Uutisia Yhdysvalloista

Trumpin valinta Yhdysvaltain presidentiksi ei ole toivottavaa, sillä hänellä tuntuu olevan taipumusta äkkivääriin tempauksiin. En pitäisi kuitenkaan poissuljettuna, etteikö hänestä tulisi seuraavaa presidenttiä. Yhdysvaltalaiset ovat ennenkin äänestäneet presidentiksi henkilöitä, joista ei sellaista olisi pitänyt sovinnaisen ajattelun mukaan tulla (Reagan, Bush Jr, Obama).

Onkin jännä nähdä, miten Trump käsittelee Putinia ja hänen oligarkkijengiään. Putin saattaisi jopa kunnioittaa Trumpin kaltaista kiinteistöparonia. Toivotaan, ettei liian hyvää yhteisymmärrystä ainakaan synny.

Kunhan vain clinton ei pääse pressaksi.
Miten muuten on Suomessa, saako tuollainen määrä ammuksia olla asunnossa?

ai 2 tonnia ammoa? :D

71 §
Asuinhuoneistossa taikka huonetiloissa, joissa ihmisiä oleskelee, saa säilyttää yhteensä enintään 2 kg ruutia, enintään 20 000 ampuma-aseissa, työkaluissa tai lähetyspistooleissa käytettävää patruunaa, enintään 1 000 patruunoiden sytytysnallia sekä enintään 5 kg ilotulitusvälineitä ja muita pyroteknisiä valmisteita.
Kunhan vain clinton ei pääse pressaksi.

Mites niin, siinähän tulisi komia värikäsi historioitsijoille analysoitavaksi, Ronnyn jälkeen pressana Bush Sr (Herttakunkku), Mr Clinton (Ruutukunkku), Bush Jr (Herttajätkä), (Obama harmillisesti pataässänä välissä), Mrs Clinton (Ruuturouva)?

Pohjoiskorea on päässyt jo kolmeen, mutta sehän onkin diktatuuri.
- Hyvää huomenta, amerikkalaislentäjät. Olemme täällä toivottamassa teille hyvää itsenäisyyspäivää!


Loytyi tallanen artikkeli: Yhdysvaltain asevoimien historian 8 suurinta epaonnistumista..


Mielenkiintoinen ajallinen pyyhkaisy maan koko sotilashistorian ylitse - sisallissota nousee pinnalle, siella olikin aika amatoorimaista hommaa molemmilla puolilla ja kaikilla tasoilla.

>> Perskules vaara ketju.. ei pitaisi vaan tuijottaa "Yhdysvallat" sanaan!
Viimeksi muokattu:
Ja tuosta sain linkin mielenkiintoiseen kirjoitelmaan Vietnamin havityista taisteluista, joita ei virallisesti edes ollut... esim Kenraali Petraeus hehkutti jo majurina tata 'voittamattomuuden myyttia':

Given the ample historical facts available, many historians are amazed this "we never lost a battle" myth persists. Part of the blame lies with certain professors, who published this myth in articles like: "Lessons of History and Lessons of Vietnam" where in 1986 U.S. Army Major David H. Petraeus wrote: "Vietnam planted doubts in many military minds about the ability of US forces to conduct successful large-scale counterinsurgencies. These misgivings do not in all cases spring from doubts about the capabilities of American troops and units per se; even in Vietnam, military leaders recall US units never lost a battle."

Kirjoittaja kommentoi lopussa aika happamasti Kenraali P:ta...

Despite this dismal scholarship, Petraeus became a four-star General, partly due to marriage to the daughter of four-star Army General William Knowlton. General Petraeus was in charge of counterinsurgency operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, and since he failed to learn from the Vietnam war, he failed in those conflicts because of myths of U.S. military invincibility.

Tunnettiin ihan faktisesti joukkojen kesken nimella General Betray-us... kovan poliitikon ja selkaanpuukottajan maine seurasi ukkoa


Osa naista tapauksista on kylla aivan kasittamattomia, hurjien tappiolukujen taustalla nayttaa pikalukaisulla olevan useita perustavanlaatuisia ongelmia:
- liiallinen aggressiivisuus, 'hataily' - mentiin toistuvasti laajoihin vaijytyksiin varoittavista esimerkeista huolimatta
- ylimielinen suhtautuminen viholliseen, sen taktisten kykyjen ja aseistuksen jatkuva aliarviointi
- liiallinen luottamus ilma- ja tykistotukeen, ali-arviointiin vihollisen tappionkestavyytta - jos NVA:lle tarjoutui mahdollisuus tuhota US komppania, siihen uhrattiin mita saatavilla oli, pataljoona tai kaksi ei ollut mitaan
- tukikohtien jarkyttavan lepsu aluevartiointi ja kulunvalvontapisteiden heikko miehitys/ tulenavauskyky yllakossa
- upseerien jatkuva kierratys
- ilmavoimien onneton kyky tuottaa ja luotettavasti tilastoida tappioita viholliselle lapi sodan, huolimatta historiallisen suurista resursseista
- hairitsevimpana ehka amerikkalaisten conscript (draft) -sotilaiden jarjeton tapattaminen houkuttimena/ tykinruokana
- ensimmainen ja viimeinen liittyvat kiinteasti koko Search & Destroy -paradigman kyseenalaiseen jarkevyyteen

Special Ops Chief: Russia aims to divide NATO, poses 'existential' threat to US

Russia seeks to test the United States at every opportunity and divide the NATO alliance, posing the most significant long term threat to US national security, the head of the U.S. Special Operations Command, General Joseph Votel , told the Aspen Security Forum.

"Russia is looking to challenge us wherever they can,” Votel told Fox News’ Catherine Herridge. "The intent is to create a situation where NATO can't continue to thrive."

Votel said he did not have "unique insights" into Russian President Vladimir Putin but he believes Putin sees the expansion of NATO "...as a threat to him and I think what they (Moscow) are attempting to do is create these frozen conflicts and create situations that are very, very difficult to resolve along their border."

That "does, could pose an existential threat," Votel added.

He also said Russia is using a "hybrid approach to warfare" where state and non-state actors are mixing military and non-military capabilities. The result is "a coercive effect...using information operations, using manipulation of media , using social media."

Since January, Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia – three traditional U.S. allies - have completed significant nuclear energy deals with Russia. Asked if this is evidence of Putin's effort to further expand Russia’s reach, and the seeds of a nuclear arms race in the Middle East, Votel replied it was proof of Moscow's push to challenge the U.S. and expand its influence.

Votel said SOCOM is assisting those countries that want to resist Russian influence.

"We work with partners to help develop their capabilities,” he said. “We help our embassies with some of their messaging activities that they are doing out there to make sure that truthful information is getting out to populations. We use our civil affairs capability to help connect governments to their populations and strengthen those relationships. In doing that, (we) reduce those vulnerabilities of populations who may be vulnerable to this type of pressure they get from outside countries ."

Asked about Al Qaeda, Votel said the terror group was diminished in east Africa, Syria and Yemen, but the lesson of the last decade is that the U.S. and its allies must maintain pressure or the groups will reinvent and reconstitute.

The leader of Al Qaeda, Ayman al-Zawahiri, is believed to be in Pakistan, and has been noticeably silent on the June drone strike that killed the organization's number two , Naser al Wuhayishi, who also was the leader of the Al Qaeda affiliate in Yemen.

"To me it is a good sign it’s an indication that we have been very effective at isolating him so that is kind of my initial reaction,” Votel said. “The concern that I would have is we don’t know what we don’t know in terms of how they continue to adapt and move their information around and continue to communicate among themselves."

Votel also said ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi appears to be preparing for his own death by setting up a chain of command to replace him.

"I think he's trying to be resilient. I think he's trying to develop some level of follow-on leadership so in the event something happens to him that somebody will know to carry on," he added.

The general, who oversees 69,000 members of the Special Operations Community, described the threat environment as complex and characterized by "hyperconnectivity," with social media accelerating the threat.

One of his main objectives is is the so-called synchronization of the force, which includes geographically distinct combat commands.

“What we try to do is operate across those boundaries. Our adversaries certainly do - they don’t recognize any of that - so we have to be looking transregionally , across the boundaries, at these threats."

Asked how he decides who gets what support and when, Votel said, "a lot of resources are focused in Iraq and the Middle East in the Syria effort that is really where it has been. We are increasing our focus on eastern Europe at this time."

