Tässä kerrotaan hieman tarkemmin miksi F-35 vaikuttaa ylivoimaiselta:
Jatkan tätä vielä kertomuksella asymmetrisen ISR-kyvyn (johon toivottavasti kyetään paikallisesti myös me vs. A2 keltainen) merkityksestä tänä päivänä:
Tämä on lainaus Deptulalta (
Lt Gen David A. Deptula USAF (Ret)):
"In the information age, operations have to do with effects. The 1990s evidenced this evolution in a clear explanation of the kill chain—find, fix, track, target, engage and assess. At least
two-thirds of kill-chain operations are ISR;
increasingly, the target and engage steps are non-kinetic. Knowledge comes before power, and our
asymmetric ISR capabilities are able to achieve effects all on their own.
This is the changed character of ISR.
In the modern context, the find and fix links of the kill chain are much more difficult than the engage link, particularly for kinetic operations. ISR efforts today make up the vast majority of the operations required to achieve our security objectives. Operations range from finding the enemy, to deconstructing his network and intentions, to putting weapons or other effects on target, to subsequently assessing the results.
In Iraq, to eliminate Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, Predator remotely piloted aircraft executed more than
600 hours of reconnaissance and surveillance operations to build thousands of hours of sufficient intelligence for about 10 minutes of F-16 kinetic operations.
Increasingly, a single aircraft executes the entire kill chain. Aircraft normally associated with strike operations have excellent sensors on board, and in many cases their sensor data can be networked to others, who can turn it into actionable intelligence."
Tässä yksi puhdasta kultaa oleva lainaus muualta:
A weapon cannot be evaluated outside the context of the surveillance and reconnaissance apparatus that supports its employment."
Ehkä meidänkin kannattaisi ryhtyä vertailemaan yksittäisiä tarjokkaita suoraan miten ne istuu paikallisiin ISR-kykyihin sen sijaan, että vertaillaan statseja 1 vs. 1 tyhjiössä?