Ukrainan sodan videot.

KUOLETTAVA "BUKEFALOS": miten Ukrainassa valmistettu BTR-4 iskee Venäjän miehittäjiin
BTR-4 "Bukefalos" on ukrainalainen nelivetoinen kahdeksanpyöräinen panssaroitu miehistönkuljetusajoneuvo, jonka on kehittänyt Harkovan konetekninen suunnittelutoimisto. Se on varustettu tehokkaalla 30 mm:n tykillä ja 7,62 mm:n PKT-konekiväärillä. Taistelumoduuliin on asennettu myös AG-17, joka kykenee ampumaan 30 mm:n kranaatteja. Tarvittaessa siihen voidaan asentaa panssarintorjuntaohjusjärjestelmä.

"Bukefalosin" panssari kestää suurikaliiperisten konekiväärien osumat. Miehistönkuljetusajoneuvo pystyy ylittämään vesistöesteitä ja sillä on korkea maasto-ominaisuus. Nämä ovat Ukrainassa valmistetun panssaroidun miehistönkuljetusajoneuvon tärkeimmät ominaisuudet, jota muun muassa käyttää 56. erillinen Mariupolin moottorijalkaväkiprikaati.

Vänrikki Serhii Lipko osallistui vuonna 2023 täysimittaisen sodan aikana valmistetun BTR-4:n testaukseen. Lisäksi Armiya TV:n kuvausryhmä onnistui kuvaamaan "Bukefalosin" ylittämässä vesistöestettä.

PTAB-2,5M: Luomisesta nykyaikaiseen käyttöön drooneilla
Tässä videossa käsittelemme PTAB-2.5M-panssarintorjuntailmapommien historiaa ja kehitystä. Aloitamme niiden syntytaustan tarkastelulla ja kerromme rynnäkkölentokoneiden taistelusta panssarivaunujen kanssa. Siirrymme sitten PTAB-2.5-ilmapommien käyttöönottoon Neuvostoliitossa ja ilmapommien nimeämisperinteisiin Neuvostoliitossa. Erityistä huomiota kiinnitämme PTAB-2.5-, PTAB-2.5M- ja PTAB-2.5KO-ilmapommien sarjaan sekä RBK-250-kyllästyskasetin ilmestymiseen, sen ominaisuuksiin ja käyttöön.

Tarkastelemme yksityiskohtaisesti PTAB-2.5M-ilmapommia, sen panssarin läpäisykykyä, nykyaikaista käyttöä Venäjän armeijassa, rakenteita ja sytyttimen toimintaperiaatetta. Keskustelemme sytytysjärjestelmän puutteista ja PTAB-2.5M:n toisesta elämästä pudotuksina. On tärkeää tietää, miksi PTAB-2.5M:n vakiovalmistesytytintä ei pitäisi käyttää ja mitä tulee tehdä, jotta PTAB-2.5M:ää voidaan käyttää pudotuksena. Lopuksi puhumme PTAB-2.5M-pudotusten tehokkuudesta eri kohteita vastaan.

0:00 Intro
0:12 PTAB-2.5M, syntytausta.
0:28 Rynnäkköilmailun taistelu panssarikorpuksia vastaan
1:28 PTAB-2.5-ilmapommien käyttöönotto Neuvostoliitossa
2:52 Ilmapommien nimeämisperinteet Neuvostoliitossa
3:06 PTAB-2.5-, PTAB-2.5M- ja PTAB-2.5KO-ilmapommien sarja
4:14 RBK-250-yksittäisen pommikasetin ilmestyminen, yleiskatsaus, ominaisuudet ja käyttö
5:25 PTAB-2.5M, ilmapommin yleiskatsaus
5:42 PTAB-2.5M-ilmapommin panssarin läpäisy
6:02 PTAB-2.5M:n nykyaikainen käyttö Venäjän armeijassa
6:52 PTAB-2.5M-panssarintorjuntailmapommin rakenne
8:36 PTAB-2.5M:n sytytin, yleiskatsaus, rakenne ja toimintaperiaate
14:13 PTAB-2.5M:n sytytysjärjestelmän puute
15:19 PTAB-2.5M:n toinen elämä pudotuksina
16:15 Miksi PTAB-2.5M:n vakiovalmistesytytintä ei tulisi käyttää
18:13 Mitä tehdä PTAB-2.5M:n käyttämiseksi pudotuksena
19:48 Mihin kohteisiin PTAB-2.5M-pudotuksia voidaan käyttää

