F-35 Lightning II

Joo. Muihin ostajiin verrattuna ei olla Australian tapaisissa väleissä. Ehkä Puolan tasoisissa. Suomi oli toisaalta helppo ottaa jakamaan osin Aussien tilausta kun tuli saman tyyppiseen koneeseen. Aussit oli suurinpiirtein toinen rahoittaja, ainakin sen jälkeen kun USN poistui ohjelmasta vanhan Harpoon-johdannaisen SLAM-ER tykö.

Toisaalta Etelä-Korealla on tiiviimmät välit ja sinne ei haluttu myydä JASSMia. Päätyivät KEPD Taurukseen.

Suomen erikoisjoukot operoivat sattumalta yhdessä juuri Yhdysvaltain ja Australian kollegojen kanssa.

Suomi ja Yhdysvallat järjestävät kahdenvälisiä ilmasotaharjoituksia Alaskassa aivan kohta, en olisi huolissani suhteen laadusta.
Two Years On, Goldfein Says Operations Show F-35 a Game-Changer

"...Speaking with Air Force Magazine in his Pentagon office, Goldfein said the F-35 provides its pilot with all the information about the battlespace—even before takeoff—that an F-16 pilot like himself would only have seen after a mission, debriefed with data provided by range instrumentation and command and control aircraft.

“We almost mislabeled the F-35,” he said, “because it does far more” than simply “deliver ordnance” in the attack and fighter mission. “It’s a fusion machine,” he said, gathering intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance information, and performing command and control functions. “It does it all. It really operates across the spectrum,” Goldfein asserted....

...Now, with the F-35, “the young lieutenant that jumps in the F-35, he’s seeing that picture, not during the debrief, but during the flight. And actually, he’s seeing it while he’s taxiing out. That’s a fundamental game-changer,” said Goldfein. The pilot can manage the battle in an “optimal” way without missing opportunities or unseen perils, he said.

Among the newest Block 3F F-35s, Goldfein said squadrons are turning in mission capable rates of 80 percent, which is higher than USAF standards and far better than aircraft at this level of maturity. Comparing notes with his counterpart, Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Robert Neller, Goldfein said both are seeing the same readiness levels “at home and deployed.”...

...He said it’s his preference that the early-model aircraft in USAF service—which have not fared as well in maintainability and sustainability—be upgraded to the 3F or better configuration. However, “the question is, whether it’s affordable.” If so, “that would be where I place precious dollars.”

Right now, he said, “We’re focused on getting as much combat capability as we can as quickly as we can in the operational force,” and the early model aircraft are primarily used in pilot training. “Whether we go back and retrofit [those jets] is something we’ll continue to look at, but it’s going to be fundamentally a resource discussion,” he said."

Navy asks BAE Systems to build T-1687/ALE-70(V) electronic warfare (EW) towed decoys for F-35

MECHANICSBURG, Pa. – Airborne electronic warfare (EW) experts at BAE Systems will provide the U.S. Navy with fiber optic towed decoys to help defend the F-35 joint strike fighter aircraft from air-to-air missiles and other incoming threats.
Officials of the Naval Supply Systems Command Weapon Systems Support activity in Mechanicsburg, Pa., announced a $70.4 million order Thursday to the BAE Systems Electronic Systems segment in Nashua, N.H., to build the T-1687/ALE-70(V) countermeasures system for the F-35.
Designed and produced by BAE Systems for deployment from the F-35, the ALE-70 towed radio frequency countermeasure consists of the reel and launcher assembly, tow line, T-1687 countermeasure transmitter, and electronic and mechanical subassemblies. It also has canisters, and explosive cartridges to deploy the decoys.
When deployed from the aircraft, the ALE-70’s countermeasure transmitter responds to commands from the countermeasure controller located in the jet and emits waveforms to confuse or decoy adversary radars or radar-guided weapons. The system may be towed or free-flying.

