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(CNN) -- The federal government has concluded there's a new leaker exposing national security documents in the aftermath of surveillance disclosures by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden, U.S. officials tell CNN.

Proof of the newest leak comes from national security documents that formed the basis of a news story published Tuesday by the Intercept, the news site launched by Glenn Greenwald, who also published Snowden's leaks
Amerikkalaisissa sotasairaaloissa on kuulemma hirmuisia antibiooteille ja penisilliinille vastustuskykyisiä pöpöjä. UsArmy on painostanut lääketehtaita kehittämään edelleen ko. lääkkeitä. Kuulemma ovat jättäneet kehitystyön noin 30 vuoden ajalta Nöten osalle, koska verenpaine- yms. lääkkeet tuottavat pirusti enemmän fyrkkaa. Elintasosairauksien "lääkintä" on mojovampaa bisnestä, koska "potilaat" ovat taatusti pitkäaikaista lääkintää vaativia. Sotilaiden hoidosta vastaavia tilanne suomeksi fituttaa.

Jonkin verran on epäilty sitäkin, että sotilaat ovat "parannelleet" pieniä vammoja, jotta pääsisivät kotiin. Eli survoneet sopivasti bakteeririkasta äitimaata haavereihinsa.....jne. Pääosa ongelmista voi johtua siitä, että perusamerikkalainen syödä hotkii antibiootteja ja penisilliiniä aika surutta. Ja sitten kun pitäisi tosissaan saada tulehdus kuriin, on resistenssi jo hankittu....tms. Suurin syy kuitenkin lienee se, että ko. lääkkeet eivät tuota tehtaille kuin rippusia vert. elintasolääkkeisiin ja siksi kehittäminen on jäänyt unhoon.

Lähde: vapaa keskustelu tietoihmisen kanssa
Amerikkalaisissa sotasairaaloissa on kuulemma hirmuisia antibiooteille ja penisilliinille vastustuskykyisiä pöpöjä. UsArmy on painostanut lääketehtaita kehittämään edelleen ko. lääkkeitä. Kuulemma ovat jättäneet kehitystyön noin 30 vuoden ajalta Nöten osalle, koska verenpaine- yms. lääkkeet tuottavat pirusti enemmän fyrkkaa. Elintasosairauksien "lääkintä" on mojovampaa bisnestä, koska "potilaat" ovat taatusti pitkäaikaista lääkintää vaativia. Sotilaiden hoidosta vastaavia tilanne suomeksi fituttaa.

Jonkin verran on epäilty sitäkin, että sotilaat ovat "parannelleet" pieniä vammoja, jotta pääsisivät kotiin. Eli survoneet sopivasti bakteeririkasta äitimaata haavereihinsa.....jne. Pääosa ongelmista voi johtua siitä, että perusamerikkalainen syödä hotkii antibiootteja ja penisilliiniä aika surutta. Ja sitten kun pitäisi tosissaan saada tulehdus kuriin, on resistenssi jo hankittu....tms. Suurin syy kuitenkin lienee se, että ko. lääkkeet eivät tuota tehtaille kuin rippusia vert. elintasolääkkeisiin ja siksi kehittäminen on jäänyt unhoon.

Lähde: vapaa keskustelu tietoihmisen kanssa

Eikö sama ongelma ole kaikissa länsimaisissa sairaaloissa?
Viimeksi muokattu:
Niin, edistyksellisissä venäläisissä, valkovenäläisissä ja pohjoiskorealaisissa sairaaloissa ei tunneta sairaalabakteereita. :)
Eikö sama ongelma ole kaikissa länsimaisissa sairaaloissa?

Ei kaikissa. Sairaaloissa on todella paljon eroa, ja jos luit linkkaamani artikkelin niin huomaat että jenkeillä on ensinnäkin firmoja, jotka hoitavat tätä lääkintäpuolta isoja rahoja vastaan, ja tähän asti tavallinen tallaaja on tottunut olettamaan että me elämme tilassa missä antibiootiset lääkeet on lopussa. Tilanne ei todellakaan ole tämä vaan lääkeet on varattu niille harvoille joilla on paalua taikka hyviä yhteyksiä.
Ei kaikissa. Sairaaloissa on todella paljon eroa, ja jos luit linkkaamani artikkelin niin huomaat että jenkeillä on ensinnäkin firmoja, jotka hoitavat tätä lääkintäpuolta isoja rahoja vastaan, ja tähän asti tavallinen tallaaja on tottunut olettamaan että me elämme tilassa missä antibiootiset lääkeet on lopussa. Tilanne ei todellakaan ole tämä vaan lääkeet on varattu niille harvoille joilla on paalua taikka hyviä yhteyksiä.