Video ei ole opetusmateriaali eikä kehota mihinkään toimintaan.
Kaikki, mitä teette, teette omalla harkinnallanne ja vastuullanne.
Muistutus siviileille!
Ukrainan rikoslain 263 §:n mukaan ampuma-aseiden (paitsi sileäpiippuisten metsästysaseiden), taisteluammusten, räjähteiden tai räjähdyslaitteiden hallussapito, säilyttäminen, hankinta, luovutus tai myynti ilman lainmukaista lupaa on rangaistava vankeudella kolmesta seitsemään vuoteen.
Ukrainan rikoslain mukaan henkilö voidaan saattaa rikosoikeudelliseen vastuuseen laittomasta aseiden, taisteluammusten tai räjähteiden käsittelystä (263 §) sekä ampuma-aseiden laittomasta valmistamisesta, muuntamisesta tai korjaamisesta tai niiden merkintöjen laittomasta poistamisesta tai muuttamisesta taikka taisteluammusten, räjähteiden tai räjähdelaitteiden laittomasta valmistamisesta (263 §).
Uudelleenintegraatioministeriö muistuttaa! Miinojen ja ammusten käsittely on vaarallista. Älkää sivuuttako varoitusmerkkejä älkääkä koskeko epäilyttäviin esineisiin, älkääkä ottako kuvia sotilasajoneuvojen vieressä. Jos löydätte vahingossa jotain, ilmoittakaa siitä numeroon 101 tai 102 ja varoittakaa muita. Varovaisuutenne ja tietoinen suhtautumisenne voivat pelastaa henkiä!
Piz*dorez in the trenches: the 3rd Separate Assault Brigade drives the enemy from positions in the Kharkiv region
Heavy fighting in the Kharkiv region, where the hot section of the front is held by the Third Assault Brigade. In the video, soldiers of the 3rd Separate Assault Brigade are clearing positions—trenches with dugouts occupied by the enemy. The footage is from the participants' GoPro cameras. In these frames, soldiers of the 1st Assault Battalion advance through the trenches, engaging in intense close-quarters combat. Grenades and bursts of automatic fire are directed at enemy dugouts. Seconds of hesitation can cost lives.

The soldiers work with the support of artillery and drones, which need to hit enemy hideouts accurately without harming the assault troops nearby.

Some of the trenches are successfully cleared, but enemy FPV drones begin targeting them. One soldier is wounded, but a comrade quickly applies tourniquets to stop the bleeding.

Two soldiers head into the thick of the battle to retrieve the wounded for further evacuation. They deliver ammunition, tend to the injured, and stand shoulder to shoulder with their comrades, trying to dislodge the enemy from their positions. Watch the new powerful video from the 3rd Separate Assault Brigade to see how it all unfolds.

00:00 "Here, you live more in one day than you do in a month in civilian life."
01:14 "Faster, faster!"
01:30 "Who's there? Throw a grenade in there."
03:10 "He tells me: 'Ours'."
03:40 "Continuing to clear the trenches."
04:55 "Faster, brother, don't linger like that."
05:45 "Move! You're in a danger zone!"
06:20 "There's a lot of shooting here."
08:15 "The bastards are retreating!"
10:00 "Let's work!"
10:30 "No bleeding, awesome."
10:50 "There's a flying zoo here!"
11:30 "There's no one here, they bugged out."
12:00 "Give information about the bastards."
13:00 "Trench cleared!"
13:30 "Thanks to our sponsors!"

Russians surrender to scouts of the "RUBIZH" Brigade.
"Brother, I'll help you, but we need to get there."

Between us and Russia lies an unbridgeable civilizational chasm. Just yesterday, a horrific photo of a Ukrainian defender tortured in Russian captivity shocked the nation. Today, we show how true warriors, who possess honor and dignity, treat captured enemies.

As a result of a successful military operation, several dozen occupiers surrendered to the scouts of the 2nd Operational Battalion of the "RUBIZH" Brigade. Most of them were conscripts doomed to die in Russia's "meat" assaults but chose life and laid down their arms. Our soldiers provided them with the necessary qualified medical assistance and acted as humanely as the combat conditions allowed.

