Uutisia Venäjältä

Murmansk tukehtuu hiilipölypaskaan kun laivausta tehdään Aasiaan sitä kautta ja vehkeet on edellisen vuosituhannen peruja. Kuka olisi arvannut, että ryssillä tulee ongelmia siitä että länsimaat etsivät energiansa jostain muualta.

Hiilikaupassa muutenkin todella hyvä pöhinä päällä. Lihavointi on minun koska kuvaa Venäjän tilaa ylipäätään.

"Neither in the government nor in the companies does anyone think about the year 2050 or even 2030, because everyone is living day-to-day,” Lanshina said.

“It's important to sell now, extract as much as possible, export and earn money,” Lanshina said. “Nobody thinks about what will happen next.”

Kadyrov on hyvin vihainen Dagestanille sillä Tsetsenian hätätilaministeriön pomo pidätettiin Dagestanissa. Kadyrovin mukaan mies ei tehnyt törkeitä rikkeitä mutta oli vapaalla ja siviilivaatteissa. Kaikkia osallisia pitää Kadyrovin mukaan rangaista.

Kadyrov called the detention of the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Chechnya in Dagestan a provocation​

GROZNY, April 18. /TASS/. The head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, called the detention of the head of the regional department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Alikhan Tsakaev at the Gerzel checkpoint a provocation and called on the Dagestan authorities to take action against those responsible.

“A shameful provocation was committed against <...> the head of the main department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation for the Chechen Republic, Alikhan Tsakaev. A number of persons, whose identities we have already established, tried to detain Alikhan Garmanovich in the most rude manner. They must be driven out of the structures with a bang. I appeal to the leadership of Dagestan to pay attention to what happened and take appropriate measures against those responsible for the Gerzel checkpoint,” Kadyrov wrote in his Telegram channel .

According to him, Tsakaev did not commit gross violations, and when the post employees found out that they were dealing with a general, they “cowardly fled.”

“They should not wear and dirty the uniform of a guard. We, together with brotherly Dagestan, fought against terrorists and bandits, but such unworthy employees will never become comrades either to you or to us. They will only let you down and put themselves to shame at the right moment,” the head added Chechnya.

Kadyrov explained that Tsakaev left on a day off, so he did not have official documents or a uniform with him. “It turns out that this could be the reason for a whole performance at the checkpoint,” he added.
Jumaleisson tää maa kyllä joka päivä menee vaan kauemmas parodiahorisontissta ja tänään ollu sen suhteen todella tuottelias päivä:

Tomskissa asukkaat rakensi padon itse, jotta heidän talonsa säästyis tulvalta. No joku hätätilaministeriössä huomas, että se ei suojaa hänen omaa taloaan, joten hätilaministeriö käski purkamaan kyseisen padon, kärsikää!

Russia: If we are not willing to save you and your property - you're not allowed to save yourselves!News from Mordor:“Residents of the Tyumen village of Pakhomova complained about the demand of fire service employees to dismantle the dam they built themselves to protect against the flood, the local publication "Our City" reports.The settlement is located in the Ishim district of the region in the flood zone. Local residents decided to protect themselves and their property on their own by building a fence of bags of clay and sand, which were partially issued by the administration of the Pakhomovsky rural settlement, partially purchased by the citizens themselves."Major Badamshin from the Ministry of Emergency Situations came and said "to disassemble in a good way," as we had the carelessness to spread one edge of the dam to the house of one of his subordinates," the publication quoted the words of a local resident Elena Kazakova. She added that, according to her information, no one lives in this house, and in 2017 it was already flooded.
Paikallinen kuvernööri Stravropolissa on häätäny turvatalosta asukkaat veks ja häädetyt asukkaat syyttää kyseistä kuvernööriä NATO:n ja Ukrainan agentiksi
In Russia's Stavropol region, residents of an emergency house are begging the Kremlin Tsar to deal with "NATO's intrigues"Holding icons and a portrait of Putin, they complain that the governor is kicking them out of their emergency house without compensation. The residents accused the governor of working for Ukrainian intelligence services, NATO and Russia's internal enemies."The governor is working in collusion with internal enemies foreign agents on the instructions of the leadership of foreign anti-Russian centers in the interests of special services of Ukraine and NATO countries, which are aimed at discrediting the current government and destabilizing the socio-political situation in the Russian Federation," the people said.
Peskovia ja hallintoa ei huoleta sodasta palanneiden sotilaiden väkivalta. Kotiväkivalta on laillista, joten ei näy tilastoissa. Kärsikää!
“These types of violence did not appear among the indicators of concern,” Putin’s press secretary Peskov answered a question about tragic cases of domestic violence perpetrated by the SMO participants after coming home.

Peskov recalled that Putin recently took part in a meeting of the Ministry of Internal Affairs board, where crime statistics were discussed, and no increase in domestic violence was documented there.

There is no law against domestic violence in Russia and because of this most victims of domestic violence do not contact the police.
No cases = no statistics.

Photo: The ex-wife of “Hero of the SMO” after being brutally beaten by her ex-husband. He broke her eye sockets and got off with a 5,000 rubles fine after presenting his PMC Wagner medals “For the Capture of Bakhmut” and “Bakhmut Meat Grinder” to the court.

Sodasta palannut sotilas sai huomata kotinsa joutuneen ryöstetyksi vessanpönttöä myöten:
The irony in this clip is off the charts, scoring a 100 on a scale of 1 to 10!

Russian occupier comes home from the ‘SMO’ only to find out that his house had been robbed and the thieves even took the toilet!

“What happened to morality?” he asks.
Ryssä haluaisi takaisin ladamaaksi, jos vain olisi auton osia.
Ystävällismieliset kiinalaiset eivät suostu auto tuotantoaan ryssän maalle tekemään, niin tuonti tullejahan niille on laitettava.
Kohta autoja ei tule mistään tai ne on Iran Intia linjalta öljykaupan vastineeksi 30 vuotta vanhaa tekniikkaa...
