Uutisia Israelista

Ei kyllä ollut 4 x SPICE 2000...tai koko kortteli olisi maan tasalla. Naapuritaloissa ei minkään näköisiä vaurioita.

Vaikka on RT:n video, niin siitä näkee rakennuksista asian hyvin:

Tod. näk. oli tämä:

"SDB Focused Lethality Munition (FLM)[edit]
Under a contract awarded in September 2006, Boeing is developing a version of the SDB I which replaces the steel casing with a lightweight composite casing and the warhead with a focused-blast explosive such as Dense Inert Metal Explosive (DIME). This should further reduce collateral damage when using the weapon for pin-point strikes in urban areas.[29]"

Tuolla on CEP 1m, eli 50% mahdollisuus että lentää ikkunasta sisään, 93kg räjähdelataus, ei suurempaa sirpalevaikutusta. Käytetään paljon Gazan alueella.

SDB:ssä 93 kiloa räjähdettä? No, ehkä tuolla DIME täytteellä, jossa taisi olla wolframi jauhetta lisäämässä räjähdyskaasujen massaa.
SDB:ssä 93 kiloa räjähdettä? No, ehkä tuolla DIME täytteellä, jossa taisi olla wolframi jauhetta lisäämässä räjähdyskaasujen massaa.

DIME täyte on nimenomaan estämään "collateral damage"-juttuja.

Kannattaisi perehtyä asiaan järjettömyyksien postaamisien sijasta.

Opettele nyt ensin perusasiat asioista.
DIME täyte on nimenomaan estämään "collateral damage"-juttuja.

Kannattaisi perehtyä asiaan järjettömyyksien postaamisien sijasta.

Opettele nyt ensin perusasiat asioista.

Järjettömyyksien? Perehdyn sitä mukaa kun asioita tulee eteen, en vain välttämättä laskisi sitä metallia "räjähdelataukseksi", vaikka se onkin osa taistelukärkeä.

Ja mitä tulee perusasioihin, niin tiesimpähän ainakin älähtää tuossa kohtaa. Perus SDB näet kantaa pienemmän räjähdelatauksen.
Järjettömyyksien? Perehdyn sitä mukaa kun asioita tulee eteen, en vain välttämättä laskisi sitä metallia "räjähdelataukseksi", vaikka se onkin osa taistelukärkeä.

Ja mitä tulee perusasioihin, niin tiesimpähän ainakin älähtää tuossa kohtaa. Perus SDB näet kantaa pienemmän räjähdelatauksen.



Mutta kun ei ole kyse perus-SDB:stä joita noissa iskuissa käytetään. Jokaiselle räjähteiden ja ohjusten kanssa tekemisissä oleville asiat ovat selviä jo kuvasta. Hieno juttu että olet asioista paremmin perillä.


Mutta kun ei ole kyse perus-SDB:stä joita noissa iskuissa käytetään. Jokaiselle räjähteiden ja ohjusten kanssa tekemisissä oleville asiat ovat selviä jo kuvasta. Hieno juttu että olet asioista paremmin perillä.

En nyt oikein tiedä, että mistä sinä tuon väitteesi siitä, että olisin paremmin asioista perillä sait?

Onko sinulla jotakin ongelmia RL puolella, kun noin ärhäkkänä nyt yht. äkkiä olet?
Northern Israel: Farmers instructed to stay away from the Lebanese border
The Israeli Security establishment barred farmers in the area of Metula from traveling near the Lebanese border. The instructions come after the elimination of senior level Hezbollah terrorist Samir Kuntar.
Dec 23, 2015, 5:24PM Rachel Avraham


Four days after the elimination of the child murderer and senior level Hezbollah terrorist Samir Kuntar, which many have attributed to an Israeli air strike, the IDF instructed farmers in the Metula area not to approach the Lebanese border following a warning by the Security Establishment.

