F-35 Lightning II

Eikös tästä uudesta pinnasta puhuttu aikaisemmin? Eikö tuossa ole myös parannettu häive?
On ollut puhetta. Kustannusten laskua tuolla haetaan:

There is a new look coming to the F-35 later in the year! With a sleeker, more uniform coating system, F-35s are saving time in Aircraft Final Finishes (AFF) and saving dollars. The design and new look didn’t happen overnight, but rather was the effort of many people over the last five years.

In 2012, James Thistle came to Fort Worth from F-22 in Marietta as the Production Operations Senior Manager in AFF. He quickly recognized the need for improving the throughput of AFF, which at the time was operating at almost double the scheduled span and cost budgeted for the area. After pitching a potentially significant opportunity to his then-director, Tom Carrubba, now vice president of Aeronautics Quality Transformation and Enterprise Integration, he was able to gain the initial support for changing the engineering design, coatings material and the application process used in AFF.

“What resulted in the end was several days of span time saved in AFF and one of the most positively impactful affordability projects on the F-35 to date. It saves significant hours per unit, defects and rework and improves the aircraft sustainability in the field. It also changes the exterior look of the aircraft to a more uniform coating,” said Carrubba.

“The Aircraft Finishes configuration required the preparation and applications of various materials, which aesthetically appear as jig saw panes of various shades of gray across doors, panels and control surface edges. The manufacturing process to yield a complying product are extremely labor intensive and requires unique skill sets and more so concentrated attention to detail, which meant more labor and processing span in AFF," said Thistle. "Despite the immense efforts amongst the F-35 Finishes organizations, the process often yielded escapes and as a result contributed towards the organizations number one driver for quality defects."

The idea to optimize the process by eliminating multiple masking operations and the need to manually hand spray various top coats by using robotic application during the final top coat application; or “Z13” overcoat as it is more commonly known, was conceived. The project will reduce the cost of an F-35A by $16,000 per aircraft and will save $49 million in the total life of the program.

Chad Wemyss, Delivery Operations Manufacturing Engineering (ME) manager, has been working on the project since picking it up as AFF ME Lead in 2012. “This has been one of the most intense collaboration efforts I’ve taken part in. It has involved several years of testing by the Signature Integration and Materials and Processes (M&P) teams, as well as close teamwork with Production Operations, Finishes Engineering, Sustainment, the Affordability team, the F-35 Program Office and the customer, Joint Program Office (JPO). There have been a lot of stakeholders with different aspects of project inputs and requirements and keeping the whole thing moving forward has been challenging, but also extremely rewarding,” he said. The team kept with it and the results were evident when AF-104, the test aircraft for this project, finished its final coatings in AFF. Implementation of the change is expected in the 2nd quarter of 2017.
Pitää nähdä vielä paljon kuvia ulkotiloissa ja ilmassa. F-35:n vanhakin pinta on niin kovin eri värinen ja näköinen eri valaistuksissa ja eri valkotasapainoilla. Yleispinta on metallikiiltävä ja saumat mattaharmaita, periaatteessa sama väri (FS36170) ja vain metallisävy vaihtelee. Jos valonlähde pistemäinen (aurinko), saumat erottuu paljon; epäsuorassa valossa pilvisellä säällä vähemmän, sauma lähes näkymätön. Nyt tän uuden kanssa ilmeisesti metallikiiltoa on myös saumojen päällä, joten ero myös suorassa valossa pienempi.
B-21 paallystyhalli on kai valmistumaisillaan, pitaisi olla valtava parannus B-2:een (joka toki on vanha kuin ika).
More than a decade after the first F-35 took to the air, the US military doesn't have a complete set of maintenance instructions, and spare parts shortages are keeping 22 per cent of the fleet out of the sky.

A new United States' Government Accountability Office (GAO) report comes a week after the US Navy said it may leave 108 of the aircraft in a non-combat state because of a lack of funds.

The GAO report says the aircraft are grounded because of a cascade of problems:

  • Department of Defense repair capabilities are running six years behind schedule, resulting in a “part repair” average of 172 days, instead of the 60-90 day objective;
  • Between January and August 2017, a spare parts shortage kept 22 per cent of F-35s out of the air;
  • The DoD hasn't written either the requirements nor the budgets for some of its “future sustainment contracts” – including those relating to weapons system support;
  • There's no funding for initial F-35 ship deployments for the US Navy; and
  • Updates to the already-notorious Autonomic Logistics Information System software have been delayed, and “requirements for ALIS development are not fully funded”.
Tuo Register kirjoittaa sensaatiohakuisesti, mutta sielta saa usein kiinni jutuista, jotka muuten yritetaan vaieta kuoliaiksi. Esim. tama Firefox-juttu (FF:lla on kai Suomessa korkeampi markkinaosuus kuin missaan muualla maailmassa): https://www.theregister.co.uk/2017/10/30/mozilla_mistrust_dutch_ca/

OT... palaan taas naihin suihkari juttuihin
OOPS... meni nakojaan vaaraan ketjuun , tama:

Trump on erottanut oikeuslaitoksen piirista niin paljon vakea, etta ei tassa enaa pysy perassa . Tama lausuja taisi olla New Yorkin osavaltion piirissa tapahtuneisiin kiinteistokauppoihin liittynytta korruptiota tutkiva syyttaja (tutkiva siina mielessa, etta hanelle oli koottu juttuja, jotka saattoivat liittya toisiinsa):
Bharara pointed to Trump’s unfiltered comments on national TV after he fired then-FBI director James Comey.