Missä se ei menisi näin? Suomessa Lymen sairautta aiheuttava punkki on levinnyt jo mantereelle, mutta jos haluan rokotuksen, ostan sen itse. Julkisessa terveydenhuollossa saan minimitutkimukset, jos niitäkään. Jos minulla on varaa Dextraan, ostan kaiken mitä haluan ja saan parhaat lääkärit, jotka ovat töissä yliopistosairaaloissa, mutta joita en koskaan tapaisi julkisen kautta.

Sairaalabakteeri taas on kehittynyt juuri antibioottien käytön seurauksena. Se on joko mikrobi, joka aiheuttaa sairaalaympäristöstä saadun infektion eli ns. sairaalainfektion mutta sairaalabakteerilla tarkoitetaan myös bakteeria, joka on vastustuskykyinen joillekin antibiooteille.

Sairaalabakteerit ovat syntyneet, kun monia potilaita on hoidettu antibiooteilla ja bakteerit ovat mutaatioiden avuilla kehittyneet vastustuskykyisiksi lääkkeille. Bakteerit voivat luovuttaa toisilleen myös vastustusgeenejä plasmidien avulla, tai kun toinen bakteeri on ottanut sisäänsä kuolleen bakteerin osia, tai vektorien ja virusten avulla. Sairaalabakteerit voidaan saada kuriin eristämällä bakteerin saanut potilas muista potilaista. Turhien lääkekuurien välttäminen ehkäisee myös tällaisten kantojen syntymistä.
Missä se ei menisi näin? Suomessa Lymen sairautta aiheuttava punkki on levinnyt jo mantereelle, mutta jos haluan rokotuksen, ostan sen itse. Julkisessa terveydenhuollossa saan minimitutkimukset, jos niitäkään. Jos minulla on varaa Dextraan, ostan kaiken mitä haluan ja saan parhaat lääkärit, jotka ovat töissä yliopistosairaaloissa, mutta joita en koskaan tapaisi julkisen kautta.

Kuten esität Suomessa julkisella puolella homma ei ole varma mutta yksityisellä puolella ihmisellä on enemmän mahdollisuuksia aivan samalla tavalla kuin se on jenkkilässä. Briteissä homma on kuitenkin erinlainen ja kaveri joka menee sairaalaan saa aivan samat mahdollisuudet kuin kaveri joka maksaa yksityiselle. Ranskassa tämä on käsittääkseni aivan saman lailla, mutta mitä minä esitin väitteessäni on "big pharma" ja varsinkin jenkkilän kannalta se tosiasia, että he eivät tähän menessä ole nähneet riittävää voittoa esim. ebolan yhteydessä rokotteiden ennalta kehittämiseen, koska he väittävät että rokottamalla 10 000 000 ihmistä he saavat taudin kuin taudin kuriin. Huomattavaa tässä on se, että heillä on ollut kyky ja metodit monien vaarallisten tautien tukahduttamiseen vuosikymmenten ajan samalla kun heikäläinen lääketeollisuus on kehittänyt antibiotics ja antivirus tuotteita takataskuun. Keillä näitä sitten jaetaan onkin toinen kysymys.
Maailman paskasin paikka on leikkaussalin lattia ja käytävät maasta riippumatta.. En minä aikoinani liukuhihna leikkurissa olleena enää niitä tossuja kyllä kotiini vienyt.
Jokaisessa lattiassa on bakteerifloora. Sairaalan lattiassa se on vain vähän tykimpi.

Mrsa pelkästään on ihan tavis stafylokokki. Se on vain vastustuskykyinen. Stafylokokkia meissä asuu miljoonia. Joku niistä joskus innostuu ja aiheuttaa tautia. Sama muissa bakteereissa. Vaikka ei olisi sairaalanbakteeri niin sairaalan lattialla ne on vain vähän ärhäkkäämpiä. Ovat niin monessa liemessä keitettyjä.
The District of Columbia just added an initiative that would legalize marijuana to the November 4 ballot. So will lawmakers be able to toke legally if it passes? A green investigation.

When the District of Columbia Board of Elections agreed to put an initiative on the November 4 ballot that would legalize marijuana in the district, they prompted an interesting question: Will Congress be allowed to get stoned?

The short answer is—yes. If passed, Initiative 71 will allow D.C. residents above the age of 21 to possess up to 2 ounces of marijuana, cultivate up to six cannabis plants at home, and transfer, not sell, up to 1 ounce. Assuming that members of Congress who live in D.C. are adults, they, too, will be permitted to get stoned at their leisure.

But don’t start dreaming of hot-boxing the Capitol. “This initiative changes D.C. law,” says Bill Piper, the director of national affairs for the Drug Policy Alliance. “Marijuana possession would still be illegal on federal property.” Until cannabis is removed from the Schedule I substance list, it will not be allowed on federal property. So, members of Congress couldn’t light up at work—but they could if they live in the district. “Possessing marijuana in their own home would be legal under D.C. law, as it would be for anybody else,” says Piper.
Kukan laillistamista ei voi estää. Sitä voidaan jossain hetkeksi torpata,mutta ei estää. Yksi suuri seikka on muuttunu.. Coloradoon alkoi yhtäkkiä ilmestymään Wall streetin pukumiehiä. Silloin hitainkin ituhippi tajusi että taistelu on voitettu. Wall street tajusi markkinarvon ja millainen rahamäärä tässä nousevassa teollisuudessa on. Toki tupakkayhtiöt ovat jo pitkään tienneet tämän ja vuosia sitten varanneet Kaliforniasta isot niityt tulevaa varten.

Aikoinaan 30-luvulla syvän laman aikana kieltolain loppumisesta saatiin buustia. Uutta teollisuutta ja työpaikkoja. Nyt ollaan vähän samassa tilanteen edessä ja sijoitusyhtiöt New yorkissa ovat viimeisen parin vuoden ajan olleet vakiovieraita eri kannabiskasvattajien tapahtumissa.
Vaikka itse en nauti ruohon iloista, alan olla vakuuttunut taistelun hyödyttömyydestä.
Tärkeämpänä pitäisin ympärillä pyörivän rikollisuuden nujertamista. Siinä sodassa laillistaminen voisi olla hyvä veto.
Erittäin hyvä luku siihen miksi viime vuosikymmenellä Bushin hallinnon alla maailmantalous meni alas.

It would be an oversimplification to place the blame for the subprime crisis solely on ill-conceived fiscal and monetary policies. Fingers have been pointed—with good reason—at a host of alternative villains, including Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, the credit ratings agencies, and the SEC. And, of course, borrowers themselves were not blameless. According to Edmund Andrews:

Nobody duped me, hypnotized me, or lulled me with drugs. Like so many others—borrowers, lenders, and the Wall Street deal makers behind them—I thought I could beat the odds. Everybody had a reason for getting in trouble. The brokers and deal makers were scoring huge commissions. The condo flippers were aiming for quick profits. The ordinary home buyers wanted to own their first houses, or bigger houses, or vacation houses. Some were greedy, some were desperate, and some were deceived.

Nonetheless, the bulk of the blame for the crisis must be assigned to the Bush administration’s fiscal policy and the Greenspan Fed’s monetary policy. Why? Quite simply: fear and greed. The economic and speculative boom launched by the fiscal and monetary policies of the early 2000s raised the returns to greed—that is, the incentive to take on additional risk—to extraordinary levels. No matter how fear-inspiring the regulation and supervision was—and it was not—it would have been overwhelmed by dangerously high levels of greed.
Most people travel the world to visit various natural wonders, take a tour of the famous monuments or go in search of authentic cuisine. Richard Ross goes in search of bomb shelters. Armed with his camera, Ross took a five-year journey into the underground world, documenting not only the bomb shelters of the United States, but also examples as far as Vietnam, Russia, England, Turkey, and even Switzerland, where citizens are required by law to have a bomb shelter.
While 8.7 million jobs have been regained since the 2008 recession, they are paying much less, by an average of 23 percent, according to a report released Monday by the United States Conference of Mayors.

The report comes as debate continues about income inequality in the United States.

“While the economy is picking up steam, income inequality and wage gaps are an alarming trend that must be addressed,” said Conference of Mayors President Kevin Johnson, the mayor of Sacramento, Calif., in a news release. “We cannot put our heads in the sand on these issues.”