According to the instructions, the farmers are forbidden from traveling and working along such routes. “It is said that these are routine instructions for such times and we heard the military’s instructions,” a farmer in the area stated. “We will continue to work the land also during sensitive times.”

A security official stated about the instructions: “When there is a high level of preparedness, we reach such decisions depending on the situation. They don’t need to testify to the situation in all of Northern Israel.”

Syrian media: Israel hits Hezbollah targets in Qalamoun area
Local reports say that at least seven airstrikes carried out by Israeli warplanes; Lebanese terror group denies reports


Israeli warplanes hit Hezbollah targets in the Qalamoun area of Syria in a series of at least seven airstrikes, Syrian media outlets reported Saturday night.

The Israel Defense Forces declined to comment on the alleged airstrikes. Hezbollah denied Israeli raids had targeted their positions, according to Channel 2.

According to Channel 2, the IDF released a statement before the reports emerged warning that,
“in the coming hours sounds of explosions may be heard in the Upper Galilee. These are initiated and controlled explosions that were planned in advance and not a security incident.”

The reported strikes came less than a week after Hezbollah-allied terrorist Samir Kuntar was killed in an explosion in his Damascus home, which has been attributed to Israel. Kuntar’s death was followed within hours by rocket strikes from Lebanon on the northern Israeli city of Nahariya.

Israel has warned Hezbollah not to respond to Kuntar’s death. Foreign officials also warned the Lebanon-based terror group that seeking retaliation for Kuntar’s killing could prompt a crushing Israeli response.

Last month, Israel reportedly carried out some four airstrikes on Syrian regime and Hezbollah positions in the area of the Qalamoun mountains.

Israel has long warned that it would not allow any “game-changing” weapons to fall into Hezbollah’s hands as it fights alongside the Syrian regime in the country’s years-long civil war.

IDF increases its forces along the Northern border
The tensions along Israel’s Northern border continue. The IDF decided to increase its security presence in a number of Israeli communities close to Lebanon due to the fear that Hezbollah will respond to the elimination of Samir Kuntar.


Security increased in the North

Over a week after the elimination of the child murderer and senior level Hezbollah terrorist Samir Kuntar in a suburb of Damascus, Israel continues to prepare for a possible Hezbollah response. The IDF has increased the number of Security Forces in Israeli communities close to the Lebanese border. In the last week, the IDF barred farmers in the Metula area from approaching the Lebanese border.

Yesterday, Hezbollah terror leader Hassan Nasrallah delivered a speech, where he threatened to respond to Kuntar’s elimination: “There will be consequences. Israel erred in its considerations. We will respond and avenge it. This can happen in Israeli territory or in any corner of the globe.”

The Kuwaiti newspaper Al Kabas reported that an Israeli diplomat sent a message to Hezbollah according to which the terror groups’ activities are likely to lead to a harsh response along the Northern front. According to the report, Israel is ready to be included in the Syrian Civil War following a difficult response by Hezbollah.

Ousted Israeli Missile Defense Director revealed classified information in the past

New information has been revealed regarding the dismissal of Yair Ramati, according to which the former Israeli Missile Defense Director stored classified information on his cellphone and showed it to unauthorized elements.


Was warned in the past. Ramati

This evening (Monday) on Channel 2’s Main Newscast, it was revealed that ousted Israeli Missile Defense Director Yair Ramati had already received a warning in the past regarding information security offenses. Ramati, who was dismissed after having stored classified information on his personal computer, apparently also stored classified information on his cellphone and showed it to unauthorized elements.

Meanwhile, it was also revealed that the decision to dismiss Ramati was reached as early as three weeks ago, but the announcement was postponed to yesterday as he was involved in crucial experiments relating to the Arrow 3 and David’s Sling air defense systems.

There are currently severe concerns that the secret information held by Ramati may have leaked and reached the wrong hands, possibly putting the state’s security in jeopardy. The development of Israel’s air defense systems is conducted in cooperation with the US Department of Defense, and thus this malpractice could raise discontent in the US as well.

The announcement regarding Ramati’s dismissal came after successful experiments relating to the two important air defense systems developed under his leadership. The decision to dismiss Ramati reached as high-up in the Israeli security system as Defense Minister Moshe (Bogie) Ya’alon himself, as the total ban on storing classified information on private devices is an issue that the Defense Ministry treats very severely - as senior-level officials in the Israeli security systems are considered to be targets for foreign intelligence institutions.


IDF Chief of General Staff warns Hezbollah of seeking revenge

Fearing Hezbollah’s response to the elimination of Samir Kuntar, IDF Chief of General Staff Gadi Eizenkot warned the terror organization: “We know how to find and harm all who operate against us.”


IDF Chief of General Staff Gadi Eizenkot

Hours after it was reported that the IDF increased its forces along the Northern border in fear of a possible Hezbollah attack, Eizenkot launched a firm message to the terrorist organization, warning it about the consequence it will suffer, if it tries to attack Israel. “Our enemies know that if they try to disturb the safety of Israel, they will pay a grave price,” said Eizenkot.

“Even beyond our borders, among the threats from our North, we stand ready for any challenge and, as we have proven in the past, we know how to find and harm all who operate against us.”

In addition, Eizenkot stated: “In order to ensure the strength of the IDF in any possible confrontation, we put training and preparation as our top priority.”

Following the fear of Hezbollah responding to the Samir Kuntar elimination, the IDF increased the number of Security Forces in Israeli communities near to the Lebanese border. Last week, the IDF prohibited farmers in the Metula area from approaching the Israeli border with Lebanon.

Israeli Police Chief Roni Alsheikh demands that gag order violations be investigated

Shortly after the Tel Aviv terror attack on New Year’s Day, a gag order was issued regarding the investigation. Israeli Police Chief Roni Alsheikh decided to investigate why, despite the gag order, news agencies continued to publish information and therefore, breaching the gag order.


Israeli Police Chief Roni Alsheikh Photo Credit: Hadas Parush (Flash 90)/Channel 2 News

Alsheikh requested that the Chief of the Investigations and Intelligence Branch, Meni Yitzhaki, investigate if the media breached the gag order that was placed on the Tel Aviv terror attack investigation. This is the first examination into the matter. Its purpose is to check if there is enough evidence to open a criminal investigation against a number of new agencies that are suspected of violating the gag order.

An official within the Israeli Police stated that the examination will mainly focus on the reports involving the terrorist’s discovered cellphone, which were made on the same day the terror attack occurred. However, even the Minister of Public Security, Gilad Erdan, spoke publicly yesterday about the cellphone and other matters relevant to the investigation.


New IDF shields protect against stabbing attacks

850 new protection shields will be distributed to combat soldiers stationed at checkpoints and inspection stations in response to the current wave of stabbing attacks.


The Israeli Defense Force will begin distributing 850 neck-protecting shields to combat soldiers. The neck shields, which will be distributed by the end of the month, are designed to protect soldiers from terrorist stabbing attacks and at this point are allotted to combat soldiers at checkpoints and inspection stations.

According to images of the shield that was first seen in “BaMahane” (A weekly magazine published by the IDF), It seems that the shield has wide shoulder straps that will provide protection for the neck area and collarbone.

IDF officer killed in an accident in Tze’elim base
First sergeant Yishai Rozales was killed by a mortar shell in a tragic training accident that took place in the Tze’elim army base in the Negev.


An IDF officer was killed and another soldier was lightly to moderately injured in a tragic training accident at the Tze'elim army base in northern Israel. An initial investigation revealed that a mortar shell that was fired at the wrong direction had accidentally hit them.

The killed soldier is first sergeant Yishai Rozales who made Aliyah to Israel from Mexico and attended a Yeshiva in Jerusalem. Rozales served in the ‘Netzah Yehuda’ ultra-Orthodox Battalion.

The accident took place during a military drill that demonstrated a combined operation of infantry and engineer forces at the national center for ground drills at Tze'elim.


The late officer, Yishai Rozales

The wounded soldier was evacuated by helicopter to Soroka Hospital in Beersheba.
Commander of the IDF ground forces, Maj. Gen. Guy Tzur, ordered that all drills be cancelled until the initial investigation of the accident is completed.

Tel Aviv terrorist Nashat Malhem eliminated by Israeli Security Forces
Security forces located Nashat Melhem, the terrorist who murdered three in Tel Aviv and escaped. After a fire exchange the terrorist was eliminated.


Nashat Melhem, was eliminated by Israeli Security Forces after a 7 day manhunt in a mosque in Umm al-Fahm today (Friday). He was caught thanks to intelligence and DNA findings in the Wadi Ara area. Prime Minister Netanyahu congratulated the Security Forces and said they “Worked relentlessly, methodically and professionally.”

During last week electronic surveillance located a second cellular phone Melhem had besides the one he left in Tel Aviv, which led searchers to the Wadi Ara area. DNA evidence confirmed he left Tel Aviv, and today intelligence report located him in a family owned building. He was first called to surrender, but later eliminated after he tried to escape while firing shots at Security forces from thesame weapon used in Tel Aviv.

The Police Spokesperson said “The Terrorist of last week’s attack in Tel Aviv was located and eliminated in a joint security forces operation, thanks to the concentration of intelligence, investigative and operational efforts around the clock.”

During the operation five other suspects were arrested, who are suspected of assisting Melhem. Police say after his location was revealed he was called to surrender, but opened fire instead. The weapon he used was the one used in the Tel Aviv terror attack.


Body of terrorist Nashat Melhem

Earlier today, following a police assessment meeting, and amid reports of a terror alert in the Tel Aviv area, it was decided on Friday to raise the alertness level and beef up security in crowded places across the city, mainly in its northern part. Police blocked roads and performed scans.

Meanwhile, police continued the extensive searches for Milhem in northern Israel, near his place of residence, in Umm al-fahm, Kafr Qara, Ar'ara and other towns in the Wadi Ara region.


Israel will spend around 13 billion shekels ($3.3 billion) over the next five years to improve the standard of living of its Arab minority and narrow gaps with its Jewish population.

Arabs comprise nearly 21 percent of Israel's 8.46 million population. The Arab Joint list - which combined four smaller political parties - is the third largest in Israel's 120-seat parliament with 13 seats.

In a plan approved by the cabinet, investment will be boosted in education, infrastructure, culture, sports and transportation in Arab areas that have long been neglected or are not up to the same standards of Jewish citizens.

"This is an attempt to correct a historical wrong," Eli Groner, director general of the Prime Minister's Office (PMO), told Reuters on Thursday.

Groner said that in education, there is a gap between Jewish and Arab achievements in school, while Arab men often do not work in the professions they studied, he noted.

According to Tel Aviv University, Arabs comprise just 13 percent of Israel's civilian labor force, while figures show 75 percent of Arab men work and just 33 percent of Arab women.

"We're trying to address these issues while encouraging them to better integrate into Israeli society," Groner said.

As part of the plan, there will be new industrial zones and sports stadiums, and more spending on transportation, roads and water supply.

"It's a shift in allocating spending toward these priorities," Groner said.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a statement said the plan will strengthen law enforcement in the minority sector with emphasis on illegal construction.

"For the first time the Israeli government is changing the allocation mechanisms in government ministries so that Israel's Arab citizens will receive their relative share in the state budget," said Social Equality Minister Gila Gamliel.

(Reporting by Steven Scheer)



01/09/2016 05:18

IDF demolishes home of terrorist who killed 2 in early October
The victims were Rabbi Nehemia Lavie, 41, of Jerusalem, and Aharon Benita from Beitar Illit.

IDF troops bomb the family home of a Palestinian suicide bomber in the Aida refugee camp in Bethlehem. (photo credit:REUTERS)

The IDF announced early Saturday
morning that it had demolished the home of a terrorist who killed two Jewish men and wounded a mother and son in the Old City of Jerusalem during a stabbing and shooting spree which occurred in early October of last year.

The terrorist, Mohammad Halabi,19, was shot and killed by police in the aftermath of the October incident.

The victims were Rabbi Nehemia Lavie, 41, a Jerusalem Old City resident who worked at the Ateret Cohanim Yeshiva, near the place he was killed, and Aharon Benita from Beitar Illit.

The incident occurred on the evening of October 3, 2015, when the knife-wielding Halabi attacked Benita, his wife and their toddler son, as well as Lavie, as they walked past Lion’s Gate, en route to the Western Wall, police said.

According to police, the terrorist then took a pistol from one of his victims and fired wildly into a crowd of tourists, before Border Police officers on patrol some 50 meters away killed him.

The toddler’s father was rushed to Shaare Zedek Medical Center, where he died.

“The father died while in intensive care, and his two-year-old boy is in the operating room right now and is in stable condition with a leg injury,” Shaare Zedek spokeswoman Shoham Ruvio said at the time of the incident.

The mother was rushed to Hadassah-University Medical Center in Ein Kerem where she sustained critical injuries after the event.

Benita had been a private in the IDF’s Shahar program for haredi soldiers and members of his unit and the military rabbinate were also present at the funeral, which had originally been scheduled to take place in the military cemetery at Mount Herzl but was moved to Har Menuchot in accordance with the wishes of his family.

The army posthumously promoted him to corporal.

Lavie, who was an IDF reserve officer and the father of seven children, was killed as he came to the assistance of Benita family.

Milhem’s relative: We would like to have known his motive

Tel Aviv shooter killed in gunfight in Arara; security forces had ‘wanted to take Milhem alive’; politicians praise operation; police probing whether Milhem was in IS sleeper cell; victim’s father: I knew we would get him
BY TIMES OF ISRAEL STAFF January 8, 2016, 5:21 pm 5
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    A man points out at bullet holes at the site where Israeli special forces shot Nashat Milhem, who murdered three people in a Tel Aviv shooting spree last week, in the northern town of Arara, on January 8, 2016. (AFP PHOTO/JACK GUEZ)
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    The body of Nashat Milhem, in a photograph released by Israeli security forces, January 8, 2016 (Channel 2)
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    Simta bar on Dizengoff Street in Tel Aviv puts on a memorial to the two victims of a New year's Day shooting attack there, as it reopens on January 6, 2016 (screen capture: Channel 2)
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    Israeli security forces search for the gunman after a shooting attack at a pub in central Tel Aviv, on Friday, January 1, 2016. (Photo by Esther Rubyan/Flash90)
  • AsYHe6m-XSbc7tYyJ70I2TXeziIcFcnXDWOXGpZg2Prf-635x357.jpg

    Nashat Milhem, the Arab Israeli man who allegedly carried out the shooting attack in Tel Aviv on January 1, 2016. (Israel Police)
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The Times of Israel live blogged Friday’s events as they unfolded.

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Shin Bet: Tel Aviv gunman shot dead after opened fire on forces
The Shin Bet says Nashat Milhem, the Arab-Israeli gunman who killed three Israelis in Tel Aviv, was shot dead by security forces after he opened fire on troops on Friday afternoon.

Undated photograph of Nashat Milhem (Channel 10 screenshot)

The security service adds that Milhem, 29, was firing with the same weapon he used in the killings in Tel Aviv last week.

Milhem had been on the run for a week.

PM praises security forces for bringing down Tel Aviv gunman
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu praises the security forces for bringing down the Arab Israeli gunman who killed three people in Tel Aviv last Friday.

