In collaboration with Army Headquarters (AHQ), Thales Australia has revealed to DTR that it is developing a next-generation individual weapon chambered in 6.8mm calibre.
With emerging threats and concerns over the lethality of the 5.56mm round as the drivers, AHQ commissioned Thales to undertake two desktop feasibility studies: one focussed on producing a higher pressure round chambered in a 7.62mm NATO size cartridge, the other which investigated the ability of the barrel, chamber and bolt assembly to handle the associated increased chamber pressures.
Presented to AHQ in Q3 2020, both studies concluded that it is feasible to develop a weapon incorporating these attributes to address the emerging threats and the 5.56mm round’s shortcomings and form the core of what AHQ calls the Close Combat Family of Weapons (CCFOW). AHQ proceeded to work up the business case to develop a 6.8mm individual weapon, with Army Minors funding allocated to seed a domestic development program that would produce an Australian equivalent to the US Army’s 6.8mm Next Generation Squad Weapon (NGSW).

Thales developing new 6.8mm close combat weapon - Frag Out! Magazine
In collaboration with Army Headquarters (AHQ), Thales Australia has revealed to DTR that it is developing a next-generation individual weapon chambered in 6.8mm calibre. Army Headquarters wants to see the local development of a domestic 6.8mm weapon system that will be able to compete against...