The annual wage in sectors where jobs were lost, particularly in manufacturing and construction, during the recession was $61,637, but the average wage of new jobs through the second quarter of 2014 is $47,131, the report shows.

It represents a loss of $93 billion in wages, according to the report.

If you are fortunate enough to have a job in America today, the phrase "just over broke" probably describes you. Yes, there are a handful of jobs that certainly pay very well, but most Americans that work for somebody else are just barely making it from month to month. More than half of all working Americans are living paycheck to paycheck, and more than half of all working Americans make less than $30,000 a year. That is an amazing statistic but it is actually true. Once upon a time, anyone that was responsible and that was willing to work hard could get a good job in America. But now those days are long gone. Instead, we live at a time when good jobs are disappearing and when the middle class is getting smaller with each passing year. In some homes, the husband and the wife are both working multiple jobs and they can still barely pay their bills. Something has gone horribly wrong, and yet our leaders just keep telling us how wonderful our economy is.

I confess to feeling some kinship with Snowden. Like him, I was assigned to a National Security Agency unit in Hawaii—in my case, as part of three years of active duty in the Navy during the Vietnam War. Then, as a reservist in law school, I blew the whistle on the NSA when I stumbled across a program that involved illegally eavesdropping on US citizens. I testified about the program in a closed hearing before the Church Committee, the congressional investigation that led to sweeping reforms of US intelligence abuses in the 1970s. Finally, after graduation, I decided to write the first book about the NSA. At several points I was threatened with prosecution under the Espionage Act, the same 1917 law under which Snowden is charged (in my case those threats had no basis and were never carried out). Since then I have written two more books about the NSA, as well as numerous magazine articles (including two previous cover stories about the NSA for WIRED), book reviews, op-eds, and documentaries.

But in all my work, I’ve never run across anyone quite like Snowden. He is a uniquely postmodern breed of whistle-blower. Physically, very few people have seen him since he disappeared into Moscow’s airport complex last June. But he has nevertheless maintained a presence on the world stage—not only as a man without a country but as a man without a body.

Seitsämän sivun loistava artikkeli tämän vuosikymmenen suurimpaan paljastukseen.

Among the discoveries that most shocked him was learning that the agency was regularly passing raw private communications—content as well as metadata—to Israeli intelligence. Usually information like this would be “minimized,” a process where names and personally identifiable data are removed. But in this case, the NSA did virtually nothing to protect even the communications of people in the US. This included the emails and phone calls of millions of Arab and Palestinian Americans whose relatives in Israel-occupied Palestine could become targets based on the communications. “I think that’s amazing,” Snowden says. “It’s one of the biggest abuses we’ve seen.” (The operation was reported last year by The Guardian, which cited the Snowden documents as its source.)

Another troubling discovery was a document from NSA director Keith Alexander that showed the NSA was spying on the pornography-viewing habits of political radicals. The memo suggested that the agency could use these “personal vulnerabilities” to destroy the reputations of government critics who were not in fact accused of plotting terrorism. The document then went on to list six people as future potential targets. (Greenwald published a redacted version of the document last year on the Huffington Post.)

Snowden was astonished by the memo. “It’s much like how the FBI tried to use Martin Luther King’s infidelity to talk him into killing himself,” he says. “We said those kinds of things were inappropriate back in the ’60s. Why are we doing that now? Why are we getting involved in this again?”

And he would also begin to appreciate the enormous scope of the NSA’s surveillance capabilities, an ability to map the movement of everyone in a city by monitoring their MAC address, a unique identifier emitted by every cell phone, computer, and other electronic device.

The NSA had apparently never predicted that someone like Snowden might go rogue. In any case, Snowden says he had no problem accessing, downloading, and extracting all the confidential information he liked. Except for the very highest level of classified documents, details about virtually all of the NSA’s surveillance programs were accessible to anyone, employee or contractor, private or general, who had top-secret NSA clearance and access to an NSA computer.

But Snowden’s access while in Hawaii went well beyond even this. “I was the top technologist for the information-sharing office in Hawaii,” he says. “I had access to everything.”

Well, almost everything. There was one key area that remained out of his reach: the NSA’s aggressive cyberwarfare activity around the world. To get access to that last cache of secrets, Snowden landed a job as an infrastructure analyst with another giant NSA contractor, Booz Allen. The role gave him rare dual-hat authority covering both domestic and foreign intercept capabilities—allowing him to trace domestic cyberattacks back to their country of origin. In his new job, Snowden became immersed in the highly secret world of planting malware into systems around the world and stealing gigabytes of foreign secrets. At the same time, he was also able to confirm, he says, that vast amounts of US communications “were being intercepted and stored without a warrant, without any requirement for criminal suspicion, probable cause, or individual designation.”

