Uutisia Yhdysvalloista

gun- bannerien argumentoinnit ja viestintä ovat vääristeltyä, valheellista ja julkisuushakuista propagandaa, jota rummutetaan häpeilemättä ja tietoisesti koska haluavat vain ja ainoastaan hankaloittaa ja kriminalisoida laillisten aseiden omistamista, hankintaa sekä myymistä.
Tuossa lueskellessa tuli vastaan. Monessa asiossa jenkit ovat hyvin samoilla linjoilla suomen kanssa mutta tässä asiassa on jännä ero. (Ottaen huomioon että molemmiss maissa on aseita paljon)
Suomessa taas koitetaan kieltää koko harrastuskunta mutta silti tämänkin jälkeen on ammuskeluja sattunut.

Suomella on se onni että tätä ei nähä terrorismin ykköskohteena, pieni maa pohjoisessa.
Mutta jos joku päättää vastaavan iskun tehdä niin monesti ne aseet saadaan kyllä hankittua laittomia teitä pitkin sekä totaali kieltäminen myös lisää mustaa kauppaa.

Chattanooga shooting proves it's time to arm our Armed Forces.
Itse veikkaisin että seuraavan 2-3v aikana tullaan näkemään terroristi isku suomessa kun nuo isis taistelijat kotiutuvat tuolta jallajalla maasta suomeen. Kuitenkin niin radikaalia väkeä ja sellaisissa oloissa kun elää vuoden ja koko ajan aivopestään kuinka länsimaat on paholaisen koteja ja tämänjälkeen kun palaavat ns kotimaahansa niin voi tapahtua mitä vain. Eipä tuo separisti hallintokaan ukrainassa kauheasti eroa aivopesun suhteen paitsi että eivät tapa tarkoituksella naisia sekä lapsia. Varmasti sielläkin omaa radikaalia väkeä mutta tuskin niistä on riskiä.

Sitä tässä mietin että kun tuolla aikaisemmin puhuttiin varuskunnista ja niiden turvallisuudesta.
Tätä minun mielestä pitäisi myös miettiä terrorismi kannalla, ei valtiollisella tasolla ole ehkä hyötyä hyökätä sinne mutta jollein hiekkamaa hullulle se voisi olla otollinen paikka. Oikea propaganda voitto. Ei välttämättä suomessakaan olisi huono idea antaa niitä pistooleja vartiossa oleville.
Exclusive: After Westgate, Interpol Chief Ponders 'Armed Citizenry'
Oct. 21, 2013
Senior Investigative Reporter


Kenya Civilians who had been hiding during a gun battle hold their hands in the air as a precautionary measure before being searched by armed police leading them to safety, inside the Westgate Mall, Sept. 21, 2013.
Jonathan Kalan/AP Photo

Interpol Secretary General Ronald Noble said today the U.S. and the rest of the democratic world is at a security crossroads in the wake of last month's deadly al-Shabab attack at a shopping mall in Nairobi, Kenya – and suggested an answer could be in arming civilians.

In an exclusive interview with ABC News, Noble said there are really only two choices for protecting open societies from attacks like the one on Westgate mall where so-called "soft targets" are hit: either create secure perimeters around the locations or allow civilians to carry their own guns to protect themselves.

"Societies have to think about how they're going to approach the problem," Noble said. "One is to say we want an armed citizenry; you can see the reason for that. Another is to say the enclaves are so secure that in order to get into the soft target you're going to have to pass through extraordinary security."

Noble's comments came only moments after the official opening of the 82nd annual gathering of the Interpol's governing body, the General Assembly. The session is being held in Cartagena, Colombia, and is being used to highlight strides over the last decade in Colombia's battle against the notorious drug cartels that used to be the real power in the country.
The secretary general, an American who previously headed up all law enforcement for the U.S. Treasury Department, told reporters during a brief news conference that the Westgate mall attack marks what has long been seen as "an evolution in terrorism." Instead of targets like the Pentagon and World Trade Center that now have far more security since 9/11, attackers are focusing on sites with little security that attract large numbers of people.

At least 67 were killed over a period of days at the Westgate mall, more than 60 of the dead were civilians. The Somalia-based al Qaeda-allied terror group al-Shabab claimed responsibility for the attack as it was ongoing but investigators are still trying to determine exactly who planned the strike, where they are and what is next for them. U.S. authorities in Uganda, fearing another similar incident in Africa, issued a warning late last week.

Citing a recent call for al Qaeda "brothers to strike soft targets, to do it in small groups," Noble said law enforcement is now facing a daunting task.

"How do you protect soft targets? That's really the challenge. You can't have armed police forces everywhere," he told reporters. "It's Interpol's view that one way you protect soft targets is you make it more difficult for terrorist to move internationally. So what we're trying to do is to establish a way for countries … to screen passports, which are a terrorist's best friend, try to limit terrorists moving from country to country. And also, that we're able to share more info about suspected terrorists."

In the interview with ABC News, Noble was more blunt and directed his comments to his home country.
Tuossa lueskellessa tuli vastaan. Monessa asiossa jenkit ovat hyvin samoilla linjoilla suomen kanssa mutta tässä asiassa on jännä ero. (Ottaen huomioon että molemmiss maissa on aseita paljon)
Suomessa taas koitetaan kieltää koko harrastuskunta mutta silti tämänkin jälkeen on ammuskeluja sattunut.

Suomella on se onni että tätä ei nähä terrorismin ykköskohteena, pieni maa pohjoisessa.
Mutta jos joku päättää vastaavan iskun tehdä niin monesti ne aseet saadaan kyllä hankittua laittomia teitä pitkin sekä totaali kieltäminen myös lisää mustaa kauppaa.

Chattanooga shooting proves it's time to arm our Armed Forces.

>>Suomessa lapset ammuskeli jotka ei edes pystyneet suorittamaan Tornia/ Raskasta lyhyessakaan muodossa... ei 'paa kestanyt'. Vastuu on taysin poliisilla, armeija hoiti hommansa normaalisti ja lahetti naa pojat takaisin kotiin mamin luokse. Toinen ei ollut edes kutsunnoista edennyt.
Menee kylla nihdin niskaan noi poikkeustapaukset, ja se Leppavaaran joukkomurha menee halosen piikkiin. Mita helvettia sosiopaattinen albaani-kosovo-jotain teki Suomessa, ja kenelta sen laittomat raudat tuli? Ei varmaan tullut muilta kosovolaisrikollisilta, eihan se olisi mahdollista??
Etsin itse asiassa tahan pienta threadia talle...olette ehka kuulleet mutta relevanttia kamaa. Varsinkin Clevelandissa ja American Airlinesilta hirveata spedeilya mutta muuten lahinna ammattimaisuuta, eli NORAD:in nauhat 9/11...

Vanhaa kamaa kylla, mutta kesalomalla on aikaa muistella ja haaveilla jos maailma olis mennyt edes vahan toisin... ja toisaalta missa Suomen puolustus ja Nato-viritykset olisivat nyt?!?
Ei siis suoraa yhteyttä ISIS ect ole vielä löydetty mutta ...?

Tennessee gunman first radicalized, now idolized by Internet jihadists


U.S. investigators aren't ready to conclude that Thursday’s murder of four Marines was an act of terrorism, but terrorists are.

Dozens of Twitter accounts spewing jihadist bile have placed Mohammad Abdulazeez’s bearded face as their main images, and tweets believed to have been sent out by Islamic State radicals and sympathizers have proclaimed him a martyr. And according to one top federal official, the posthumous praise for the sick slaughter comes over the very forum that may have turned the suburban-bred college graduate into a killer.

“The threat is real, and it comes from the Internet,” said Rep. Mike McCaul, R-Texas. “This is a new generation of terrorist. This is not Bin Laden in caves with couriers anymore. This is what the new threat of terrorism looks like.”

“My judgment and experience is that this was an ISIS inspired attack. And it has been opened as a terrorism investigation by the FBI, which is a very significant event in this case,” McCaul said.

Helvetti pengoin saittia mutten loytanyt mitaan muutakaan paikkaa talle kyssarille - eli tuli taas vastaan toi OK:n etymologia, ja tammosethan jaa lomalaista pannimaan ihan kunnolla. Eli tuleeko ilmaisu Yhdysvaltain sisallissodan paivittaisista sotapaivakirjaan viedyista tappioraporteista? Naissahan oli ihan normaalisti Killed / Wounded / Missing..

Eli "hyvaa paivaa" vastasi zero (0) K... ja siita 'OK'

Jos kellaan on nakemysta tahan niin voin paljon rauhoittunein mielin lahtea tyhjentamaan sademittarin etta tiedan huomenna paljonko satoi tanaan lisaa.
Se etta kaikkien varvaystoimistojen ikkunassa on iso tarra joka julistaa niiden olevan "Gun Free Zone" on jo modernille jenkkilallekin pc-tekopyhyyden huipentuma. Kysymyksessa on sotaa kayva maa sentaan helvetti soikoon, minka Jeesuksen polvien takia pitaa varvaystoimistossa mainostaa aseettomuutta ulos saakka...

Tilanne on se etta nk. viides kolonna on taalla ja voi hyvin hyvinvointivaltiossa. Tata ei saa sanoa, minka johdosta sanon sen suoraan. Nyt ei puhuta mistaan Hakaniemen torin halkopinojen polttamisesta vaan suorasta kuolemanuhkasta myos suomalaisille siviileille. Kantasuomalaiset siviilit ovat kansainvaliseen lahihistoriaan pohjaten target-listan karjessa.

Jos jostain syysta tilanne karjistyy naapurin kanssa nk. harmaaseen vaiheeseen, missa naiden porukoiden lojaliteetit on? Etsitaan pehmeaa maalia opportunisesti? Keta meidan pitaa siella torjuntajoukkueen kulunvalvontapisteilla oikein kontrolloida? Ja keta ei saa paastaa lapi, vaikka tulis mita urputusta/ rosis-uhkailua joltain kulttuurimarxisteilta?
Itse en ainakaan agressiivisesti kayttaytyvaa porukkaa laskisi lapi. Ja jos on tilanne paalla eli sotilaallisen voiman kaytto sallittu niin jos aggressio jatkuu niin sitten lasketaan lapi.
SAotilastutkinta tuottakoon aikanaan oman paperivuorensa ja oikeutuksensa budjetilleen... itse olen kirjaimellisesti Isanmaan asialla.
Totuutta kys asiaan en tiedä mutta juontuisiko USA:n hallituksen /Presidentin anti- gun linjasta...?

Kasittaakseni ei - kyseessa on "julkinen tila" (public space) - sama protokolla patee lastentarhoihin, kouluihin, yliopistoihin, elokuvateatterihin ja ostoskeskuksiin yms. ... osin erittain traagisin seurauksin.
Mutta ei voi kehua Clintonia tai Obamaa aseasioissa... (passed/ hyvaksytty) lainsaadanto keskittynyt piipunpituuksiin ja lipaskokoihin eika aseiden pitamiseen poissa rikollisten kasista.
Se etta saa asemessuilla myyda kontista kamaa on jarjetonta. Se etta valtio PAKOTTAA sinut ostamaan AR-15:sta 10 patruunan lippaalla on myos jarjetonta.
En oikein tiennyt mihin pistäisin tämän tarinan, mutta menköön tänne. :D Sen kertoi ex-US Armyn eversti, joka oli pioneeriupseeri Vientnamin sodassa, joten voi olla tottakin. :D Melkein taas kuolin nauruun. :)

From a cassette tape making its rounds in Vietnam back in the day:

Correspondent: Captain, what is your opinion of the F-4C Phantom?
Captain: It's so fuckin' maneuverable you can fly up your own ass with it.
PAO: What the Captain means is that he has found the F-4C Phantom highly maneuverable at all altitudes, and he considers it an excellent aircraft for all missions assigned.

Correspondent: I suppose, Captain, that you've flown a certain number of missions over North Vietnam. What do you think of the SAMs used by the North Vietnamese?
Captain: Why, those bastards couldn't hit a bull in the ass with a bass fiddle. We fake the shit out of them. There's no sweat.
PAO: What the Captain means is that the surface-to-air missiles around Hanoi pose a serious problem to our air operations and that the pilots have a healthy respect for them.

Correspondent: I suppose, Captain, that you've flown missions to the South. What kind of ordnance do you use, and what kind of targets do you hit?
Captain: Well, I'll tell you, mostly we aim at kicking the shit out of Vietnamese villages; and my favorite ordnance is napalm. Man, that stuff sucks the air out of their friggin' lungs and makes a sonovabitchin' fire.
PAO: What the Captain means is that air strikes in South Vietnam are often against Viet Cong structures and all operations are always under the positive control of forward air controllers, or FACs. The ordnance employed is conventional 500- and 750-pound bombs and 20-mm cannon fire.

Correspondent: I suppose you spent a R & R in Hong Kong. What were your impressions of the Oriental girls?
Captain: Yeah, I went to Hong Kong. As for those Oriental broads, well, I don't care which way the runway runs, east or west, north or south--a piece of ass is a piece of ass.
PAO: What the Captain means is that he found the delicately featured Oriental girls fascinating, and he was very impressed with their fine manners and thinks their naivete is most charming.

Correspondent: Tell me, Captain, have you flown any missions other than over North and South Vietnam?
Captain: You bet your sweet ass I've flown other missions. We get scheduled nearly every day on the trail in Laos where those fuckers over there throw everything at you but the friggin' kitchen sink. Even the goddamn kids got slingshsots.
PAO: What the Captain means is that he has occasionally been scheduled to fly missions in the extreme western DMZ, and he has a healthy respect for the flak in that area.

Correspondent: I understand that no one in your fighter wing has got a MIG yet. What seems to be the problem?
Captain: Why you screwhead, if you knew anything about what you're talking about--the problem is MIGs. If we'd get scheduled by those peckerheads at Seventh for those missions in MIG valley, you can bet your ass we'd get some of those mothers. Those glory hounds at Ubon get all those missions, while we settle for fightin' the friggin' war. Those mothers at Ubon are sitting on their fat asses killing MIGs, and we get stuck with bombing the goddamned cabbage patches.
PAO: What the Captain means is that each element in the Seventh Air Force is responsible for doing its assigned job in the air war. Some units are assigned the job of neutralizing enemy air strength by hunting out MIGs and other elements are assigned bombing missions and interdiction of enemy supply routes.

Correspondent: Of all the targets you've hit in Vietnam, which one was the most satisfying?
Captain: Well, shit, it was when we were scheduled for that suspected VC vegetable garden. I dropped napalm in the middle of the fuckin' cabbage, and my wingman splashed it real good with six of those 750-pound mothers and spread the fire all the way to the friggin' beets and carrots.
PAO: What the Captain means is that the great variety of tactical targets available throughout Vietnam makes the F-4C the perfect aircraft to provide flexible response.

Correspondent: What do you consider the most difficult target you've stuck in North Vietnam?
Captain: The friggin' bridges. I must have dropped 40 tons of bombs on those swayin' bamboo mothers, and I ain't hit one of the bastards yet.
PAO: What the Captain means is that interdicting bridges along enemy supply routes is very important and that bridges present quite a difficult target. The best way to accomplish this task is to crater the approaches to the bridge.

Correspondent: I noticed, in touring the base, that you have aluminum matting on the taxiways. Would you care to comment on its effectiveness and usefulness in Vietnam?
Captain: You're fuckin' right. I'd like to make a comment. Most of us pilots are well hung, but shit, you don't know what hung is until you get hung up on one of the friggin' bumps on that goddamn stuff.
PAO: What the Captain means is that the aluminum matting is quite satisfactory as a temporary expedient but requires some finesse in taxiing and braking the aircraft.

Correspondent: Did you have an opportunity to meet your wife on leave in Honolulu, and did you enjoy the visit with her?
Captain: Yeah, I met my wife in Honolulu, but I forgot to check the calendar, so the whole five days were friggin' well combat- proof--a completely dry run.
PAO: What the Captain means is that it was wonderful to get together with his wife and learn firsthand about the family and how things were at home.

Correspondent: Thank you for your time, Captain.
Captain: Screw you--why don't you bastards print the real story, instead of all that crap?
PAO: What the Captain means is that he enjoyed this opportunity to discuss his tour with you.

Correspondent: One final question. Could you reduce your impression of the war into a simple phrase or statement, Captain?
Captain: You bet your ass I can. It's a fucked up war.
PAO: What the Captain means is . . . it's a FUCKED UP WAR.
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