Äänestys Zapad 2017

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Jos Venäjä käyttää sotilasvoimiaan Zapadin aikana, niin mikä on mielestäsi todennäköisin kohde?

  • Valko-Venäjä

  • Ukraina

  • Baltian maat

  • Ruotsi

  • Suomi

  • Puola

Tulokset ovat nähtävillä vasta äänestyksen jälkeen.
Harjoitusalue on osittain Valko-Venäjällä. Venäjä saattaisi miehittää Valko-Venäjän ja suunnata sen jälkeen hyökkäyksen etelään kohti Kiovaa. Matka ei ole pitkä.


NAOC:n asiantuntija pitää vaarallisena Baltian miehitystä tuoreessa (13.6.2017) artikkelissaan "Does Russia’s Zapad 2017 Exercise Pose a Threat to NATO?".
Mielenkiintoista pohdintaa miten hommassa kävisi.


Venäjä sitoo ensin jotkut suunnat ja sitten iskee sinne missä sitä ei odoteta, toivon että Suomen rajan taakse kerääntyy reilusti voimaa.
Nyt lässytystä, venäläiset ovat kyllä strategisessa ajattelussa ihan eri tasolla kun tässä pyöritellään lännestä.
Suomi mainittu: USA:n puolustusministeriön asiantuntijan mukaan Suomi ja Ruotsi ovat sotilaallisesti ja poliittisesti hyväksyttävissä NATO:n jäseniksi (1:31:20).

Lisäys: yleisöstä kysymys NATO:n sekä Suomen ja Ruotsin yhteistyöstä. Norjalaisen kenraalin mukaan tietoa kuulemma vaihdetaan, mutta ei samassa mittakaavassa kuten jäsenet (1:41:40).

Lisäys 2: kohdat videossa (h:mm:ss)
Viimeksi muokattu:
Varmaan luvanneet Suomelle ja Ruotsillekin olla tarkkoina mitä lausuvat.

Niin, joku sotilasasioiden tai politiikan ammattilainen olisi varmasti löytänyt lausunnoista nyansseja, joita me nojatuolikenraalit emme huomaa: jotain lipsahti mitä ei pitänyt, ja jotain kommentoitiin erittäin varovasti tai niukasti.
Niin, joku sotilasasioiden tai politiikan ammattilainen olisi varmasti löytänyt lausunnoista nyansseja, joita me nojatuolikenraalit emme huomaa: jotain lipsahti mitä ei pitänyt, ja jotain kommentoitiin erittäin varovasti tai niukasti.

Kai eniten peitellään integraation tasoa joka nyt varmaan on todella korkea kuten JEF ja muut osoittavat, molemmat maat menevät kirkkaasti ohi monen jäsenen merkitykseltään.
Kai eniten peitellään integraation tasoa joka nyt varmaan on todella korkea kuten JEF ja muut osoittavat, molemmat maat menevät kirkkaasti ohi monen jäsenen merkitykseltään.

Linkkaan tähän nyt yhden vanhan uutisen. Jos tämä pitää paikkansa, niin ehkäpä Duhvakin uskaltaa nukkua yönsä rauhassa.


Tässä tiivistettynä tärkein:
– En aio sanoa tarkasti, mitä tapahtuisi, mutta perusajatus on, että Venäjän ei pidä ajatella ydinaseiden käyttöä realistisena keinona de-eskaloida konfliktia, Alexander Vershbow toteaa.
Naapurifoorumilta löytyi aika tuuhea skenaario syyskuulle.
Xander 28-07-2017 13:47
‘Islamitische terreuroorlog tegen Europese bevolking barst in september los`

Google-kääntäjä hollanti -> englanti
A senior German prosecutor of Justice would have let himself out of a few glasses of alcohol, which the government estimated that an Islamic uprising / terrorist war would break out against the indigenous people in September, and that the whole society would collapse. Berlin would have deliberately chosen not to do anything against it. However, other sources, who have predicted this scenario for years, say that the population, police and army will be massively rebelled in response to the bloody terrorist war, and, in addition to the Muslims, the current elite in politics, justice and the media has finally "removed" will become.

Walter Eichelburg, Hartgeld's administrator - who currently has 400 million hits a year - predicts a "system exchange" that starts with a terrorist war by 2015, by at least tens of thousands of light and heavily armed Muslim fighters. Five days ago, he wrote that this system change has been postponed a number of times, but now it has really come very close.

Justice Officer: 'In September, it's broken'

The reason was, among other things, the revelations of the prosecutor who, during a typical German national party, had smashed the necessary glass of alcohol and failed to hear that he had been told by the Ministry of Interior at a meeting that the government expected That public order in September completely collapses because huge numbers of Muslim terrorists who entered the country as "refugees" then begin their terrorist war against the unsuspecting population.

The officer had been advised to leave his children away at public events such as parties and concerts, partly because there have been numerous burglars in recent times, stolen large amounts of weapons and materials such as fertilizers, mixed together as powerful Explosives are used. He gave his listeners the tip to set up a civil guard in their own neighborhood or neighborhood, because the government will definitely let it go down the first days of the terrorist war.