Atrocities, civilian murders, torture, and abuse of the unarmed—that's the dark path of Russia. On the front lines, we strive to eradicate even the traces of Russia from our free, civilized country.

0:18 - "Let's fire a burst." "Agreed."
0:50 - Moving through the tree line.
1:50 - "Get up, grab the wounded, and move out!"
2:45 - Providing first aid to the Russians.
3:25 - "Your salary is 22 thousand rubles?"
Englannin kielinen tekstitys
AZOV holds the ground in Terny: russian invaders are being wiped out
The episode of the enemy assault on Terny, repelled by FPV-drones, copters and artillery before the enemy approached the infantry positions.

Massive russian attacks on the positions of the Defense Forces near Terny were carried out daily. When the daytime assaults failed, the enemy attacked at night: "In the morning, we counted the destroyed targets. Our munitions fulfilled the "KPI" for the whole day ahead."

Watch the video to see how russian equipment is burning and how the invaders, abandoned by their command, are fleeing.

TRAINING from the 3rd OSHBr: HOW "CENTURIYA" prepares young people for combat operations.
Centuria is a nationalist movement created by veterans of Azov. The goal of the organization is patriotic education of youth. Even here, they teach how to properly handle weapons, how to provide first aid to themselves, their brothers and sisters - in short, they prepare young people for war and hostilities.

We spoke with the instructors of the organization, "Sidjik" and "Akela" from the 3rd OShBr. They told us:
🗡 At what age are you accepted to "Centuria"?
🗡 Who is her target audience?
🗡 How are the schools and what is taught here?
🗡 Who can join "Centuria"?
🗡 What is the organizational hierarchy?
🗡 Who finances it?

We also spoke with young people who attend the "Centuria" high school. Boys and girls took turns telling why they go to school and who they see themselves as in the future in the organization.

00:00 Intro
01:16 Trained. Small group tactics.
06:39 How Centuria appeared//Veterans of "Azov"
10:19 Paintball
13:21 At what age is Centuria accepted?
16:13 I understood that there would be a great war from the age of 16
20:13 Who is who in "Centuria"
21:59 Ilya, 17 years old
24:32 Financing of "Centuria"
27:02 About grandfathers in the organization
28:52 "Centuria" youth
30:04 Medicine
Vanha video mutta nyt hyvällä englannin kielisellä tekstityksellä
POV: Azov Offensive in the Kreminna Forests
On August 23, 2023, while on a combat mission in one of the frontline sectors, the fighters of the 12th Special Forces Brigade Azov of the National Guard of Ukraine conducted a carefully planned operation to improve the tactical situation, as a result of which 4 enemy positions were taken by assault.

During the operation, the fighters of the 1st Special Forces Battalion and the brigade artillery stood out and demonstrated courage, determination and professionalism.

The artillery and small arms fire killed 13 enemy servicemen and wounded 12.

The brigade's fighters also captured two Russian servicemen, who were handed over to the relevant structures for further exchanges.

As a result of the offensive, the tactical situation improved to a depth of 400 meters and 500 meters along the frontline.

The official English-language channel of the 12th Special Forces Brigade Azov of the National Guard of Ukraine.

For 86 days we held the defense of Mariupol. 900 soldiers of the brigade have been in Russian captivity for 2 years and counting.
Currently, Azov is fighting in the Kreminna sector.

Englannin kielinen
Legionaries - International Fighters Share Their First Hand Ukraine War Experience (Part I)
In this first hand Ukraine war documentary movie we get a detailed rare glimpse in to the experience of foreign fighters also known as Legionaries.

They share their stories and combat experience with us in interesting interviews out in the open despite the dangers of the modern battlefield.

Dive in and liste to their stories as they explain their motivation, why they fight and what they witnessed so far.

Also make sure to watch the video till the end to remind yourself that all this is real!

Legionaires Part I
Production: Teracast production
Producer: Alex Muzyka
Design: Elvis
This report about some stages of combat training of Ukrainian infantrymen was filmed at one of the military bases in France, where I was invited by the Ministry of Defense of this country. It is here that French officers and soldiers prepare and train.

Training for our fighters was conducted by both French and Ukrainian officers with actual combat experience in modern warfare. All actions are recorded by the drone for further post-operative analysis.

BECOME INVISIBLE TO THERMAL VISOR AND NIGHT VISOR: an experiment with camouflage from drones, thermals and PNB
Is it possible to hide from a sniper with a thermal imager or from a night drone? Many different means of detection and surveillance are used on the battlefield today, including thermal imaging cameras.

Major Gennadiy Salivon together with instructor Vyacheslav Andriyenko conducted an experiment and found out which methods of masking from thermal imagers and night lights work and do not work in combat conditions.

For the experiment, we used a Ukrainian form washed with powder with and without phosphates, as well as a form issued at the warehouse. In the video, they showed whether a raincoat-tent - a regular tarpaulin and a special heat-repellent one - helps in masking.

And finally, Major Gennady Salivon checked whether an ordinary thermal blanket from a soldier's first aid kit helps masking from a thermal imager.
Englannin kielinen tekstitys
"Krynky is a very difficult direction": artillerymen cover infantry on the Left Bank / hromadske
The Ukrainian military continues to hold a bridgehead on the left bank of the Kherson region. hromadske visited the positions of artillerymen of the 38th marine infantry brigade working with self-propelled guns across the Dnipro.
Gunners say that it makes no difference to them whether they work on land or across the river, but this direction is the most difficult. First of all, because of the Russian lancets, who hunt for cannons.
"I was in Donbas, so this is a difficult direction. Krynyk is a very difficult direction. It is most difficult for the infantry to cross to that shore. Holding a bridgehead is a very difficult job," says gunner Oleksandr.
The deputy commander of the division, Oleksandr, explains that he sees the expediency of maintaining a bridgehead on the left bank. According to him, Krynyk should be held in order "to expand our offensive operation and advance to the Crimea, to cut off their land supply."
"This is our territory, it must be reclaimed," he adds.
Another gunner, gun commander Valentyn, explains: the marines are pulling back Russian forces that could be used in other directions.
About the role of artillery in maintaining the bridgehead in Krynk - see in the report.

Englannin kielinen tekstitys
The fate of Belarus is being decided in Ukraine - Pavel “Dziadzka” Shurmei, acting commander of the regiment Kalinovsky
Why are Belarusians fighting on the side of Ukraine, what forced Lukashenko to make concessions to the West, can Belarus enter the war against Ukraine, what is the current situation on the border with Belarus, why is Lukashenko changing approaches to national security, what is the President of Belarus afraid of and how does he carry out the Kremlin’s instructions, to whom the benefits of peace negotiations with the Russian Federation and what threatens Ukraine by freezing the war with Russia - see in the interview of the Ukrainian independent media Online.UA with Pavel “Dziadzka” Shurmey, acting. commander of the Kastus Kalinovsky Regiment.

00:00 – Pavel “Dziadzka” Shurmei
00:40 – Narrative about “brotherly peoples”
01:13 – What is the purpose of the regiment named after. Kastus Kalinowski
03:30 – Why didn’t it work out for the Belarusians?
06:03 – “Charka and crackling”
12:25 – What is freedom
15:00 – Ukraine and Belarus must act
19:21 – “Dziadzka” about youth and military affairs
23:57 – How can Ukraine defeat Russia?
27:31 – Is Russia capable of starting a new war?
28:28 – What every Ukrainian and Belarusian should understand
SOMALI PIRATES IN UKRAINE? 🏴‍☠️ Unique interview from Dmitry "Apostle" | Zolkin
In a new unique interview from Dmitry “Apostle” we will see an occupier who came from Somalia to fight on the side of Russia against Ukraine! Interesting facts about Ukraine. Is the end of the war in Ukraine already near?! Zolkin

One day from the training ground of the 1st Mechanized Company of the 2nd MechBat of the 3rd OShBr
Video of one day of training at the range of fighters of the WARRIORS_CARTEL unit, 1st Mechanized Company of the 2nd Mehbat of the 3rd OSHBr. Despite the heat, our fighters do not miss the opportunity to improve their skills in assault, tactical medicine and interaction with armored vehicles.
Toretskin suunta: Polesian laskuvarjojääkärit tuhoavat menestyksekkäästi venäläisiä miehittäjiä.