The Navy is making the order to BAE Systems sole-source because the company is the sole designer, developer, and producer of T-1687/ALE-70(V) countermeasure transmitters, and is the only responsible source with the technical data and requisite knowledge to meet Navy requirements.
The T-1687/ALE-70(V) countermeasures system functions similarly to the AN/ALE-55 fiber optic towed decoys (FOTDs) aboard the Navy's F/A-18E/F Super Hornet jet fighter-bomber fleet, although the ALE-70 is specially designed and fitted to the F-35.
The AN/ALE-55 transmits complex electronic countermeasures signals from a transmitter that trails behind its combat jet to spoof incoming radar-guided anti-aircraft missiles.

The aircraft-towed decoy with onboard electronics works together with the Super Hornet's electronic warfare system to jam radar seekers in air-to-air missiles. The system also can lure incoming missiles away from their actual targets.
The ALE-55 detects a threat radar in its acquisition mode and uses radar jamming to prevent it from locking to a target. The ALE-55's electronic warfare package analyzes the threat, and the towed decoy emits the jamming signals to confuse the incoming missile's tracking radar. If an incoming missile locks on with radar, the ALE-55 analyzes the signal to determine the best jamming technique to break radar lock.
The ALE-55 system consists of an onboard electronic frequency converter (EFC) and a fiber-optic towed decoy. The EFC converts radio frequency signals sent from the plane’s electronic warfare system into data coded and transmitted via light to the fiber optic towed decoy.
On this T-1687/ALE-70(V) order BAE Systems will do the work in Nashua, N.H., and should be finished by March 2021.​
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aerodynamiikan veikeitä havaintoja tähän..
Elikkä kun katsoo koneen oikeanpuoleisen moottorin ilmanoton terävän kulman ja oikean siivenkärjen välin linjasta hieman koneen selkää kohti näkyy turbulenttisen virtauksen aiheuttama vortex ilmiö tiivistyshöyryssä ympyröinä. Tuota pitäisi pyrkiä välttämään kaikin keinoin koneen suunnittelussa, mutta kuten näemme kuvasta pyörteen alku on selkeästi terävä imukomun etureuna ja raaka kohtauskulma... On pojat suunnitelleet upeasti tuon koneen, nimittäin jos vastaavaa tilannetta muistelee MIG21 ja Saab Drakenilla oli koko siiven ja rungon matkalla noita vortexpyörteitä suurilla kohtauskulmilla aina ja pyörrettä oli niin suurta kuin pientä joka kertoo valtavasta vastuksesta......
Hyvä kuva!
aerodynamiikan veikeitä havaintoja tähän..
Elikkä kun katsoo koneen oikeanpuoleisen moottorin ilmanoton terävän kulman ja oikean siivenkärjen välin linjasta hieman koneen selkää kohti näkyy turbulenttisen virtauksen aiheuttama vortex ilmiö tiivistyshöyryssä ympyröinä. Tuota pitäisi pyrkiä välttämään kaikin keinoin koneen suunnittelussa, mutta kuten näemme kuvasta pyörteen alku on selkeästi terävä imukomun etureuna ja raaka kohtauskulma... On pojat suunnitelleet upeasti tuon koneen, nimittäin jos vastaavaa tilannetta muistelee MIG21 ja Saab Drakenilla oli koko siiven ja rungon matkalla noita vortexpyörteitä suurilla kohtauskulmilla aina ja pyörrettä oli niin suurta kuin pientä joka kertoo valtavasta vastuksesta......

Redditissä eräs kirjoittaja kertoo huomioitaan tuosta kuvasta:

This is actually a really good photo demonstrating certain aerodynamic characteristics of the F-35 at high angles of attack:
  1. You can clearly see the conical shape of the vortices coming off of the air intakes. At high angles of attack, the air intakes essentially act as leading edge root extensions, helping to produce lift via these vortices which flow over the wings. (Googling quickly, this is a diagram of the type of vortices generated producing this type of lift).
  2. Although less visible, you can see the vortices coming off of the chines in the nose as well. Those chines also generate vortices over the fuselage, helping the fuselage produce lift, especially toward the front.
  3. If you look at the horizontal stabilizers, you'll notice that they are actually "nose up" i.e. pointing upward (although the far one is slightly "nose down" since the plane is maneuvering, but on average they are "nose up"). In most planes, at high angles of attack, horizontal stabilizers are "nose down" to keep the plane at that high angle of attack, pushing downward on the rear of the plane. But this means that the wings have to provide not only lift for the plane's weight, but also additional lift to counter this downward force. For the F-35, once there's a big enough angle of attack and the chines and intakes "activate", more lift is produced near the front of the plane, tending to make the plane pitch up even more. This unstable configuration is balanced by the horizontal tail also producing lift by being in a "nose up" position, reducing the lift that the wings have to generate.
  4. If you look at the wings, you'll notice that the leading edge slats are pointing downward, and the trailing edge flaperons are pointing upward. The wings are actually trying to have as small an angle of attack as possible and thus produce less lift! This is because the rest of the plane is already generating a lot of lift; but also, likely to conserve the wing's structural life. In most planes, at higher angles of attack, the wings are producing most of the lift, but structurally this means a lot of bending in the wings as the fuselage tries to go down (from inertia) while the wings try to go up (from lift due to the air); the air is essentially trying to rip the wings off, so there needs to be a strong internal structure to counter this. For the F-35, by having the rest of the plane produce a lot of the lift at high angles of attack, the wings can get away with producing less lift, so the structure can be made lighter since there's not as much bending, reducing weight of the aircraft.
These are all aerodynamic advances introduced within the past several decades, all made possible by advances in CFD and in flight control software, and captured very well in this photo.
Hyvä kuva!
aerodynamiikan veikeitä havaintoja tähän..
Elikkä kun katsoo koneen oikeanpuoleisen moottorin ilmanoton terävän kulman ja oikean siivenkärjen välin linjasta hieman koneen selkää kohti näkyy turbulenttisen virtauksen aiheuttama vortex ilmiö tiivistyshöyryssä ympyröinä. Tuota pitäisi pyrkiä välttämään kaikin keinoin koneen suunnittelussa, mutta kuten näemme kuvasta pyörteen alku on selkeästi terävä imukomun etureuna ja raaka kohtauskulma... On pojat suunnitelleet upeasti tuon koneen, nimittäin jos vastaavaa tilannetta muistelee MIG21 ja Saab Drakenilla oli koko siiven ja rungon matkalla noita vortexpyörteitä suurilla kohtauskulmilla aina ja pyörrettä oli niin suurta kuin pientä joka kertoo valtavasta vastuksesta......

Huom. Vortekseja pyritään koneen suunnittelussa saamaan tarkoituksella aikaan. Ne ovat merkittävässä roolissa nosteen tuottamisessa korkeilla kohtauskulmilla. F-35:dessä esimerkiksi näkyy selkeästi esim. juuri tuossa kuvassa, miten kone on suunniteltu niin, että vortekseja syntyy. Ja samalla tavoin on suunniteltu kaikki HX-kandidaatit.


"Both the Pentagon and Lockheed have invested “considerable funding to improve the capacity and quality of the F-35 manufacturing process but aircraft are still being produced behind schedule with a high number of defects,” the contract management agency said."
Toivottavasti saavat noita valmistusvirheitä roimasti vähennettyä ajoissa meidän HX-hanketta, koska muuten saattaa F-35 jäädä valitsematta.
Huom. Vortekseja pyritään koneen suunnittelussa saamaan tarkoituksella aikaan. Ne ovat merkittävässä roolissa nosteen tuottamisessa korkeilla kohtauskulmilla. F-35:dessä esimerkiksi näkyy selkeästi esim. juuri tuossa kuvassa, miten kone on suunniteltu niin, että vortekseja syntyy. Ja samalla tavoin on suunniteltu kaikki HX-kandidaatit.

kun on noin suuri kohtauskulma, niin voimaa tuo nielee kaameasti.. Mutta toisaalta, kaippa tuossa voima riittää... Enemmän taitaa hyötyä hallittavuus. Oikeassa paikassa etua on vastuksestakin.. :)
Enemmän taitaa hyötyä hallittavuus. Oikeassa paikassa etua on vastuksestakin.. :)

DOT&E FY2016:

"All F-35 variants display objectionable or unacceptable flying qualities at transonic speeds, where aerodynamic forces on the aircraft are rapidly changing. Particularly, under elevated “g” conditions, when wing loading causes the effects to be more pronounced, pilots have reported the flying qualities as “unacceptable.”