Fox was first to report that there was specific and detailed intelligence in late May 2014 about the location of the Western hostages who were being held together at in the ISIS stronghold of Raqqa, Syria. The intelligence was so detailed, that the building was identified, as well as details of their captivity.

Asked why it took another six weeks to launch the rescue mission, Votel said they were trying to get as much information as they could to launch the operation with the best opportunity for success.

After the rescue mission the hostages were dispersed and then executed, beginning with James Foley in August 2014.

"In this case, our efforts to try and recover were not successful,” Votel said.

“They were not at the location we went to and I would just mention to you that beyond the families and the severe suffering they go through, I would tell you the force feels exactly the same way."

Catherine Herridge is an award-winning Chief Intelligence correspondent for FOX News Channel (FNC) based in Washington, D.C. She covers intelligence, the Justice Department and the Department of Homeland Security. Herridge joined FNC in 1996 as a London-based correspondent.
Hieman tekstiä Lockheed Martinin Sikorsky kaupasta ja ylipäätään helikopterimarkkinoista. Ajattelin laittaa johonkin yleiseen helikopteri -aiheeseen muttei sellaista taida olla joten laitetaan tänne. http://www.economist.com/news/busin...rotor-slayed?fsrc=scn/fb/wl/pe/st/rotorslayed

Rotor slayed
The rapid rise of the chopper business has come to an end
From the print edition


This is not a drone

HELICOPTERS appear to be on the up and up. On July 20th Lockheed Martin, America’s biggest defence contractor, agreed to pay $9 billion to buy Sikorsky, which makes helicopters, from United Technologies (UTC), a conglomerate. It is the largest deal the defence business has witnessed in two decades, but it may not be the wisest. Offloading Sikorsky is a sensible move for UTC; buying it is a gamble for Lockheed.

Five big companies dominate the civil and military markets for helicopters—Sikorsky, Airbus, AgustaWestland, Bell and Boeing. All have hit thinner air, because demand for helicopters is unlikely to grow as strongly as it did over the past ten years, a period of booming sales.

The oil-and-gas industry, destination for over half of all civil helicopters, is showing softer demand. Helicopters are routinely used to shift people and equipment to oil platforms. Aberdeen, which serves the North Sea, is the world’s busiest heliport. Years of high prices encouraged oil companies to head offshore to exploit new reserves. The recent collapse has prompted them to slash costs and abandon some expensive schemes, along with the helicopters that went with them. Sikorsky recently revised its forecast for revenues for civil sales in 2015 from growth of 5-7% to a contraction of up to 20% compared with 2014.

Helicopters used for transport, medical emergencies, such as air ambulances, and search and rescue will need replacing in rich countries; such services are becoming increasingly prevalent in Asia and the Middle East. Over the past decade an average of 550 civil craft were delivered each year, according to Alix Leboulanger of Frost & Sullivan, a consulting firm. Over the next ten years that will rise to around 900 annually. However, the problem, says Ms Leboulanger, is that these jobs are performed by smaller helicopters that sell for $2m-3m a piece rather than larger ones with a price tag of $10m-15m that serve oil platforms. Total revenues from civil sales doubled between 2005 and 2015 to $6 billion a year, but will fall to an average of $5 billion a year for the next decade.

What about the armed forces? Military craft barely registered the buffeting of the financial crisis, because America’s armed forces, the world’s biggest customer by far, needed choppers to fight in Iraq and Afghanistan. Military helicopters are loaded with plenty of equipment and constantly upgraded. Airbus reckons that its military machines will make up less than half the total number of helicopter sales but three-quarters of the revenues over the next ten years.

But in recent years defence budgets around the world have flattened or fallen. Helicopter programmes have been scrapped or delayed. Military sales will rise by a very modest 2.5% a year to hit $23 billion by 2020, according to Mordor Research, another consulting firm.

Sikorsky already supplies two-thirds of the choppers to America’s fighters, and this is the main prize Lockheed is after. It is adept at selling hardware to governments and may reckon that owning Sikorsky will help it to win more business at home. Sales abroad could grow as armies in developing countries upgrade and modernise. But it will face competition both from the companies that vie with it in rich countries and firms from the likes of Russia and India that make less technologically advanced but cheaper machines.

Lockheed, which also makes an array of unmanned aircraft, may do a better job of managing the disruption that drones will surely bring by offering craft with or without a pilot’s seat. Already smaller choppers used for news gathering, mapping and farming are being replaced by drones, which cost far less. Unmanned military reconnaissance and resupply missions, once performed by helicopters, are now common. The good news for helicopter firms is that unmanned passenger flights are still far off. But in the meantime, there is still plenty to worry about.
Trumpin valinta Yhdysvaltain presidentiksi ei ole toivottavaa, sillä hänellä tuntuu olevan taipumusta äkkivääriin tempauksiin. En pitäisi kuitenkaan poissuljettuna, etteikö hänestä tulisi seuraavaa presidenttiä. Yhdysvaltalaiset ovat ennenkin äänestäneet presidentiksi henkilöitä, joista ei sellaista olisi pitänyt sovinnaisen ajattelun mukaan tulla (Reagan, Bush Jr, Obama).
Mitenkähän Halonen ja Tuomioja repis pelihousujaan jos tämä tapahtuisi, tosin eihän kutsua Valkoiseen Taloon ole vieläkään tullut eikä ilmeisesti tulekkaan kun matkailu Moskovaan on lisääntynyt.

USAn senaatti määräsi 29.07 kenraali Joseph Dunford marinen pääjohtoon. Aikaisemmin Dunford senaatissa kutsui Venäjän USAn turvallisuudelle päävaaraksi. Hänen mukaan Venäjällä on tarpeeksi iso ydinase arsenaali, jotta se voisi uhkailla USAn liittolaisten suvereniteetille. Hän myös pitä järkevänä letal aseiden lähettämistä Ukrainaan.

Federal judge threatens to hold IRS chief in contempt

“We praise this order by Judge Sullivan as the IRS and Department of Justice have continually provided cover for Lois Lerner and the Obama administration in the IRS scandal,” Mark Meckler, president and founder of Citizens for Self-Governance said in a statement.

“We will continue to fight until justice is served and Ms. Lerner and the IRS are held fully accountable for their unlawful, political persecution of innocent American citizens,” Meckler said.

Navy admiral confirms US pulling aircraft carrier from Persian Gulf this fall

The gap in the Gulf -- expected to last two months -- would come at a time when the U.S. is not only launching sustained airstrikes against nearby Islamic State targets but trying to keep a check on Iranian aggression in the region.

Under questioning by Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., at his nomination hearing to be chief of naval operations, Adm. John Richardson acknowledged the Navy would pull the carrier and said this hurts U.S. capability in the region.

"Without that carrier, there will be a decrement in our capability there," Richardson said before the Senate Armed Services Committee. It would be the first time a U.S. aircraft carrier has not been in the Gulf since 2007.


Kentuckyssa perheenisa ampui haulikolla alas oman tonttinsa paalla aurinkoa ottanutta alaikaista tytartaan kuvanneen drone-lennokin. Lennattaneet 4 miesta alkoivat jotain mussuttaa/ uhkailla joten isanta naytti Glockia vyossa. Poliisi saapui paikalle ja pidatti perheenisan alustavasti suht. napakoilla syytteilla lennokin ampumisesta:

- first degree criminal mischief and first-degree wanton endangerment.

First degree wanton endangerment is a class D felony in Kentucky
, whereas second degree wanton endangerment is a class A misdemeanor.


(1) Any offense defined outside this code for which a law outside this code provides a sentence to a term of imprisonment in the state for:

(a) At least one (1) but not more than five (5) years shall be deemed a Class D felony;

Tasta saattaa tulla mielenkiintoinen ennakkotapaus Yhdysvalloissa.

“Well, I came out and it was down by the neighbor’s house, about 10 feet off the ground, looking under their canopy that they’ve got in their back yard," Merideth said. "I went and got my shotgun and I said, ‘I’m not going to do anything unless it’s directly over my property.’"

That moment soon arrived, he said.

"Within a minute or so, here it came," he said. "It was hovering over top of my property, and I shot it out of the sky."

"I didn't shoot across the road, I didn't shoot across my neighbor's fences, I shot directly into the air," he added.

It wasn't long before the drone's owners appeared.

"Four guys came over to confront me about it, and I happened to be armed, so that changed their minds," Merideth said.

"They asked me, 'Are you the S-O-B that shot my drone?' and I said, 'Yes I am,'". "I had my .40 Glock on me and they started toward me and I told them, 'If you cross my sidewalk, there's gonna be another shooting.'"

A short time later, Merideth said the police arrived.

"There were some words exchanged there about my weapon, and I was open carry – it was completely legal," he said. "Long story short, after that, they took me to jail for wanton endangerment first degree and criminal mischief...because I fired the shotgun into the air."


Mitakohan naapuri tykkaisi jos harrastaisi vahan lennokki-skeettia Suomessa... ei tarviisi varmaan kauaa odotella etta pillit huutaa :D
Viimeksi muokattu:
TCU student punished for criticizing Islam, Baltimore riots

All it took was 140 characters for Texas Christian University to suspend a conservative student who posted a series of social networking posts that insulted the Islamic State, the Baltimore rioters and Mexicans.

TCU banned Harry Vincent from most campus activities, ordered him to perform 60 hours of community service and attend a diversity training class.


The 19-year-old, who is a member of the College Republicans and the Young Americans for Freedom, said he was told by the university that his conservative views were “inappropriate.”

It sounds to me like Harry Vincent is guilty of being a Christian Conservative white guy – and on a university campus that’s a crime worthy of death penalty.

“They’re trying to make me out to be the classic bigoted hateful white male,” Harry told me in a telephone interview from his home in Maryland. “That’s the complete opposite of what I am.”

The university’s only public comment came in a prepared statement noting “When student’s conduct violates the university’s behavioral standards, they are subject to a disciplinary process, and will be held accountable for their actions.”

On April 29 TCU sent Harry a letter accusing him of violating the university’s code of student conduct – specifically he was accused of “infliction of bodily or emotional arm” and “disorderly conduct.”

“These hoodrat criminals in Baltimore need to be shipped off and exiled to the sahara desert,” he wrote. “Maybe then they’ll realize how much we provide for them (welfare, college tuition, Obama phone’s, medicare, etc.”

In regards to Islam he wrote, “This is clearly not a religion of peace.”

He also used the word “beaner” a derogatory term to describe Mexicans.

The irony is that Harry received a stiffer punishment than a lot of the street thugs who terrorized Baltimore.


loput linkistä.
TCU student punished for criticizing Islam, Baltimore riots

All it took was 140 characters for Texas Christian University to suspend a conservative student who posted a series of social networking posts that insulted the Islamic State, the Baltimore rioters and Mexicans.

TCU banned Harry Vincent from most campus activities, ordered him to perform 60 hours of community service and attend a diversity training class.


The 19-year-old, who is a member of the College Republicans and the Young Americans for Freedom, said he was told by the university that his conservative views were “inappropriate.”

It sounds to me like Harry Vincent is guilty of being a Christian Conservative white guy – and on a university campus that’s a crime worthy of death penalty.

“They’re trying to make me out to be the classic bigoted hateful white male,” Harry told me in a telephone interview from his home in Maryland. “That’s the complete opposite of what I am.”

The university’s only public comment came in a prepared statement noting “When student’s conduct violates the university’s behavioral standards, they are subject to a disciplinary process, and will be held accountable for their actions.”

On April 29 TCU sent Harry a letter accusing him of violating the university’s code of student conduct – specifically he was accused of “infliction of bodily or emotional arm” and “disorderly conduct.”

“These hoodrat criminals in Baltimore need to be shipped off and exiled to the sahara desert,” he wrote. “Maybe then they’ll realize how much we provide for them (welfare, college tuition, Obama phone’s, medicare, etc.”

In regards to Islam he wrote, “This is clearly not a religion of peace.”

He also used the word “beaner” a derogatory term to describe Mexicans.

The irony is that Harry received a stiffer punishment than a lot of the street thugs who terrorized Baltimore.


loput linkistä.
A just punishment in response to a mature opinion expressed by a mature student of a top educational institution. I.. I think I just had a quadruple sarcasm. Do I need to call a doctor? (make that five)
image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg JUST IN: Man detained on Hwy. 29. He is being questioned, claims he has no gun and says truck backfires. Police says he could possibly be the guy they have beenlooking for that has the Camp Shelby Joint Forces training center at
a heightened state of alert.
The driver has admitted that he can make his truck backfire whenever he wants.
Photos by: Ryan Moore

"Update on the two "Shots Fired" events at Camp Shelby, MS."