Radical Muslims want to wipe out our countries and replace them with Caliphate

"Whether I'm right, I do not know, but it sounds plausible," commented Eichelburg. "It was not immediately pronounced, but it is the Islam that will attack us in September 2017, who wants to wipe out the German state. The fact that Muslims are setting up secret weapons and explosive depots is also no secret. Sometimes such a depot is rolled up, where nothing in the mass media is reported. '

"That radical Muslims want to wipe out the present states of Europe and to establish an Islamic Caliph instead, is also no secret. They trumped all around. "

Not only for the purpose of this purpose, the Merkel government would have allowed around 2 million Muslim immigrants to land, but also through extremely curly case-law, such as the hard or even no punishment of the hundreds of thousands of crimes committed by the migrants in a short period of time , But it is very strict punishment by every native German who even criticizes this policy - wanting to be intolerable and invincible, and forcing the people to kneel on the knees at once is a cold art.

"Do not let women and children go over the streets"

Before the great uprising begins to start in September, much smaller attacks and attacks will be committed, which will require the necessary civilian casualties. They are already there, but, as most likely in the Netherlands, as far as possible, they are "blown away" as "incidents", such as a deadly stab on a station or somewhere in the street, with the mention of the perpetrator's attributes being always Omitted if migrants from Africa or the Middle East are perpetrators.

Some woke up Germans have already decided not to let their women and children go to street alone, and advise all Europeans to take similar precautions and preparations, "What your teens and women will not survive the mass forces," so one of the Comments on Eichelburg's article. "Just a few days or weeks to the final, but it will be so insecure everywhere that everything you can do in Merkeleuropa outside the door can be life-threatening."

Rumors about white trucks and liberation by the Russians

A lot of readers from Germany and Austria say they have collected hundreds of white, most white military-controlled lorries, mostly with Polish or other Eastern European badges on their way to locations in Germany. At each location, a few dozen trucks are parked and monitored.

These soldiers-following some from Russia-would be ready

Ennen kaikkea tuo loppuosa valkoisine "avustusrekkoineen". Eikös se Zapad-harjoitus pidetä syyskuussa?

Vai pitäisiköhän tuota foliopipoa vähän löysentää? ;)
Naapurifoorumilta löytyi aika tuuhea skenaario syyskuulle.

Ennen kaikkea tuo loppuosa valkoisine "avustusrekkoineen". Eikös se Zapad-harjoitus pidetä syyskuussa?

Vai pitäisiköhän tuota foliopipoa vähän löysentää? ;)

Kalifaatin pojat ei tuollaiseen pysty, he tarvitsevat kymmeniä vuosia maahanmuuttoa ja tulonsiirtoja mutta lopputulos on toki sama.

Teoriassa Iran ja Turkki pystyisivät organisoimaan jotain järjestelmällistä tukemaan jotain suurempaa operaatiota.

Jos nyt ensin annettaisiin vaikka todisteita niistä rekoista niin jaksaisi edes pohtia enemmän mitä ne ovat.
Saksa kuullosta aika utopistiselta tavoitteelta kun Ukrainakin olisi iso operaatio miehittää.


Russian "little green men" armed with the latest version of Kalashnikov assault rifles riding in public transportation in Vitebsk, Belarus. July 2017. Similar Russian special forces soldiers in unmarked uniforms were used by Putin to conduct the operation to annex the Crimean peninsula from Ukraine in February-March 2014. (Image: Drug Syabar)

2017/07/30 - 23:50

A man from the Belarusian city of Vitebsk, a city not far from the Russian border, has posted on Facebook pictures showing Russian soldiers in unmarked uniforms there something that will undoubtedly exacerbate existing fears that Moscow will use the upcoming Zapad-2017 military exercises to carry out regime change in Minsk.

The blogger, who uses Drug Syabar as his screen name, says that in the photographs, one can see that “Russian soldiers are already beginning to arrive for the so-called military exercises. The arriving troops are beginning to take locations throughout all cities. But there are also appearing people with automatic weapons in military uniforms bearing no distinguishing marks.”

The pictures are available at facebook.com/DrugSyabarPS/. It has been reported described in among other places at newvv.net, profi-forex.org, and dsnews.ua.

Given that such people became known as “the little green men” who led Russia’s invasion forces in Ukraine, such reports from Belarus now will only intensify existing fears about Russia’s intentions in Belarus even if it turns out as may be possible that those pictured are simply support elements for Russian forces rather than a genuine invasion force.
Eli ODON on Dzeržinski divisioona, kun tuossa katselin mitä uutta siitä löytyisi niin tällaista.

The President of Russia signed a decree on the implementation by General Viktor Zolotov, Director of Rosgvardia, of the overall leadership of the joint group of forces (forces) in conducting counter-terrorist operations in the North Caucasus. The presidential decree on this is published on the official Internet portal of legal information. In accordance with the decree, for the conduct of counterterrorism operations, units, military units, troops of the Russian Guard and Russian Armed Forces, bodies and units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Federal Security Service, FSO and federal state bodies will be involved. Also, according to the decree of Vladimir Putin, the commander of the United Group will have one deputy from the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry for Emergency Situations, the FSB and FSO. Director of Rosgvardia Viktor Zolotov will independently form a group of troops from the troops of Rosgvardia. The decision on the formation of other units and bodies within the grouping will be made on the basis of the proposals of the heads of these bodies.


Niille joille Zolotov ei sano mitään.


Suomeksi, jotain on tekeillä hyvällä varmuudella.
130 000 - 150 000 miestä sählää muutaman viikon ja juopottelee. Paljonko tuosta on odotettavissa miehistö- ja kalustotappioita?