Englannin kielinen tekstitys
The fourth episode of the documentary mini-series "46. THE WAY OF HONOR". Liberation of the Right Bank Kherson Oblast.
In the fourth series of the documentary mini-series "46. THE PATH OF HONOR", we talk about the events that unfolded after the crossing of the Ingulets River, about the battles for the settlements and their cleansing from the Russian invaders, about the happy and poignant moments of the first great victory. The film will show both well-known footage that once flew around the world, as well as exclusive video materials and comments from the participants of those outstanding events. It is called "THE LIBERATION OF THE RIGHT BANK OF KHERSON REGION".
Englannin kielinen tekstitys
Fighter Signum: "How can you NOT join the army when guys in the trench drive in to dubstep?" | eng. sub
The second episode of our new series, FLIGHT ANALYSIS, is dedicated to the Signum unit.

The guys from Signum were the first to use FPV strike drones against the Russians in 2022 near Velyka Komyshuvakha in the Izyum region. Now they are successfully destroying enemy equipment, shelters, and personnel in the Bakhmut direction.

In Episode 1 about Signum, expert FPV drone operators Turyst and Huk analyze their own flights. They do this in a bunker near Klishchiivka during a break between combat missions.

How did the first FPV drone strike against the enemy happen?
How did they repel the "motorcycle assault" and hunt down a quad bike with a trailer?
What stands out from the Bakhmut campaign?
Why won't the Russians spare Krasnopol and KABs against the FPV group?

00:54 A swarm of drones stopped an enemy assault with equipment
01:32 Four BMPs were destroyed in one day
02:50 The idea to create a loitering munition using an FPV drone belongs to Shvaiger
03:31 Before the first effective hit, there were several ineffective ones
05:53 "We didn’t want to spread this"
06:32 Perfect assault repulsion
09:32 Eight crates of MK-19 on the [expletive]
11:50 Every day a quad bike with a trailer arrived
19:56 About 60 men came out of one house
14:20 Only a pile of metal plates from body armor was found
15:10 Duel with an anti-drone rifle
16:04 Risky work
16:46 "The BMP starts to 'maneuver,' and the guy in the back wobbles like jelly on that BMP"
17:30 "We, those who went to fight from the first days, are running out"
19:00 When they come to you: "Hey, bro!" - "What kind of brother am I? The brothers are here!"
20:03 Signum is a place of opportunities

UKRAINIAN ARMORED VEHICLE "KOZAK" SAVES INFANTRY AND DESTROYES RUSNYA: a report on the armored vehicle of the 80th brigade of the DSHV
The Ukrainian Kozak-5 armored car withstands an anti-tank mine blast. It was developed by NPO "Praktyka" and built on the chassis of the Ford F-550 car.

Thanks to the V-shaped protected hull, even after being blown up by a mine, it was able to save the lives of the crew and landing party. According to the driver of the car, Vitaly, he simply felt the enemy shelling from the 5.45 caliber as a light tapping on the hull.

Machine gunner Vasyl is responsible for offensive weapons in the car. His position is also protected and equipped with a 12.7 mm Browning machine gun.

Junior Lieutenant Serhii Lipko sat behind the wheel of the "Kozak-5" of the 80th Airborne Assault Brigade of the Galician Brigade and even evaluated its automatic transmission and parking sensors - see more in the Armiya TV story.
Englannin kielinen tekstitys
Shvaiger has been interested in the topic of war since childhood. In 2020, while fishing with a friend, he came up with an idea that became historic. However, Shvaiger was only able to implement it two years later in the Kharkiv region, during the Russo-Ukrainian War. What started as an adventure eventually turned into a separate field. What was the situation with drones in Ukraine in 2022? What is "first-person war"? Who was hit during the first documented flight of an FPV kamikaze drone? And how does the enemy manage to keep up with Ukraine in the field of FPV drones? These questions are analyzed by Serhiy Sternenko, Mariya Berlinska, Taras Chmut, and Bohdan Danyliv, the head of the military direction of the Serhiy Prytula Foundation. All this is covered in the first episode of the documentary series “Kamikaze Drones.”

00:00 — Start
03:18 — Introduction to Shvaiger
05:43 — How he started using reconnaissance drones in the war
06:25 — Sternenko on the minister’s statement
09:15 — What is FPV
11:29 — First successful combat flight
12:40 — The state ignores the field of FPV kamikaze drones
14:30 — What about FPV drones and pilot training in Russia?
17:33 — Chmut on the training of drone crews in Ukraine
18:05 — Combat duty of the "Signum" unit
20:03 — Are volunteers capable of supplying drones to the front?
21:24 — Shvaiger’s plans

Does the state know how to buy drones? | Berlinska, Chmut, Sternenko | "Kamikaze Drones" Episode 2
Franyk was working abroad when the full-scale war began. He immediately asked his supervisor to settle his account and went home. In the Volyn Territorial Defense Brigade, he was engaged in aerial reconnaissance, and when he was offered the opportunity to learn how to work with FPV drones, he didn’t understand what it was about and initially refused. However, it turned out that Franyk had a real talent for operating kamikaze drones; he first became a platoon commander and then a company commander. Journalists met Franyk while searching for FPV kamikaze drones purchased with state funds. Initially without success, but when they found them, they discovered many complaints about them. Has the situation with the quality of drones changed? Has the state managed to outpace volunteers in terms of supply volume, and what useful contributions did the Ministry of Digital Transformation make to the drone market in 2023? These topics are covered in the second episode of the documentary series "Kamikaze Drones." Analysis is provided by Serhiy Sternenko, Mariya Berlinska, Taras Chmut, and Bohdan Danyliv, the head of the military direction of the Serhiy Prytula Foundation.

00:00 – Start
03:00 – Franyk returns from working abroad to the war
04:58 – Officials’ reaction to the emergence of FPV
08:25 – Drones and "Ukrdronvydobuvannya"
10:12 – Chmut explains where the state drones are
11:25 – Berlinska: "The state has become a crazy buyer"
12:56 – A soldier complains about state drones
13:55 – Sternenko on the quality issues of drones
17:35 – What has changed in Franyk's life in three months
18:06 – "The needs of the army are a stream of fantasies"
20:07 – Franyk on state drones
22:37 – The scale of drone usage in the Pokrovske direction
23:10 – Preview of the next episode
23:35 – Franyk talks about his dreams of working with night drones
When donations will become unnecessary | CHMUT, STERNENKO, BERLINSKA | "Kamikaze Drones" Episode 3
IT specialist Paha was initially refused mobilization at the beginning of the full-scale war, but he persisted and eventually joined the 5th Assault Brigade through the Territorial Defense Forces. In the reconnaissance battalion, he has his own small unit with two workshops. Paha and his team found a way not only to acquire enough drones but also to raise money for consumable materials. Should Ukrainians continue to donate for drones? What will happen if they stop donating? What can the state never do faster than volunteers? These questions are addressed in the third and final episode of the documentary series “Kamikaze Drones.” The analysis is provided by Serhiy Sternenko, Mariya Berlinska, Taras Chmut, and Bohdan Danyliv, the head of the military direction of the Serhiy Prytula Foundation.

00:00 – Start
03:30 – Paha went to fight
05:00 – About the uniqueness of Paha’s unit
06:55 – Chmut on FPV ammunition
09:27 – Sternenko — What is needed for a drone flight
12:12 – How the frontline startup works
16:19 – Paha in combat: hitting an enemy infantry fighting vehicle
17:14 – Chmut on why it’s necessary to donate for drones
21:24 – When donations will no longer be needed
22:31 – Sternenko on drone swarms
23:25 – Journalists' conclusions after the “Kamikaze Drones” series

Frontline battle cats: Meet Ukraine's surprising secret weapon | Frontline | Daily Mail
Murka is a timid little cat who lost a rear leg to Russian artillery fire in a frontline village in Donetsk. She still won't allow herself to be petted by the Ukrainian soldiers who tended her wounds and saved her life. But as she is a stray and no longer able to hunt efficiently, she is dependent on them for food. And so Murka has become a ghostly, hopping presence on the margins of their field kitchen. The soldiers make sure she doesn't go hungry. Another cat, Dusia, was abandoned when her civilian owners fled the Russian advance and is now under the care of a fire support company of the frontline 41st Brigade.
Sotilaana Ukrainassa: Sodan, väkivallan ja tappamisen psykologia (Mikko Rupponen) | Puheenaihe 522
Miksi sotiminen voi olla samanaikaisesti sekä elämän hirveintä että parasta aikaa ja miltä vihollisen ampuminen tuntuu?

Minkälainen on kova sotatarina ja mitä yhteistä on vapaaottelulla, sotimisella ja legoilla leikkimisellä?

Mikä on onnellisen elämän resepti ja miten intohimot ja mielenkiinnot, status ja pariutuminen littyvät toisiinsa?

