Uutisia Britanniasta

Queen Elizabethin koneet tulevat olemaan F-35B STOVL-hävittäjiä, jotka pystyvät housemaan suuremmassa lastissa (ehkä täydessäkin, en ole varma) hyppyriltä. Kuznetsovilla ei ole STOVL-koneita, joten pelkkä hyppyri katapultin sijaan ei riitä. Eli käytännössä puute ei ole venäläisten tukialuksessa, vaan sen lentokoneissa.

Sekä STOVL että STOBAR-koneet joutuvat ihan samalla tavalla nousemaan ilmaan oman nosteensa ja työntövoimansa avulla joten kuormankantokyvyn suhteen ero näiden ratkaisujen välillä ei ole iso ja pikemminkin STOBAR-koneen eduksi koska STOVL-ratkaisut heikentävät koneen suorituskykyä.
Sen sijaan STOVL mahdollistaa paljon joustavamman operaatiorutiinin, kun koneet voivat nousta ja laskea tukialukselta yhtä aikaa. Tätä voi tehdä Kuznetsovilla vain jos laukaistaan koneita ihan etummaiselta starttipisteeltä, eli hyvin kevyessä varustuksessa.
Lontoon palaneen tornitalon remontissa haluttiin säästää – materiaaleja vaihdettiin herkemmin palaviin
Brittimedian mukaan urakoitsijoita oli kehotettu vuonna 2014 vaihtamaan tornitalon julkisivumateriaalit noin 300 000 puntaa (noin 340 000 euroa) halvempiin. Kyseiset alumiinimateriaalit eivät olleet yhtä paloturvallisia kuin aiempi vaihtoehto.
Ei nyt mennyt ihan putkeen täälläkin joidenkin suosimalla "Daily Heil"-sanomalehdellä (Daily Mail):


Wikipedia editors have said they will no longer accept links to Daily Mail stories to support citations because it is too unreliable.

A fiery debate on its suitability as a source ended with a consensus view that the Mail, and Mail Online, were "generally unreliable" and their use "is to be generally prohibited, especially when other more reliable sources exist".

The statement added: "The general themes of the support votes centred on the Daily Mail's reputation for poor fact checking, sensationalism, and flat-out fabrication."
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Ei nyt mennyt ihan putkeen täälläkin joidenkin suosimalla "Daily Heil"-sanomalehdellä (Daily Mail)
Olen kuullut Daily Mailista muuten myös mm. lempinimet "Daily Fail", "Daily Vile", "Daily Wail" ja "Sieg Mail". Kyseessä ei todellakaan ole mikään laatulehti, meikäläisen keltaisen lehdistön tasoa alempana.

Brittilehdistöstä itse pidän parhaana "Torygraphia" (Daily Telegraph).
Olen kuullut Daily Mailista muuten myös mm. lempinimet "Daily Fail", "Daily Vile", "Daily Wail" ja "Sieg Mail". Kyseessä ei todellakaan ole mikään laatulehti, meikäläisen keltaisen lehdistön tasoa alempana.

Brittilehdistöstä itse pidän parhaana "Torygraphia" (Daily Telegraph).

"Torygraph" on aika hyvä lehti...itseasiassa jopa "Gruniard" (eli Guardian) on ihan asiallinen. Jälkimmäisen nimi tulee sen alkuaikoina sisältäneiden kirjoitusvirheiden takia. :D Enemmän aika lailla vasemmistolainen lehti tosin. Ei kyllä mikään Kansan Uutiset.
The fire risk assessor responsible for Grenfell Tower conspired with council housing chiefs to hide safety failings at the building in which at least 80 people died, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.

Fire consultant Carl Stokes, who was paid £250,000 to inspect the high-rise block, plotted with Kensington and Chelsea Tenant Management Organisation (KCTMO) to hide the failings from both residents and London Fire Brigade.
Happohyökkäykset viittaa jonnekin lähi-itään mutta mites noi mopovarkaudet?

