Uutisia Britanniasta

Lieneekö totta?
"Silminnäkijän mukaan ainakin toinen Britannian lähistöltä pois saatetuista venäläiskoneista tunkeutui maan ilmatilaan.
Brittiläiset Typhoon-hävittäjät saattoivat keskiviikkona kaksi venäläistä TU-95-pommikonetta pois Britannian ilmatilan lähistöltä Cornwallin rannikolla. Viranomaisten mukaan koneet eivät loukanneet maan ilmatilaa.
Guardianin haastatteleman silminnäkijän mukaan ainakin toinen koneista lensi kuitenkin Britannian alueen yläpuolella.
Bodminissa asuva Sue Bamford oli keskiviikkona ajotunnilla St Evalissa, kun hän näki TU-95:n varsin tunnistettavaa muotoa vastaavan koneen ja toisen "tankkia muistuttavan" lentokoneen.
"Näimme hopeanvärisen koneen, joka oli Bear-pommikone ('karhu', Naton kutsumanimi TU-95-koneelle). Se lensi St Mawganin laaksossa, joten näimme, ettei se lentänyt merellä. Se oli laaksossa. Se on pitkä ja kapea ja sillä on taaksepäin kallistetut siivet", Bamford kertoo Guardianille.
Bamford asuu RNAS Culdrosen lentotukikohdan ja Cornwallin lentokentän lähistöllä ja sanoo tottuneensa näkemään ja kuulemaan erilaisia lentokoneita. Hän piti näkemäänsä epätavallisena.
"Se on varsin kummallinen lentokone. Taivaalla ei ollut muita koneita. Ei yhtäkään Typhoon-hävittäjistä. Se lenteli edestakaisin ja näimme sen pariin kertaan."
Bamford kertoo, ettei ajatellut asiaa sen kummemmin ennen kuin kuuli torstaina uutiset pois saatetuista venäläiskoneista.
"Menin nettiin ja tajusin, että se oli kone, jonka näin. Se ei ollut merellä vaan St Evalissa, missä kaikki radiomastot ovat. Näin sen Britannian maa-alueen yläpuolella", Bamford toteaa.
Myös Bamfordin ajo-opettaja sanoo nähneensä koneet.
Britannian puolustusministeriö vastasi Guardianin tiedusteluun viittaamalla aiempaan lausuntoonsa, jonka mukaan "Britannian ilmavoimat saattoivat venäläiskoneita, kunnes ne olivat Britannian kohdealueen ulkopuolella."
Puolustusministeriön mukaan koneet eivät missään vaiheessa tunkeutuneet Britannian ilmatilaan."
Lieneekö totta?
"Silminnäkijän mukaan ainakin toinen Britannian lähistöltä pois saatetuista venäläiskoneista tunkeutui maan ilmatilaan.
Brittiläiset Typhoon-hävittäjät saattoivat keskiviikkona kaksi venäläistä TU-95-pommikonetta pois Britannian ilmatilan lähistöltä Cornwallin rannikolla. Viranomaisten mukaan koneet eivät loukanneet maan ilmatilaa.
Guardianin haastatteleman silminnäkijän mukaan ainakin toinen koneista lensi kuitenkin Britannian alueen yläpuolella.
Bodminissa asuva Sue Bamford oli keskiviikkona ajotunnilla St Evalissa, kun hän näki TU-95:n varsin tunnistettavaa muotoa vastaavan koneen ja toisen "tankkia muistuttavan" lentokoneen.
"Näimme hopeanvärisen koneen, joka oli Bear-pommikone ('karhu', Naton kutsumanimi TU-95-koneelle). Se lensi St Mawganin laaksossa, joten näimme, ettei se lentänyt merellä. Se oli laaksossa. Se on pitkä ja kapea ja sillä on taaksepäin kallistetut siivet", Bamford kertoo Guardianille.
Bamford asuu RNAS Culdrosen lentotukikohdan ja Cornwallin lentokentän lähistöllä ja sanoo tottuneensa näkemään ja kuulemaan erilaisia lentokoneita. Hän piti näkemäänsä epätavallisena.
"Se on varsin kummallinen lentokone. Taivaalla ei ollut muita koneita. Ei yhtäkään Typhoon-hävittäjistä. Se lenteli edestakaisin ja näimme sen pariin kertaan."
Bamford kertoo, ettei ajatellut asiaa sen kummemmin ennen kuin kuuli torstaina uutiset pois saatetuista venäläiskoneista.
"Menin nettiin ja tajusin, että se oli kone, jonka näin. Se ei ollut merellä vaan St Evalissa, missä kaikki radiomastot ovat. Näin sen Britannian maa-alueen yläpuolella", Bamford toteaa.
Myös Bamfordin ajo-opettaja sanoo nähneensä koneet.
Britannian puolustusministeriö vastasi Guardianin tiedusteluun viittaamalla aiempaan lausuntoonsa, jonka mukaan "Britannian ilmavoimat saattoivat venäläiskoneita, kunnes ne olivat Britannian kohdealueen ulkopuolella."
Puolustusministeriön mukaan koneet eivät missään vaiheessa tunkeutuneet Britannian ilmatilaan."
Ihan mielenkiintoinen uutinen... Britannia tuskin tulisi tunnustamaan jos sen ilmatilaan olisi tuollalailla tunkeuduttu...
Ehkä siinä on jotain perää, koska ilmeisesti Briteilläkin on vakava aliresursoinnin ongelma.


