F-35 Lightning II

Itse asiassa, "We are already considering and thinking through what are some of the technologies that will be part of the F-35," Harrigian said. "This is not the time to rest on your laurels." Harrigian gave few details but said potential upgrades could include new avionics systems, radar, laser weapons and a new more fuel-efficient engine.
"I don't think we would take anything off the table at this point," he said.


Onhan se tietysti väärin että jenkeillä on varaa ja resursseja kehitystyöhön ihan erilailla kuin muilla. Kyllä suuri kehityspotentiaali on varmasti pelkkä haitta asiakkaille... :rolleyes:

F-35 on L&M -yhtiön kehittämä lentokone, jonka maksavat tilaajat. Kehityspotentiaali (eli raha) on kaivettu tilaajien kukkaroista etupainotteisesti. Bisnestä ja voittojen tahkoamista, siitä tässäkin hankkeessa on kyse.

Pari scifipäivitystä lisää ja ollaan pian tässä: vaviskaa Russonit! (Eikunmitäneoli...)

EDIT: Jenkeillä olisi oikeasti potentiaalia kehittää ns. world beater, mutta... ei kaikki kultaa ole, mihin Setä Samuli sormensa lyö.
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The F-35 joint programme office (JPO) has revealed the first details of a three-year, block-buy proposal for the Pratt & Whitney engine that powers the Lockheed Martin fighter.

The programme could sign contracts for 477 F135 engines over a three-year period beginning in FY2017, according to a JPO notice posted online on 25 March.

A JPO spokesman clarifies that the 477 number excludes spares, so it could be matched with an equivalent number of airframes.

The details of the block-buy proposal were not revealed previously as the US Congress has not yet authorised the approach, and some of the international partners have not made formal commitments to acquire the aircraft. Acquisition rules require the JPO to notify the industry of potential sole-source contracts.

The US Department of Defense typically buys aircraft and engines in annual lots through the end of low-rate initial production. Once production costs have stabilised during full-rate production, programmes sometimes shift to multi-year procurement, but only if the contractor agrees to deliver a minimum discount of 10%.

The timing of the three-year block buy, however, begins in the final year of low-rate initial production in FY2017, so the JPO needs specific authorisation from Congress to move forward with the deal.

The JPO is currently authorised to negotiate a block buy of nearly 150 F-35s that are expected to be ordered between FY2015 and FY2016.

F-35 programme officials have committed to reducing the flyaway cost of the F-35 by more than 25% over the next five years.

Four-fifths of that cost reduction is expected to come from increasing the production rate more than five-fold from 35 aircraft in 2014. The remainder would be the result of a cost reduction initiative by Lockheed and a “war on cost” initiated by P&W.

ALIS-murheenkryyniä yritetään ratkoa nyt näin:

"Splunk’s software is set to be deployed to monitor and analyse the IT systems and network behavior for a platform called the Autonomic Logisitics Information System (ALIS)"

Ja kovaa puhetta:


"He said he planned to carry out an unprecedented "operational readiness inspection" before approving the first squadron for combat use"
Koska siivenkärki ei ole täysin suora niin ohjuskin on hieman vinossa.

Väitätkö, etteivät osaa leikata ja niitata peltiä siihen muotoon, että ohjuksen kulma saadaan samansuuntaiseksi muiden kanssa? :D
Voisiko olla, että siipi ei ole täysin jäykkä? Siis että se vääntyy asentoonsa nostovoiman vaikutuksesta?

Kiertyvä siipi voi liittyä F-35:n mainostettuun kykyyn lentää suurilla kohtauskulmilla? Kiertyvässä siivessä optimaalinen noste on aina jollain kohtaa siipeä ja sakkaaminen saadaan alkamaan kontrolloidummin (siiven kärki sakkaa viimeisenä).

Ehka vahan offtopiccia en tieda:
USAlaiset kehittelivät ja testailivat jo aikaa sitten siipeä, jonka muotoa pystyttiin muuttamaan lennon aikana. Ajatuksena kehitysprojektissa oli että aktiivinen aeroelastinen siipi voisi mukautua lentotilaan nähden optimaaliseksi. Erittäin mielenkiintoinen hanke.


EDIT: muricanit vaihdettu vähemmän värikkääksi ilmaisuksi
Viimeksi muokattu:
Väitätkö, etteivät osaa leikata ja niitata peltiä siihen muotoon, että ohjuksen kulma saadaan samansuuntaiseksi muiden kanssa? :D

Super Hornetin aseet ovat vinossa myöskin. Toisaalta kuten on tuossa aikaisemmin totesin niin tuo F-35:sen siivenkärki ei ole suora joten kun siihen asennetaan teline kiinni, niin silloin se ohjus ei sojoita suoraan eteenpäin.
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Pratt & Whitney on raotellut verhoa oman Variable Cycle moottorinsa suhteen sekä myös kaksivaiheista paivityspolkua F135 moottorille, artikkeli Aviation Weekissä paywallin takana mutta teksti löytyy täältä:


"The block one improvement will offer between a 7% and 10% improvement in thrust, as well as between 5% and 7% better mission fuel burn, and could be available around 2018."

"Block two would therefore take elements of the advanced engine—in particular a new compressor and turbine— and feed it into the F135 for as much as a 15% thrust increase and a 20% reduction in fuel burn. “The compressor has more stages. It fits and is compatible with the current engine,” says Croswell, who adds the upgrade could be available in the 2022 timeframe if development of this, and the associated block one improvement, is approved soon."

Mainittaakon vielä se että tuolla 15% teholisäyksellä F-35A:n tehopainosuhde olisi parempi kuin F-22A:lla, Typhoonilla, Rafalella, F-15C:llä yms.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Pratt & Whitney on raotellut verhoa oman Variable Cycle moottorinsa suhteen sekä myös kaksivaiheista paivityspolkua F135 moottorille, artikkeli Aviation Weekissä paywallin takana mutta teksti löytyy täältä:


"The block one improvement will offer between a 7% and 10% improvement in thrust, as well as between 5% and 7% better mission fuel burn, and could be available around 2018."

"Block two would therefore take elements of the advanced engine—in particular a new compressor and turbine— and feed it into the F135 for as much as a 15% thrust increase and a 20% reduction in fuel burn. “The compressor has more stages. It fits and is compatible with the current engine,” says Croswell, who adds the upgrade could be available in the 2022 timeframe if development of this, and the associated block one improvement, is approved soon."

Mainittaakon vielä se että tuolla 15% teholisäyksellä F-35A:n tehopainosuhde olisi parempi kuin F-22A:lla, Typhoonilla, Rafalella, F-15C:llä yms.

Jos nyt jotain negatiivista pitää hakemalla hakea, niin se että tuota uutta moottoria ei ole olemassa vielä...:D
... (laitetaan positiivista jatkoa samseksen viestiin:) ja saattaa muiltakin moottorivalmistajilta tulla uusia, tehokkaampia ja taloudellisuuteen kykeneviä moottorikehitelmiä, ehkä jopa Barrelin mainitsemassa muuttuva kierto -kategoriassa? :rolleyes:

Tuskinpa moottoreiden kehitys tähän päivään loppuu ja hyvä niin.

But the reality of the ALIS system has proven far less reliable. The five million lines of code includes many bugs. Maintainers at Eglin AFB reported a false positive rate of about 80%, Turner says. The system was also too bulky for the Marines to deploy on the USS Hornet amphibious ship, says Representative Tammy Duckworth, a former Army National Guard helicopter pilot and logistics officer.

Eric Palmer on lyönyt exceliin lukuja, F-35:n tuotantosuunnitelmat vuosilta 2006, 2010 ja 2015, viimeisin tuotantosuunnitelma ei ole kovin realistinen kun historia huomioidaan.


Kuva F-35:n aseruumasta:

Lastauksen nopeutta ja helppoutta ei ole hirveästi pohdittu. Lastausajoneuvossa näkyy naarmu, todennäköisesti F-35:n ovesta tullut, jotta pommin saa kohdilleen, pitää ajaa todella lähelle.
Viimeksi muokattu:

Eric Palmer on löynyt exceliin lukuja, F-35:n tuotantosuunnitelmat vuosilta 2006, 2010 ja 2015, viimeisin tuotantosuunnitelma ei ole kovin realistinen kun historia huomioidaan.

Onko lähdettä missä? Kiinnostaisi lukea, jos oli myös laajempaa analyysiä.

Pakko niitä on kuitenkin jossain vaiheessa ruveta puskemaan ulos. Vanhat linnut kuolevat alta...
Israel valmistautuu ensimmäisten F-35 koneiden vastaanottoon vuoden 2016 loppupuolella. F-35 simulaattori on tuotu Israeliin ja ensimmäiset pilotit pääsevät harjoittelemaan sillä.


"The first simulator for the Israeli Air Force's most advanced jets – the F-35 – arrived in the Jewish State recently and was unveiled on Wednesday at an airbase in the Negev as part of the preparations for the advanced warplane's expected delivery in 20 months."

"The squadron already included a Brigadier-General-level commander and five combat pilots who will receive specialized training in the US over the next year and will be expected to train the pilots of the first operational squadron, which will be composed of 19 pilots."
First Version of F-35s Won't Outdo A-10 in Battlefield Capabilities

Apr 15, 2015
Stars and Stripes | by Travis J. Tritten
WASHINGTON -- Marine Corps pilots of the first F-35 joint strike fighters scheduled to begin flying this summer will not be able to use night vision technology or carry more than four bombs and missiles, Defense Department officials testified in the House on Tuesday.

Overall, the first variant aircraft will have a range of lingering shortcomings when it goes into operation and will not be able to best the capabilities of the 1970's era A-10 Thunderbolts it was designed to replace, according to Michael Gilmore, director of operational test and evaluation at the Defense Department.

The F-35 program began in 2001 and has since racked up nearly $400 billion in costs -- one of the most expensive and troubled Defense Department acquisition programs. It has also led to a controversial plan to retire the A-10, a close air support stalwart that many believe provides crucial cover for troops on the ground.

"If F-35 aircraft are employed at night for combat, pilots will have no night vision capability available due to the restriction on using the current night vision camera," Gilmore said in written testimony given to the House Armed Services Committee.

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The so-called Block 2B version that will go to the Marines in July can only loiter over the battlefield for up to 30 minutes and will only carry two short-range air-to-surface bombs of the same type and two medium-range air-to-air missiles, according to Gilmore.

Future versions for the other service branches are planned to include a wider variety of weapons but still face extensive testing. The F-35's loiter time is not likely to improve due to its engine and design.

The A-10 Thunderbolt, also known as the Warthog, can remain over the battlefield for 90 minutes, carry at least four air-to-surface weapons and use its powerful nose cannon for close air support of ground forces, Gilmore testified.

"This [F-35 variant] reminds me of something before the A-10, not something after the A-10," said Rep. Martha McSally, R-Ariz., a freshman lawmaker and former Warthog pilot.

McSally said she was concerned about the lack of capabilities with the first F-35 variant, saying that weapons payload, loiter time over the battlefield, and the ability to take a hit from an enemy are key to the A-10 success.

Congress is now weighing the purchase of more F-35 Lightning II aircraft as part of the 2016 defense budget. The Government Accountability Office warned Tuesday that it may be a risky move due to the large amount of testing still needed to be completed to field future variants.

Many lawmakers are frustrated with the delays, cost overruns and technical problems but believe the 5th generation fighter jet is needed to retain American air superiority in the coming decades.

Rep. Loretta Sanchez, D-Calif., said some critics have called for the costly development project to be scrapped.

"However, we are past that decision point. We just need to make this program work," she said.