By the time he went to work for Booz Allen in the spring of 2013, Snowden was thoroughly disillusioned, yet he had not lost his capacity for shock. One day an intelligence officer told him that TAO—a division of NSA hackers—had attempted in 2012 to remotely install an exploit in one of the core routers at a major Internet service provider in Syria, which was in the midst of a prolonged civil war. This would have given the NSA access to email and other Internet traffic from much of the country. But something went wrong, and the router was bricked instead—rendered totally inoperable. The failure of this router caused Syria to suddenly lose all connection to the Internet—although the public didn’t know that the US government was responsible. (This is the first time the claim has been revealed.)

Inside the TAO operations center, the panicked government hackers had what Snowden calls an “oh shit” moment. They raced to remotely repair the router, desperate to cover their tracks and prevent the Syrians from discovering the sophisticated infiltration software used to access the network. But because the router was bricked, they were powerless to fix the problem.

Fortunately for the NSA, the Syrians were apparently more focused on restoring the nation’s Internet than on tracking down the cause of the outage. Back at TAO’s operations center, the tension was broken with a joke that contained more than a little truth: “If we get caught, we can always point the finger at Israel.”

The massive surveillance effort was bad enough, but Snowden was even more disturbed to discover a new, Strangelovian cyberwarfare program in the works, codenamed MonsterMind. The program, disclosed here for the first time, would automate the process of hunting for the beginnings of a foreign cyberattack. Software would constantly be on the lookout for traffic patterns indicating known or suspected attacks. When it detected an attack, MonsterMind would automatically block it from entering the country—a “kill” in cyber terminology.

Programs like this had existed for decades, but MonsterMind software would add a unique new capability: Instead of simply detecting and killing the malware at the point of entry, MonsterMind would automatically fire back, with no human involvement. That’s a problem, Snowden says, because the initial attacks are often routed through computers in innocent third countries. “These attacks can be spoofed,” he says. “You could have someone sitting in China, for example, making it appear that one of these attacks is originating in Russia. And then we end up shooting back at a Russian hospital. What happens next?”

In addition to the possibility of accidentally starting a war, Snowden views MonsterMind as the ultimate threat to privacy because, in order for the system to work, the NSA first would have to secretly get access to virtually all private communications coming in from overseas to people in the US. “The argument is that the only way we can identify these malicious traffic flows and respond to them is if we’re analyzing all traffic flows,” he says. “And if we’re analyzing all traffic flows, that means we have to be intercepting all traffic flows. That means violating the Fourth Amendment, seizing private communications without a warrant, without probable cause or even a suspicion of wrongdoing. For everyone, all the time.” (A spokesperson for the NSA declined to comment on MonsterMind, the malware in Syria, or on the specifics of other aspects of this article.)
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Armeija tullut rauhoittamaan kansaa Fergusoniin.

Ei ole asevoimia...vaan ihan paikallista poliisia. Kuvaa hyvin, mitä poliisin militarisoinnilla on saatu aikaan... Tuohan se herättää asukkaissa poliisiin luottamusta, kun jätkät on raskaammin varustettuja kuin sotilaan Afganistanissa...
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Mistä he ovat saaneet ADSin? Tuskin joka seriffillä on takataskussa noita vehkeitä.
Mistä he ovat saaneet ADSin? Tuskin joka seriffillä on takataskussa noita vehkeitä.

Jenkeillä on semmonen järjestelmä, jossa asevoimien kamaa annetaan nykyisin poliiseille jos ei ilmaiseks niin ainakin pilkkahintaan. Helvetin monessa piirikunnassa ajellaan MRAP:lla sheriffien toimesta.

Esim. tossa on jotakin siitä:


Noi asevoimiin viittaavat jutut ilmeisesti tulee tuon Homeland Securityn kautta (lihavointi minun):

  • Department of Homeland Security Grant Programs: The Department of Homeland Security enhances the ability of states, local and tribal jurisdictions, and other regional authorities in the preparation, prevention, and response to terrorist attacks and other disasters, by distributing grant funds. Localities can use grants for planning, equipment, training and exercise needs.