Respected Leader
Onko mitään käsitystä kellään, että miten pitkä koulutus esim. jenkkilentäjillä oli takana, ennen kuin pääsi sotahäätäjän puikkoihin?
Sitä kuitenkin muistelen, että koulutusvaiheessa kärsittiin useimmissa valtioissa ankaria tappiota. Oppilaat vetivät koneit tonttiin, mutta ei mitään, vanha oppilas multiin ja uutta sisään.![]()
Varmaakin tuo @tulikomento taulukko on hyvin lähellä totuutta.
USAAF schools
Pilot School
- Primary Pilot Training taught basic flight using two-seater training aircraft. This was usually done by contract schools (civilian pilot training schools) through the Civil Aeronautics Authority – War Training Service (CAA-WTS). Cadets got around 60 to 65 flight hours in Stearman, Ryan, or Fairchild primary trainers before going to Basic.[14]
- Basic Pilot Training taught the cadets to fly in formation, fly by instruments or by aerial navigation, fly at night, and fly for long distances. Cadets got about 70 flight hours in BT-9 or BT-13 basic trainers before being promoted to Advanced Training.[15]
- Advanced Pilot Training placed the graduates in two categories: single-engined and multi-engined. Single-engined pilots flew the AT-6 advanced trainer. Multi-engined pilots learned to fly the AT-9, AT-10, AT-11 or AT-17 advanced trainers.[16] Cadets were supposed to get a total of about 75 to 80 flight hours before graduating and getting their pilot's wings.[16]
- Transition Pilot Training Single-engined pilots transitioned to fighters and fighter-bombers and multi-engined pilots transitioned to transports or bombers. Pilots got two months of training before being sent into combat duty.