arviolta lähes 12 mrd. €.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Näitä tehtaita moukaroitiin sodan alkupuolella mutta ei juurikaan sen jälkeen. Tai ainakaan ei ole uutisoitu, ehkä OPSEC syistä.

Oletettavasti suuri osa tuhottiin ainakin niin, että tuotanto loppui pitkäksi ajaksi. Isoissa NL-aikaisissa tehtaissa on kuitenkin ilmeisesti usein suuria jopa ydinpommin kestäviä väestösuojia yms. maanalaisia osia, joten voivat olla aika vaikeita kohteita.

Kenties tätäkin on pystytty uudelleenkäynnistämään / laajentamaan tämmöisiin tiloihin perustuen. Muuten on aika vaikea ymmärtää, että mitään tuotannon laajennusta edes voitaisiin tehdä.

Ohjusiskuista yleisemmin: taitaa olla nyt jo huomattavan pitkä aika ryssän viimeisestä suuriskusta. Ehkä säästelevät energiainfran terroria varten talveen.

Yksi sotaa edeltänyt ryssäläinen analyysi Kharkovan armored plant tehtaan pihalla seisovista panssarivaunuista (artikkeli julkaistu 1.4.2021): LÄHDE

MUOKKAUS: lisäsin myös spoilerin taakse linkit Altyn73 vanhempiin artikkeleihin vuodelta 2014.

Analysis of the tank fleet in storage of the State Enterprise "Kharkiv Armored Repair Plant": 2014-2020.​

Analysis of the tank fleet in storage of the State Enterprise "Kharkiv Armored Repair Plant": 2014-2020.​

Exactly three years have passed since the previous analysis (04/01/2018), during which time there has been a change in the number of vehicles located on the territory of the Kharkiv BTRZ.

At the time of the outbreak of hostilities (spring 2014), military property (armored vehicles) was stored on the territory of the State Enterprise "Kharkiv Armored Repair Plant", which was listed on the balance sheet of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.


SE "Kharkiv armored repair plant" is a state enterprise of the armored industry of Ukraine, which manufactures, repairs, maintains, re-equips and modernizes armored vehicles. The former 115th tank repair plant of the USSR Ministry of Defense, transferred in 1991 to the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and received a new name: “Kharkov Mechanical Repair Plant” (military unit A-1569) later, was renamed the “Kharkov Armored Repair Plant ". After the creation of the state concern "Ukroboronprom" in December 2010, the plant was included in the concern. Later, the Kharkov Armored Repair Plant (KhBTRZ) was renamed the Kharkov Armored Plant (KhBTZ).

Address: Ukraine, Kharkov, st. Kotlova , 222 (c 2016 - he is. Bolshaya Panasovskaya, read - st. Velika Panasivska).
On the map:Google maps Wikimapia

According to the list of military property subject to alienation dated August 15, 2011, the storage of the Kharkov BTRZ was
(б-2011-р/page5 ):

- T-64 tanks of various modifications - 191 units,
- T-72 tanks of various modifications - 146 units,
- T-80 tanks of various modifications - 84 units

Detailed in the table:

The number of tanks in storage of the Kharkov BTRZ (according to satellite images from 03/27/2014):

- T-64 tanks of various modifications ≈ 213 units;
- T-72 tanks of various modifications ≈ 140 units;
- T-80 tanks of various modifications ≈ 86 units;

as well as other types of equipment and weapons and numerous components for BTT: engines, transmissions, chassis components, weapons, etc.

Satellite image of the storage area for armored vehicles of the Kharkov BTRZ from 03/09/2014:

Let's analyze in more detail:

According to satellite images provided by Google Earth and Terraserver services from 2014 and the available photographs of this object taken approximately in the same period of time, it was possible to determine the types of military equipment (tanks), their location on the storage sites of this plant and the approximate composition.

T-72 tanks:

The first "box" of T-72 tanks numbering 88 vehicles:

More T-72 tanks - an estimated 30 vehicles, standing along the passage to the factory railway line. Nearby, in the neighborhood, there are 5 floating conveyors (PTS). Separately, it is worth noting the presence next to this group of the T-62 tank, which was not listed on the balance sheet of the plant :

T-62. On satellite images of 2015 - 2016. this car is no more. Traces of it are subsequently lost:

Parallel to the factory railway itself, next to a large rail-mounted loading crane, there is another group of T-72 tanks, an estimated 21 vehicles: Better preserved,

Better preserved, more modern and smaller T-80 tanks. Perimeter near the building of the factory workshop. It is estimated that about 50 cars:

The site in the form of a triangle with T-80 tanks has approximately 35 vehicles:

The most massive in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and at the sites of this plant is the T-64 tank and the largest array - 118 vehicles:

The second site near the factory shop - 46 T-64 tanks :

Far site - at least 49 T-64 tanks:
According to satellite images of the above services, for the period from spring 2014 to the end of spring 2020, there has been a significant change in the number (decrease) of tanks:

With the start of hostilities, equipment from military units and from the combat zone.

