Ukrainan konflikti/sota

Minusta Ukrainan pitäs puskea D/L alueelle. Koska jos ne kaatuu, niin Mariupol yms etelä kaatuu perästä. Varsinkin kun D/L on se voimakkain alue ja eniten linnoitettu.
Nyt jos Ukraina hyökkää Rannikolle ja ottaa etelän takasin haltuunsa, niin äkkiä ollaan takaisin 22 tammikuun tilanteessa ja sit taas odotellaan, että Venäjä saa voimia kasaan ja pattitilanne jatkuu seuraavan 5-10 vuotta.
Ei Ukraina luovu Krimistä, koska Eurooppa tarvitsee maakaasua jatkossakin. Ja Mustalta mereltä sitä löytyy.

Itä-Ukraina on jokseenkin tarpeeton ja ryssän ryöväämä, periaate on ainoa asia miksi se pitäisi saada takaisin.
Mielenkiintoisia tuoreita kommentteja länsimaiden avusta:

"Celeste A. Wallander, the U.S. assistant secretary of defense for international security affairs, told the lawmakers that advanced Western fighter aircraft ranked only 'about eighth' on Ukraine’s priority list."


Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin on April 21, "in just a few short months, the Contact Group has delivered more than 230 tanks, more than 1,550 armored vehicles and other equipment and munitions to support more than nine new armored brigades."

Parin Venäjän rikkaimpiin kuuluvan miehen välinen puhelinkeskustelu (puhelun sanotaan olevan 10.1.2023 eli kohta neljä kuukautta vanha):

Rats abandoning the ship: leaked phone call reveals two Russian businessmen slamming Putin and Russia's war. The men in the call are identified as Roman Trotsenko and Nikolai Matushevsky, some of the richest men in Russia. The original call dated to 10 January is over 40 minutes, but the 5-minute snippet contains the juiciest bits. Translation by us included.

Whether the call is real is impossible to establish, but it could well have similar objectives as the call released last month between Iosif Prigozhin and Farkhad Akhmetov: to distance themselves from the Russian authorities, and "wash off their sins", remove sanctions.

The call was published by "Nastoyashee Vremya" agency.

Post your favourite screenshots below.


Prigozhinin tuoreesta purkauksesta käännös. Tästä oli poimintoja jo aikaisemmin tässä ketjussa, joten laitan spoilerin taakse:

Every day, Prigozhin comes up with a new mood for himself, anywhere between victorious and defeatist. Today, he's once again hysterical: in a 5-minute audio rant he declares that the Ukrainian offensive is inevitable, will start after 2nd May when the soil dries up, and that Wagner will last 2-3 more weeks in the current conditions.

He goes on to accuse the military of holding up ammunition (again) which results in a 5-time increase in casualties among the mercenaries. Prigozhin says those responsible will be answering before the family members of mobiks who will suffer when the AFU start moving.

The transcription of the audio recording is below.




Viimeksi muokattu:
Kiinalla voi olla jotain suunnitelmaa "rauhan neuvotteluista", ensin puhelinkeskustelu Xi:n ja Zelenskyn välillä (ensimmäistä kertaa sodan alkamisen jälkeen) ja nyt tämä:

China will send its special representative for Eurasian affairs to Ukraine and other countries to conduct in-depth communication with all parties regarding the political settlement of the conflict, Xi Jinping said.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry added that Beijing is consistent and clear in its readiness to develop the Chinese-Ukrainian strategic partnership. That "both sides need to continue the tradition of mutual respect and sincerity.”


Bakhmutin suunnalla "yllätyksiä" tiedossa:

Spokesman of the 10th mountain assault brigade Nikita Shandyba said that the Ukrainian forces are preparing a “surprise” for the Russian forces in Bakhmut. What, can only be guessed.

Viimeksi muokattu:
Mielenkiintoisia tuoreita kommentteja länsimaiden avusta:

"Celeste A. Wallander, the U.S. assistant secretary of defense for international security affairs, told the lawmakers that advanced Western fighter aircraft ranked only 'about eighth' on Ukraine’s priority list."


Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin on April 21, "in just a few short months, the Contact Group has delivered more than 230 tanks, more than 1,550 armored vehicles and other equipment and munitions to support more than nine new armored brigades."

Mielenkiintoista todellakin, mitä rallienkkuni tuosta ymmärsi, niin menneestä aikamuodosta puhutaan, eli olisi tuo kalusto jo toimitettu?

Hävittäjistä oli muistaakseni aiemmin juttua, prioriteetti ei ole korkealla, ilmatorjunnan toimittamista pidettiin paljon tärkeämpänä.