Studiossa vieraana Ukrainassa vapaaehtoisena taistellut Mikko Rupponen. Jakso on kuvattu 9.4.2024.


0:00 "Kovin sotatarina"
7:32 Veljeys, rakkaus ja viha
12:45 Menneisyys
15:59 Identiteetti
25:18 Venäläistä rulettia
28:57 Lapsuus
38:21 Geenit ja kohtalo
42:25 Vapaaottelu
51:41 Ammattiurheilu
56:37 Autismi ja menestys
1:04:16 Rakennusala
1:08:17 Dopamiini
1:12:43 Virtuaalitodellisuus
1:17:14 Matrix-Simulaatio
1:22:35 Ennakkoluulot
1:30:39 Ukraina
1:36:40 Intti
1:42:32 Sotaelokuvat
1:45:28 "Tositoimet"
1:53:57 Mariupol
2:00:09 Venäjän hyökkäys
2:02:46 Riskinotto ja katkeruus
2:17:37 Tappaminen
2:34:31 Kuolema
2:42:45 Onnellinen elämä
2:46:16 Yrittäjyys
2:50:23 "Elä. Nyt."
2:57:01 Venäläiset
3:12:44 Taistelutahto
3:15:02 Evoluutiopsykologia
3:20:30 Status ja parinvalinta

Mikko Rupponen
SSO. Chasiv Yar. 2024
Chasiv Yar, summer 2024.
Soldiers of the SSO are working.

We are repulsing the enemy in the most difficult directions and will not stop until we win our battle for Ukraine.

A fighter of the special assault company of the active operations unit of the GUR MO KRAKEN recorded a track about the defense of Chasovoy Yar.

The video clip uses footage from the performer's personal archive, as well as other fighters of the unit, taken during the battles for the city.

Subscribe to the artist's Telegram channel:

Instagram: / a_1032_k
Chasiv Yar. International Legion Fighters in Ukraine War
Foreign soldiers from the International Legion of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine, currently defending Chasiv Yar, shared insights into their journey to the unit. Operating an 82 mm mortar to bolster infantry support, the unit consists of three soldiers. These foreign volunteers joined the Legion after the start of the full-scale invasion.

CHASIV YAR today: defense of the dominant heights/Sacrificed himself for the sake of his brothers//24 OMBr defends the city
In this video, we will tell you what Chasiv Yar looks like now, which the Russians are literally turning into ashes - with mortars, drones and thermobaric bombs. In this, the journalists of "Ukrainian Witness" are helped by guys from the 24th OMBr, which is defending Chasiv Yar from endless Russian attacks.

🏚What is the situation in Chasovoy Yar now?
🏚How do the Russians fight here?
🏚How to move around the city correctly, and why is staying in Chasovoy Yar today a lottery?
🏚How do local residents react to the press and the military?
🏚Why can Chasiv Yar be called "refractory"?
🏚What will happen if the Russians manage to take the city?
🏚Chasiv Yar vs Popasna and Bakhmut is...

00:00 Intro
00:55 We are going to Chasiv Yar
06:37 What does the city look like now?
08:36 Command and observation post
13:49 How the Russians are fighting here
16:35 How our fighter sacrificed himself
17:37 Chasiv Yar cannot be compared with anything
19:13 About evaders
20:52 Are Russians hunting journalists?
23:04 Chasiv Yar is fireproof
35:15 Local residents
38:16 Running to the car. Results.
Video arson! The filigree work of FPV-drone operators of 47 separate mechanized brigades.
Powerful slicing of liquidation of Russian garbage by soldiers of 47 separate mechanized brigade in the most hellish Pokrovsky direction.

The enemy has no right to walk or drive with impunity on our land. We see the goal - we dispose of it, and there is nothing to think about here. Fighters of the battalion of unmanned systems "Strike Drone Company" inflict unprecedented losses on the enemy every day. Confirmation - on video!

Most of the combat clashes occurred in the Pokrovsky direction. The situation is extremely difficult. However, it is now very important to stand against the background of constant attacks by the Russian invaders.

Thanks to everyone who fights! Believe in your army and victory! We must end this war without leaving the battle for our children.