In the pictures, this technique is conventionally designated by the name "remfond".

The last two pictures are dated October 2018 and March 2020:
As can be seen from the pictures, in less than a year and a half, all the remaining storage areas with vehicles of the T-64 family were empty, and this, based on previous calculations, is about 200 tanks.

The image dated March 15, 2021 shows that the movement of equipment at the main storage site of the plant is dynamic, and there have been changes over the past year.

T-72 tanks (≈ 140 vehicles) are completely absent in the images from 05/16/2016, their decline is already noted in the images from 12/26/2014, i.e. all tanks of this type were removed from the territory of the plant for a year and a half.

For the period from 05/16/2016 to 02/23/2018, all stocks of T-80 tanks noted on satellite images (≈ 80 vehicles) were used.

In the period from 10/09/2018 to 03/01/2020, the main storage areas of the plant occupied by T-64 tanks (≈ 200 vehicles) were empty .

Thus, it can be concluded that for six years, from March 2014 to March 2020, all tanks located at the storage sites of the State Enterprise "Kharkov Armored Repair Plant" were used. In total - about 420 tanks, as well as a certain amount of other armored and engineering equipment. Only 5 units of PTS floating transporters remained intact.

At the same time, equipment is present at all storage sites of the plant, mainly with traces of movement, and it is difficult to say that these are the remains of tanks from these sites or received from other places, as well as to determine their type without photo and video confirmation. The only identification criterion is the light green (burned out) paint of most of the vehicles, which indicates that these tanks have not yet been repaired. (Rpreviously repaired vehicles look darker green), as well as some similarity in the location of groups of tanks when comparing images with earlier periods.

As of the date of the last photo, 03/01/2020, a balance of 74 armored vehicles was recorded at the plant's storage sites.

Where could those tanks go from storage?

In the previous article, an analysis was made of the distribution and replenishment of equipment, but at the moment it is irrelevant - there have been changes in units and formations with tanks.

There is an unequivocal answer only for tanks of the T-80 family - they all went to recruit the tank units of the Marine Corps (by battalion) and the Airborne Forces (DShV) - by company, as well as to the corresponding educational institutions. In total, there were about 160 of them at the Kiev and Kharkov BTRZ. (approximately, in equal shares of 80 units.) All of them underwent repairs in Kharkov, but several cars stored by the Kharkov BTRZ remained untouched on the sites.

T-72 tanks managed to visit various parts, some are being repaired more than once. Kharkiv BTRZ transferred the machines ( ≈ 146 units) on its balance sheet to other plants in the period 2015-2016. Replenished, mainly, parts of OK "West" and OK "North", as well as parts of the reserve, closer to the specialized plants for their maintenance - Lvovskiy BTRZ and Kievskiy BTRZ.

T-64 tanks are the basis of the tank fleet of the ground forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, including the two available tank brigades, as well as most of the mechanized brigades and specialized educational institutions. It should be noted that almost all T-64 tanks stored by the BTRZ belonged to modifications of the latest release - T-64B(1)(K) / B(1)V(K) ≈ 200 units . Removing such a number of T-64 tanks from storage makes it possible to arm 6 tank battalions, which allows the formation of two more tank brigades, or the use of other units and formations in the OShS, and bring the total number of vehicles of this family in the Armed Forces of Ukraine to 700-800 units.


Lainaan alle hänen vanhemman kirjoituksensa lopputuleman, koska siinä tarjotaan lisätietoa numeroista (julkaistu 26.1.2017): LÄHDE

Where could tanks go from storage?

1. The Lvov Armored Plant (LBTRZ, Lvov, Stryiska St., 73) is engaged in the specialized plant for the repair of tanks of the T-72 family. Probably, all T-72s were sent to this plant with the aim of concentrating all machines of this type near the main BTRZ, reducing logistics costs, obtaining a more complete material and repair base, as well as carrying out repair and restoration work. At the moment, T-72 tanks are in service with the following formations of the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine: 10th OGSH Brigade, 128th OGPBr, 53rd Motorized Brigade - one tank battalion (31 units) in each; 56th, 57th, 58th, 59th Motorized Rifle Brigade - one tank company (10 units) in each + training units: 169th UTSV "Desna" (Chernihiv region), Academy of Ground Forces (city of Chernihiv). Lviv), faculties of military training at the university, as well as units of the National Guard of Ukraine.

Total ≈ 170 tanks.

For reference:
the total number of T-72 tanks in service with Ukraine in 1992 was ≈ 1,300;
the total number of T-72 tanks in service with Ukraine in 2016 is ≈ 400 units.

2. T-80 tanks are being repaired and restored at the Kharkov BTRZ with further entry into service with the Highly Mobile Airborne Troops (VDV). According to the state, there is one tank company (10 vehicles) per brigade. To date, the Airborne Forces have 7 brigades (25th OVDBR, 45th ODSHB, 46th ODSHB, 79th ODSHB, 80th ODSHB, 81st OAMBr, 95th ODSHB), for the staffing of which 70 tanks + equipment for training units are needed (199 educational center of the Airborne Forces (Zhytomyr) and the Airborne Forces faculty at the Military Academy (Odessa). Total: ≈ 75-80 tanks. T-80 tanks were exported by Ukraine in 1997- 1999

For reference:
the total number of T-80 tanks in service with Ukraine in 1992 was ≈ 250;
total number of T-80 tanks in service with Ukraine in 2016 ≈ 165 units.

3. T-64 tanks are being repaired and restored at the Kharkov BTRZ in order to equip the ground forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and units of the National Guard of Ukraine. The T-64 is not exported.

For reference:
the total number of T-64 tanks in service with Ukraine in 1992 was ≈ 2,100;
total number of T-64 tanks in service with Ukraine in 2016 ≈ 1350 units.

It is possible that part of the tanks could be sent to the Kiev BTRZ (Kyiv, Borispolskaya st., 34A). The specified plant can repair all the indicated types of tanks: T-64, T-72, T-80, and also has a military equipment storage base.

It should be noted that all the equipment located at the Kharkiv BTRZ was in an extremely unsatisfactory technical condition due to long-term storage in the open air and the lack of routine storage maintenance, which may indicate the choice of the last reserves of equipment of the lowest storage category.


Lisää samasta aiheesta, mutta vielä vanhempi kirjoitus. Altyn73 artikkelisarja joka on julkaistu vuonna 2014:

How many tanks are in the Armed Forces of Ukraine?​ (part 1) (part 2) (part 3) (part 4) (unshceduled part 1) (part 5) (part 6) (part 7)


Tämän analyysin perusteella Kharkovan tehdas on ollut työn touhussa Venäjän hyökkäystä edeltävinä vuosina ja pihalla pitkään seisseet vaunut on kunnostettuja ja osaksi modernisoitu, sekä otettu käyttöön.

Tämä oli toki tiedossa, kun katsoo heidän eri modernisointiprojektejaan aikavälillä 2014-2021.

En ole vaivautunut tutkimaan, löytyykö vastaavanlaisia analyysejä Ukrainan panssarivaunuvarastoille (oletan että vastaavia on useita, ainakin heille jäi suuri määrä panssarivaunuja Neuvostoliiton perintönä).
Viimeksi muokattu:
Viimeinen (oletettavasti videosta) vahvistettu rintamamuutos Robotynen alueella. Tuo oikeassa alalaidassa oleva alue on nyt välittömästi 1. Surovikin linjassa kiinni, eli tuossa saattaa olla Lego-hampaat ja panssarikaivanto kivenheiton päässä. Tuossa lienee myös aika leveä miinakenttä kummallakin puolella.

Saa nähdä mistä nämä ensimmäisen kerran ratkeaa. Jossakin kohtaa tulee vääjäämättä löytymään paikkoja, joihin ryssällä ei ole suoraa vaikutuskykyä ja siitä sitten mennään. Kenties MICLIC tai UR-77 vetää aloitusraidat. Ovat ryssälle 1. prioriteetin kohteita, aika kuumottavaa olla kuskina näissä.

Jos kiinnostaa lukea lisää, tässä toinen ryssäläinen analyysi Ukrainan sotateollisuuden tilasta vuoden 2014 jälkeen.

Julkaisuja on bmpd-blogi, kirjoitus on ilmestynyt aikaisemmin heidän Arms Export -lehdessään (web-artikkeli julkaistu 21.3.2022): LÄHDE

The state and development of the armored industry of Ukraine after 2014

The first issue of Arms Export magazine for 2022 published an article by Ruslan Pukhov, director of the Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies (CAST) , dedicated to the development of the armored industry in Ukraine after 2014. The bmpd blog provides the text of the article.


By February 2014, the armored cluster of the Ukrainian state concern "Ukroboronprom" consisted of 18 state-owned enterprises, including the developer - Kharkiv Design Bureau for Mechanical Engineering named after. A. A. Morozov (KMDB), serial manufacturer - plant named after. V. A. Malysheva (ZiM, Kharkov) and five repair enterprises - Kiev (KBTZ), Zhitomir (ZhBTZ), Kharkov (KhBTZ), Lvov (LBTZ) and Nikolaev (NBTZ) armored plants. The remaining state-owned enterprises specialized in the production of components for armored vehicles.

A sharp change in the political situation in Ukraine as a result of the events of 2014 led to a catastrophic reduction in the main sources of financial income, which were export contracts concluded through special exporting enterprises and bringing up to 90–95% of income. So, for the Kyiv Armored Plant (KBTZ), the income from export operations during 2016-2018. decreased from UAH 61.979 million. up to UAH 3.892 mln.

At the same time, in connection with the armed conflict in the east of Ukraine, the volume of the Ukrainian state defense order began to grow just as sharply, which made it attractive to private businessmen who had previously paid little attention to such a meager financial source. This, in turn, led to the gradual ousting from the growing market of the Ukroboronprom state-owned enterprises, which previously almost completely dominated it. Both of these processes led to a financial fever and an even greater aggravation of the serious problems of the armored cluster.

At the same time, official representatives of Ukroboronprom noted a decrease in the share of enterprises of the state concern in the implementation of the Ukrainian state defense order, which is growing from year to year: in 2015, companies with private capital accounted for 23% of the total, and at the end of 2020 this figure more than doubled - up to 54%.

Export of armored vehicles

As of the beginning of 2014, Ukrainian enterprises were fulfilling a number of large export contracts for the supply of armored vehicles.


On September 25, 2009, a subsidiary of the Ukrainian state company "Ukrspetsexport" - the state enterprise "Specialized Foreign Trade Company "Progress" - signed a contract with the Main Directorate of Armament and Supply of the Ministry of Defense of Iraq for the design (development and revision of documentation according to customer requirements), manufacture and supply Iraq with five batches of 420 BTR-4 armored personnel carriers (8 × 8 wheel arrangement) with Parus combat modules, a set of spare parts, simulators, as well as the provision of services for a total amount of $ 457.5 million in the period from September 2010 to March 2012

The cost of the contract included services for theoretical and practical training of a group of customer specialists in the amount of 90 people, conducting training with them necessary for operation and maintenance for two months in Ukraine. The terms of the contract were based on a 20% advance payment, followed by 70% of each batch of products after the issuance of the pre-shipment inspection report and 10% of the final payment of each batch after the signing of the receipt certificate after delivery.

Ukraine was able to ship the first batch of equipment to Iraq only by the end of April 2011, it included four command armored personnel carriers BTR-4KE, 20 linear armored personnel carriers BTR-4E and two integrated dynamic simulators TE-BTR-4 for the crew of an armored personnel carrier BTR-4 manufactured by KMDB named after . A. A. Morozova. The second batch of eight command armored personnel carriers BTR-4KE, 40 linear armored personnel carriers BTR-4E, eight armored ambulance vehicles BMM-4S with an individual set of spare parts, two integrated dynamic simulators TE-BTR-4 and two workshops for maintenance and repair (MTO) was sent to Iraq in July 2012.

The third and last batch left Ukraine at the end of March 2013, it included five BTR-4KE command armored personnel carriers, 29 BTR-4 line armored personnel carriers, six BMM-4S armored ambulance vehicles, two maintenance and repair workshops, and two complex dynamic simulator TEBTR-4. This batch was not accepted and was returned by Iraq in January 2014 - by the end of the year, equipment from its composition was transferred to the armed forces and the national guard of Ukraine.

The ensuing numerous negotiations with the Iraqi side did not lead to a positive result, the contract was finally thwarted, the advance was not returned, Ukraine was charged with penalties in the amount of more than $100 million.


In June 2011, the state company Ukrspetsexport signed a contract with the Ethiopian state corporation Metals & Engineering Corporation for the supply of armored vehicles for the Ethiopian Ministry of National Defense. It was officially announced that deliveries would include about 200 tanks, and the amount of the agreement would exceed $100 million, making this contract one of Ukrspetsexport's eight largest deals over the previous 15 years.

State Enterprise "Kharkiv Armored Repair Plant" at an exhibition in Abu Dhabi (UAE), held in February 2011, presented a working model of the upgraded T-72UMG tank with a new power plant based on a 5TDFMA-1 diesel engine with a capacity of 1050 liters. With. developed by the State Enterprise "Kharkov Design Bureau for Engine Building" with the preservation of a fan cooling system, air conditioning and an auxiliary power unit, an improved sighting system of guided missile weapons with a night sight and a guidance device 1K13-49, which provides the possibility of using tank guided missiles of the Ukrainian complex "Kombat", an automatic loading, adapted for tank guided missiles "Kombat" developed and manufactured by the State Design Bureau "Luch" (Kyiv) and dynamic protection "Knife" developed by the Ukrainian SE MBCKT "Mikrotek".

The execution of the contract was transferred to the State Enterprise "Kyiv Armored Plant", and the State Enterprise "Lviv Armored Plant" was also involved - the lead contractor for the supply of armored vehicles to Sudan. Due to the cramped financial situation, the Ethiopian customer decided to purchase not only an upgraded version of the tank based on the T-72UMG variant, modified according to his wishes, but also unmodernized T-72B1 tanks of the second category from storage without repair, but with a check for performance, as well as T-72B1 tanks from storage after a major overhaul. The total amount of the contract was $137 million. Transportation was carried out from the Ukrainian port of Oktyabrsk to the port of Djibouti.

Under the contract, in 2014, the first 11 modernized T-72 tanks without PKT and NSVT machine guns were delivered to Ethiopia. In 2015, four more modernized T-72 tanks were delivered without PKT and NSVT machine guns.

In general, the implementation of the contract was delayed for five years. In total, during this time, 215 T-72 tanks in various configurations were shipped to Ethiopia, of which 30 were modernized, four BTS-5B armored tractors, 195 rounds of Kombat tank guided missiles, 2000 GD-1 aerosol grenades developed and manufactured by GNIIPKh (g . Shostka), operational kits of spare parts and accessories 1:30 65.184.1.EK-1 for T-72B1 tanks, 13910 elements of dynamic protection KhSCHKV-34 developed and manufactured by State Enterprise BTsKT "Mikrotek", mobile workshops for the repair of electrical equipment (MES on the chassis of KrAZ- 6322), mobile maintenance workshops (MTO on the KrAZ-6322 chassis), control and testing machines for the guided missile weapon system (KPM on the KrAZ-5133 chassis), a KTK1 training and control kit that controls the deviation of the aiming line during firing,

In addition, in 2013, Ukrspetsexport signed a contract with the Central Procurement Directorate of the Ethiopian Ministry of National Defense for the supply of spare parts kits and special tools for old T-55 tanks that remained in service with the Ethiopian army.


In 2007, Ukraine won a tender to supply Thailand with 96 BTR-3 armored personnel carriers of various modifications worth about 4 billion baht (about $117 million). The final agreement was reached a year later, and the contract for the supply of equipment was signed only in August 2008.

The BTR-3 armored personnel carriers for Thailand were manufactured by the Kiev Armored Plant and were equipped with the Shturm combat module with a 30-mm ZTM-1 cannon, a 7.62-mm PKT machine gun, an automatic grenade launcher, a Tucha system, Barrier anti-tank guided missiles, as well as Mercedes diesel engines, Allison automatic transmission and air conditioning.

The first two Ukrainian-made BTR-3E1s arrived in Thailand at the Utapao air base on September 28, 2010 on an Il-76MD aircraft.

In August 2011, another contract was signed with Thailand for the supply of 121 BTR-3 armored personnel carriers and vehicles based on them. Thus, the total amount of contracting reached $256.27 million.

Between 2014 and 2016 - in the midst of hostilities in the Donbass - Ukraine exported to Thailand 49 BTR-3E1 linear armored personnel carriers, four armored personnel carriers with a 120-mm mortar BTR-3M2, nine armored personnel carriers with an 82-mm mortar BTR-3M1, 11 anti-tank missile systems based on an armored personnel carrier BTR -3RK(K), six repair and recovery armored personnel carriers BTR-3BR and three ambulances BTR-3S. The final batch of armored vehicles consisting of 11 BTR-3E1 units was delivered to the customer in March 2016.

In September 2011, SC "Ukrspetsexport" received a contract worth $240 million to supply the Thai army with 49 new BM "Oplot-T" tanks and two armored repair and recovery vehicles "Atlet" based on them, with a deadline of completion by the end of 2014. In accordance with the commission agreement dated December 7, 2011, the amount of remuneration due for the performance of the contract to the manufacturer of tanks - the plant named after V.A. Malyshev, amounted to $ 156 million.

However, on January 14, 2014, only the complex dynamic simulator for the crew of the BM "Oplot-T" tank was sent, and the first batch of five BM "Oplot" tanks was shipped already in 2015. In 2016, two more batches of tanks were shipped, only 10 units. In 2017 - three more batches, a total of 16 units. In 2018, the last two batches of the main tanks BM "Oplot-T" (13 units) were shipped, and six tanks of the final batch were sent on May 17, 2018. It also included two BREM "Athlet" manufactured by KMDB named after. A. A. Morozova. In addition, in addition to the 10 Kombat missiles delivered in 2013, Thailand received 12 rounds from the Kombat anti-tank guided missile in 2016.

Democratic Republic of the Congo

At the end of 2013, the State Enterprise "Ukroboronservice" signed a contract with the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) for the supply of 51 T-64B1V tanks (without the 9K112(-1) Kobra guided weapon system) with their repair and modernization to the T-64B1M level on the amount of UAH 100 million. (about $12.5 million). Repair and modernization of T-64 tanks of a simplified version were carried out at the State Enterprise "Kharkov Armored Plant". The executor of the contract actually purchased the equipment from the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine for next to nothing, and the main part of the funds paid was the price of repairs and modernization, as well as profit.

With the outbreak of armed conflict in southeastern Ukraine, the contract was suspended (some sources claimed that the contract had been broken), although officials in Kyiv denied this. In the summer of the same year, a modification of the T-64B1M tank was first publicly presented, and already on September 10, 2014, the first 10 T-64B1M tanks produced under the Congolese contract were transferred by the manufacturer to the National Guard of Ukraine.

In April 2016, it became known about a shadow scheme for the supply of 25 T-64 tanks to the DRC through Estonia - it was reported that the Estonian company TransLogistic Group OU illegally delivered these tanks from Ukraine to the DRC, along with machine guns and ammunition. The Estonian Police and Border Guard Department's Money Laundering Data Bureau is interested in the deal. The department noted that in February of that year, 862 thousand dollars were transferred to the account of TransLogistic Group OU, owned by Gennady Vilkaste, who lives in Latvia, in the Estonian branch of Danske Bank. This amount was an advance payment for the transportation of tanks and ammunition. According to the documents of the Estonian police, these were 25 T-64BV-1 tanks, machine guns for them NSVT 12.7 mm and PKT 7.62 mm and 25 corrective packages, ammunition and additional devices.


In May 2021, the plant named after. V. A. Malysheva, through Ukrspetsexport, delivered the last batch of 10 new tank engines 6TD-2 459M.TU, 6TD-1 459I.TU to the Pakistani state armored enterprise Heavy Industries Taxila (HIT) and arsenal 304 Spares Depot EME with a delay contract for four years.

Pakistan, since 1995, remains one of the main and most stable customers of the Ukrainian armored industry. So, not counting the annual supply of spare parts, consumables for warranty service and components for previously delivered in the 1990s. from Ukraine T-80UD tanks and tanks manufactured at HIT Chinese-Pakistani development MVT-2000 (Al-Khalid), in the period from 2014 to 2021. 110 engine compartments based on 6TD-2 diesel engines for Al-Khalid tanks and about 40 MTO based on 6TD-1 for T-80UD produced by the plant named after A.I. V. A. Malysheva.

In February 2021, at the IDEX 2021 international arms exhibition, Ukrspetsexport signed a contract for the repair of Pakistani T-80UD tanks for a total of $85.6 million.
However, the plant named after V. A. Malyshev ended 2020 with a loss of UAH 112.4 million. (in 2019, losses amounted to UAH 420 million), and total accounts payable as of January 1, 2021 amounted to UAH 1.8 billion. (about 65 million dollars). The growing problems of the enterprise, which has been in the stage of permanent bankruptcy since 2011, are also evidenced by the fact that in the period from 2014 to 2019. It has already had seven CEOs.


Myanmar continued to be another long-standing partner of Ukraine in military-technical cooperation, despite numerous sanctions from Western countries, where, with the participation of Ukrainian specialists, licensed production of BTR-3U armored personnel carriers from vehicle kits supplied from Ukraine was established. In 2003, Ukrspetsexport signed a contract with the Myanmar state company Amthyst Trading Company Limited for the supply of 100 BTR-3U units, and this contract provided, in addition to the supply of the first 10 finished BTR-3U armored personnel carriers, also the organization of their production in Myanmar. Judging by the number of products produced by PJSC "Kiev Automation Plant named after. G. I. Petrovsky" and digital weapon stabilizers SVU500-3Ts delivered over the past years, which are installed on the Shkval combat module of the BTR-3U armored personnel carrier,

Expanding the range of manufactured products, Ukrspetsexport, under a contract with the Department of Defense Industry of the Headquarters of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Myanmar from 2014, began supplying technical documentation for the assembly production and manufacturing of welded hulls of lightly armored vehicles (BTR-4U wheeled armored personnel carriers and 2S1U tracked platforms), and also medium tanks MMT-40-1 and production and technological equipment for the assembly of armored personnel carriers BTR-4. The designation 2S1U was given to a tracked vehicle based on the undercarriage and armored hull of the 122-mm self-propelled howitzer 2S1 Gvozdika, which is being assembled in Myanmar. The MMT-40-1 tank, in turn, was created in Myanmar by installing a turret with a 105-mm cannon from the Chinese wheeled (6 × 6) armored vehicle WMA301 (PTL02) Assaulter on the 2S1U platform.

In June 2014, Anatoly Girshfeld, the owner of the largest forging and stamping enterprise in Ukraine, Lozovsky Forging and Mechanical Plant PJSC, stated that in the interests of Myanmar, it is planned to produce about 200 armored hulls for wheeled armored personnel carriers.

Similar work was carried out in Thailand. In July 2019, the General Director of the Ukroboronprom Concern, Pavel Bukin, announced that the first vehicle set of the armored command and staff vehicle BTR-3KSh had been sent there for licensed assembly at an authorized enterprise in cooperation with the Institute of Defense Technology of the Ministry of Defense of Thailand for the production of BTR3E1 of various modifications and vehicles on its base, as well as to provide after-sales service in Thailand under an agreement concluded in November 2015.

Already after 2014, small-scale deliveries of BTR-4 armored personnel carriers to Nigeria, Indonesia and the United States, as well as repaired T-72 tanks and BTS-4 armored tractors to Nigeria, Myanmar and Uganda were carried out. A large batch of repaired and partially modernized BRDM-2 was delivered to the UAE (apparently for subsequent transfer to the Middle East armed formations). In 2020, for the first time in history, export deliveries of Kozak-2 armored vehicles (4 × 4) manufactured by PJSC NPO Praktika (Kyiv) began - two vehicles were sent to Indonesia.

Ukrainian state defense order for armored vehicles

The Chief of Armaments of the Armed Forces of Ukraine officially recognized the irretrievable losses during active hostilities in 2014–2015. 78 tanks and 236 infantry fighting vehicles. Independent experts, based on an analysis of data from open sources, believe that by the beginning of 2014 Ukraine had 83 BM Bulat tanks and 700 T-64BV tanks, but during the hostilities in the Donbass at least 170 T-64 tanks (according to others data, more than 300 units) of different series were destroyed in battle, and 65 were captured by enemy forces. According to the act of inventory of material assets of the 17th separate tank brigade of the armed forces of Ukraine alone, its official irretrievable losses in the ATO zone are 48 units of armored weapons and equipment.

Starting from 2014, funding was significantly increased and unprecedented measures were taken to compensate for the losses of the Ukrainian armed forces in armored vehicles and build up its forces and means, including a ban on exports and the redirection of armored vehicles already ready for shipment to a foreign customer to Ukrainian law enforcement agencies.

At the same time, the more than threefold growth of the dollar against the hryvnia, the rupture of traditional cooperative ties with Russian enterprises, the general deterioration of the economic situation and the loss of a number of factories that remained in the territories of Crimea and Donbass not controlled by Kiev, leveled the efforts made. The expected significant increase in the number, and even more so the quality of armored vehicles in the Ukrainian troops did not happen. However, at the initiative of public and private enterprises, as well as in connection with unjustified imports, the range of armored vehicles in use has significantly increased, exacerbating the already difficult support of the anti-terrorist operation in Donbass.

Even an incomplete list of operated armored personnel carriers allows us to assess the scale of the problems of logistics and logistics support for the armored units of the ground forces of Ukraine: the modernized BTR-60, BTR-70, BTR-70Di-02 "Svityaz", BTR-80, BTR-3 with Iveco engine, BTR-3E with Deutz engine, BTR-3E with UTD-20 engine, BTR-3DA/70, BTR-3E1U, BTR-4E with 3TD engine, BTR-4E with Deutz engine and BTR-4MV, etc. A similar picture with infantry fighting vehicles that have undergone numerous upgrades, and tanks, which include four main types (T-64, T-72, T-80 and T-84U Oplot) and more than a dozen of their modifications. No less complex are the measures for the training and retraining of personnel necessary for the operation of such a diverse fleet of military equipment.

Even the significantly increased hryvnia budget of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and other power structures was used extremely inefficiently, and often was completely plundered, which led to regular disruptions in the implementation of the planned indicators of the Ukrainian state defense order. Thus, the former Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Viktor Muzhenko, who was already retired, said that the actual implementation of the state defense order did not exceed 30%. Ukrainian experts explain the problems with the implementation of the state defense order by the inept management of the industry and rampant corruption, but, first of all, by the hostile influence of “Russian agents”. Meanwhile, it is impossible not to notice that none of the export contracts that brought in hundreds of millions of dollars, and indeed almost all government contracts, would not have been fulfilled without the supply of Russian spare parts and components, which, despite the introduction in 2014

Indicative is the history of the light armored vehicle TKBM "Dozor-B" (4 × 4), developed by the KMDB. A. A. Morozova back in the early 2000s. (the first prototype was made in 2006). After numerous scandals and trials, the Lviv Armored Plant nevertheless produced in 2016 an experimental batch of ten Dozor-B vehicles. After that, the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine in 2019 signed a contract with NPK VK Sistema and the Polish company Mista for the purchase of 25 Oncilla 4 × 4 L2014-UD armored combat vehicles, which are a modified version of the same Dozor-B vehicle, according to price UAH 8.3 million. for a unit. The Polish company received documentation for their production through the Cypriot Lасenaire Limited.