BBC: Britanniassa poliisi tutkii neljää Lontoossa tehtyä happohyökkäystä

Britanniassa poliisi tutkii neljää tapausta, jossa ihmisten kasvoille heitettiin syövyttävää ainetta, uutisoi BBC. Kaikki hyökkäykset tapahtuivat itäisessä Lontoossa 90 minuutin aikana, ja tapauksia tutkitaan toisiinsa liittyvinä.
Hyökkäysten takia ei ole tehty pidätyksiä. Poliisin etsimät hyökkääjät liikkuivat mopoilla, BBC kertoo.

Hyökkäysten uhrit on viety sairaalaan, ja yhden vammoja on kuvailtu elämää muuttaviksi. Lontoon poliisi on sanonut odottavansa lisätietoja uhrien kunnosta.

Ensimmäinen hyökkäys tapahtui paikallista aikaa hieman ennen puolta yhtätoista torstai-iltana. Ensimmäinen uhri oli liikkeellä mopolla, kun kaksi yhden mopon kyydissä ollutta miestä pysähtyi hänen vierelleen ja heitti syövyttävää ainetta hänen kasvoilleen. Kaksikko sen jälkeen varasti uhrin mopon.

Seuraava hyökkäys tapahtui noin puoli tuntia ensimmäisen jälkeen, kolmas hieman ennen puolta kahtatoista ja neljäs puoli kahdentoista jälkeen. Kaksi hyökkääjää varasti myös neljännen hyökkäyksen yhteydessä mopon
Britannian tiukemmat aselait pakottavat vähän improvisoimaan.
toinen palava materiaali oli yhteydessä noihin polyuretaanilevyihin. Poliisi tutkii paloa massa tappona (a mass manslaughter).

It has also emerged that a second combustible insulation material was used. Kingspan said one of its products was used “as part of a combination for which it was not designed and which Kingspan would never recommend”.

It said the material, a phenolic insulation called Kooltherm, had never been tested with polyethylene core aluminium panels and that the company “would be very surprised if such a system … would ever pass the appropriate British Standard 8414 large-scale test”. According to Kooltherm’s LABC certificate, phenolic products “do not meet the limited combustibility requirements” of building regulations guidance.

A spokesman for Kensington and Chelsea said: “We know there are many questions relating to fire safety standards.” The council declined to comment further “until this issue has been discussed with the police and the solicitors to the public inquiry once they have been appointed”.

Celotex is said to be 30% to 50% cheaper than non-combustible mineral fibre insulation. Non-combustible cement-based cladding of the type used in the fire test with Celotex is described as about twice the price of the polyethylene-filled Reynobond aluminium panels that were eventually used on Grenfell.

Cost pressures on the Grenfell refurbishment appear to have been intense. It emerged last month that the project team specified a cheaper cladding, saving £293,368, after the Kensington and Chelsea Tenant Management Organisation suggested in an email the need for “good costs for Cllr Fielding Mellen [the council’s former deputy leader]”.

A BBC Newsnight investigation revealed a 30m aerial, which could have enabled firefighters to reach the 10th floor of tower, was not dispatched until 01:19 BST, 24 minutes after the first crews were sent out.

The aerial did not arrive until 01:32 BST, by which time the fire had raced up the building's cladding.

London Fire Brigade's standard procedure at the time was to send four fire engines - and no aerial platforms - to tower block fires as part of their "pre-determined attendance" procedure.

But the BBC understands previously it immediately sent an aerial to fires at Grenfell Tower as standard procedure. It is unclear when this policy changed.

The London Fire Brigade's safety plan in 2004-5 reduced the number of aerial appliances from 16 to 11.

An Audit Commission report in 2004 said the move was expected to save £1.75m.

Paul Embery of the Fire Brigades Union said he believes the automatic deployment of the equipment could have made a difference in tackling the fire.

"The presence of an aerial appliance very early on, being able to intervene and act as a water tower and direct large amounts of water on to the flames, could have potentially prevented the spread of that fire.