KRAKEN breaks through!
We are training Ukrainian soldiers to break through the minefields!
Englannin kielinen tekstitys
How the front stabilized in Kharkiv Oblast
An emotional and at the same time dramatic story of the struggle of 92 separate assault brigades fighting at home, defending their native Kharkiv. The Russians planned attacks from two directions to capture the city. The offensive from the western direction should have resulted in Kharkiv falling within the range of Russian artillery. However, the 92nd separate assault brigade, quickly redeployed from the Donetsk direction, stopped the enemy, pushing him back 10 kilometers.

"We are here as in our home stadium, as in our own field" - a quote from one of the commanders.

The Kharkiv brigade fights on its land, knowing every tree, every street. Their personnel has extensive combat experience. This is the story of brave soldiers who defend their Motherland by fighting on their native land!

KRYNKY Destroyed, but not defeated. Libkos together with Ukrinform present a documentary film
The story of the struggle for a small village in the Kherson region, of which nothing remains except a mention on the map and a short entry in Wikipedia. Occupied by Russian troops from the first days of the war, a small village in a picturesque area witnessed the incredible heroism, bravery, and courage of the Marines of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Having forced the Dnipro, conducting an extremely difficult operation with a small combat force, our soldiers managed to hold the bridgehead "Krynka" in unreal conditions, in complete visibility of the enemy, under continuous fire from all possible weapons. This is a movie about not only surviving, but also getting out of hell. Living testimonies of those who saw death and came back to life.
The authors of the video are Ukrainian photojournalists Kostyantyn and Vlada Liberovy.
Directing, editing, producing - the main editorial office of "Multimedia" "Ukrinform".
Englannin kielinen tekstitys
POV: Azov fighters transfuse blood during the assault
For a long time in Ukraine, blood transfusions were performed only by doctors. The war makes its own adjustments. The inability to evacuate and the long distances to reach full medical care have a direct impact on the lives of soldiers.

Ukrainian troops are modernizing and adopting Western standards. One of them is blood transfusion by combat medics.

Last year, Ukrainian medics and volunteers managed to obtain permission from the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine to allow combat medics who have undergone appropriate training to transfuse blood on their own.

Since 2019, Azov fighters have been incorporating blood transfusion into the training program for combat medics, successfully using this knowledge for the first time in the defense of Mariupol, and now, in the battles in the Kreminna forests, doctors of the 12th Special Forces Brigade Azov of the National Guard of Ukraine use tens of liters of blood every month, saving lives.

In this video, you will see the first blood transfusion recorded on action cameras in the trenches during an assault, and hear the brigade's medics talk about the details of the process: from training personel to returning a soldier to duty.

Azov was one of the first to start transfusing blood during the evacuation stages and helps train other medics of the Ukrainian Defense Forces.

All this would not have been possible without blood donors

The official English-language channel of the 12th Special Forces Brigade Azov of the National Guard of Ukraine.

For 86 days we held the defense of Mariupol. 900 soldiers of the brigade have been in Russian captivity for 2 years and counting.
Currently, Azov is fighting in the Kreminna sector.

Angels of Life: Tactical Medics Training Before Going to War
Different people join the army and become tactical medics. But they all save lives of military and civilians on the battlefield and in front-line cities. They are 'valuable' targets for Russian army, that's why this profession is very dangerous. Reliable work of our combat medics means that Ukrainian lines will withstand Russian assaults.
M2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicle dismantles the enemy armored personnel carrier at close range together with the landing party!
The Russian occupiers are not reducing the pace of their assaults. The epicenter of the fighting is precisely in the Pokrovsky direction. Here the enemy is trying to advance deep into our territory. Soldiers of the 47th separate mechanized brigade restrain at least three combat brigades of the Russian Federation. Having huge reserves of manpower, the Muscovites quickly replenish the insane losses and throw them into battle again and again. The hostilities do not abate for a moment.

This APC, which you see in the video, broke into a settlement. The Bradley crew had to react here and now.

Filigree work of gunners of the 47th separate mechanized brigade on the M109A6 "Paladin" ACS
The situation is very difficult, assault groups climb one after another without stopping. The enemy's manpower resources are extremely large. Meanwhile, the soldiers of the 47th separate mechanized brigade are doing, without exaggeration, the impossible.

In this video, you can see how the Russian invaders came almost close to our positions, throwing grenades at the defenders and conducting heavy fire from small arms.

Thanks to accurate calculation, the gunners of the American Paladin self-propelled guns worked clearly and delicately, sending the Russian scum to hell. This is how they saved our defenders.