Raju ulostulo Britanniassa: ”Emme voisi puolustautua Venäjää vastaan”

Britannian ilmavoimien RAF:n entinen päällikkö sanoo, että Britannia olisi voimaton, jos Venäjä päättäisi tehdä maahan ilmahyökkäyksen, kertovat brittilehdet.

Sir Michael Graydon toteaa Daily Mailille suhtautuvansa epäilevästi siihen, pystyisikö Britannia puolustautumaan sotilaallisesti Venäjää vastaan.

- He lentävät näillä alueilla tarkistaakseen ilmapuolustustamme ja ovat todennäköisesti päätelleet, että emme ole niin skarppeina kuin ennen, hän sanoo.

Venäjän pommikoneet lensivät keskiviikkona lähellä Britannian rannikkoa. RAF:n Typhoon-hävittäjät tunnistivat koneet ja saattoivat ne pois alueelta. Guardianin mukaan vastaavia lentoja on tehty kuukausittain viime aikoina.

Graydonin mukaan Britannian sotilaallinen valmius on kutistunut puoleen aikaisemmasta. Hän toteaa, että Typhoonit ovat hyviä hävittäjiä, mutta niitä on suhteellisen vähän.

Britannian puolustusministeri Michael Fallon arvioi eilen, että Venäjän presidentti Vladimir Putin saattaa seuraavaksi käyttää Baltian maissa samoja keinoja kuin Ukrainassa. Venäjän ulkoministeriön edustaja on tuominnut lausunnon ja sanonut Guardianin mukaan, että Venäjä vastaa jollain tavalla.

Eight-strong team of ex-British Army soldiers set to join fight against Islamic State in Syria


An eight-strong team of former British Army soldiers is preparing to leave Britain to join the fight against Islamic State in Syria, the Standard can reveal.

The team are training to fight as a single volunteer unit alongside the Kurdish militias on the front line in northern Syria.

Images on social media show members of the group posing in combat fatigues and clutching high powered assault rifles on a training exercise in Europe.

The caption to one image of a soldier with a machine gun reads: “Bad news delivery system, if you’re ISIS!”

The former soldiers are believed to include a number who have Special Forces training.


They are among a growing band of foreign fighters, including Americans, British, Australian and French volunteers, who are lining up to fight against the jihadist terror group.

One report suggests that around 100 Westerners are now fighting against Islamic State.

Britons include Macer Gifford, 28, who left a job in the City, and former bouncer Tim Locks, who worked at a Staines night club, and sold his home to join a militia unit in Kurdistan. Both are still believed to be abroad.


Earlier this month a former Royal Marine became the first Briton to be killed in action against the jihadists. Konstandinos Erik Scurfield, 25, from Barnsley, travelled to Syria within days of leaving the military last November.

The former soldiers who spoke to the Standard said they had bought their own uniforms and created their own sword symbol to represent their group entitled IVFOR (International Volunteer Force).


Images on social media show the group posing with high powered assault rifles One veteran told the paper: “I and several colleagues all ex-armed forces have formed a small unit which is open for any English speaking individuals from any nation. We will be in Syria within weeks and are training everyday. We intend to submit our skills to the people of Kurdistan.

“Although we wear a similar uniform to UK armed forces, we have no association to them other then the fact that we are ex-armed forces. Our cap badge is lightning crossed by a sword, Cita et Certa - Swift and Sure. We will deploy a strong force to aid the Kurdish militias. We intend to work as one effective, rather than split or tag onto other militia units.

“We intend to be a serious asset.”

The image of the ex-squaddies was taken at a location in Europe where they are said to have been training. A colleague said the guns were genuine and “legal weapons.”

The colleague said: “This is something that has been organised and planned for some time. These people are all very upstanding people, they are not thugs.

“They intend to work as an independent group.”


Mission: the soldiers told the Standard they were heading out to fight 'evil terrorists' The colleague refused to give details of the army backgrounds of the group saying only: “These people are extremely experienced and extremely effective.”

Another former soldier, father of three Daniel Hill, 39, said he is also planning to travel to join the Peshmerga militia.

He told the Standard: “I have to do my part to help. After watching the news and seeing the evil things these terrorist are doing to people is too much.

“Since leaving the army, I’ve always wanted to go back to joining a military and now’s my opportunity.”

Mr Hill, who served nine years with the British army in Bosnia and Kosovo, recently got a tattoo on his chest depicting a skull, automatic rifles and ammunition encircled with the slogan: “Isis hunting club”.

The group of ex-soldiers claim they have already raised over £13,000 to fund their trip.


Another former soldier, dad Daniel Hill, 39, said he is also planning to travel to Syria One group member has sold his sports car to raise funds.

The veteran said: “The funds we raise assist with our action. We are all experts with small arms and are combat medic trained , most have recent hostile environment experience and all desire to defeat ISIS for one common purpose “Freedom and democracy.“

He also criticised the British government for failing to take strong action against the extremists.

The ex-serviceman has chosen not to reveal his full identity or that of his comrades, until they are on Syrian soil to avoid the possibility of them being stopped before they travel.

The Home Office warns that UK citizens who take part in a conflict overseas, no matter what side the person is on, could be an offence under both criminal and terror laws.



Veikeä tuo Britannian vaalijärjestelmä, kun vertaa saatua kannatusta edustajien määrään. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Kingdom_general_election,_2015#Results


Britannian konservatiivit enemmistöasemaan, häviäjät eroavat

Perjantai 8.5.2015 klo 13.03 (päivitetty klo 14.48)

Britannian konservatiivipuolue on käytännössä varmistanut enemmistöasemansa parlamentissa.

Vaalien häviäjät ovat samalla tehneet omia johtopäätöksiään. Itsenäisyyspuolue Ukipin Nigel Farage, työväenpuolueen johtaja Ed Miliband ja liberaalidemokraattien Nick Clegg eroavat puolueidensa johdosta. Ukip näyttäisi saavan alahuoneeseen vain yhden paikan.

Farage ilmoitti pian tuloksen selvittyä eroavansa tehtävästään - aiemman lupauksensa mukaisesti - jos parlamenttipaikka ei aukea. Farage yritti alahuoneeseen jo seitsemättä kertaa.

Tämänhetkisten tietojen mukaan konservatiivit olisivat saamassa parlamenttiin niukan enemmistön. Vaalien suurimmaksi voittajaksi on noussut Skotlannin kansallispuolue.

In the North Sea, off the coast of Norway, Nato has been conducting its largest ever anti-submarine warfare exercise.

It is seen as a response to the growing threat from Russian submarines which have stepped up their own patrols in these very same waters.

It has also highlighted a gaping hole in Britain's own defences.

For now though it is the hunt for U33, not Red October. The German U-boat is acting as the unseen enemy below the waves.
Muslim hired as British government terror watchdog is extremist who called US ‘vicious world empire’


A British government worker who helped regulate the country’s anti-terror planning was fired after superiors learned of his Islamist sympathies, the Telegraph reported.

Abdullah al Andalusi said the brutal exploits of ISIS were “no different to the history of some Western armies” and supported the right of youths to venture to Syria to fight.

“If merely going to fight overseas is condemned as terrorism, shouldn’t the UK arrest British volunteers joining the Israeli Defense Force which kills civilians in Gaza in a war against the Gazan government?” al Andalusi wrote in a September 2014 article for the Muslim Debate Initiative, a group he co-founded.

"IS’s crime is being actually a good student of the West"

- Abdullah al Andalusi

He compared ISIS to Western armies “and even some of the ‘Founding Fathers’ of Western nations” in a June 2014 post on his own website.

“IS’s crime is being actually a good student of the West, right down to their corporate structure and organization and ability to use social media!” al Andalusi wrote.

During a Jan. 16 talk at Queen Mary University, he dismissed the 9/11 terror attacks as “the day a vicious world empire found a publicly-acceptable excuse to bomb others, invade non-threatening nations, torture political dissidents and kill at least 300,000 innocent people,” according to the Telegraph.