"We don't know for sure but it's a question that needs to be asked as part of the inquiry.

"The question needs to be asked in terms of the aerial appliances in London. Was it deemed they shouldn't be sent automatically as a way of saving money?"
Viimeksi muokattu:
Nuorten puukotukset Lontoossa hälyttävässä kasvussa

Nuorten puukotukset ovat hälyttävässä kasvussa Britannian pääkaupungissa Lontoossa. Jo 27 alle 25-vuotiasta nuorta on puukotettu kuoliaaksi tänä vuonna.

Lontoon poliisille on kirjattu yli 12 100 puukotustapausta viime vuoden huhtikuun ja tämän vuoden maaliskuun välisenä aikana. Niissä on haavoittunut yli 4 400 ihmistä. Luku on korkein viiteen vuoteen.

Suurin osa puukotuksista ei liity järjestäytyneeseen rikollisuuteen, poliisi kertoo.
The Home Secretary has today (18 July) announced plans to consult on new offences to toughen up knife crime laws.


The proposed new action would restrict the online sale of knives and ban possession of dangerous or offensive weapons on private property.

Amber Rudd announced her intention to tighten the law in order to stop under 18s being able to purchase knives. The proposed measures would mean anyone who bought a knife online would be required to collect it in person, with retailers responsible for checking the age of all buyers.

It is already an offence to sell knives to under 18 year olds. The new offences would mean knives could no longer be delivered to private property, making it harder for underage sales to go undetected.

Banning the possession of outlawed weapons - such as zombie knives, knuckledusters and ‘throwing stars’ - on private property would mean police were able to seize them and make arrests. The proposal comes after police called for more powers to take action if they find such weapons in someone’s home.

The consultation will also seek views on whether the offence of possessing a knife in a public place and school premises should be extended to also include the grounds of other educational establishments, such higher education institutions.

Home Secretary Amber Rudd said:

Knife crime has devastating consequences. I am determined to tackle this and do all I can to break the deadly cycle and protect our children, families and communities.

The action I am setting out today will help keep people safe and give police the powers they need to crack down on offenders.

Prevention is also key and we will be working to educate our young people and give them the strength they need to turn away from knives.

Recorded police crime figures, from the Office for National Statistics (ONS), for the year ending December 2016 show more than 32,000 knife crime offences took place, a 14% increase on the previous year.

Although some of the increase is down to improved police recording practices, it may also represent a real increase in some areas of the country.

There were over 4,000 hospital admissions for assaults involving sharp weapons in England in the year ending March 2016, a 13% rise, with 771 cases involving children or teenagers aged 19 or under.

The government is working to tackle this, banning the sale of so-called ‘zombie knives’ last year and working with major retailers to prevent the underage sale of knives.

It supports the police-led Operation Sceptre, a series of co-ordinated weeks of intensified action on knife crime that takes place across the country, and which includes weapon sweeps, test purchases in shops, targeted use of stop-and-search powers, and the use of surrender bins.

A record 32 police forces are taking part in the current week of action, which began on Monday 17 July, after the Home Office hosted a summit last month to encourage more to get involved.

The Home Secretary visited a Metropolitan Police operation this week to view some of the knives police have seized and see a knife arch in action.

In addition, the government is considering a series of new non-legislative measures to tackle knife crime as part of a comprehensive action being set out.

It also intends to launch a new anti-knife crime campaign in the Autumn and a new £500,000 fund for community projects tackling the issue. There are also plans to expand the capacity of youth violence intervention projects based in hospital emergency departments to reach and try to divert at risk young people.

John Poyton, chief executive of Redthread Youth, said:

Everyday in A&E we see the devastating impact knife crime has on young people, their families and the wider community. More needs to be done to lower the numbers of young people meeting our youth workers in London’s major trauma centres, and restricting the availability of knives to under 18’s is an important contribution to creating safer communities.