“He went on television with [NBC’s] Lester Holt and said some things that I think people find incriminating in connection with an obstruction investigation,” Bharara noted. “He said he fired Comey [over] facts related to a Russia investigation.”

Trump has become increasingly shrill in recent comments about Mueller’s investigation
- ja tama erotettu ei ole ainoa, joka vahtii kommentteja kuin haukka (kotka kai varattu virkavallalle).
Viimeksi muokattu:

"Today, the Kampfly (combat aircraft) program in the Ministry of Defense confirmed that the first three F-35s are planned to land in Norway this week."

"The plan may be adjusted in depending on the date, weather, unforeseen circumstances and available support. For example, it cannot be ruled out that the aircraft must land at alternate airfields before they fly in. Among other things, there are varying weather in Norway at this time of year. It is a limiting factor that must be taken into account."

"(Reuters) - The Pentagon halted shipments of Lockheed Martin Corp’s F-35 fighter jets for 30 days this fall after it discovered corrosion around fasteners and a fix was devised, the Pentagon and Lockheed said on Wednesday."

"Lockheed is investigating the extent of the corrosion issue across the fleet of more than 250 jets deployed to the U.S. military and its allies."
Viimeksi muokattu:

"Today, the Kampfly (combat aircraft) program in the Ministry of Defense confirmed that the first three F-35s are planned to land in Norway this week."

"The plan may be adjusted in depending on the date, weather, unforeseen circumstances and available support. For example, it cannot be ruled out that the aircraft must land at alternate airfields before they fly in. Among other things, there are varying weather in Norway at this time of year. It is a limiting factor that must be taken into account."

Ei siihen nyt niin kovin kauan lopulta mennyt, vain reilut kaksi ja puoli vuotta. :p

Tietääkseni Suomen hornetteja ei olla sijoittamassa Arizonaan missä Norjan F-35 koneet lentävät seuraavat lähivuodet.
Mahtuukohan JASSM F-35:n asekuiluun sisälle?

Suomen kannattaa ehdottomasti ostaa kone, johon ei sovi hankkimamme ihmease. Se olisi loistava jatko-osa tarinalle kansakunnasta, joka tuhlaa aina vähäiset resurssinsa vääriin asioihin.
Mahtuukohan JASSM F-35:n asekuiluun sisälle?

Suomen kannattaa ehdottomasti ostaa kone, johon ei sovi hankkimamme ihmease. Se olisi loistava jatko-osa tarinalle kansakunnasta, joka tuhlaa aina vähäiset resurssinsa vääriin asioihin.
Ei sovi minkään muunkaan HX-koneen asekuiluihin. Ulkopuolisiin ripustimiin sopii siinä missä muissakin.
Summa summarum, stealthista ei ole mitään hyötyä yhdessä ihmeaseen kanssa.
Risteilyohjusten pitkää kantamaa pyrittäisiin luultavasti hyödyntämään käytettävästä konetyypistä huolimatta.

Tuonhan toki jo varmasti tiesitkin, kuten myös vastauksen ensimmäiseen kysymykseesi, kunhan trollailet. Rupean saamaan pikkuhiljaa teistä vajakeista tarpeekseni.
F-35 -lobbari Laaninen on onnistunut soluttautumaan Sipilän esikuntaan.

"Entinen keskustan puoluesihteeri, toimittaja ja hallintotieteiden maisteri Timo Laaninen (63) on lupautunut pääministerin erityisavustajiksi tammikuun loppuun saakka."

"Tekirissä Laaninen on toiminut neuvonantajana muun muassa F-35-hävittäjien lobbauksessa, kun lentokonefirma Lockheed Martin värväsi viime elokuussa Tekirin mukaan F-35 Lightning II -hävittäjien Suomeen suuntautuvaan myyntikampanjaan."

Ystävät hyvät, jätettäisiinkö henkilökohtaisuuksiin ja solvauksiin meneminen kirjoittelussa pois? Otatellaan mielummin varsinaisista asioista ja jos röllin pökylä maistuu suussa jostain jutusta niin voihan trollhättanin vaikka antaa jäädä omaan arvoonsa.

Mielenkiintoinen poliittinen kuvio tuo Laanisen juttu. Onkohan meillä muita lobbareita ”erityisavustajina”.