"In operational fleet aircraft, g limit exceedances are annunciated to the pilot and, in peacetime, result in subsequent restricted maneuvering, mission termination, and a straight-in approach and landing to
recover the aircraft. The aircraft is then down for some time for maintenance inspections and potential repairs. Also, the probability and long-term structural effects of the g exceedances should be assessed by the program and mitigated, if necessary"
kun on noin suuri kohtauskulma, niin voimaa tuo nielee kaameasti.. Mutta toisaalta, kaippa tuossa voima riittää... Enemmän taitaa hyötyä hallittavuus. Oikeassa paikassa etua on vastuksestakin.. :)

Kyllä. Mikään ei tule ilmaiseksi.

Tämä on hyvä lainaus Miragesta, jossa nuo asiat erityisesti korostuivat.


Is it easy to fly?

“Yes and no. It’s easy to fly once you get the hang of it but the delta wing takes a unique approach to flying – it’s not like a conventional wing. It generates huge amounts of lift but also an enormous amount of drag – great for a ‘Bat Turn’ but you always end low on energy afterwards.

What is the hardest thing about flying the Mirage 2000- any quirks?

“As mentioned, the delta wing could catch you out, it would give you 9G+ performance but at a penalty; flying in the circuit could be a challenge, turning finals required quite a lot of pulling on the stick -which loaded the wing up as the drag built. Once you rolled wings level it was imperative to take the power off or you would accelerate quickly.”
Aviation Weekistä:

TEL AVIV—A campaign is said to be underway to get the F-35’s European engine maintenance center moved from Turkey to Israel.

Turkey, a partner in the stealthy fighter program, has been in line to maintain the Pratt and Whitney F135 engines used by European F-35 operators. But now Israeli defense sources say the recent deterioration of ties between Washington and Ankara creates “a completely new reality.”

Some Israeli companies have started unofficial talks with U.S. companies and “key figures” in the Trump administration in an attempt to change the original plan and to move the European engine maintenance center to Israel. Israel Aerospace Industries makes F-35 wings and has its own engine maintenance facility.

The Israeli Air Force has made it clear that it will not send its F-35 engines for overhaul in Turkey.

None of the related organizations in Israel were prepared to comment.
Aviation Weekistä:

TEL AVIV—A campaign is said to be underway to get the F-35’s European engine maintenance center moved from Turkey to Israel.

Turkey, a partner in the stealthy fighter program, has been in line to maintain the Pratt and Whitney F135 engines used by European F-35 operators. But now Israeli defense sources say the recent deterioration of ties between Washington and Ankara creates “a completely new reality.”

Some Israeli companies have started unofficial talks with U.S. companies and “key figures” in the Trump administration in an attempt to change the original plan and to move the European engine maintenance center to Israel. Israel Aerospace Industries makes F-35 wings and has its own engine maintenance facility.

The Israeli Air Force has made it clear that it will not send its F-35 engines for overhaul in Turkey.

None of the related organizations in Israel were prepared to comment.
Tämän mukaan Engine depot tulisi kolmeen maahan, Norjaan, Alankomaihin ja Turkkiin

Onko tuo Turkin laitos jotain raskaampaa kuin nuo 2 muuta?

"Deploying F-35s of any type has already proven to be challenging logistically given the complexities of maintaining the aircraft’s stealthy coatings and other advanced features. "

"The need for portable lightning rods only adds another component, along with added costs, to the deployment package necessary to support Joint Strike Fighters during expeditionary operations "
Toivottavasti F-35:n ukkosenjohdattimeen on panostettu hieman enemmän kuin Gripenin lintusuojaukseen...


"Deploying F-35s of any type has already proven to be challenging logistically given the complexities of maintaining the aircraft’s stealthy coatings and other advanced features. "

"The need for portable lightning rods only adds another component, along with added costs, to the deployment package necessary to support Joint Strike Fighters during expeditionary operations "

En saanut artikkelista ihan kuvaa, että onko F-35 erityisen haavoittuvainen ukkoselle ja miksi?


Maintaining the LO coatings on the new aircraft marks "a significant improvement", says Senior Master Sgt Eric Wheeler, a maintainer assigned to the 33rd Fighter Wing at the base. "Typically, [it] has not caused us a whole lot of downtime on this jet."
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