Uutisia Venäjältä

Kyllä tässä Vanjan reportaasissa Suomen ja Euroopan unionin liput Pietarin pääkonsulaatin edessä liehuvat siihen malliin että uutisen agenda ei jääne epäselväksi.

Riidankylväminen alkaa taas ennen Puten Suomen vierailua. Tervetuloa Savonlinnaan arokansan pääjehu Vladdis!

Niinhän se tuppaa menemään, että ensin tulee provot ja sitten vasta Putin :D
Kyllä tässä Vanjan reportaasissa Suomen ja Euroopan unionin liput Pietarin pääkonsulaatin edessä liehuvat siihen malliin että uutisen agenda ei jääne epäselväksi.

Riidankylväminen alkaa taas ennen Puten Suomen vierailua. Tervetuloa Savonlinnaan arokansan pääjehu Vladdis!

Ymmärtäisin että tuo väitetty aseiden salakuljetus on keskittynyt Mainilan kylän ympäristöön... Ei vaan, mutta kuitenkin aika raikkaita tuulia taas idästä puhaltelee. Sangen arktista ollut viime vuosina.
Ymmärtäisin että tuo väitetty aseiden salakuljetus on keskittynyt Mainilan kylän ympäristöön... Ei vaan, mutta kuitenkin aika raikkaita tuulia taas idästä puhaltelee. Sangen arktista ollut viime vuosina.

Kasparov.ru' artikkeli. Asia, mitä tulevaisuudessa kannattaa seurata, on Tatarstan.

Käännös on suoraan Googlen koneella ilman editointia, jotkut kohdat eivät ehkä aukene selväksi, mutta isot linjat tuosta voi lukea.


While the public is completely immersed in the analysis of Mr. N's personal business (somehow it was the Nemtsov-Nosik-Navalny), the Russian Federal Agency is swiftly rushing to the most serious crisis in recent years in national relations. And this is not a problem of Chechnya, although two episodes with mass extrajudicial executions, in my opinion, should be comparable to one, even the most resonant murder of one of the leaders of the liberal opposition. This is a problem of Tatarstan's status.

Now the special - the "treaty" status of the republic - is for the most part an honorable relic of the Yeltsin election manifesto "take sovereignty - how much can you take" (its meaning was such - we can not feed and care, but your hands are untied). Such increased respect for the second in Erefia people - about five and a half million. This is not counting the "acquired" Crimean Tatar people and those Tatars who were forced to enroll in other "titular peoples" ...

The fact is that when the leadership of Tatarstan "pushed" the Tatar national movements, it compensated with this clear promise that it is to take care of the rights and interests of the Tatar people. The deprivation of Tatarstan, although symbolic, but exclusive, all these promises disavow. Thus, the spring of oppositional nationalism gets an excuse and an excuse to unclench.

A special status, for example, is the Bavarian Free State in Germany and Texas - in America. In Bavaria, there are practically no differences from the status of other federal lands. But her specialty is the understanding that Bayern was always the second "pole" of the German nation - Catholic - in comparison with Protestant Prussia, and a tribute of gratitude to the Bavarian king, who not only supported the imperial status of his historical rival - the Berlin king, but also made him Possible, sending his own, very good army against Napoleon III.

In Texas, the difference is manifested in the fact that all state land (and subsoil) belong to the state, leaving nothing for "federal" property. This is a tribute to the fact that Texas is an independent state, separated from Mexico by a war (the desert territories of these former Spanish possessions were inhabited by settlers from Western Europe, culturally associated with the United States), which voluntarily entered America.

The special status of Tatarstan is also a reminder that only the capture of Kazan gave the Moscow Grand Dukes the right to claim the royal title, to the fact that the Rurik and the Romanovs, now so exalted, were called the kings of Kazan and Astrakhan.

This is also the memory of the execution of the Tatar Bolshevik leadership in 1921 for upholding the idea of making Tatarstan a union republic (internationalism should also be without fanaticism - who would allow the RSFSR to be cut in half across the Volga, and there the Siberian regions could say that they were surprised to learn that their The region is Russia, the FER was still sovereign).

The problem of the insert in the Tatar language in the passport is extremely important as a symbol.
39 years ago thousands of students went to demonstrations in Georgia with one hint that in the new constitution of the republic the Georgian language will not be called state language. Everyone understood that in fact nothing would change, but they needed a formal recognition that the Georgians were a separate nation with their state, and not part of the "Soviet people."

In December 1986, Kazakhstan exploded - the appointment by the decision of the Central Committee of the CCCC as the first secretary (ie proconsul of the imperial province) of the Russian Kolbina, instead of her Kunaev, too openly violated the illusion of its own national state, albeit autonomous.

Although everyone knew that the new broom (in fact, Yeltsin era Moscow City Committee, by the way, they are friends) will help disperse the kingdom of clan and general corruption - and she, among other things, began.

We approached exactly what the law on the Russian civilian nation has stalled - there is no sense of a single nation in Erefia.

There is a concept of "Russian people and ethnic minorities" (1/4 of the total population).
There is a concept of the union of Russian and other peoples.