But al Andalusi says his words have been taken out of context, and on Sunday he posted to his website a full-throated, 2,300-word rebuttal.

“I have never worked in any government counterterrorism work, team or department,” he wrote, before offering a point-by-point refutation of the claims made in the Telegraph.

Even his denial, however, contained a few questionable passages.

“Do I support the re-establishment of a Caliphate? Of course, because a Caliphate is a part of Islamic belief, so integral is it to Islam that Sunnis and Shias originally split merely due to the question of who should be the Caliph,” al Andalusi wrote.

Al Andalusi, whose real name is Mouloud Farid and who has used at least one other alias according to the Telegraph, worked for nearly two years at the London office of Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary, which assesses police forces and activity “ranging from neighborhood teams through serious crime to the fight against terrorism.”

HMIC said al Andalusi passed an initial security vetting and had been promoted to a management-level position, according to the Telegraph. He didn’t handle classified material, HMIC said; however, a former MDI colleague told the Telegraph that al Andalusi talked about having access to sensitive information.

“His work did involve security areas,” said the colleague, who was quoted anonymously. “He said he had a role in overseeing the police response to terrorism and there were areas he couldn’t talk about.”

At least one member of parliament can’t believe al Andalusi’s statements didn’t raise a red flag earlier.

“The man’s unsuitability for sensitive work should have been obvious from the start,” Labour MP Khalid Mahmood said.
Maailma palaa, Brittiarmeijassa samaa vanhaa sylttya... juristien armeijalla pitaa olla hommia, eh?

Hero British soldier is found not guilty of 'slapping' comrade who was killed alongside him in Afghanistan two years ago
  • Corporal David Gillies, 29, was court-martialled over slapping accusation
  • Alleged victim Fusilier Samuel Flint was killed more than two years ago
  • Gillies saw the 21-year-old die when home-made bomb struck their vehicle
  • The corporal denied the charge and was acquitted following the hearing
A British soldier who saw a comrade killed by a Taliban bomb was court-martialled for allegedly slapping him two weeks before his death.

Corporal David Gillies was dragged through the military courts even though his alleged victim – Fusilier Samuel Flint – was killed more than two years ago.

The 29-year-old corporal was with Fusilier Flint when a home-made bomb struck their armoured vehicle. He saw the 21-year-old and two others killed and received terrible injuries himself.


Acquitted: Father-of-three Corporal David Gillies, 29, leaves the court in Colchester, Essex, with his wife, Veronica

But he was prosecuted when Fusilier Flint’s family complained about the alleged slap a year after his funeral.

Even though the key witness was no longer alive, the Service Prosecuting Authority (SPA) arrested and charged Cpl Gillies, who denied the charge.

On Thursday, the corporal – whose own blast injuries were so severe he was medically discharged after 12 years’ service – was acquitted. The case is estimated to have cost the taxpayer tens of thousands of pounds.
Welcome to East London: Muslim gang slashes tyres of immigration-raid van before officers showered with eggs from high-rise
  • Officers targetted as they raided shop for suspected illegal immigrants
  • Vehicles were scratched and their tyres slashed in Shadwell, East London
  • Immigration officers were then pelted with eggs by a Muslim gang
  • Comes after the PM called for Muslim community to do more to fight extremism
A gang of Muslims launched an astonishing attack on vans being used for an immigration raid – in the week David Cameron called upon the Muslim community to ‘support the British way of life’.

In the ‘disturbing’ incident in East London last week, three vans marked ‘Immigration Enforcement’ and an unmarked silver car were badly vandalised.

More than a dozen officials arrived in Shadwell on Wednesday to round up three suspected illegal Bangladeshi immigrants from a shop. They returned to their Home Office vehicles in the next street to find the vans’ tyres had been sliced open and the paintwork scratched. The officers were then pelted with eggs before police were called.

Two days earlier, the Prime Minister made a landmark speech appealing for support from the Muslim community in the effort to combat extremism.


Vandalised: The post giving details and showing a photo of the vans with slashed tyres

One witness said: ‘I saw about five or six youths come out of nowhere and run towards the immigration vans. They had kitchen knives in their hands and they slashed the tyres and scratched the bodywork.

‘It all happened very quickly, then they ran off.

‘I think they were local Muslim hoodies just doing a prank, but it’s not funny. It’s the sort of thing that will cause this area problems now.’

Mutta Suomessa homma osataan?! Ehka lisaa rahaa "kotiuttamiseen" niin kaikki hyvin... :rolleyes: