Epidemiat maailmalla

A large international research group released a paper today suggesting that Ebola viruses can emerge from five years of dormancy to trigger a new outbreak of infections. While this isn't the first instance in which Ebola re-emerged from a previously infected individual, the new results extend the timeframe of risk substantially.

At present, we have little idea how and where the virus persists in the human body. But there are now tens of thousands of people who have survived previous infections, so it's an area where more research is urgently needed.
"Advocate Dipali Ojha of the Indian bar association and a team of young indian lawyers have issued a legal notice to the world health organization over their blatant campaign against any alternative treatments. Her legal action against WHO comes after the tweet from Soumya Swaminathan, WHO chief scientist, who issued tweet against Ivermectin backing it with a link, that was declaration from a private company. The team of indian lawyers seeks to make available all possible affordable options to the masses and hold the highest authorities accountable for their directives , and suspected submission to big pharma lobbying."

@Myrskyhiiri , kunnioitat liikaa akateemisia tutkintoja. Itse en osaa antaa arvoa tutkija-asiantuntijoille vain sen vuoksi että ovat tohtoreita .. lääketieteestä. Nyt se pointti on tilastojen ymmärtämisessä, ei siinä että olisi jotain mullistavaa lääketieteellistä tietoa koronasta tai rokotteista.

Viimeksi muokattu:
@Myrskyhiiri , kunnioitat liikaa akateemisia tutkintoja. Itse tunnen useita matematiikan ja fysiikan professoreita englannista ja yhdysvalloista, enkä osaa antaa mitään arvoa tutkija-asiantuntijoille vain sen vuoksi että ovat tohtoreita .. lääketieteestä. Nyt se pointti on tilastojen ymmärtämisessä, ei siinä että olisi jotain mullistavaa lääketieteellistä tietoa koronasta tai rokotteista.

En tuossa varsinaisesti tutkintoihin viitannut vaan siihen viittausten ja julkaisujen määrään mitä tuo ukko on kerännyt/tehnyt.

Katsoitko tuota videon alkua? Siinä tuo rouva luettelee tuon ukon meriitit ja se taas osoittaa ettei se ole mikään huru-ukko joka on tuota FLCCC:tä ollut laittamassa pystyyn. Tuolla kokemuksella on myös pakko hanskata tilastotieteen lääketieteessä tyypillisesti käytetyt jutut, luonnollisesti.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Joe Rogan mainitsi FLCCC:n josta oli saanut apua:


Tässä käytäntönäkökulman, eli ivermektiinin toimivuuden esittelyn ruohonjuuritasolla, jälkeen äänessä tuo Joe Roganin lääkäribestis Pierre Kory. Ivermektiini on nyt strategisen pommituksen kohteena, kun on iso este operaatio joukkorokotukset for evö jatkuvuudelle.

FLCCC Weekly Update September 15, 2021: Pharmageddon Unleashed on Ivermectin​


P.S. Nuo ihmisten kokemukset eli kommentit videon alla on todella mielenkiintoisia.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Joe Rogan mainitsi FLCCC:n josta oli saanut apua:





Muistatko Pelkokerroin TV-sarjan? Sen juontaja Joe Rogan syö hevosille tarkoitettua MATOLÄÄKETTÄ hoitaakseen koronaa. USA:n tartuntatautivirastolta (NIH) on tullut asiasta kova varoitus. NIH on tutkinut matolääkkeen vaikutusta koronaan ja sitä ei suositella käytettäväksi. Sen käyttäminen koronaan on kielletty jo heti pandemian puhjetessa maailmanlaajuisesti. Matolääke on tarkoitettu hevosille! EI suosikkijuontajille!

Sangen nopeasti kääntyi takki UK:ssa, kun vaakakuppeihin asetettiin koululaisten rokotukset ja koulutyön pitkäaikainen häiriintyminen:

Covid: Which children are being vaccinated and why?

Why will all children aged 12 to 15 get a jab?