The insert is a marker of statehood. The attribute of statehood is the nation.

Further there are forks: in Tatarstan - Tatarstan nation with three dominant ethnic components - Tatar, Russian and Chuvash, or - the Tatar nation and the two main national minorities - Russian and Chuvash.

All this "coin's ball" was dormant to itself under the enlightened ethnocratic leadership of Shaimiev and his group, creeping Russification of the Chuvashes and also the creeping transition of the Tatar ethnic revival into the forms of politicized Islamism (with which they mercilessly fought the tried and tested method of enrolling religious dissidents in one of the non-listed organizations) .

Tatarstan has so far quietly accepted the humiliating ban * on the romanization of the writing, which cuts it off from the Turkic-speaking world, which has completely changed to Latin. But everything goes into a piggy bank ...

There is no single Russian nation, and there will be no more.
There are Russians, as well as Russian and non-stricken nations.

The government with one hand exterminates Russian nationalist opposition movements, and the other - clumsily pushing towards Russification, while formally defending federalism and multiculturalism.

And now the Kremlin - under the joyous ecstatic cries of the neo-imperialists - will deprive Tatarstan of the status of the nation-state. Brave people ...

* A tremendous pleasure gives me the fright with which the implementers of the decision of the Zorkin Constitutional Court on the legality of the Cyrillic unification (as a guarantor of the integrity of Erefia's cultural space) stopped before Yiddish, the title language of the Jewish Autonomous Region.

EAO - the only such region of the RSFSR did not become a republic, because they decided that the name of the Jewish Republic would be too (as in a comic song about hijackers who fended off the charge of trying to make fly to Israel, proving that they were flying to Birobidzhan, it was his Calling the Jewish country), but also the translation of Yiddish into the Cyrillic alphabet too was considered too much. Therefore now the integrity of the cultural space of Erefia is violated only by the German-Jewish language. That's always - at least something, so do it! These two fraternal people ...
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Ei vaan, mutta kuitenkin aika raikkaita tuulia taas idästä puhaltelee. Sangen arktista ollut viime vuosina.

Joo lumilapio tarttee varmaan putsata rasvoista...
Venäjä epäilee siperialaista Nightwish-fania ääriryhmän perustamisesta – epäilty IS:lle: ”Jaoin netissä Suur-Suomen kartan”


Lisäksi sanottiin, että olen levittänyt propagandaa suomalais-ugrilaisen veljesyhteisön perustamiseksi, Negretskulov sanoi.

Sieltä se uralilainen salaliitto Venäjän kaappaamiseksi taas putkahti kun jo muutaman päivän ole sitä odotellut.
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Kun suomensukuisten vainot alkavat Venäjällä Suomi ja Viro voisivat ilmoittaa kansainvälisesti että kaiken maailman kiintiöt ja taakanjaot täytetään näillä vainotuilla joten kaikki muut voi läpsytellä jonnekin muualle.
Hittilelu spinneristä eli sormihyrrästä tuli politiikan väline Venäjällä
Nyt Venäjällä vainotaan spinneteitä. Touhu muuttuu päivä päivältä kahjommaksi.

Tämän kaltaiset uutiset ovat tietyllä tavalla hyviä uutisia. Kyllä se kuppi jossain välissä tulee täyttymään kansalla noihin järjettömyyksiin ja sitten siellä alkaa sisältä päin läikkymään kunnolla. Tässä on se hyvä puoli ettei sen tarvitse tapahtua maan rajojen ulkopuolella tehtyjen lisätöhöilyjen vuoksi. Valitettavaa on tietysti se että tuollainen keikautus ei tule olemaan veretön..
Venäjältä taas reippaita historiatulkintoja.


Puolassa tuli äsken voimaan laki, joka kieltää kommunismia tukevan propagandan. Laki koskee myös julkisilla paikoilla olevia muistomerkkejä. Moskova veti herneet nenään kun neuvostohistorian mukaan puna-armeija saapui maahan vapauttajana 1944. Varsova tietysti kuittasi 1939 Molotov-Ribbentrop -paktilla.

Sanasota syttyi myös Venäjän ja Baltian maiden kesken. NATO julkaisi vähän aikaa sitten videon metsäveljien vastarintaliikkeestä. Venäjä rinnasti vastavetona heti NATOn natseihin. "Historian vääristelyä" venäläisten mielestä siis.
Venäjällä ei ole varaa uudistaa Admiral Kuznetsovia.


Syyrian sotatoimiin piti silti ottaa osaa kun oltiin niin Russia Stronk -asennetta näyttämässä. Muistaakseni tuolloin kehuivat, että alus tullaan modernisoimaan lähitulevaisuudessa. Nyt rahapulan takia suunnitelmasta pitää luopua. Paattia meinataan silti pitää vielä palveluskäytössä.

Ja samaan aikaan brittien HMS Queen Elizabeth ja Yhdysvaltojen USS Gerald R. Ford alkavat olla pikkuhiljaa jo valmiita, tai ainakin testattavina.