As part of the Ukrainian state defense order, a number of state contracts were concluded between the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and the Kyiv Armored Plant with an estimated cost of UAH 587.4 million. for the production of 38 BTR-3DA armored personnel carriers by July 30, 2019.

According to the plant, it successfully completed the state defense order in 2017, transferring 51 new BTR-3DA armored personnel carriers to the armed forces, the National Guard and other law enforcement agencies of Ukraine.

According to the Minister of Defense of Ukraine, in 2016 the Kiev Armored Plant delivered 26 BTR-3DA armored personnel carriers instead of the required 42. not reported. By the end of 2019, the Kiev Armored Plant carried warranty obligations for a total of 44 BTR-3DAs produced. At the same time, specialization in the range of manufactured and repaired equipment was completely violated. So, KBTZ was included in the official register of performers of the following works: in April 2015 - for the BTR-3E1 (V1332A.TU), in May 2015 - for the T-72UA tank (77.184.1050.00.000TU), in November 2015 - according to BTR-3DA (V1352TU), in May 2018 - according to the T-72AMT tank, in August 2020 - according to the BTR-80 (TU 05.5903.069UR), in December 2020 - according to the T- 64 (447A.UK). Summer 2021

KhKBM them. A. A. Morozova did not fulfill the 2016 contract for the supply of 45 BTR-4s to the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine for three years in a row, which forced the contract to be postponed until August 31, 2020. completed.

All this significantly corrected the plans originally announced in Ukraine: to produce 40 Oplot tanks in 2015, and in 2016 to reach the level of their production of 100-120 units per year; in 2014–2015 produce 150 Dozor-B wheeled combat vehicles; by 2020, fully equip two brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with 300 units of BTR-4 alone; put into service with the Armed Forces of Ukraine a new infantry fighting vehicle based on the T-64 tank, etc.

The T-64 remains the most massive type of APU tank, serving as a platform for numerous upgrades. It was reported that the Kharkov Armored Plant had already handed over to the Ukrainian army more than 100 modernized T-64s of the 2017 model, while preparing a new version - the T-64BM2. At the same time, KMDB im. A. A. Morozova, as part of the ROC "Crab", developed her own version of the modernization of the T-64.

Import substitution

By the decision of the National Security Council of Ukraine dated August 27, 2014 "On measures to improve the state military-technical policy", put into effect by the decree of the President of Ukraine dated August 27, 2014 No. 691/2014, export and import of military and dual-use goods to the Russian Federation and of it was banned, so the tasks of import substitution of Russian products, the share of which in some products exceeded 50%, became extremely urgent. For these purposes, budgetary funds were allocated and the corresponding R&D was ordered. It should be noted that “import substitution” in Ukraine refers to the process of replacing Russian supplies not so much with domestic products, but with other imports, primarily of Western origin.

It was also reported on the success of import substitution on the BM "Oplot" tank: out of 140 positions requiring replacement at the end of 2014, 130 were replaced by the end of 2015, and the remaining 10 were supposed to be "closed" in 2016. However, despite the optimism of the given official figures reports, in reality, according to the KMDB, in the design of the BM "Oplot" for 2021, more than 5% of Russian-made parts were retained, the complete replacement of which is expected no earlier than 2023 as part of the implementation of the Bastion R&D.

Other problems of the Ukrainian defense industry are continuous smuggling (primarily from Russia), the use of counterfeit products and the overhaul of the found repair fund, the purchase of which has been arranged around the world by Ukrainian private and state structures. The process of "import substitution" in Ukraine eventually resulted in a banal replacement of the source of imports, which is by no means always legally perfect and meets quality requirements.

Thus, the Ukrainian armored industry is still mainly engaged in the development of the Soviet heritage, without having produced a single new tank for its own needs. Several hundred new armored personnel carriers BTR-3 and BTR-4, produced since 2014 or requisitioned from export deliveries, also did not become the basis of the armored vehicle fleet of Ukrainian law enforcement agencies. At the same time, the number of imported equipment of both Soviet models (BMP-1, MT LB, 2S1, etc.) and foreign ones (Oncilla, Saxon, HMMWV, etc.) is gradually increasing, actually to the detriment of the production and design potential of Ukraine.