Diskussion om kriget i Ukraina, med deltagare - Discussion on war in Ukraine, with participant

By selling one Oplot tank to a foreign buyer they are able to fund the restoration, modernisations and fielding of three t-64 tanks.

Thus it makes total sense for them to fulfil their contract with Asia.

I hope they really do that!
The forwardmovement seems to have halted somewhat. My guess is, once again, they were testing the defences but took to many casualties for it to continue on its own.

I think, at the moment, Mariupol is not directly in their aim. Most of the activity is still around Donetsk and the road from Novazovsk to Mariupol is blocked by Shyrokyne. I think the russians wish to create a larger buffert around Donetsk, and once this is done move west from there - either towards Dnipropetrovsk and/or down south to Mariupol on the western side of the river that flows through the city (or whatever river is left). This would be a similar way of conducting things as the Soviets did in 1943.
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Fräsch bild från AZOVs galleri i vk. com.

Ruotsalaiset sotilaat: EU ja Nato osallistuvat sotatoimiin Donbassissa

Ukrainan sota on jatkunut yli vuoden. Mediassa käydään kiivasta propagandasotaa. Jokaisen silminnäkijän kertomus on tässä tilanteessa yhtä arvokas. Donbassissa taistelleiden ruotsalaisten postaukset Flashback.org -foorumilla kiinnittivät bloggaaja Steven Laackin huomion.

Valitettavasti, suurin osa postauksista on jo poistettu. Mutta osa niistä tallentui Googlen välimuistiin.

Kyseisessä keskustelussa käytännössä myönnettiin, että eurooppalaisia sotilaita ja erikoispalvelujen työntekijöitä taistelee Ukrainan vapaaehtoisyksiköissä.

Azov-pataljoonan veteraani käyttäjänimellä Sinkomies kuuluu Hemvärnetiin.



Had completly forgotten about this thread. But on the other hand, havent really had much new to say anyway.

Pientä välienselvittelyä löytyy Flashbackilta.

Parempi varata popcornia tästä eteenpäin


Yeah.. that became sort of a "that escalated quickly" moment right there...

Ruotsalaiset sotilaat: EU ja Nato osallistuvat sotatoimiin Donbassissa

Ukrainan sota on jatkunut yli vuoden. Mediassa käydään kiivasta propagandasotaa. Jokaisen silminnäkijän kertomus on tässä tilanteessa yhtä arvokas. Donbassissa taistelleiden ruotsalaisten postaukset Flashback.org -foorumilla kiinnittivät bloggaaja Steven Laackin huomion.

Valitettavasti, suurin osa postauksista on jo poistettu. Mutta osa niistä tallentui Googlen välimuistiin.

Kyseisessä keskustelussa käytännössä myönnettiin, että eurooppalaisia sotilaita ja erikoispalvelujen työntekijöitä taistelee Ukrainan vapaaehtoisyksiköissä.

Azov-pataljoonan veteraani käyttäjänimellä Sinkomies kuuluu Hemvärnetiin.




Actually, that article was incredibly funny. Not only the part were they claim me and others were some sort of on duty agents, citing "evidence" of this that says the complete opposite. Also funny how they claim that lots of entries had been taken down later on, which they havent, because.. well flashback keeps everything.. Most interesting part though was how they based their explosive stuff in the article on two entries by two separate registerd users with just about no other entries than here. The entries being wierd crap about polish soldiers and stuff. In short, Russia sends in trolls to write fake information in a thread, later on they send their media in to report on it. Legit shit right there..

Also worthy to note, they never wrote anything about us trashing Skillt, didnt even mention it.
One can only speculate on why..
Haha! Just noticed that one of said trolls that were quoted by sputnik had one further entry on the forum (his only other entry to be precise). In this entry from late 2014, he exposes the fact that the man is trying to cover up an ebola outbreak in Ukraine, that the neighbouring countries have to seal off its Ukrainian borders and that Ukraine is now threatening all of Europe.

I actually remember hearing about this supposed ebola outbreak from russian trolls during my first trip to Ukraine. This was a fine reminder.

Original post in (really bad) Swedish
Well, it is still good to hear that you didn't go there again just to start a new career in fertilising local plants.

Well, as there has only been stationary warfare since mid february at best, and even that started to die out during the early-mid summer (though it has somewhat increased again, nothing to seriously though from what I hear), I wouldnt see any real point to go back there and faceplant an old landmine or something for nothing. Russia and Ukraine are going toe to toe though, increasing their defences keeping the other guy from getting any ideas to attack, but I dont see this escalating to anything bigger as of now.

Besides, as of now, since as established heavy fighting has died out, only newcomers seems to be brave finnish anti-fascists and conspiracy-theorists courtesy of the highly regarded and possible future nobelprize winner in the open category Johan Bäckman. https://donbassforeningen.wordpress...st-nordic-volunteer-has-arrived-to-interunit/

Any idea why that is? Why didnt these heroes of the revolution show up before, when their new motherland actually was under attack from the fascist-globalist-hordes of the Kiev-Junta?
Besides, as of now, since as established heavy fighting has died out, only newcomers seems to be brave finnish anti-fascists and conspiracy-theorists courtesy of the highly regarded and possible future nobelprize winner in the open category Johan Bäckman. https://donbassforeningen.wordpress...st-nordic-volunteer-has-arrived-to-interunit/

Any idea why that is? Why didnt these heroes of the revolution show up before, when their new motherland actually was under attack from the fascist-globalist-hordes of the Kiev-Junta?

There seem to have been some Finnish volunteers on the "people's republics'" side a bit earlier as well but they obviously haven't been reported in international media. But I don't think the volunteers were the during the most active fighting and I don't think they number more than half a dozen at the most.

The Finnish language propagand..sorry information about their life and conditions has given the readers a very positive, outright homely picture of these brave warriors, stemming the tide of fascists coming to rob the poor Novorussians of whatever it is they are entitled to. These heroes, having been issued decorations even before rifles, have also been active in outright heroic bravery and one even managed to get slightly wounded by (according to the published bulĺsh...sorry propagand...nonono I mean information he was shocked to be shot at during ceasefire while peacefully being on sentry duty with his peace-loving rifle).
There seem to have been some Finnish volunteers on the "people's republics'" side a bit earlier as well but they obviously haven't been reported in international media. But I don't think the volunteers were the during the most active fighting and I don't think they number more than half a dozen at the most.

The Finnish language propagand..sorry information about their life and conditions has given the readers a very positive, outright homely picture of these brave warriors, stemming the tide of fascists coming to rob the poor Novorussians of whatever it is they are entitled to. These heroes, having been issued decorations even before rifles, have also been active in outright heroic bravery and one even managed to get slightly wounded by (according to the published bulĺsh...sorry propagand...nonono I mean information he was shocked to be shot at during ceasefire while peacefully being on sentry duty with his peace-loving rifle).

True. I think at least two finns (or finnish residents at least) where there between 2014 and early 2015. How long they stayed and what they exactly did though, Im not sure of.

Haha yeah, I had a good laugh about them medals as well. Kind of like the "Thanks for trying", 1st Class.

Are there any articles about these fine upstanding gentlemen online? All Ive seen is basicly whatever puke Bäckman typed down on his blog and some youtube-interviews.