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Yllä linkitetyn puolustusvoimien tekstin perusteella sain innoituksen tutkia Hawkin teknisiä muutoksia. Mm. "weapons control panel" antoi ymmärtää, että ihan pelkästä rauhanajan käytöstä ei välttämättä olisi kyse. Lopulta löytyi avioniikkapaketti (esite), joka on varsin mielenkiintoinen tehtävätietokoneen osalta:
Hieman uutisointia Hawkin päivityksestä. Alleviivasin mielenkiintoisimpia kohtia:
Seuraavaksi Patria aiheesta:
Sensorithan Hawkista puuttuvat yhä, joten täyttä tehtävätietokoneen potentiaalia ei päästä hyödyntämään, mutta oletettavasti taistelukykyä on silti nyt enemmän kuin ennen. Ei paha, ei paha!• Part 23 civil certification obtained for the T-6B configuration
•Heads up operations
•Hands on throttle and stick operations (HOTAS)
•Centralized cockpit management reduces pilot workload, increases mission efficiency and flight safety
•Master Moding control concept to improve pilot task performance
•Master Moding enables the pilot to instantly reconfigure the avionics suite to a particular state of readiness
•Three Master Modes: Navigation (NAV), Air-to-Air (A/A) and Air-to-Ground (A/G)
•Simulated and live weapon delivery
•Air-to-Ground delivery modes:
- Continuously Computed Impact Point (CCIP)
- Continuously Computed Release Point (CCRP)
- Dive Toss (DTOS)
-Continuously Computed Impact Line (CCIL) - “Snapshot” gun sight
-Lead Computing Optical Sight (LCOS) - gun sight
-Aim-9L A/A missile
Hieman uutisointia Hawkin päivityksestä. Alleviivasin mielenkiintoisimpia kohtia:
Mon, Nov 28, 2011
Finnish AF Takes Delivery Of First Hawk Mk66 Trainer With CMC Panel
Glass Cockpit Upgrade For Advanced Jet Trainers
The first of three advanced Hawk Mk66 trainers undergoing upgrades for the Finnish Air Force has been completed and delivered by Esterline CMC Electronics (CMC). The company was selected by prime contractor Patria, Finland, to perform a glass cockpit upgrade of the fleet of BAE Systems Hawk Mk66 advanced jet trainers for the Finnish Air Force, which purchased 18 ex-Swiss Air Force Hawk Mk66 aircraft in 2007 to add to their fleet of Hawk Mk51s.
CMC was selected by Patria to supply its integrated glass Cockpit 4000 for the avionics upgrade of Hawk Mk51 trainers for the Finnish Air Force in January 2007. The final deliveries were recently made for this program. On completion of this new contract, the Finnish Air Force will have a fleet of 26 upgraded Hawks, consisting of 18 Mk66 and eight Mk51 advanced trainers.
The Hawk provides basic and advanced training at Kauhava Air Base for pilots destined for the F-18C and F-18D equipped front-line squadrons. The contract covers the adaptation of CMC's' Cockpit 4000 integrated avionics suite for the Hawk M66 trainer aircraft. The upgrade aims to further increase the quality of flight training, by improving the Hawk jet trainers' training efficiency and extending the training that is currently carried out on Hawk aircraft. The Finnish Air Force has already noted the advantages provided by the Hawk Mk51 upgrade in advanced training and savings. The BAE Systems Hawk Mk51 first entered service with the Finnish Air Force in 1980.
"CMC's integrated glass Cockpit 4000 avionics suite is designed specifically to lower training costs while offering superior training capabilities and, if required, to provide an operational weapons delivery role," said Greg Yeldon, president, Esterline CMC Electronics. "By utilizing CMC's advanced cockpit avionics, fast jet pilot training, from basic to advanced level, can be performed using a single training platform, resulting in significant savings."
Lassi Matikainen, president of Patria's aviation business unit, added: "This modernization significantly improves the usage of the Finnish Air Force (FINAF) Mk66 fleet in today's demanding military pilot training. It also strengthens Patria's capabilities to support FINAF as a strategic partner in the area of OFP (operational flight program) software development. The feedback received from pilots operating with upgraded Hawk Mk51s at FINAF Flight Academy in Kauhava has been extremely positive. Patria, together with Esterline CMC Electronics, look forward to providing this competitive upgrade solution to other Hawk Mk50/60 series users".
The Patria upgrade core avionics comprise CMC's powerful open-architecture mission computer, a wide field of view SparrowHawk Head-Up Display (HUD) and Up Front Control Panel, two 5x7 inch Multifunction Displays (one in each cockpit), and a HUD repeater for the rear seat instructor in each aircraft. In addition, the avionics suite features mature and proven operational flight programs that integrate the aircraft sensors, radios and weapons systems to provide a wide range of navigation and mission requirements. CMC's standardized avionics solution minimizes the integration effort required for aircraft installation - a key factor in reducing costs for customers. (Photo Credit Derek Bower)
FMI: www.cmcelectronics.ca
Seuraavaksi Patria aiheesta:
Patria delivers first modernised Hawk Mk 66 aircraft to the Finnish Air Force
In a recent handover ceremony in Kauhava, Patria delivered the first of a series of modified, ultramodern twin-seat Hawk Mk 66 aircraft to the Finnish Air Force. Working closely with the Finnish Air Force, Patria has assumed responsibility for the specification, design and implementation of all system integration for the modernisation project, which will span three years.
In 2007, the Finnish Air Force purchased 18 pre-owned Hawk Mk66s from Switzerland. These supplemented the Hawk Mk 51/51A fleet purchased earlier. In 2009, this was followed up by an order placed with Patria, for an extensive cockpit and avionics upgrade of the aircraft. The upgrade includes the replacement of all important avionics devices and cockpit display systems by new digital IT systems. The design is based on the upgrade already implemented on MK 51/51A aircraft. Under the current programme, Patria is also responsible for developing software for the aircraft’s mainframe, the Mission Computer.
This year, Patria will deliver six modified aircraft to the FiAF, to be followed by eight more aircraft next year. According to the plan, all 18 aircraft will be modernized and delivered during the course of 2013.
Patria has special expertise in aviation
Upgrades require extremely extensive expertise, ranging from in-depth knowledge of avionics to understanding of software development processes. Patria has assembled the bulk of the Finnish Mk 51 aircraft; it has been maintaining and servicing Hawks since 1980, when the Finnish Air Force brought the aircraft into service. In addition, during this period Patria has carried out large-scale maintenance operations and modifications of the aircraft.
“During the course of the project, Patria has amassed considerable expertise in aviation. The potential of the Patria software competence will ensure that Hawk training aircraft can be developed domestically far into the future and thus meeting future needs in flight training. An important factor in the project's success lay in seamless cooperation with the Finnish Air Force,” stresses Lassi Matikainen, President of Patria Aviation.
High-quality pilot training with modern aircraft
Following the upgrades, the Mk 66 aircrafts’ avionics systems will incorporate the full range of features required for modern flight training. ”The Hawks’ training efficiency will be improved and, instead of the Hornet interceptors currently used, the Hawk fleet will be deployable for a number of training modules, but at more affordable operating costs,” explains Matikainen.
The new, upgraded aircraft will further increase the Kauhava-based Training Air Wing’s capacity to provide high-quality fighter training for both Finnish pilots and foreign customers.
For further details contact:
Lassi Matikainen, President, Aviation, tel. +358 40 869 3351, [email protected]
Patria is a trusted provider of defence, security and aviation life-cycle support services and technology solutions. Patria is owned by the state of Finland (73.2 %) and the European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company (EADS N.V.) (26.8 %).