Ukrainan konflikti/sota

Tatarigamin mukaan ukrainan tappiot ovat "substantial" eli merkittävät. Suurin osa tulee ei kovin yllättäen tykistöstä ja FPV-droneista (lainataan jotakin ukrainan sotilasta).
Joo, kyllä tuo on ihan tosissaan hyökkäämistä eikä mitään yllätysreserviä ole olemassa jatkamaan, kun tämä lopetetaan. Näillä mennään niin pitkälle kuin päästään.
Putin kertoi Ukrainan 4.6. alkaneen vastahyökkäyksen epäonnistuneen tavatessaan Erdoganin. Putin kertoi myös jo 23.7. Ukrainan vastahyökkäyksen epäonnistuneen tavatessaan Lukashenkon.

Putin called Ukraine's counteroffensive a failure​

The Ukrainian counteroffensive is a failure. This was announced on Monday, September 4, by Russian President Vladimir Putin following negotiations with his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

According to Putin, the so-called slippage in the course of the counter-offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (APU) does not stop today. Meanwhile, the Russian side is always ready for a constructive dialogue with Kiev.

“Russia has never refused negotiations, and now we do not refuse. And Mr. President (Erdogan. - Ed.) raised questions during our meeting today. I confirm this to him,” he said.

Talks between Putin and Erdogan took place earlier that day in Sochi. It was noted that the leaders of the two countries spoke for an hour and a half. After the meeting as part of the delegations, the presidents of the Russian Federation and Turkey continued negotiations in a narrow format over a working lunch.

The counter-offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with the use of reserves began on June 4 and continues to this day. Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said on July 3 that Ukrainian troops had not reached their targets in any of the directions.

In early August, it was reported that the Ukrainian military command had to change the tactics of its counteroffensive.

Later, on September 4, Vladimir Rogov, head of the Zaporizhzhya social movement “We are together with Russia,” said that Ukrainian militants had lost tens of thousands of servicemen in the three months of the counteroffensive on the Zaporozhye front line, without reaching the first line of defense of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation .

The special operation to protect Donbass , the beginning of which Putin announced on February 24 last year, continues. The decision was made against the background of the aggravation of the situation in the region due to shelling by the Ukrainian military.

Putin hosts Lukashenko, calls Ukraine counter-offensive a failure​

July 23 (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin said Ukraine's counteroffensive "has failed" as he hosted Belarusian leader Alexander Lukashenko, his close ally, for talks in St Petersburg on Sunday.

"There is no counteroffensive," Russian news agencies quoted Lukashenko as saying.

Putin replied: "It exists, but it has failed."

Ukraine began its long-anticipated counter-offensive last month but has so far made only small gains against well entrenched Russian forces who control more than a sixth of its territory after nearly 17 months of war.
Tämä video on kesäkuulta ja Röpcke sen jälkimmäisessä kommentissa mainitseekin, mutta en taas ymmärrä minkä takia hän linkkasi tämän videon uudestaan ja valitti kuinka taas oli tuhottu yksi Caesar. Tämä kyseinen video taisi olla ensimmäinen todistettu Caesarin menetys.
Se on sitä ryssän vaikuttamista.. kuinka moni menee lukemaan kommentteja vaan ottaa kuvan totena.
Tulkki vähän mokas
Turkey's President Erdogan 'declares war' with Russia thanks to an interpreter's blunder in front of a surprised Putin.Erdoğan dramatically appeared to declare war on a surprised Vladimir Putin when they met today.'There is war between Russia and Turkey,' announced the Turkish-Russian translation of Erdogan's remarks.The Russian dictator appeared momentarily nonplussed as the interpreter mis-translated the Ankara president's opening remarks at a summit in Sochi.Telegram channel Crimean Wind called out an 'epic mistake' by the official interpreter at the summit between Turkey, a NATO member, and Russia.
Milloinkohan nämä alkavat pöllyttää ryssiä pitkin Ukrainan tannerta.

Puolan moderni superase Ukrainan taistelijoiden harjoituksessa.

30 kuukaudesta puhuttiin viime syyskuussa,että saattaapi hetki testeineen vielä mennä.
