You can’t parachute out of a modern airliner.
Even if you managed to get the doors open…if it was me, I’d go last. Hopefully by then the amount of people cut in half by the wings & tail – or consumed by the engines – will have damaged them to the point of failure & separation.
You’re going to get caught up in the aerodynamics & banged along the sides / bottom. Yes, even at the aft exit doors.
Some jets at one point made it at least theoretically possible; jets like the 727 with stairs at the aft, clear of the airplane (of DB Cooper fame) or the KC-135 (based on the 707), which has a modified emergency escape system – basically a spoiler that extends out from the exit & fuselage, giving you just enough clearance from the slipstream to *possibly* clear the jet.
(C-17s have a similar spoiler system on side doors for paratrooper drops, as well as a high, “T-tail” that isn’t a concern. They also have an aft ramp that can be opened in flight, which is useable)
The KC-135 did manage at least two successful bail-outs of *some* crew (others stayed w/ the jets & landed), but it was very risky…you had to be desperate to do it. It was also preferred to not be the first out…let someone else go first & take out all the antennas on the bottom.
In the first event I’m aware of, the KC-135 crew who bailed out recalled clearing the wing by only 3-5’…and it may have just been a lucky combination of high-speed, speed brakes deployed & a nose-down attitude that they cleared it at all:
The KC-135 doesn’t have that option anymore; to reduce weight, thereby saving fuel & money, parachutes were removed from the KC-135 some years ag

n the KC-10, we knew it was never an option & there were never any parachutes. You can’t do it on a modern airliner, either.