Demokraattileirissä epäillään Sandersin kykyä voittaa Trump. Laitan tuohon lainaukset, jotka tiivistävät jutun sisällön.
Prospect of nomination of most anti-establishment presidential candidate since 1972
"Yet several longtime party regulars fret that Mr Sanders has rejected the policies that propelled both Bill Clinton and Barack Obama to the White House, presidencies that helped to end almost two decades of Republican dominance of the electoral college.
“[Mr Sanders] is not a Democrat,” said Kenneth Baer, a former Obama administration official and Democratic strategist. “Democrats don’t seem to be taking that seriously. Nobody is actually questioning him. Nobody is actually saying: these are his views on foreign policy, on how we deliver benefits to the least fortunate, and that is not what Democrats believe.”
One Democratic donor, who has given to Mr Biden, the former US vice-president and Ms Klobuchar, the moderate US senator from Minnesota, warned that a Sanders nomination could doom the party’s chances not just for winning back the White House but also for holding on to the House of Representatives, where many Democrats represent more moderate districts.
“Everybody I know is terrified that Bernie or Elizabeth Warren is going to get traction, and not only would they lose to Trump if you put a socialist label on the Democratic party, we would lose the House,” the donor said. Ms Warren lagged behind badly with just 9.4 per cent of the vote. "