The following investigations, which I have conducted over the past several months, inspired President Trump’s recent executive action abolishing critical race theory trainings in the federal government.
Treasury Department
The Treasury Department held a training session telling employees that “virtually all White people contribute to racism” and demanding that white staff members “struggle to own their racism” and accept their “unconscious bias, White privilege, and White fragility.” The man who led the seminar, Howard Ross, has billed the federal government more than $5 million for diversity training over the past 15 years. Twitter thread
here and original source documents
The National Credit Union Administration
The NCUA held a session for 8,900 employees arguing that America was “founded on racism” and “built on the blacks of people who were enslaved.” Twitter thread
here and original source documents
Sandia National Laboratories
Last year, Sandia National Labs—which produces our nuclear arsenal—held a three-day reeducation camp for white males, teaching them how to deconstruct their “white male culture” and forcing them to write letters of apology to women and people of color. Whistleblowers from inside the labs tell me that critical race theory is now endangering our national security. Twitter thread
here and original source documents
Argonne National Laboratories
Argonne National Labs hosts trainings calling on white lab employees to admit that they “benefit from racism” and atone for the “pain and anguish inflicted upon Black people.” Twitter thread
Department of Homeland Security
The Department of Homeland Security hosted a Training on “microaggressions, microinequities, and microassaults” where white employees were told that they had been “socialized into oppressor roles.” Twitter thread
here and original source documents
The FBI’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion is hosting weekly “Intersectionality Workshops.” Twitter thread