F-35 Lightning II

Tähän myyvempi versio
  • Fighter performance has advanced with technology and there can be seen several so called generations, with e.g. supersonic speed, missiles, radar and maneuvrability as differentiators
  • Näytetään yksi kerrallaan, miten Suomen aikaisemmat hävittäjät asettuvat aikajanalle
  • "The Hornet was one of the best 4th gen fighters"
  • The fourth generation has advanced into 4,5 gen of what other alternatives represent
  • There is only one operational 5th gen fighter in the world today.
  • The Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor, the stealth aka not-visible-in-radar, air dominance fighter.
  • It is so great that the US banned its exports by law
  • The F-35 is the Raptor's smaller and cheaper brother. But thanks to being developed later it is in many respects even more advanced
  • F-35 is bristling with technology and is basically a supercomputer with advanced sensors for the whole electromagnetic spectrum, 360 degrees around the plane
  • Superior situational awareness is the difference between winning or losing, living or dying in air battle. With F-35, you have unparalled information advantage on your side, when going into the fight
  • When buying the new fighter tomorrow, do you want to buy the past or the future?
Joo, paitsi noita other are 4.5g ja buy past or future ei olisi saanut käyttää toimeksiannon puolesta.
PuM oli ohjeistanut, ettei saa kommentoida muita, mutta omaa saa esitellä vapaasti.

HS:n artikkelissa sanottiin tarkkaan ottaen, että "ei saa haukkua muita", mikä ei ainakaan sillä sanamuodolla sulje pois vertailua. Käytännössä F-35:n kutsuminen ainoaksi 5. sukupolven multiroolihävittäjäksi sanoo ihan saman asian. Muutenkin videoilla käytettiin superlatiiveja, jotka sanovat implisiittisesti jotain myös muista ehdokkaista.

Mutta sen voin luvata, että yksikään myyntimies ei mainitse markkinointimateriaaleissaan kilpailijoiden tuotteita muuten kuin todistaakseen omansa paremmuuden. En muutenkaan itse juuri käyttäisi noita pointteja vaan keskittyisin koneen hyvien puolien esittelyyn sen todistamiseksi mikä koneen erottaa muista. Mahdollisimman näyttävässä paketissa.
Uusi kuulemistilaisuus, tutut naamat:

Gilmoren loppupäästä päivitetystä vanhemmasta raportista:
"In summary, it is increasingly clear that the current plans being described by the program office for F-35 Block 4 Follow-on Modernization are not executable"


"The most comprehensive testing of how well the F-35 performs in combat won’t begin until at least August 2018, a year later than planned, and more than 500 of the planned fighters may be built before the assessment is complete, Gilmore said.
Gilmore also cited “new discoveries of structural deficiencies which may cause further modifications and delays.” "


"McCain quizzed Bogdan on how many people are needed to oversee the F-35 program. The general told him there are about 2,600 people and it costs $70 million a year to operate the program office."The information that I have is it's nearly 3,000 (people), and the cost is $300 million a year"
Vielä softat on selvästi raakileita:
Software issues also plague the latest Block 3i aircraft, which are modified with an improved processor. On 25 March, the F-35 Joint Programme Office (JPO) began flight testing the Block 3iR6.21 software version. Gilmore reports that during the first 30 flights (76 total flight hours) “no less than 27 power cycles were required to get all systems functioning between initial startup and takoff", ranging from full “cold iron” aircraft restarts to component or battery recycling
The average time between Block 3i “stability events” currently stands at once every three or four hours compared to 8h for Block 2B, says Bogdan, but the latest Block 3i iteration that has been tested over 44 flights and 96 flight hours appears to have tripled in reliability – one failure every 15h,



"Denmark should buy 28 of Lockheed Martin's F35 Lightning fighter jets to replace its present F16 jets, an expert group formed by the Danish Ministry of Defence has recommended to the government, according to local radio."

Mutta saapa nähdä onko riittävästi poliittista tukea ostaa tuote ilman mitään konkreettista suorituskyky-arviointia, kun kyse on näin isoista summista. Rahat takaisin optiota ei ole jos lupaukset ei pidä.



"Denmark should buy 28 of Lockheed Martin's F35 Lightning fighter jets to replace its present F16 jets, an expert group formed by the Danish Ministry of Defence has recommended to the government, according to local radio."

Mutta saapa nähdä onko riittävästi poliittista tukea ostaa tuote ilman mitään konkreettista suorituskyky-arviointia, kun kyse on näin isoista summista. Rahat takaisin optiota ei ole jos lupaukset ei pidä.

Siis ei kai taas... :facepalm: Kenelläköhän on paremmat mahdollisuudet ja osaaminen suorituskyky-arviointiin, poliitikoilla vai puolustusministeriön asiantuntijaryhmällä?!
Tottakai poliitikoilla! Ne antavat rahat ja ovat siis oikeassa ;) Jos poliittinen päätöksen teko perustuisi tiukasti faktoihin niin maailma voisi olla kovasti toisen näköinen.

"The three types of aircraft - the European Eurofighter from Airbus, the fighter jet F18 Super Hornet from Boeing and F35 - have separately been evaluated in four areas: The "professional military", ie which aircraft is best in battle; "Strategic relationship", which planes are best suited to engage in operations with allied nations; "Economy", which aircraft is best for the money over 30 years, and - finally - industrial cooperation: Which aircraft purchases will trigger as many orders for Danish companies.

It is not surprising that the F35 Joint Strike Fighter overall winner, but it is surprising that F35 is considered to be the best articles in four out of four areas.

The explanation is - as the experts point out- the plane is expected to have a lifespan of at least 20 years more than the nearest competitor, F18 fighter aircraft."
Viimeksi muokattu:
Tämä on jännä. Kerrotaan kuinka F-35 (hävittäjät ylipäänsä?) on sen verran vaikea pala, ettei uutta huoltomiehistöä voi heittää ennen 7-9 vuoden kokemusta töihin:
http://www.airforcemag.com/Features/Pages/2016/April 2016/The-Private-F-35-Fix-Is-In-Beyond-2020.aspx

"It’ll cost the Air Force “tens of millions” per year out of hide to hire contractors to do F-35 maintenance through at least 2020, because the service doesn’t have enough people to do the work, Air Force Materiel Command chief Gen. Ellen Pawlikowski said Thursday."
"The situation won’t be fixed quickly, either, because even though USAF is looking to grow by several thousand airmen, it can’t simply put new people to work on the F-35. The jet is too complex for newbies, and it takes “seven to nine years” to “grow” a maintainer to a high experience level, she said. "
"maintainer retention is a “continual challenge for the Air Force,” because the airlines are also hiring, she noted. "

Bogdanin mukaan Luke AFB:ssa yksi lentue, jossa ulkoistettu ylläpito. Tämä auttaa siihen, että Hill AFB:n IOC:iin riittää ilmavoimien oma väki.

Eli huolto-organisaatioiden ylösajo on todellinen savotta ja vuotoa peräpäästä on lentoyhtiöihin, mitä olisi pyrittävä tilkitsemään.

Toisaalta: "Overall, maintenance on the F-35 is “10 times easier” than on a Navy F-18, said one maintainer." http://www.defensenews.com/story/de...und-f-35-program-chief-gao-disagree/83589006/
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Jos on tekemisen puutetta niin voi räknätä mihin meidän rahkeet voisi riittää.

Tanskan numerot on hankintahinta + 11-13,5 miljardia euroa seuraavan 30 vuoden aikana 28 kappaleelle.

13,1-16,1 miljoonaa per kone vuodessa ovat nuo oletetut ylläpitokustannukset. Tekee siis esim. 40 koneelle 524-644 miljoonaa vuodessa.
Ylläpitokustannukset voivat tosiaan myös tulla vastaan.

"Additionally, the service is looking at adjusting expectations for what it wants ALIS to do at IOC, Pawlikowski said. That does not mean changing the system requirement, but reevaluating how the Air Force interprets some of the specific details within that requirement, she said. "I think it's a little 'r' adjustment not a big 'R' adjustment." "

Taitanee olla pientä sen rinnalla, miten 3F-speksejä tullaan muuttamaan poliittisen näytelmän edessä kun kello tikittää.
At Mountain View in Utah, the US Air Force decided too take the six F-35As out for a spin in a simulated scramble, but the results were disappointing:

“The Air Force attempted two alert launch procedures during the Mountain Home deployment, where multiple F-35A aircraft were preflighted and prepared for a rapid launch,” wrote Gilmore, “but only one of the six aircraft was able to complete the alert launch sequence and successfully takeoff”.

He continues: “Problems during start-up that required system or aircraft shut-downs and restarts – a symptom of immature systems and software – prevented the other alert launches from being completed”.

LMn setä taputtaa karvaisia käsiään yhtään ja hurraa fanipoikien edessä että F35 on paras kone koko maailmassa. :facepalm: