Uutisia Venäjältä

Orskin kaupungissa etelä-Venäjällä Orenburgin alueella petti pato. Noin 4000 asuintaloa uhkaa jäädä tulvan alle.

A dam broke in Orsk​

MOSCOW, April 5. /TASS/. A dam broke in Orsk, Orenburg region. This was reported to TASS by the operational services.

“A dam has broken in Orsk. City residents are being evacuated from houses located in the flood zone,” the agency’s interlocutor said.

The operational services added that about 4 thousand private residential buildings could fall into the flood zone. Up to 10 thousand people can live in the houses.

According to the government of the Orenburg region, a section of an embankment dam broke in the old city. Six temporary temporary accommodation centers were prepared for evacuation from the territory of old Orsk. “Temporary accommodation points have been prepared for evacuation: school 17, school 37, gymnasium 1, gymnasium 3, school 88, school 11,” the city administration said in a message on its VKontakte page . ".

As the Ministry of Emergency Situations clarified, rescuers and municipal services are working to strengthen the dam. “Two front-end loaders and four heavy loads of soil are working,” the department’s press service said.

The ministry added that for preventive purposes, door-to-door visits are being carried out and residents are being evacuated from a possible flood zone to temporary accommodation centers. “The gathering place for the evacuation of residents is Krainaya Street,” the department added.

Firefighters are evacuating elderly and disabled citizens from the flood zone, a video from the Ministry of Emergency Situations shows. The dispatcher tells them the addresses to which they go in fire trucks. A civil defense siren sounds in the city.

Earlier it was reported that there was a threat of a dam breaking in Orsk. The authorities recommended residents of several streets to collect documents and evacuate to temporary accommodation centers. A state of emergency has been introduced in the city. Rescue teams from Moscow arrived there and rescuers from Perm followed.
Padon murtumiseen on löydetty syyllisiä, rikostutkimus huolimattomuudesta ja rakennusturvallisuusmääräysten rikkomisesta aloitettiin. Venäjällä on varmasti hauska olla pikkuvirkamies, rauhassa voi korruptoitua kunnes sattuu iso onnettomuus ja tarvitaan syyllinen.

A criminal case of negligence was opened due to a dam break in Orsk​

Due to a dam break in Orsk, Orenburg Region, a criminal case was opened for negligence and violation of construction safety rules. The Investigative Committee (IC) of Russia for the region reported this on April 6.

“On instructions from the head of the investigative department of the investigative bodies of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Orenburg Region, a criminal case was opened on the grounds of crimes under Part 1 of Art. 216 (“Violation of safety rules during construction work”), Part 1 of Art. 293 (“Negligence”) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation,” the message says.

The department added that investigators are working to clarify all the circumstances of the dam break, which led to the flooding of houses. In addition, during the investigation, the Investigative Committee will, from the point of view of the law, evaluate the work of the officials whose duties included the construction and maintenance of the dam.

A dam break in Orsk occurred on the evening of April 5. Rescuers immediately began evacuating people. For those who do not have the opportunity to leave on their own, buses are organized. On the morning of April 6, the government of the Orenburg region reported that 711 people had been taken out , including 210 children. In the region, almost 4.3 thousand residential buildings, almost 8.5 thousand summer cottages and 47 bridges were flooded .

The head of the Orenburg region, Vasily Shmarin, called on residents not to wait for rescue services, but to evacuate themselves, going to their relatives or turning to the leadership of their localities to get a place in a temporary accommodation center (TAP).

Governor of the Orenburg Region Denis Pasler said that in Orsk all necessary operational services have been mobilized to help residents and deal with the consequences of a dam break. TAPs for 6.5 thousand people have been created in the city . On the morning of April 6, the mayor of Orsk, Vasily Kozupitsa, said that one of the breakthroughs had been eliminated, but the Old Town microdistrict was already half flooded, and it would suffer seriously because of this.
Padon murtumiseen on löydetty syyllisiä, rikostutkimus huolimattomuudesta ja rakennusturvallisuusmääräysten rikkomisesta aloitettiin. Venäjällä on varmasti hauska olla pikkuvirkamies, rauhassa voi korruptoitua kunnes sattuu iso onnettomuus ja tarvitaan syyllinen.


Tuleekohan tähän kohta jälkiuutinen, että Ukrainan vika🤔

Eiköhän näissä molemmissa tapauksissa paikalta löydy Azovin jäsenkortteja, muutama ukrainalainen passi ja tietysti pakolliset Mein Kampf ja SIMS-pelit!
Varmaan tästäkin ryssimisestä joku saa mitalin.

Yli kolmasosa kaupungista veden vallassa, tuo tekojärvi tyhjenee hyvää kyytiä aukon laajentuessa itsestään ja lienee se pato yksi alueen merkittävimmistä energiantuotantolaitoksista niin siellä jää myös aika monta mökkiä ilman sähköjä.

Orskin kaupungissa on muuten myös öljyjalostamo, kuinkahan siellä pyyhkii tällä hetkellä.

New York Timesin artikkeli Venäjän maahanmuuttajien tilanteesta CCH iskun jälkeen.

Venäläiset näyttävät taas parhaat puolensa ja karkoittavat satoja tuhansia työntekijöitä joilla on maahanmuuttajastatus. Lopulta tuokin tulee vaikuttamaan negatiivisesti heidän talouteensa, koska joitain asioita täytyy vain jättää tekemättä tai tehdä vähemmän.

Orskissa murtui toinenkin pato, nyt veden alle sanotaan jääneen yli 6000 asuintaloa kun aiemmin luku oli 4000.

Authorities reported flooding of more than 6 thousand residential buildings in the Orenburg region​

More than 6 thousand residential buildings were flooded in the Orenburg region after a dam broke in Orsk. This was reported on Saturday, April 6, by the press service of the governor and the regional government.

It is also noted that more than 4.4 thousand people were evacuated due to the flood.

“6,132 residential buildings and 9,643 household plots were flooded. 4,402 people were evacuated, including 1,115 children,” the press service stated in a message on the Telegram channel.

Earlier on Saturday it was reported that a new dam had broken in the village of Nikel in Orsk. In connection with this, the evacuation of residents began in the village . Currently, there are 12 temporary temporary accommodation centers in Orsk for evacuees from the flood zone. The authorities will increase their number if necessary.

On the same day, the Ministry of Emergency Situations reported that more than 1.1 thousand people were evacuated in Orsk after a dam break .

A dam break in Orsk occurred on the evening of April 5. Rescuers immediately began evacuating people. The next day, the mayor of the city, Vasily Kozupitsa, said that one of the breakthroughs had been eliminated, but the Old Town microdistrict was already half flooded and would suffer seriously because of this.

Based on the incident, a criminal case was opened for negligence and violation of construction safety rules (part 1 of article 216 “Violation of safety rules during construction work”, part 1 of article 293 “Negligence”). Also, on behalf of the head of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, Alexander Kurenkov, an additional echelon of rescuers flew to the Orenburg region to eliminate the consequences of the flood and provide assistance to the population.

In addition, on April 6, Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed Kurenkov to urgently fly to the Orenburg region to organize all the necessary work to help people and eliminate the consequences of a natural disaster.

Venäjällä lähes 4 500 ihmistä evakuoitu padon tuhouduttua​

Venäjällä Orenburgin alueella Orskin kaupungissa on evakuoitu lähes 4 500 ihmistä tulvimisen vuoksi. Heidän joukossaan on Orenburgin kuvernöörin kanslian mukaan noin 1 100 lasta.

Tulva ja rankkasateet vaikuttavat yli 6 000 asuinrakennukseen.

Pato murtui perjantaina rankkasateiden jälkeen. Orskin kaupunki sijaitsee lähellä Kazakstanin rajaa.

Viranomaiset kuvailivat tilannetta vaikeaksi koko alueella ja varoittivat Uraljoen vedenpinnan olevan vaarallisen korkealla myös Orenburgin alueella, jossa asuu lähes puoli miljoonaa ihmistä. Erityisen hankala tilanne on paikallisen kuvernöörin mukaan juuri Orskissa.

Ilmeisesti tulva on vaatinut kuolonuhreja. Paikallishallinto kertoi tiedon 66 kuolonuhrista olevan perätön, kukaan ei ole kuollut tulvaan tai kyllä kaksi ruumista on löytynyt mutta ne eivät liity mitenkään tulvaan.

In the Orenburg region they denied information about 66 victims of flooding in Orsk​

ORENBURG, April 7. /TASS/. Information about 66 victims due to the flood in Orsk, Orenburg region, does not correspond to reality. Apart from 18 people with an intestinal infection, there were no other victims of the flood, the press service of the regional government told TASS.

Earlier, information appeared on Telegram channels that 66 people were injured during flooding in Orsk, and four people were killed.

“This information is not true. Apart from 18 people with an intestinal infection, we have no other victims of the flood. And we do not have any four dead. These are only two people who were discovered while on patrol. Their deaths, as already established by the examination, are in no way related to flood phenomena,” said the owner of the agency.
Orskin pato rakennettiin 2013 tutulla venäläisellä tyylillä, paperilla kaikki työt oli tehty vaatimusten mukaan mutta paperilla kerrottu ei vastannut todellisuutta. Asiantuntija tarkasti padon ja löysi kasan virheitä mutta tuomioistuimen mukaan kaikki oli kunnossa.

An expert told Izvestia about violations during the construction of a dam in Orsk​

During the construction of the dam in Orsk, a number of violations were committed: in construction technology, in drawing up estimates. Director of MEKA LLC, forensic expert Oleg Dyukarev told Izvestia about this on April 7.

According to him, an examination carried out as part of the trial in 2013 in the case of the construction of a dam helped to identify the discrepancy between the volumes of work indicated in the documents and the results obtained. And it wasn’t just about waterproofing problems.

“In my expertise, it would not be entirely correct to talk specifically about waterproofing. During the examination, I identified violations in the volume of construction and scope of work. In simple Russian language, on paper the volumes were fulfilled, but in fact there were no volumes,” he said.

Dyukarev, whom Rosfinnadzor invited as an independent expert, explained that there were violations during the construction of the dam, during the preparation of estimates, and during the preparation of reports of work performed. He recalled that in 2013, during an examination, he pointed out errors during construction, so now they can be considered the cause of the dam breaking and flooding of populated areas.

When the court later ordered its examination, which was carried out by an Orenburg company, no violations were found.

“The Arbitration Court of the Orenburg Region made a decision on that forensic examination. I do not have the competence to dispute it, but today I say that I was right. Everything that I established during the examination was correct. Unfortunately, my rightness is confirmed by today's events, when many people and their property suffered. Unfortunately, I can’t do anything today,” said Dukarev.
Kuva kertoo enemmän kuin tuhat sanaa, kohta kun tuo penkka pettää niin se on helvetti irti, siinä lähtee miljoonia kuutioita paskaista vettä huuhtomaan ryssien perseitä kohti uusia maisemia.

Kannatti taas pihistää muutamia miljoonia patorakennelmien pitävyydestä kun nyt menee vähintään satoja miljoonia kun noin puolet kahden kaupungin infrasta on mennyttä, jos menee teollisuutta niin summa voi olla paljon suurempi, lisäksi alueen energiatuotanto on pitkäksi aikaa jonkin vielä tuntemattoman lähteen varassa.

Saattaa lopulta muodostua ihan aavekaupungiksi tuo Orsk, sellaisia on ryssälässä jo melkoisia määriä.

Viimeksi muokattu:
Orskista itään Kurganin alaueella Tobol-joki uhkaa tulla padon läpi. Alueen kuvernööri keksi syyttää etukäteen paikallisia asukkaita väittäen näiden varastaneen maata padosta kasvimailleen. Mustamulta ei vaikuta parhaalta mahdolliselta materiaalilta patoon mutta venäläisistä ei koskaan tiedä.

The Russian governor accused residents of the region of stealing soil from a dam​

The governor of the Kurgan region, Vadim Shumkov, accused residents of the region of stealing soil from the dam. The words of the head of the region are quoted by the Telegram channel of the Vesti FM radio station.

He added that they are doing this to transport the soil to their own plots. In this regard, it was decided to raise the level of the dam and fill in the passages.

Journalists add that in Kurgan itself , a preventive evacuation of residents of gardening communities in one of the microdistricts has begun, the entrance to which will be filled in to strengthen the dam. The city mayor's office reminded of the forced evacuation of those residents who refuse to do this voluntarily.

Earlier, the head of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, Alexander Kurenkov , warned that in the Kurgan region in the Tobol River basin there is a risk of unfavorable flood conditions. In this regard, additional forces and resources from the Ural search and rescue team and the rescue center of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations were sent there.
Kyllä se on purkamista vaille valmis tuo kaupunki. Kaikki sähköinen infra on entistä, kerrostalojen kiinteistötekniikka on pääosin kellareissa, vesijohtovesi pilalla todennäköisesti koko kaupungista, sillat, tiet ja rautatiepenkat vettyneet ja veden huuhtomat, tehtaat ja lämpölaitos näkyy olevan veden vallassa, patojen korjaukseenkaan ei välttämättä löydy resursseja aivan yks kaks.

Viimeinen sammuttaa valot, ai eipä tarvitsekaan.