The UK's chief medical officers recommended a single Pfizer dose for all 12 to 15-year-olds.

Prof Chris Whitty, Chief Medical Officer for England, said it was a "difficult decision", but that absence from school "has been extraordinarily difficult for children", particularly in deprived areas.

Extended disruption could cause mental health problems and have long term effects on life chances, he added.

Vaccinating children won't stop the spread of Covid in schools, but should help keep cases down.

Evidence suggests a single dose cuts the risk of catching the Delta variant (if you come into contact with it) by about 55%. It also reduces the chances of you getting very sick or spreading it to someone else.

A second dose
should not be considered before the spring term, the chief medical officers said.

They made their recommendation after the JCVI - the scientific body advising the government on vaccines - said it did not recommend vaccinating healthy children on health grounds alone.

Nykyisen suunnitelman mukaan toisella piikillä ei ole hirveää kiirettä vaan sen tarpeellisuudesta päätetään ennen kevätlukukauden alkua.
Laitan nämä artikkelin kuvat tähän isompana että niistä saisi jotain selvääkin:



India's Ivermectin Blackout - Part III: The Lesson of Kerala
  • by Justus R. Hope, MD
  • Aug 23, 2021 Updated Sep 8, 2021
    Ivermectin chart top

The Ivermectin Effect

The New York Times reported India’s colossal drop in COVID cases was unexplainable, while the BBC declared that Kerala’s rise was also a mystery. While new cases of COVID in Uttar Pradesh are rare as million-dollar lottery tickets, in Kerala, a tiny state located in southern India, new daily cases are the same as the United States, nearly one case per thousand. Yet, as we have seen in this series, there has been a curious media blackout on India’s overall success against COVID.



"Kerala has been reporting over 22,000 new COVID infections in the last three days. No other state in India is even close to the 10,000 mark. The COVID conundrum in the southern state has led to several questions, with no certain answers."


The Times of India published this statement on July 29. Kerala has continued to have the majority of new daily cases and almost 25% of India's daily deaths despite a population of 34 million, less than 3% of India's total population.

On August 15, Kerala accounted for 18,582 of India's 32,937 new cases and 102 of India's 417 new deaths. By contrast, the Ivermectin-using state of Delhi, with nearly the same population size, recorded only 53 new cases and ZERO deaths. In comparison, Uttar Pradesh, with almost eight times as many inhabitants, had only 30 new cases and ONE death.

Kerala had 619 times as many new cases as Uttar Pradesh and over 100 times as many deaths.

So what could Kerala be doing wrong?

Hint: Over-reliance on vaccines and under-reliance on Ivermectin.

Uttar Pradesh led India in its use and has done even better than Delhi because they use Ivermectin early and preventatively.

"Uttar Pradesh was the first state in the country to introduce large-scale prophylactic and therapeutic use of Ivermectin. In May-June 2020, a team at Agra led by Dr. Anshul Pareek, administered Ivermectin to all RRT team members in the district on an experimental basis. It was observed that NONE OF THEM developed COVID-19 despite being in daily contact with patients who had tested positive for the virus," Uttar Pradesh State Surveillance Officer Vikssendu Agrawal said.

Laitan nämä artikkelin kuvat tähän isompana että niistä saisi jotain selvääkin:

Katso liite: 53095


India's Ivermectin Blackout - Part III: The Lesson of Kerala
The Ivermectin Effect

The New York Times reported India’s colossal drop in COVID cases was unexplainable, while the BBC declared that Kerala’s rise was also a mystery. While new cases of COVID in Uttar Pradesh are rare as million-dollar lottery tickets, in Kerala, a tiny state located in southern India, new daily cases are the same as the United States, nearly one case per thousand. Yet, as we have seen in this series, there has been a curious media blackout on India’s overall success against COVID.



"Kerala has been reporting over 22,000 new COVID infections in the last three days. No other state in India is even close to the 10,000 mark. The COVID conundrum in the southern state has led to several questions, with no certain answers."


The Times of India published this statement on July 29. Kerala has continued to have the majority of new daily cases and almost 25% of India's daily deaths despite a population of 34 million, less than 3% of India's total population.

On August 15, Kerala accounted for 18,582 of India's 32,937 new cases and 102 of India's 417 new deaths. By contrast, the Ivermectin-using state of Delhi, with nearly the same population size, recorded only 53 new cases and ZERO deaths. In comparison, Uttar Pradesh, with almost eight times as many inhabitants, had only 30 new cases and ONE death.

Kerala had 619 times as many new cases as Uttar Pradesh and over 100 times as many deaths.

So what could Kerala be doing wrong?

Hint: Over-reliance on vaccines and under-reliance on Ivermectin.

Uttar Pradesh led India in its use and has done even better than Delhi because they use Ivermectin early and preventatively.

"Uttar Pradesh was the first state in the country to introduce large-scale prophylactic and therapeutic use of Ivermectin. In May-June 2020, a team at Agra led by Dr. Anshul Pareek, administered Ivermectin to all RRT team members in the district on an experimental basis. It was observed that NONE OF THEM developed COVID-19 despite being in daily contact with patients who had tested positive for the virus," Uttar Pradesh State Surveillance Officer Vikssendu Agrawal said.


Päivitystä eli saagan osa IV: https://www.thedesertreview.com/opi...cle_8a8c481c-09d3-11ec-a51c-fb063e1a3e3b.html

FLCCC Alliance Statement on the Irregular Actions of Public Health Agencies and the Widespread Disinformation Campaign Against Ivermectin​

May 12, 2021


Awareness of ivermectin’s efficacy and its adoption by physicians worldwide to successfully treat COVID-19 have grown exponentially over the past several months. Oddly, however, even as the clinical trials data and successful ivermectin treatment experiences continue to mount, so too have the criticisms and outright recommendations against the use of ivermectin by the vast majority, though not all, of public health agencies (PHA), concentrated largely in North America and Europe.

The Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) and other ivermectin researchers have repeatedly offered expert analyses to respectfully correct and rebut the PHA recommendations, based on our deep study and rapidly accumulated expertise “in the field” on the use of ivermectin to treat COVID-19. These rebuttals were publicized and provided to international media for the education of providers and patients across the world. Our most recent response to the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and others recommendation against use can be found on the FLCCC website here.

In February 2021, the British Ivermectin Recommendation Development (BIRD), an international meeting of physicians, researchers, specialists, and patients, followed a guideline development process consistent with the WHO standard. It reached a consensus recommendation that ivermectin, a verifiably safe and widely available oral medicine, be immediately deployed early and globally. The BIRD group’s recommendation rested in part on numerous, well-documented studies reporting that ivermectin use reduces the risk of contracting COVID-19 by over 90% and mortality by 68% to 91%.

A similar conclusion has also been reached by an increasing number of expert groups from the United Kingdom (UK), Italy, Spain, United States (US), and a group from Japan headed by the Nobel Prize-winning discoverer of Ivermectin, Professor Satoshi Omura. Focused rebuttals that are backed by voluminous research and data have been shared with PHAs over the past months. These include the WHO and many individual members of its guideline development group (GDG), the FDA, and the NIH. However, these PHAs continue to ignore or disingenuously manipulate the data to reach unsupportable recommendations against ivermectin treatment. We are forced to publicly expose what we believe can only be described as a “disinformation” campaign astonishingly waged with full cooperation of those authorities whose mission is to maintain the integrity of scientific research and protect public health.

The following accounting and analysis of the WHO ivermectin panel’s highly irregular and inexplicable analysis of the ivermectin evidence supports but one rational explanation: the GDG Panel had a predetermined, nonscientific objective, which is to recommend against ivermectin. This is despite the overwhelming evidence by respected experts calling for its immediate use to stem the pandemic. Additionally, there appears to be a wider effort to employ what are commonly described as “disinformation tactics” in an attempt to counter or suppress any criticism of the irregular activity of the WHO panel.
Kristityt ovat immuuneja koronavirukselle koska presidentti (Messias) Trump toipui taudista. Näin siis jos uskomme jenkkilän evankelistoja. Juttu on tämän vuoden keväältä mutta kuvaa oikein hyvin noiden hihhuleiden mentaliteettia.

Viimeksi muokattu:

"September [2020]​

We made the news in late September and October when we started publishing our data, and people realized that we had seen more COVID-19 patients face-to-face than probably anyone in the nation, and maybe even worldwide. We did that and have not recorded a single death for anyone that was placed on (our) treatment. We did have to call EMS on two patients that presented to our Urgent Care in respiratory failure and were sent to the hospital before we could start treatment. One of those died, and for the other, we were unable to get follow-up information. As of today, we have over 1900 COVID-19 positive recovered patients − a 100% success rate!

This brought the call to go to Washington, DC.


The process in preparation for speaking at the US Supreme Court was intimidating. Those invited were all highly intelligent physicians, scholars, lawyers, and researchers. I felt like I was out of my league. It was intimidating, and once again, I was scared. What will they think? What if I mess up? What if I get laughed at and ridiculed? I still needed to make a statement. I still needed to tell our story.

I still needed to be heard.

Dr. Simone Gold wanted a passionate speech with facts from all of us. After our meetings in DC and the recordings we all did, I felt it was my time. The fear had left me, just like it left me at the clinic in treating all the COVID-19 patients. The staff had been sick but survived. Students were sick and survived. Two of my Nurse Practitioners, both my sons and my manager’s mom with MS, all got COVID-19 and survived. That is where my speech came from. It was the buildup and resolution of fear that had us all so scared in the beginning, but now realizing there is treatment.

My Speech​

“We can go back to school! We can go back to work! We can go back to life! We can go back to being Americans! We will not let fear take our freedom!!!” I spoke on those steps.

That was a moment I will never forget. It truly was incredible. I have always wanted to do something great for my country, knowing that my grandfathers served in WW2, Vietnam, and Korea. I thought of my grandpa Tyson. My dad served in Vietnam. How scared were they? What must it have been like to have to go into an actual war? This is my war, and it’s not over.

We are still fighting the fight, and we will continue to do so. I hoped the video would be a tool that other physicians could see and hear. We need everyone to be able to see the success we had. When it was finally posted on YouTube, it was exciting, it started to go viral, and then something happened.

It was taken down!!

Why? Why would you take down a video with the knowledge, research, links, and website where everyone can see what we are doing! Why? I don’t have any reason. Why would you take down the message of hope? Why would you take down the message of treatment? Why do you want to continue living in fear when there are clear treatment options now?

There are multiple options. Peter McCullough and his peers published the first peer-reviewed pathway to outpatient treatment in the American Journal of Medicine, and that too was recently taken down. We had to get Senate influence to have them re-publish it!! That should upset people all over the world.

Think about it, the world is looking to clinicians to find a treatment or a cure, and when we do, it gets censored? Most people would be like − WTF? I was able to channel that anger, I was able to get raw video, and we published it again and again.

We will keep publishing it over and over until it is recognized all over the world that we don’t need to be afraid anymore. People need to know that we will survive this pandemic, just like those of the past. There is treatment available. It works when used early, and it is very effective."

"Brian Tyson, M.D."
Yhdessä Ylilaudan videossa oli ote uutispätkästä jossa alatekstinä että vastustavat pakollisia rokotuksia.

CFMEU:n toimiston edustalla oli nyt sitä paljon puhuttua toksista maskuliinisuutta ilmassa. Huutivat jotain vappauvesta. Miksei rokote kelpaa?

