Lisaa samasta, Bloomberg on paastetty lukemaan tilintarkastajien luonnos:Jossei nyt edes pystyynajovaiheessa, yhden valtion sisalla, niin mites sitten sotatilanteessa, monenkeskeisesti?
- ref. tuo lehtireferaatti USAn tilintarkastajista
The Pentagon is accelerating production of Lockheed Martin Corp.’s F-35 jet even though the planes already delivered are facing “significantly longer repair times” than planned because maintenance facilities are six years behind schedule, according to a draft audit.
The time to repair a part has averaged 172 days -- “twice the program’s objective” -- the Government Accountability Office, Congress’s watchdog agency, found. The shortages are “degrading readiness” because the fighter jets “were unable to fly about 22 percent of the time” from January through August for lack of needed parts.
The Pentagon has said soaring costs to develop and produce the F-35, the costliest U.S. weapons system, have been brought under control, with the price tag now projected at $406.5 billion. But the GAO report raises new doubts about the official estimate that maintaining and operating them will cost an additional $1.12 trillion over their 60-year lifetime."
Eli lyhyemmassa muodossa: vaikka hankintakustannukset ovat tippumassa, niin kokonaisuudesta ne ovat vain kolmannes ja tilintarkastajat ovat huolissaan, etta ne kaksi muuta kolmasosaa kustannuksista olisivat menossa painvastaiseen suuntaan.