Police suspect Tel Aviv gunman was member of IS cell
The security forces are investigating whether Nashat Milhem, the Tel Aviv gunman shot dead in Wadi Ara on Friday, was part of an Islamic State cell, Channel 2 reports.

The Shin Bet suspicion that Milhem may have been an operative of the terror group is based on interrogations of several detainees arrested by security forces for allegedly assisting the gunman.

Ya’alon: Killing of Milhem proves Israel will hunt down those who harm it
Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon says the killing of Tel Aviv gunman Nashat Milhem by security forces “proves once again that the State of Israel will hunt down those who seek to harm it.”

Israel, Ya’alon is quoted by Channel 2 as saying, will go after those who act against it “anywhere inside and outside the country.”

The body of Nashat Milhem, in a photograph released by Israeli security forces, January 8, 2015 (Channel 2)

Arabs in northern Israel praise Tel Aviv gunman
A Facebook post shows Arabs in northern Israel praising Tel Aviv gunman Nashat Milhem as a “martyr.”

“With our souls and our blood, we will sacrifice our lives for you oh martyr,” the crowd is chanting in Arabic.

The location where the footage was filmed is identified only as somewhere in the Wadi Ara area.

— Lee Gancman

Duo allegedly intended to target PM at Jerusalem sports arena
East Jerusalem Hamas cell ‘planned to kill Netanyahu’
Hazem Ziad Amran Sandouqa, 22, and Fahdi Daoud Muhammad Abu Qaian, 19, indicted for aiding member of Gaza-based terrorist group
BY ADIV STERMAN AND JUDAH ARI GROSS January 8, 2016, 11:49 am 7

The Shin Bet security service reveals photographs of a laboratory allegedly used by Hamas operatives to create explosive devices for use in suicide bombings and other terror attacks in the West Bank, December 23, 2015. (Courtesy)
Adiv StermanAdiv Sterman is a breaking news editor at The Times of Israel.
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Judah Ari GrossJudah Ari Gross is The Times of Israel's military correspondent.
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The Jerusalem District Attorney’s Office filed an indictment with the city’s district court on Friday against two Arab Israeli residents of East Jerusalem who allegedly plotted to kill Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during an event at the capital.

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According to the indictment, Hazem Ziad Amran Sandouqa, a 22-year-old resident of Jerusalem’s Old City, and Fahdi Daoud Muhammad Abu Qaian, a 19-year-old Bedouin Israeli from the Negev, planned, along with Hamas activist Ahmad Jamal Mousa Azzam, 24, to plant explosives in the Jerusalem Payis Arena at a time when Netanyahu would be scheduled to speak at the site, Ynet reported.

The indictment said the three planned to place the device beneath the stage at the multi-purpose sports arena in Malha on a future occasion at which Netanyahu was to appear, but never set a final date for the operation.

The indictment added that the Hamas activist rented an apartment in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Abu Dis and purchased explosive materials both personally as well as through the help of Sandouqa, Channel 2 reported.

Azzam, from Qalqilya in the West Bank, was arrested last month after the Shin Bet uncovered a large Hamas terror cell that planned to carry out suicide bombings and other terror attacks in Israel. The Shin Bet, alongside the Israel Defense Forces and the Israel Police, arrested 25 Hamas operatives, the majority of them students of the al-Quds University in Abu Dis, who, they suspect, were preparing to attack Israeli targets. In a statement, the agency said the cell was controlled by the Hamas leadership in the Gaza Strip.

Sandouqa, the indictment added, obtained chemicals weighing dozens of kilograms in order to assemble explosive devices, and transferred the matériel to Azzam.

The central figures arrested by the Shin Bet on the suspicion of planning to carry out suicide bombings and other terror attacks in Israel and the West Bank. (Courtesy)

Abu Qaian, who was branded in the indictment as a supporter of the Islamic State terrorist group, was accused of planning to transfer weapons to Israel and the West Bank in order to carry out attacks against Israeli civilians.

The two men, along with Azzam, further planned to carry out a large attack in Jerusalem earlier this month, the indictment said.

The indictment also noted that Azzam had operated a makeshift laboratory in Abu Dis, which was being used to create the explosives necessary for bombing attacks.

Azzam was recruited by Hamas operatives from the Gaza Strip in order to set up a terror cell in the West Bank. The 24-year-old remained in constant contact with his controllers in the Strip, the Shin Bet said last month following his arrest.

Hamas taught Azzam, a student from al-Quds University in Abu Dis — which has campuses in East Jerusalem and el-Bireh — how to create explosive belts and vests, as well as improvised explosive devices that could be used against both civilians and security forces.

Once he became a member of Hamas, Azzam recruited other students from his university who assisted him in every aspect of the plot, from renting apartments to use as laboratories to purchasing the chemicals and materials necessary to create the explosives, as well as volunteering to act as suicide bombers in the planned attacks, according to the Shin Bet.

During Abu Qaian’s interrogation, he revealed to officers that he had accepted Azzam’s request in October 2015 to either carry out a suicide bombing with an explosive vest, or drive a car packed with explosives into some Israeli target.

In addition to the Abu Dis terror cell, the Shin Bet also busted a Bethlehem-based group that was also associated with Azzam. Some of its members also came from al-Quds University in Abu Dis, and were recruited in order to serve as suicide bombers, the agency said.

Issa Nasser Issa Shoka, a 19-year-old student at al-Quds University in Abu Dis, agreed to carry out a suicide bombing and also to help Azzam transfer money between the West Bank and Gaza.

Shoka acted as one of the leaders of the Bethlehem cell, recruiting Muhammad Waleed Ahmad Sarhkhan, 20, as well as Muhammad Na’im Issa Ali, 19, to carry out a suicide bombing and other attacks, the Shin Bet said.

“The planned wave of terror attacks proves that Hamas, led by its military wing, has removed itself from the terrible distress of the population of the [Gaza] Strip,” the agency added.

Avi Issacharoff contributed to this report.

Illegal weapons in the Arab sector: An insider’s testimony
The Tel Aviv terror attack raised again the issue of the dangerous yet common problem of illegal firearms in Arab communities. The problem isn’t new and the ones who suffer most are law abiding citizens.


Over 1,100 Arab citizens were killed in incidents involving firearms in Israel since October 2000, five times as many as Jewish Israelis. “93% of the Arab population in Israel find personal security to be their main concern. Evryone is worried his son will go out and will never come back,” says Karmel Rian, head of Kafr Bara Local Council. Rian has made it his personal mission to fight against this problem since his son was killed in an incident involving an illegal firearm.

“There isn’t a family in the Arab communities that hasn't been effected by this problem,” he says."I would expect that the police would have a station in every community, but instead, it’s the weapons suppliers who open stations everywhere. It’s become a jungle.”


Illegal gun owner: "A show of strength" Photo Credit: Channel 2 News

“Guns are mainly used to demonstrate dominance and presence and as a show strength,” says a local youngster. “If anyone threatens or beats me, I can shoot his house,” he tells in a rare interview. He says he started with a handgun and then moved on to rifles. “I had a weapon and I was bored, so I picked up a friend. I told him we’ll try out the new weapon in town and asked who we should try it on. The friend mentioned someone and opened fire on his house as well as his car. He wasn’t thinking for a minute.”

These days, after the Nashat Melhem terror attac,k the frustration reaches new heights among Israeli Arabs. They are horrified by the fact that almost anyone can get a weapon in the Arab sector and feel ignored by the authorities “until the weapons are turned against Jews,” says Badir-Badir, a resident of Kafr Qasim. “A man was shot five meters away yesterday. Where is the police? Why didn’t they find the shooter? They didn’t even question anyone. They didn’t have searches like in Tel Aviv.”