Onhan se nyt prskeles kumma kun ei länsimaisen sivistyksen hedelmät kelpaa:


Anti-Vaccine Protesters Clash With Police In Melbourne, Australia, For The 2nd Day​

September 21, 20212:01 PM ET


Protesters march through Melbourne, Australia, on Tuesday over recently announced COVID-19 vaccine requirements for construction workers. Construction sites have been shut down for two weeks due to protests and rising COVID-19 cases.
Asanka Ratnayake/Getty Images

It's been a violent few days in Melbourne, Australia, where construction workers and other demonstrators are clashing with police as they protest the government's COVID-19 vaccine requirements.

Amid the surging delta variant, officials in Victoria state — where Melbourne is the largest city — recently announced a vaccination mandate for construction workers that requires each employee to show proof of at least one dose by Thursday.

Thousands Of People Protest Coronavirus Lockdowns In Australia

Some 13% of the state's active COVID-19 cases are linked to construction sites, according to local media.

Increasingly violent opposition to the vaccine mandate​

Construction workers who are opposed to the new restrictions have made their positions known in protests that have escalated in recent days.

After the government closed down tearooms at work sites, some workers took their lunch breaks outside on Friday. They set up tables and plastic chairs in multiple intersections in central Melbourne, blocking roads and holding up traffic.

On Monday, people gathered outside the headquarters of the prominent Construction, Forestry, Maritime, Mining and Energy Union to protest the mandate, chanting and yelling before attempting to storm the building.
En yhtään epäile Ausseista, siellä on mennyt aivan järjettömäksi noi rajoitukset. Kännykkä appeja, millä pitää todistaa missä olet yms...

Joo olen aika karuja videoita nähnyt Australiasta. Poliisi potkii maassa jo muutaman poliisin kiinni pitämää miestä päähän jne. Ja kaikki tämä jonku vitun piikin nimissä. Minä antaisin ihmisten ihan vapaasti valita ottaako vai ei... Touhu on mennyt ihan sairaaksi osassa paikoista. Ymmärrän tietyllä tavalla kumpaakin osapuolta. Siis niitä jotka vannovat piikkien nimeen ja myös jollain tavalla niitä jotka vastustavat niitä. Ei tässä saatana eletä missää diktatuurissa missä joku pieni ryhmä päättää et onko kaikkien otettava piikki ja jos et ota tulee poliisi ja vie sinut vaikka sit piikille väkisin. Suomessa ei tollaista tilannetta varmasti koskaan syttyisi tääl ollaan liian kilttejä eikä uskolleta vastustaa mitään kunnolla vaikka joskus siihen ehkä aihetta olisi.

Mut ehkäpä nämä raketti ja muut insinöörit tuotiin tänne juuri sen takia et voivat opettaa meille vähän miten vastustetaan vallassa olevia ihmisiä jos rupeavat ihan järjettömyyksiä pakottamaan meille. Tosin se ei varmasti ollut suunitelma silloin 2015. He ovat varmasti ensimmäisenä riehumassa kaduilla jos tälläistä ruetaan meillekin ajamaan. Toivottavasti valtio hommaa siinä vaiheessa sit kaikille hienot uudet älypuhelimet. Kaikilla kun ei niitä ole ja sithän ne olisivat valtionvihollisia. Vai pakotetaankohan kansalaiset ostamaan älypuhelimet jos ei satu taskusta moista löytymään ?
Kontekstia Pfizerista.

Tällä kertaa rokoteyhtiöt on suojattu korvausvaateilta, ellei voida osoittaa tietoista harhaanjohtamista a la Maddie de Garay ja uusimmassa Comirnartyn turvallisuuskatsauksestakin löytyy viisi enemmän tutkittavien "protokollasta poikkeamisia" rokotetta saaneesta ryhmästä kuin kontrolliryhmästä. Katsoin tuon FDA rokotekomitean keskustelun heidän äänestyksensä jälkeen ja siellä tuli useaan otteeseen esille, ettei FDA ole toimittanut sellaisia turvallisuuskatsauksia näytille, mitä kohtuuden nimissä olisi ollut mahdollisuus tuottaa. Ja erityisesti nuorempien ikäryhmien osalta eivät halunneet antaa siksi lupaa universaalisille boostereille.
